The Kings Series #2 His Silver Hand
27. Hearts Bleeding: The Lycan King Alexander

-Fuck!- He shouldn't have left them. The events leading to this moment had been part of their enemies’ plans. Creating a diversion compelling his presence so they would have the opportunity to attack the main house while he was gone.

Anna May. His pups. His sister.


Uncertainty course through his body, wishing he could run faster. Almost there, from the treeline, he could see his roof and smoke surrounding the perimeter. Lots of it. From the blast. He growled savagely.

-l am coming, baby.-

No response. All he felt was unbearable pain. His heart squeezing. He knew then and there they lost something precious.

-Be strong, my queen. I'm coming.-

A heartbreaking scene welcomed him when he entered their estate giving rise to his lycan's howls. His wolves responded to the mournful cry.

His roars echoed in the room. He couldn't shift back to his human form no matter how much he tried.

Anna May

Approaching his mate, towering over her, he waited for her to look up at him. When she didn't, he crouched down and pelted her messy brown locks gently.

-1 lost them, Alexander.- Her head bowed, she confessed.

He knew. He felt them. His flesh and blood. His heirs. She didn't need to say anything more.

Gathering her to comfort both themselves, he thundered his anguish once more.

There was no time to grieve. Time to plan a rescue and call his allies. -We will get them back, my queen. We will get them back.- A promise of revenge skittering in his blood. One he intended to keep even if it killed him.

To his left, Michael had Alexie in his arms as well, sharing their sadness. -Beta. Call a meeting now. I am declaring war.-


He was trying to keep up however a warrior on the brink of death was murmuring in pain got his attention first. The leader in him couldn't leave fallen comrades like this and he knew he had to take charge because his friend Alexander would not be himself when he arrived. A gut feeling of what went on inside the house made him flinched.

These people had to be transported to the pack hospitals right away. Relaying his instructions to his brothers, making sure more of his men shrouded the area, Lucas continued to follow Rie but before he reached the blasted door, Alexander and Michael appeared from the tall trees, though heaving, they continued to run towards his direction until the cries of their ladies reached them.

"Rie!" Lucas called. Urgency laced his voice.

The Lycans beat him this time and both were inside in an instant. When he reached the darkened interior, he watched in horror at the scene before him.

The royal couple was hugging each other desperately and from the foot of the stairs, he recognized Alexander's esteemed and loyal butler. Dead. Mangled bodies all around him.

His heart twisted. "Rie!" Frantically, he scanned the room and he found his little chef, sprawled on the cold floor staring into space. Trembling. She was in a state of shock. Her face was devoid of any expression but her eyes...

"Sweetheart," he whispered. Approaching her slowly, only a few inches from her, he sat beside her. Cautiously, he gathered her in his arms and let her sob her sorrow.

Too much had happened he had no control over. One thing was more important tonight. He had to help.

"Alexander," he waited for his attention to focus on him. He had remained in his lycan but Lucas knew he understood him completely. "my friend, you are welcome to stay in our house in the meantime. Please accept my offer.”

His gaze went to Michael, in human form, they could converse properly. "Our king accepts your invitation, dragon king. He is also requesting for a High Council meeting as soon as possible.”

"Yes. Of course, in an hour. Meanwhile, my men will clean up this mess. I will also contact Xavier." Where the fuck was the Vampire King? He had the second-largest army in the realms. First was Alexander's. He knew the war had started and they need all of their men ready.

"My king wants this place burned to the ground. It's no longer safe for his queen. For us.” The royal beta said

Lucas agreed. The evil witch had claimed access to the estate and had used the portal to gain entry several times. And someone from the inside must have leaked the location of the safe room.

"Zachary was here." The Lycan Queen murmured. Face pinched in anger. Alexie nodded, agreeing.

Impossible! He made sure the fucker was killed and even burned him. - How?-

No time to ponder. They had to plan a counter-attack. "We need to go." Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

For the first time ever, they were holding a meeting under his roof. Cinema-like screens mounted on the walls, showing familiar faces. From fairies, vampires, shifters, dwarves, and elves to heaven and sea creatures all were listening. Their world was being threatened. No one had a choice.

At dawn, the Vampire King, together with his beloved, Rie's sister, Mish, made an appearance. His fighters at the ready.

Although their reunion was tearful and bittersweet, after the exchange of much-needed hugs, everyone in the room was gathered with his respective mates, except for Esmeralda and Lucifer. The High Council was also in attendance.

Earlier, The Lycan King had called his alphas all over the world. Labeling his heirs’ kidnapping as an Alliance crisis.

Indeed it was true. If the same thing happened to Lucas, he would be moving heaven and earth to get his children back. He would expect no less from his fellow kings.

For now, everyone was civil enough, however, everyone was on edge, Alexander in human form, finally, was rigid, face graven, ready to attack at the slightest provocation, only his queen was keeping him sane.

"I will be there as soon as this meeting is over.” Esmeralda, a powerful priestess assured them. "Now, tell us what happened.”

In a monotone and relaxing voice, using his expertise in eloquence as a lawyer, Lucas began to recount one by one the events of the evening. Thus, announcing his betrothal and mating ceremony with his Argetlam. Though there were murmurs of congratulations, everyone was restrained.

"From my and my mate's vantage point, it was crystal clear where the enemies were coming from. The earth opened and from the darkness, hundreds of the Dark Angel's foot soldiers emerged. They attacked the lycan pack and killed innocent wolves. Thankful, I was able to provide reinforcement to my neighbor or a lot more innocents would have been killed." The memory alone was disturbing.

"The battle continued closer to an hour until finally there was a respite. We felt relief, yet my mate sensed something. Anna Marie, my dragon queen was worried about her sisters, we had decided to visit with their mates then we heard the explosion. We instantly realized the attack at the border was made as a diversion. Since our location was a few miles away from the main estate, it took us a few minutes to get there. It was too late by then. Ruby had kidnapped the lycan heirs.” He concluded the story with disgust for what had transpired in his voice. His displeasure made known.

Lucas nodded his head respectfully to Anna May, his sister-in-law, the Lycan Queen, to start with her testimony.

Her voice trembling, she delivered her part of the story. When she reached the part where she offered herself in exchange for the pups, her mate's chest rumbled in anger. "It's okay, my love." Reassuring her mate, she sat on his lap, his arms caged her. "I will do anything for our babies. You know that. Just as you will."

"It's crystal clear, Ruby had helped. And it obviously came from Zachary. For some reason, the fucker survived. Her Majesty, Queen Luna, was very sure it was him and Alexandria who collaborated the story." Lucas explained.

"High Council, there is one more thing, I said I offered myself but Ruby wanted something else or someone else. The Four Kings in exchange for our pups.” Anna May uttered the last words in a soft and pained voice. Torn between her love for her mate and her twins.

"Shhh...don't fret, mia anima. We can take whatever that bitch had prepared for us." Alexander assured with a growl.

Xavier and his beloved, Mish, were attached to each other, not an inch of space in between them.

He and Rie, hands clasped, her cheek on his bicep, she was breathing deeply. He felt her shiver and he raised his arm, draping on her slender shoulders, he hugged her closer.

Earlier, together with the lycan and vampire couples, they discussed the witch's demand.

And they were willing. Their ladies didn't protest because they knew the consequences if they didn't comply.

"I'l be there," Lucifer reassured them in his hard and intimidating voice. From history, Lucas knew, a long time ago, the Demon King had left his realm to be governed by his caretakers. Ever since he lost his twin brother, The High King, he had relinquished his position as a leader. Retiring to an unknown location until two years ago, when Alexander summoned them back to the seat of The Alliance. "Digging graves had become mundane as of late. I would love the chance to start killing our enemies again.”

"When will be the exchange?" The priestess asked.

"Tomorrow, Esme," Alexander answered.

She nodded in acknowledgment. Her face blanked. They knew some plans had to be made in secret. Especially with spies everywhere.

"l would like to be there if you please.” Councilman Rexin offered.

"It would be best if you stay with the council, Rexin.” Esmeralda's voice was firm, not game to hear any arguments

"Yes, Rexin. As your king, I want you to stay and be our eyes and ears at the council.” The Vampire King seconded. His ice-blue eyes were cold and unrelenting.

The vampire official flinched. Lucas vowed to persecute the fucker soon. It was far from the truth. No one trusted him, least of all them. The man had secrets. Deep dark secrets. They will have enough evidence, no mistake about it and he will suffer as Victor did in the hands of Xavier. The High Council will be purged after they rescue the toddlers. Tomorrow will be the day of reckoning.

Only a few more chapters, babies!

As promised, I will finish His Silver Hand for you all before this book will be transferred to Hinovel

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