Being coddled was one of the things he hated the most. He was an alpha male. The king of dragons. The ruler of magnificent and ancient beasts.

A puny in his queen's arms.

So much for his dialogue. One look from her, plus her not so subtle threat that he was sleeping outside their bedroom if he didn't comply with her wishes made him strip in a flash and let her bandage his healing wounds without so much as a murmur.

-Damn!- The Goddess had given him a tyrant for a mate. And he was eternally grateful. He wouldn't have it any other way.

Heavy lidded eyes watched her nimble fingers tend to him, stirring his urges. Her touch was so soft and delicate he quelled the urge to shudder in pleasure.

A celebration of a different kind forming in his mind.

"Maybe if you could sponge bath me?" He suggested innocently. Narrowing her sharp brown eyes at him, she pursed her lips, considering.

"I still feel a dull throbbing inside," Lucas added. -My cum-filled balls to be exact.-

"Promise me you will stay in bed or else..." She warned. Fuck! It was so sexy to see her bad-ass and sassy attitude.

"I promise. Cross my heart and hope to..." Watching her eyes flared in alarm from his words, he stopped and nodded instead.

-Fuck!- He was an asshole for reminding her of the events of the night. They had a close call and almost lost each other. He would have died if she hadn't sacrificed her own life for him. If she hadn't trusted their sacred bond.

It was almost dawn, they should rest. Resigned, reigning in his lustful impulses, he laid on his back, still very much naked and throbbing, he waited for his Argetlam. His very very brave little chef.

Sensing movements, he turned his head to the direction of the opened ensuite walk-in closet.

Lucas glowing orbs stared at her intently, tracing each delicate curves emphasized by her almost gossamer nightwear. -Fuck!- She's killing him.

On her hands, she was holding a small metallic basin with a small cloth submerged in scented water.

Every part and sinew of his body tensed. Eager and wanting. His cock grew hard right before her caressing eyes.

"Come here, little chef. Let me show you how fully recovered I am.” He muttered. His voice thick with arousal.

Shaking her head, she ignored him and sat on the edge of the bed near the headboard. "Let me clean you up first then we'll see.”

Lucas groaned, eager to feel her delicate hands on him. Willing his body to relax, he watched her squeezed the cloth and held his breath when the warm wet material touched his hot skin.

Mature Content


Then the real torture began. His Argetlam was thorough. Very very thorough. When her ministrations reached his inner thighs, caressing his balls, his throbbing cock practically leaped on her wet hands. "Fuck, Rie! Come here!" He growled and reached for her.

She squealed in outrage, both of them drenched from the water but he persisted until she was cozily sitting astride him.

Anna Marie, the tease, was totally bare underneath her nightwear. "Lucas!" Trying to roll on the other side, he clasped her hips firmly, holding her in place. All she managed to do was rub on his taut flesh. Cupping both her flushed cheeks, he hauled her down and kissed her. Hard and deep. He held her caged on top of him and she all but wrapped her body on his hard frame.

Moaning, returning his kisses eagerly, before she came to her senses. "Your wounds," Rie whispered on his swollen lips, licking her own as if savoring his taste.

"Yes. I'm hurting.” Thrusting up, he made her aware of his immediate problem.

"I might hurt you.” Yet she nibbled on his jaw to his neck. Fuck! Muttering in Greek, he rubbed his length in between her moist slit. "I am hurting right now.”

"Oh. Where?" How could his queen look so innocent while she was undulating her body on top of his, he had no idea.

"Here." He grunted. His cockhead poised on her tiny entrance, seeking relief.

"Not yet, my king. Stay still.” Ignoring his hands on her hips, she spread more kisses on his skin. Nipping and biting until she reached his navel. "Hmmm, this will be a long long night.” Before her hot tongue swirled and licked his throbbing cock.

"Fuck!" Sharp arousal shot through his spine and his whole body arched from the pleasure.

Lucas gritted his teeth. His eyes tightly shut while one of his hands went to cup the back of her skull, his fingers threaded on her thick brown locks.

Stopping, she looked at him, confused. His queen had no idea what to do.

"Look at me, Anna Marie.” Her fathomless amber eyes were gleaming with arousal and yet full of innocence. She was doing this by instinct. The need to please him guiding her. All the more astounding to him "Wrap both of your hands on my cock.” He whispered. His deep voice rumbled in the silence of the bedroom.

Her eyes widened even more and she did what she was told eagerly. "Now, open your mouth and put the head in." She did, very gently. "Hold me more firmly, sweetheart.”

She pressed her tiny hands more.


"I won't hurt you?" She breathed her words on his hot flesh.

Looking down at her, his face taut, he whispered back. "No. I love everything you are doing to me."

And tightened up her hands a little more.

"Good girl."

She looked up at him waiting to hear what to do next.

"Put your mouth over me, down until you reach your hand.” His own words instructing her turned him on even more. A drop of pre-cum pearled up and hovered on the tip. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"What does it taste like?" she asked. Her voice filled with curiosity and wonder. Not waiting for his answer, she swirled her tongue catching his essence.

He swore in a low growl. "Fuck! Again, Rie."

Her thumb spread the moisture before she daintily sucked him. His whole body bowed once more and he thrust further on her heated mouth.

"Goddess! Shit!" He yanked her by the hair gently and showed her how to bob her head up and down on his cock. Using her hair to guide her. Her eyes glazed with her own simmering arousal, she watched him almost writhing in pleasure.

Both gasping, he let up and waited for her next move.

She stretched the very tip of her tongue up and lapped up more of the drops from his slit and his balls tightened.

He groaned. Closing his eyes to fight against the rising need at the sight of her. He released her hair.

She tasted him again and hummed in approval. "You taste so good." Lucas opened his eyes and looked at her loving his most intimate part. Savoring him.

"Do you like it?" He found myself asking.

She nodded vigorously and went back to exploring him. Her mouth and tongue went further down to lick and lave on his balls. All the while looking up at him

Oh, fuck.

"Tell me what to do, my love.” She mumbled on his flesh.

Lucas closed his eyes again. Telling himself that concentrating on instruction would calm him down.

It didn't.

"You wrap your top lip around your teeth a little. Put your tongue flat on the underside of my cock. Don't think about it so much. I love everything you are doing to me.” He palmed the back of her head and pressed her toward his cock. She touched the very tip with her tongue before she slowly took him in until her lips slid down until she met the top of her hand.

Fuck, yeah.

"Now move your hand and-"

But she was already moving her mouth and hand up and down together. His eyes rolled back in his head. One of the best things they've ever done. All the more erotic because of her innocence.

Then she stopped. Unsure once more.

"Is this okay?"

"Yes, sweetheart. It's more than okay.” He pressed her back to where she was and closed his eyes, thinking about her. "Suck me harder.” He prayed he won't cum. It was a fucking wrong request.

She did.

"That's it. Yes, like that." She instinctively started to go faster and faster, and his balls pulled up. His whole body tightened up like a spring with the need to fuck her mouth. He didn't want to hurt her. "Slow down, baby."

But she went faster, and he felt on the verge of losing everything, his sanity included. "Slow it down.”

Grabbing her soft hair in desperation, he gently pulled her off him. "Stop!" He heaved a deep breath.

"Did I do something wrong? I did something wrong.” Alarmed, she almost scrambled out of their bed but he held her and arranged her on top of him again. Her legs on either of his hips

"No, sweetheart, you didn't." He shook his head and caressed her tensed back.

"Then why did you stop me?" Her lips were swollen and moist. Pouting. He placed his fingers over her lips.

"You were too good," he answered in a gravelly voice. "And I want to come deep inside you."

Pulling her up with him, he ravaged her mouth. Plunging his tongue deep. He pressed her down against his length and palmed her backside. Holding his cock with one hand, he grabbed her hips, aligning her wet cunny on his head.

God, he loved looking at where they will be joined soon.

He caressed the amazing curve of her spine before pulling her nightgown off of her completely.

Lucas reached under her, spreading, guiding, he pushed her low back down a little, arching her.

Licking his lips in anticipation, he was amazed at how glistening wet she was. Pushing the head of his cock in her folds, they both shuddered. "Wait!" she cried.

"What?" He asked hoarsely. He just wanted to be buried so deep inside her.

"I want you to taste you later," she whispered.

Oh, Goddess. "You will be the death of me, sweetheart.”

And he plunged into her. She cried out in surprise at how deep he can go.

He paused, waiting for her to adjust to the sensation. She trembled above him and gripped his muscled chest.

"It's crazy with you, Anna Marie, fucking crazy. I love you so much.” He snarled his words on gritted teeth, fighting for control.

She leaned down and grinned at him, a truly wicked grin. She clamped her pussy muscles around his cock.

-Aahhh, fuck!-

She was hot as hell. Deep inside, where she was moist and tight, she was grasping his rod.

Lucas grabbed onto her hips, he gripped down hard and pounded in and out with long strokes. Her moans filled the air and he encouraged more.

In a moment of reason, he remembered this was not all about him, about his pleasure, about his cock.

Her pleasure was also his.

Reaching down, his thumb pressed her clit at the same time, he thrust up and deep. She groaned and arched her body. Riding him faster. Deeper.

-Fuck! That's better.-

She clenched her tightness around him harder, and she was so slippery hot.

His control turned to dust and he met her. Lunging deep and hard, one finger on her folds, rubbing, his cock head hitting her spot, he pulled her down and sucked on her pink pointy nipples.

She went crazy above him and thrashed down on him, coming and wailing his name.

That's it for him. Thrusting every inch of him inside her, he seed spilled on her womb. Once, twice, he lost count. His semen kept gushing, filling her.

They barreled toward their climaxes like one crazy flying in the heavens. Both sweating and grunting, she was making her high-pitched moans. Then she collapsed on top of him, sobbing in ecstasy.

"Sweetheart," he began to soothe the smooth planes of her back. Calming her with his touch.

"Mmmmm, my love," she said.

"I love you," he murmured on her temple. Loving her weight on him. "And I love you, Lucas. So much.” Her lips on his chest. "Ready for round two?" She murmured dreamily.

His spent cock twitched. Ready indeed.

Goddess. It will be a long long night. And he will love every second of it.

The next day proved to be gloomy and cold. A testament to the changing season. Winter will soon be upon them.

And the great war of good and evil. Yesterday was a testament to the coming months.

All of them were feeling the exhaustion the next morning when they gathered for a meeting.

Neither had seen the battle a victorious one. Although Ruby was brought once more to an isolated prison for such a powerful villain, no one could be contented by the outcome.

"We are making The Mark our official residence for the meantime since it's closer to our joint realms,” Alexander announced, the next lycan king on his lap, Mikhail, cooing and playing on his pristine dress shirt. "I will make sure to strengthen the protection spell for you, Lycan King," Esmeralda assured them. "Though Ruby can't escape and with Councilman Rexin suspended and under trial, we do not want another similar incident to happen especially with new heirs borne soon.” Her forest green eyes went to the dragon couple.

Shocked faces registered from her surprise announcement.

Rie tightened her hold on Lucas and he almost forgot to breathe from the elation coursing through his veins.

-Goddess. Thank you.-

Though Xavier and Mish were not joining them today, all the details of the meeting will be sent to the vampire king. They gave him enough time to patch up their relationship torn by the evil witch.

Though the sisters were worried, they knew the vampire couple would come to their senses soon.

"So, having said that," Esmeralda continued, "the dragon queen will be protected for several months, I hope Xavier's queen will follow through. But, these are critical times. The demon king and I will make sure to train Indali with all we've got. We all need her. She will play a critical part in this war. The first and foremost, freeing the King of Angels. His High King will be the only one who could kill the death angel, with us backing him, we'll be able to defeat his armies from hell. They are more powerful than we expected so we have to take all the necessary precautions.”

"How about the traitors hiding in the Alliance?" Alexander asked. "After the trial, Councilman Rexin will be dealt with by his king. And we will continue the purging.” The priestess answered confidently.

"I have reviewed all the evidence sent by Lucifer. We have a solid conviction." Lucas added.

"Good." Lucifer nodded in approval. "Esme and I will travel after the hearing and execution. I need to meet Indali, she is apparently the last druid."

"Take care of my sister, Lucifer.” Lucas reminded him.

"I will. She will be in good hands." Sincerity reflected in his dark eyes. "All of us should be present during the trial. For solidarity. We need to let them know we are a force to be reckoned with.” Anna, the Lycan Queen announced. Though the men in the room stiffened from her words, she raised her hand to stopped their protests.

Fuck! Soon, with his fellow kings, they planned to build a very high and impenetrable tower for their queens. One even Rapunzel would envy. "Yes, I agree." Esmeralda seconded. And for Esme, too.

His own queen was nodding her consent beside him and there was nothing he could do.

Taking a deep breath, his gaze collided with Alexander's silently communicating. The dragon king nodded.

Time to organize their tight security.

The price they all had to pay for loving their queens with all of their heart and soul.

Looking at the woman beside him, whose beautiful brown depths glued to him sheening with utmost love and trust, he knew he would gladly pay several times over without seconds thoughts.

Even if the cost was his life.

She was His Argetlam.

His Dragon Queen.

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