The Kings Series #2 His Silver Hand
6. You Are Not Tasty: Lucas

This sultry woman before him was Anna Marie Greyson, the Lycan King's sister-in-law. The middle child amongst the three sisters.

The eldest was the Lycan Queen, the youngest a Vampire King's beloved and this little chef before him -- she was his Argetlam, his Dragon Queen.

If he had visited the royal pack during the mating ceremony, he would have made her his sooner.

Circumstances had prevented that from happening. Nothing mattered anymore. Only her.

He gritted his teeth, reminded of those hindrances. If the enemies will get ahold of the three sisters...

That will not happen. Not to his Queen. Not to anyone of them.

His friend Alexander was right. One will do anything for his queen.

"If you are worried I'll overwork your sister, I won't. She will only be working Tuesdays and Thursdays and part of Fridays. And a maximum of four hours." He didn't know he shifted closer to her until he gazed down at her upturned face. She looked nervous. And adorable. What would she do if he pinched her cheeks? She would probably knee him where it hurt the most.

He decided to restrain his need to touch her. Not yet. "I want to ask you something.”

She looked skeptical. "What?"

"I want to ask you out.” He knew she'll say yes. She was attracted to him. Their bond had been at work. Creating magic. He felt it. Her heart beating fast and her breathing got shallower when he was near. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"No. I don't date,” No? He scowled. He won't accept it.

She looked away from him and tried to step back. He pushed closer to her warm body.

His hands move to either side of the countertop, caging her.

"I know you are attracted to me and I feel the same.” God! There was no use in denying it. It's there. As plain as daylight.

What did she mean she doesn't date? It's impossible! Not with her beauty.

Confused. Why would she resist him? "You want me. I can see it. I've felt it.”

Her eyes narrowed and she cursed under her breath. Something about stupid dragons.

"Don't you dare think that just because you look like the world's tastiest burger I would fall at your feet and worship you! I've seen better, asshole!” She spat at him. No one has done that to him. No one! His anger flared.

Snarling to intimidate her, he moved closer still. To his surprised, she smirked mockingly. Fuck! Why does his dragon want her? Why does he want her?

He had to admit her beauty was one of a kind. Innocent and sultry. A deadly combination. But she fucking denies him! He felt like pulling out his hair.

He was trying his best here -- she wouldn't budge and he was at the end of his patience.

"You will respect me, little girl!" He growled. He knew his gray-green eyes gleamed. Exerting dominance.

"Oh yeah? Because you are an old man? Sure.” She shrugged. Looking smug.

Old man his ass! He pulled her to him, ignoring her protests, he swooped down to plunder her sweet and sassy mouth.

As he had predicted, she tasted like cherries.

To his surprise, her body was stiff as a board and she doesn't know how to respond to his kiss. Moreover, she started to panic in his arms. Stunned. Lucas raised his head to look down at her. Fuck! Her beautiful eyes sheened with unshed tears and she trembled. In fear.

Not knowing what to do, he pulled her gently, laying her head on his chest, his hands on the small of her back. Embracing her. His hands move up and down, trying to calm her.

She struggled at first but after a while, she slumped on his chest. "Shhh...I'm sorry, Rie. I will never hurt you. You must know that. Not ever." He murmured on her fragrant hair. She smelled of vanilla and cream.

Ignoring his need, he held her tenderly. Her comfort would always come first.

"I'm...I've never kissed anyone." She confessed in a small voice, muffled by his shirt. His arms tightened.

Shit! He was so wrong. She was indeed very innocent. And he thought it was just her looks. But in every sense.

Easing his arms a bit so he could watch her expressive amber eyes better. She ducked her head. He cupped her chin firmly and raised her face towards him.

"You have never dated?" She shook her head no. "And you've never kissed?"

She snorted. Which endeared her to him more. "You've stolen my first kiss, asshole.”

Ah, there's the sassy Rie. That's better than to watch fear take ahold of her.

"Ok. We will go slow then.” It will hurt -- he didn't care. His mate was more important than his needs.

"What do you mean?” Why was she so surprised that he wanted her? "I want to date you, little chef,” Anna Marie growled at him. She doesn't like being called that. All the more reason he should use it often.

He chuckled. This was quite a challenge. Quite refreshing compared to those other human girls that threw themselves at him. Even if he said no.

"You will have to ask Alexander, Michael, Oliver, and Xavier's permission for that." She announced smugly. Confident her protectors will not grant it.

He knew something she doesn't. "I'll have a slight problem with Xavier since he is in hibernation however the rest of the men on your list will say yes. I can guarantee you, my chef.”

"You are arrogant beyond help!" She seethed. He smirked. Goosebumps appear on her skin as his rough thumb caressed her cheek down to her neck -- where her mark will appear after they mate. After their blood mingled.

The mark of an Argetlam. His rider.

"I know. And I have something for you, sweetheart. Give me your hand." When she hesitated, he seized it himself.

His thumb rubbed her wrist. Her pulse raced and skipped a bit.

-I know, sweet. I feel the same way.-

Reaching inside his pocket, not giving her time to look, he clasped the dragon queen bracelet on her. It wrapped on her left wrist right away. Recognizing its owner.

"Lucas!" She gasped. Her jaw dropped at the antique jewelry. It was made of pure gold with diamonds embedded in every surface, including the side that touched the skin. Flawless rubies decorated the head of the dragon, emerald eyes, and a large red ancient Jade that traces back to China's first dynasty, the stone served as a lock.

This piece of jewelry has enchantment and can only be worn by a Dragon King's Argetlam. It won't unlock until they produced the next heir.

"Take it off!" She stomped her foot and fumbled with the lock.

"Nope. It's yours." It looked good on her.

"I can't. You can't give gifts and expect me to warm your bed. I won't have it!

God! She was infuriating. "It's yours. I won't take it back and I don't want you just my lover. My goal is much more than that. Don't test me, sweetheart.”

"What if I lost it?" Her eyes grew misty once more changing her whole countenance.

This woman will make him old in no time. And dragons don't grow old. "You won't, little chef. It stays in place. Now, I have to go. As you have pointed out, I will need permission. Thus, my appointment with the Lycan King. See me out?” It was a lot to hope for. The man has to try. No luck though.

"See yourself out!" She hissed.

He chuckled. Just as he had expected.

All this time during their banter, she stayed in his arms. At least he made progress.

Lucas's warm lips pressed on her forehead, her nose and so softly on her lush lips. When the time was right, he will give her a proper kiss that she will remember for the rest of their lives.

"See you this evening, sweetheart." He left her standing in her kitchen with a frown on her face and a cute pout on her ruby lips.

He daresay this had been a great afternoon overall. His dragon beast totally approved of his actions after being at odds with him for a long time.

There was one thing he was concern about, what made her fear his touch despite the mate bond?

It was not because she has no experience with intimacy.

She was afraid. Deeply afraid of a man’s touch.

He will find out soon. Let's hope that whoever had hurt her before was still breathing so he could roast him himself.

"This is a pleasant surprise, my friend." Alexander thumped his back several times. Shit! The fucker was strong. Lucas hoped their friendship remained after he told him the purpose of his visit.

The lycan king led him to his study with his twin brothers and Michael in tow.

To his surprise, he found the lycan queen at his friend's desk working with three pups running around. His sister, Alexandria babysits the rascals.

God! He wanted this. With Anna Marie.

This homey feeling. It doesn't matter if he was blessed with boys or girls. As long as it's all from Anna Marie. Of course, there won't be anyone else.

-Ah, 1 like your thoughts, human.-

Yes. His beast was quite pleased with him.

The Lycan Queen noticed them and immediately cleared the table.

"I will leave with the pups so you won't be disturb, darling.” She pecked her lycan lovingly on his lean cheek. Before her mate could respond, Lucas cleared his throat.

"My friend, this is a social call to formally meet your queen and I have to discuss an important matter that also concerns her." A russet pup crawled to him, he bent down to hold it shifted, a cute female toddler rested in his arms. He smiled and she cooed. "I don’t mind the adorable company.”

Hughes and Plato immediately took over the role of babysitter to the other pups.

They settled on a comfortable divan. Alexander took his baby girl from him so he could introduce himself to Anna, the lycan queen.

As customary to royal families, Lucas presented her pieces of jewelry that had been in the family coffers for centuries. "My mother was from an old Celtic family in England. She had collected various wolf pieces. It so happened I was looking for an heirloom last evening and I found this. It's a token of our alliance, my Queen.” Presenting his gift elegantly that his mother would be proud of.

"Oh, Goddess! This is so beautiful. Thank you.” She immediately asked her mate to help her put on the diamond-encrusted wolf necklace. "And this is for you, Alexandria. Congratulations on your first pup.” Her gray eyes gleamed as Michael placed it on her.

The shrewd she-wolf smiled at the Dragon King knowingly. Gray eyes narrowed. Maybe she had guessed why he was here.

They were served some refreshments and the pups were taken away for naps. Social requirements appeased, he mentally prepared what he was about to say.

"Lucas, tell us already. You've dallied long enough.” Alexander reminded him.

As if he would forget why he was really here. He had to sweeten the ladies first, so they'll be on his side just in case.

"I found my Argetlam.” The first part was the easiest.

"Damn! That's good news!" He and Michael pumped his hand enthusiastically. "When is the mating ceremony?"

Lucas glared at his brothers when they smirked.

"I am hoping you could help me with that, my friend.” Alexander looked puzzled at his request.

The Lycan King chuckled. "I don't know anything about wedding planning, man. Alexandria can help you." Lucas glanced at the two ladies. Both were suppressing their smiles.

Shit! He hoped they would understand because they were enjoying mated lives. Still, he made a mental note to duck when he threw him one of his deadly punches.

Ok. Here it goes.

"My Argetlam and Dragon Queen is Anna Marie. Your sister-in-law.” Silence.

Oooh. Lucas is brave. Very brave.

Nah. I'm sure he will have his permission.

Alexander and Michael are reasonable guys.

Until the next chapter, babies!

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