The Kings Series #2 His Silver Hand
8. She Is Mine: Lucas

The velocity of his hard body met the wind from his extreme morning run through the dense forest bordering the Lycan Pack from his.

And by a run. He meant 2700 mph -- one hundred times the speed of the fastest human. No one can compete with the Vampire King though, he can outrun them all. That fucker rivals the speed of light.

Lucas had to exorcise this frustration in his body and he had to see his Argetlam. The day won't be complete without getting a glimpse of her. Possibly spend time in her company.

Human mates were different. Though they felt the bond and instant attraction. Their instinct was to question it.

If Anna Marie was a Were or a supernatural species, they would be romping in bed on a Sunday morning. I think.

Not so sure about that anymore. She wanted him yet she resisted him. No matter. He was going to chip that barrier bit by bit. Until she stood before him without her mask.

She hid behind her smiles, her joy, and her sass. And he will discover the real her before he claimed her.

Anna Marie will know him and she will have all of him. The man, the dragon, the lover, and the soulmate.

It's 9 AM. He was sure she was up and about.

And he was right.

He found her rolling on the thick green grass of the mansion's back garden with the pups. Nannies on standby. Her giggles of joy were music to his ears. No pretense. It's all HER. The real Anna Marie. Yesterday. He had accomplished a lot. His friend Alexander and company gave their approval -- aware of the dragon's bond to its rider. The Argetlam was the heart of the dragon. When their bond was completed, his dragon and he will die if they lost her. And she would follow after. Her heart won't be able to survive the pain and grief.

His jaw clenched. That will not happen. Ever.

"Lucas?" His little chef gaped at him. Brows knitted. Baffled. She couldn't believe his presence at this hour.

He realized he had been standing at the edge of the well-manicured garden for quite some time. Enjoying her uninhibited interaction with the young ones.

"Hey, sweetheart." He got distracted as small paws crawled to him once more. He picked him up gently. Ah, this time it's a baby boy.

"He is Mikhail. One of the twins.” She informed him with a smile.

They heard scuffles behind them and both turned to see Petros and Athena reached the edge of the dense forest, laughing.

Both waved at them and went directly to the play with the toddlers. It has been a while since they'd had kids running around the house. It couldn't come soon enough.

He turned back to his rider and caught her running her amber eyes on his bare chest and torso appreciatively.

She blushed when she noticed him returning the favor. Fuck! He loved the dragon queen bracelet on her. Plus, she looked crazy hot in her cut- off shorts and thin-strapped top and she was barefoot. Adorable. Closing the distance to gather her in his arms, the kid cooing between them.

His chest suddenly felt tight. He inhaled her scent to ease his longing. "I miss you, that's why I came.”

"Eww, you're sweaty.” She complained -- her chin on his chest, clear amber eyes filled with joy, hot breath on his skin -- teasing him. "Let's get inside. I'll find you a fresh shirt.” God! She's intoxicating.

He nodded and released her. She handed the pup to his nanny and he whimpered in protest. "Hey, love. Aunt Rie will be back. I'll feed you cupcakes.” Assuring him with a stroke on his back.

Comforted by her nephew's toothless grin, she led him inside the house via the open breakfast nook.

"Where is everyone?" The mansion was too quiet.

"Sundays are off days. Anna has declared as such. They are lounging somewhere. I volunteered to babysit until lunch. Mish and I will go out this afternoon.” He was pleased she led him to her suite at the groundfloor's east wing. That meant she felt safe in his company.

"I'l go out with you and your sister.” There was no way in hell he would let her roam around NYC without him and at least a bunch of bodyguards.

She chuckled, her sweet voice doing things to his body. "You will get bored. We are going shopping.”

"I love shopping.” No, he didn't. But he was game, just to be with her. "And Indali will go with us. Your sister and mine can be friends."

She shrugged. Why was she so agreeable today? He found it suspicious.

"Welcome to my humble abode.” Anna Marie opened the door for them. Her room was cheery with deep floral colors. He memorized her preferences so he could renovate the master suite at their estate. "Wait here. Sit anywhere you want. I'll get a shirt for you."

His eyes narrowed into slits and he clasped her arm. "Why do you have male shirts?"

He couldn't believe the jealousy coursing through his veins. If he was a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his ears and nose.

She blushed. "I bought them. It's comfortable to sleep in big shirts. Happy?"

"I will give you some of my shirts later. You can sleep in them." Shit! His cock stirred at the thought of her sleeping in his shirt and nothing else. Anna Marie scowled at his possessiveness and muttered something about dense men while she tossed him a towel and disappeared in her walk-in closet.

Lucas wanted her to move in with him soon. This courtship was killing him. Last night he barely got any sleep. His beast has kept him awake half the night and on the other hand, he kept imagining Rie in his arms that got him a hard-on he had to take care of. That got him some sleep for a few hours after he released some steam. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Shit! It had been more than a century. How he wished it's the real thing and it's his little chef writhing in his arms as they climaxed together. He shuddered.

"Here," She handed him a dark shirt shyly. It's soft and it smelled of her. He liked it very much. "You can use my bathroom to freshen up. I'll make us a snack in the kitchen."

He caught her before she escaped him. God! She felt so good molded to his harder frame.

Left-arm surrounded her tiny waist while his right cupped her chin. There it was. Her eyes mellowed from his touch -- there's a hint of fear lacing it. An abject reminder for him to tread carefully. He wouldn't make the same mistake when they first kissed and made her tremble in fright. Yes. They will take it slow.

He brushed his fleshy lips on her forehead, her nose, and the corner of her red lips. "Thank you, sweetheart. I'll meet you there when I am done."

She shivered from his deep voice. Yup. The feeling was reciprocated. For the first time since he met her, she doesn't have a smart retort. She was left standing in the middle of her room as he left her to freshen up. Nice and slow was the way to her heart.

This Lycan Mansion was ginormous that rivals his, however, he didn't find it hard to find his Rie. Her vanilla and cherry scent was a beacon. He halted at the doorway hearing her disgruntled voice.

"No! If you won't stop bugging me. I'll tell Michael and remove you from my detail.” Lucas stiffened. Every muscle in his body tensing.

"Rie, you know I want you from the first. We can keep this a secret. We will be good in bed." He was going to pound this wolf to the ground. "No means no. You are harassing me and it's creeping me out. Besides I'm committed." Her high voice bordered on panic. She was scared. "The fuck you are. You don't even date! You are mine, Rie." Shit! He was definitely going to scorch a pack member.

"She is committed to me, boy," he said in a drawl but no less angry, they both spun to face him-- shocked at his voice. The warrior has that look in his eyes that does not bode well. Alexander should know of this. "Umm, Lucas...Zachary is leaving." Anna Marie licked her dry lips -- nervous and anxious -- she gauged the look in his glowing eyes. His dragon craved blood. The wolf's blood.

"I am not leaving. We are not done!" The fucker hissed and grabbed his queen's arm harshly. It will leave a fucking bruise. He roared in rage. Before they knew it, Lucas had him by his throat, his feet dangling three feet above the floor as he struggled to breathe.

His Argetlam's tiny hands clutched at his biceps in an attempt to stop him from killing this piece of shit. He gritted his teeth.

"Anna Marie is the only reason I won't kill you right now, boy. Next time you threaten my Queen, alliance or not, I will burn you alive.” The mutt choked on his tight hold and his breath wheeze. Face turning purple. Fuck! It was so easy to end this assholes life. He itched to do so and saved him the trouble of doing it later.

"Luc, please?" Rie was here with him and he couldn't kill him in the kitchen. A pity.

She hugged his side and she tried to pull him away. To distract him even more, she raised her small frame on her tippy toes to bury her face on his neck. Oh shit! His little chef was not playing fair.

Lucas dropped his baggage. He watched the warrior struggled for air. "You are out of her detail from now on. Don't ever make the mistake of approaching her. I'll fucking kill you if you do.”

"What the hell is going on in my kitchen?"

It's the Lycan Queen.

Yes. Zachary's obsession will not bode well.

Villains will be making appearances soon. Don't worry.

What will the Lycan Queen do to protect sissy Rie?

More action and drama in the next chapter.

Stay tuned, my babies! Adios!

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