The Lycan King (Book 1)
Chapter 20. Fight


"Please get up Ava." He pleaded, his tone making me shiver. And it had nothing to do with the cold. It hardly bothered me right now.

I got up and kept my hands behind my back and chest out, it was a standing position for a slave. He picked up his shirt from the ground and made me wear it.

He was being so sweet to me when when I was so rude to him. I couldn't look in his eyes anymore, it hurt. It hurt because he was hurting and that hurt me more.

"Please, look at me, Love. What you saw is not what you think it was." My eyes watered at the use of nickname again but I didn't look at him anyways.

"I am sending Natalia undercover as a slave to a club, Ava. Its all business. I have not touched her in anyway. You have to believe me, I would never do that to you. You are my mate, my Luna, my Queen.” Nikolai said softly.

My heart stopped when his words registered in my mind.

I sucked in a harsh breath and my eyes snapped to his. I had not even imagined that?this?could even be the reason behind his actions.

"I'm saying the truth,?Moya Lyubov."?He told me. I believed him. Every fibre inside of me believed in him.

Goddess, I was such a bitch to him, when he wasn't at fault at all. He was still apologising to me. "Why?" I asked him. I needed to know why he was doing this.

"Emilio has sent a lot of people to spy on us, the one we encountered yesterday night were just a few of them. I have to retaliate. I'm not going to send my men to spy and get them killed for nothing. We recently got the information that he is opening a club in a month and we are going to send Natalia undercover. She has done it before and would do it again for the pack.” He told me quietly. I could hear the sincerity in his voice. "I should have told you earlier. I'm sorry. I am not used to telling people what I do but I'll do better now. For you."

He is sending her to Emilio??Willingly??"He will hurt her a lot. They all will hurt her a lot.” I whispered. He was practically setting the girl up to get tortured.

"This is a club,?Lyubov. He can't do something too harsh in front of a lot of people, he has to maintain his image.” He told me. I nodded, it made sense.

"Did you really not touch her?" I asked him again just to be sure.

"No, I didn't. I would never hurt you like that. I would never cheat on you." He whispered. I believed him. Something inside me said that he was telling me the truth. "And if I had touched her??which I did not?? you would have known. As my mate, you would have felt the burn on your skin." His fingers brushed the back of my hand. "If anyone touches either of us with a sexual intent, the other one will feel it. The same goes if we touch someone else like that too. It's a supernatural thing. Your wolf might not be here but you?are?a supernatural and you?would?have felt it.?Please?believe be." "I believe you." I whispered. I did. I truly did.

Letting out a relieved breath, he took a hold of me hand and led me inside the shack. It was small and simple with a cupboard and a bed.

He lied down on the bed and patted the space next to him. I lied down too but I kept a little distance between us.

He sighed at that and I just looked at him. He was looking at me with a tender emotion.

He looked so good right now. The moonlight was reflecting on his skin, giving him an outer-worldly glow. I shook my head to clear my mind and turned around so I wasn't facing him anymore. I was so confused. This was not me. How did I become so strong? How did I even talk rudely to Master or not listen to his orders? How could I even tell him that he was not my Master? What had gotten in me?

"Do you want to know why you acted this way today?"

How could he possibly know what I was thinking? I nodded hesitantly.

Instead of saying anything, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. Now my back was flushed to his chest.

"You feel everything deeply Ava. Especially when it is related to me. Tell me you understand.” He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head.

"That is why the anger, the pain, the sadness hit you more hard when you thought I cheated on you. You are changing Ava. You have Alpha blood in you. Your wolf is slowly coming out now. You are turning into a strong willed, confident and loving woman. The Alpha part of you that was suppressed for so many years is fighting with the part that has been trained to obey, to submit, the part that was taught to put others above yourself. It's a a fight between nature and nurture. And all of this is a good thing. You just need to figure out who you want to be as a person.” He said softly and his lips grazed my ears and I shivered.

His words were a hundred percent true. This felt like the enlightenment that I needed to clear my confusion.

"And how do I do that?" I asked softly.

"Test what you like and don't like. Do what feels right. Follow your heart. I'm always here to help you if you need it, Love. " He whispered and his thumb was making circular patterns on my stomach. I shivered under his touch.

"As for your wolf, she has started to make her appearance known now, Love. You jumping from the third floor, your enhanced vision and bravery is all her doings. You need to train harder now, thats the fastest and easiest way to bring her out." He said softly yet firmly.

"Then I want to?you?train me Nikolai.” I whispered. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Your wish is my command.”

Early in the morning, Nikolai dropped me off at the house before he went out for some pack business. Whatever it was, I didn't ask questions because it seemed important. I was about to open the door when I heard a knock. I opened the door to see Natalia standing where with a guilty smile. "I'm sorry." She whispered in my ear as she hugged me. "I thought Alpha had informed you about everything.”

"It's okay, it isn't your fault.” I smiled at her slightly.

I need to make her see that the plan is not a good idea. "Natalia, Alpha Emilio is a bad man. So are his men. They can hurt you, they will hurt you, punish you, beat you for hardly any reason.” I told her softly. I wasn't angry with her. I wanted to safe her from the mistake she was going to make. I didn't want her to go there. I was sure Nikolai would find some other was to get information on them.

"I have dealt with worse men and I'm fine so far and I don't mind being a little hurt.” She smiled at me as she leaned back.

"But, they- I don't- they will hurt you." My eyes teared, I didn't know what to say to make her understand.

"Avalyn, I'll be fine. I've been with worse men." She smiled. But her smile wasn't sad, it was almost... nostalgic. "Being hurt, being in pain doesn't bother me, nor does hurting someone else and inflicting pain.” She grinned. "I am the way I am and instead of hiding it, I embrace it. I have been through a lot, everyone in this house has been through a lot and that changed them, made them who they are and if my past made me who I am, then I will not try to change myself. Wear your scars- physical or emotional with stride. They are a sign that you have been through so much and are still living life. Take pride in that.” She smiled at me.

Her words hit home, straight to my heart and I sucked in a breath. She knew, and she was saying all this about herself because she knew I was different and she wanted to help me. I didn't know how to reply to her so simply I hugged her again.?

Sofiya, Natalia and I spent the rest of the day together. Sofiya claimed that we needed to have a girl's day today. So three were sprawled in Natalia's bedroom and Sofiya was painting my nails light blue while Natalia was painting Sofiya's toe nails red colour.

"I have the perfect outfit for you to wear tomorrow." Sofiya said suddenly.

"What's tomorrow?" I asked.

"Seriously? Remind me to smack Nikolai when he returns home." Sofiya rolled her eyes. "Tomorrow is the court hearing Avalyn.” She grinned.

"You will officially be a part of the pack and then you and Nikolai will be able to mate.” Natalia smirked, "and then you can officially be our Luna.”

"It's tomorrow? I don't know anything about it! What will I have to do? Is it going to be difficult?” I asked worriedly.

"Chill, it's easy. It's different every time so no new comer has time to ready himself for it. That's why I don't know what it will be but I'm sure you will do great. You just have to answer all the questions Nikolai asks honestly, I swear to god his wolf can sense lies. It's like he has a lie detector planted in his head. So yeah, be honest and do whatever they ask you to do and it will go smoothly.” Sofiya said.

My eyes widened.

"He can sense lies?" I bit my lip. I had lied to him a couple of times in the start about my nightmares. Did he think of me as a liar?

"Yeah. Some supernaturals are born with gifts. Mother Luna gives them from birth and we need to train it properly for it to work effectively. Maybe Nikolai's gift is detecting lies. Vladimir can make people imagine things, you feel like it's happening with you when its just a hallucination. I know, that shit is scary but then Vlad is a good man doesn't use it to harm anybody. So its cool with me. But then gifts among vampires is more common than werewolves. Thats why Nikolai's gift unnerves me more than Vlad's." She finished. Hearing about Vladimir's gift scared me but I trusted Sofiya's? judgment and deep down, I knew Vladimir could be trusted.

"Can you tell me more about vampires?” I asked her. I knew all there was to know about werewolves but I hardly knew anything about Vampires.

"Vampires drink blood, obviously. They live mostly live in Kingdoms which is basically like a pack but they have have the entire royal family with strict customs and traditions, they don't take royalty lightly, its very formal between the royal family and the rest of the Kingdom. Its all very..unnerving.” She bit her lip.

"Yeah. There are five vampire Kingdoms and each royal family and high rankers have specialities?? fire, water, earth, air and mind. Which basically means that they have some sort of control over their element, not totally control though because that would be catastrophic.” She shuddered.

"Tell her what happened with you.” Sofiya laughed.

"Okay, so once I hooked up with a vampire of the Voda Kingdom. Which means water in Slovak by the way. He didn't do anything for me down there," she pointed?down there?as she rolled her eyes, "so I walked out on him. Mid way. That got him angry at me so he basically messed with my head and now I can't hook up with a vampire because then I'm drenched in muddy water.” She scowled. "And it's fucking disgusting.”

"I still think it's pretty funny.” Sofiya laughed and I giggled with her. I was grateful that he didn't do anything worse to her.

"Oh you find that funny? I'll show what I find funny.” Natalia smirked as she picked up a pillow and started smacking Sofiya with it.

Sofiya growled and picked up another pillow and started hitting her too. I giggled at both of them which earned me a smack too from each of them. So I picked up another pillow and started hitting both of them too.

I was exhausted faster compared to the both of them so I threw the pillow aside and fell back on the bed, panting hard. Seeing me fall back, both of them threw their pillows and fell back on the bed besides me too.

"My nail paint is completely ruined.” Sofiya said suddenly.

"You can do it yourself now." Nat snorted and she got up "Alright I'm bored."

I gave her an amused smile. We were having fun not even a minute ago. That girl was seriously something. I pitied her mate.

"Don't look at me like that Avalyn, you'll make me blush.” Natalia smirked at me and I covered my face with my hands. “Lets fight. We haven't done that in ages.” Natalia told Sofiya with a bright smile.

"Yes, its been way too long. And I've gotten much stronger now too, I'll have you by your neck today." Sofiya smirked as she stood up too. "What are you waiting for? Lets go.” She told me excitedly.

Were they really going to fight for fun?

Turns out, they were. We were on the training ground and not a lot of people were here. Only a few youngsters who were training on their own.

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