The Lycan King (Book 1)
Chapter 25. Rhazien


The sparks that I felt when he licked my mark was something I had never experienced before. I didn't even know it was possible. Did I feel it because my wolf was present now? Or was it because he had marked me now? Did he feel it too? Did he always feel it? sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Maybe. There had to be a reason he hardly kept his hands to himself when he was around me.

His soft lips gently moulded into mine, kissing so passionately as if it is his first time kissing me. His thumb was caressing my cheek. He licked the seams of lips before pushing his tongue inside my mouth, he didn't take control, we both kissed each other like equals, our tongues danced together in perfect sync, like they were made for kissing each other. I pulled him inside the little shack.

"Are you absolutely sure?" He rasped out and I nodded.

He lowered me on the bed before hovering above me, looking at me with heated fascination in his eyes. His hand coasting down the slope of my shoulder to my breast and I gasped as his lip anchored down on another nipple, his tongue circling around it while his other hand plucked the other with his fingers, sending jolts of pleasure straight down to my core.

His mouth gave the same attention to my other nipple and hand slid down my waist around the curve of my waist before dipping in my core. My eyes rolled shut at the sensation, I was dripping and wet down there. My body arched on its own accord, seeking more depth, more friction.

He slipped another finger deep into the sleek folds and then the third and I cried out, my voice mixed with pain and pleasure. I bit hard on my lip, it was too much yet I needed more. His fingers picked up in speed, scissoring his movements and his thumb pressed down on my clit. My moans grew in volume when my body clenched from inside, building a pressure that my legs were starting to thrash sideways and I knew I was close.

"Cum for me, my Love." Nikolai said and my body convulsed and I cried out, chanting his name like he was a God.

My eyes fluttered open to see him down up to kiss me, his cock a little away from my core. My eyes widened when I saw his hair, a glowing golden colour.

How the hell did that happen?

I didn't have much time to dwell on it, Nikolai crashed his lips on mine and placed his cock at my entrance. Slowly, inch by torturous inch, he slipped inside me and a low moan escaped my lips. I moved my hips to match his pace. He filled me exquisitely.

"So fucking tight?Moya Lyubov." He hissed in my ear. I clenched around him even tighter and giggled when he let out a growl. He moulded my round flesh and tweaked my nipples. I arched my back to push my breasts into his hands.

My body was on fire.

My heart was on fire.

My soul was on fire.

I threaded my fingers through his hair and gripped them, loving the feel of his now blond locks. He groaned at that. His increased his pace and a cry tore through my throat at the feeling. I had never felt so stretched, so full. I was close, so close. But he wasn't giving it to me.

"Please." I begged. "I -1 need..." I trailed off. Not knowing what exactly was it that I needed

"What do you need Avalyn?" He purred in my ear.

When I didn't reply, he paused his movements and hovered above me, looked down at me with a twinkle in his eyes. I narrowed my eyes. I grasped his ass and forced him down on me.

This was torture!

He looked at me with wide eyes before he smirked.

"I'll show you want you need.” He whispered darkly before he backed up a bit and spun me around. He pulled my hips up and then he slammed into me from behind and a cry escaped me. He pounded into me harder than ever and my climax was approaching, my belly clenched and I arched my back for a better position as out skin slapped against each other's.

His hand gripped my hair, coiling them around his hand pulled so that I was looking up. I felt a sting on my ass and I gasped. My moans, becoming more intense. I was panting hard. He then moulded my ass globe before giving me another slap and I moaned. It was followed my many more as he pounded into me.

"Not yet." He gritted and flipped me back again. "Look at me when you come.” He ordered and them pinched my clit. I let go and and watched his glowing golden eyes as we both rode our high. His head tilt back but his eyes were on me, watching me writhe beneath him and call out his name like a chant, like he was a god and I was a mere mortal, a devoted worshipper.

"I love you." He whispered as he caressed my hair when we were both spent.

"I love you too." I said and leaned up to kiss him chastely.

My heart was so full, I felt like it would burst. I had never felt more cherished than before. He rolled over and laid besides me, his hand curling under my waist and pulling me half on top of him so we could fit on the small bed.

He caressed my back with his thumb, sparks erupting everywhere. I placed my palm on his chest, exactly above his heart. I could hear it clearly. The rhythmic pattern showed my that he was calm, something I knew he rarely was. Even when he showcased otherwise.

I looked up at him saw that his hair had turned back to the same brown colour it was before. His grey eyes looking at me intently.

"Your hair had turned blond and were glowing Nikolai. Your eyes turned golden too." I whispered as I reached up at held his hair. The lock in my hand turned blond and my eyes widened. It turned back to brown when I let go again.

"And yours turn white while your eyes turn pale blue, almost white.” He murmured against my hair. "We need answers. I have called a friend of mine, he might know something.”

I picked up a lock of my hair and brought it to my face, it was brown. "Hold it." I told Nikolai as I held the lock forward for him.

He took it from my fingers and it turned white, it glowed too. But it was a different glow from Nikolai, it had a different feel. I couldn't explain more than that.

"What does all of this mean?" I asked him and hugged him tighter, needing his comfort.

"I don't know, Love. We will find out soon enough though.” He said softly. "Sleep now, you've had a long day.”

And almost instantly, my eyes fluttered shut. His words and arms coiling around me like a blanket.

I saw a man arrive with Vladimir and Sofiya on his side. He had dark mahogany skin and shoulder length dread-locked hair. He was large and muscular. Tattoos covered his left arm and his intense gaze was locked on mine. If this were to happen before I shifted and mated, I was sure I would have cowered behind Nikolai but now, for some reason, I stood with my head high and met his gaze head on.

"Love, I would like you to meet Lord Rhazien of Kingdom Mozog." Nikolai said after the man along with Vlad and Sof stood in front of us.

"Rhazien, meet my lovely mate, Avalyn.” He smiled as he introduced me and shook hands with the man,

"It is my pleasure to meet you, Luna Avalyn.” He said as he bowed in front of me, took my hand and kissed the hack of it.

I did not sense any negative emotions from his side which made me feel uncomfortable or from Nikolai so I took it as a green sign and and smiled back at him. "It is a pleasure to meet you too, Lord Rhazien."

"Please call me Rhazien." He nodded and looked at Nikolai again. "I presume you have pressing matters to discuss, Nikolai." He said, getting straight to the point.

"Yes, thank you for coming at such a short notice. Let's have a seat.” Nikolai motioned his to a couch as we both settled in a couch opposite to him. Vladimir, Sofiya, Dimitri, Mikhail and Andrei also took their seats.

That was when I noticed a girl, probably not older than twenty who was apparently standing behind Rhazien followed him to the couch and kneeled besides his legs. She was wearing short shorts and a tiny crop top, a collar around her neck. I instantly knew she was his pet. She was wearing more clothes for a normal pet but it was still far too less.

My heart was beating wildly as I started at her and then back at Rhazien. He did not seem cruel but no one knew what could be happening behind closed doors. Suddenly, I didn't like him as much anymore. Not if he indulged in having pets, using them as his personal slave and punishing her. "Compose yourself Avalyn, we will talk about it later."?Nikolai's voice rang in my head but I couldn't tear my gaze away from the girl. She was a human for god's sake! She did not deserve to be here.

I looked at Rhazien and gave him a hard look but his eyes were glowing with amusement and my anger increased.

"We do not take pets in our house." A voice growled. A second later I realised I said that.

Whatever, I didn't regret it.

Rhazien's amusement did not falter. "Lisa, stand outside the house, you will not move until I return.” He said, his gaze not wavering from mine.

My eyes tighten. The poor girl stood up and she turned around to walk towards the exit but froze. Thats right!?l mentally cheered for her.

No one should be treated like this. She should sit on a seat, not kneel on a floor. It did not matter if she was a human. Then slowly, Lisa turned around and took a few steps before sitting besides Rhazien

Good girl.?Lisa had a small smile on her face and I looked smugly at Rhazien. He was looking at me with those intense eyes of his again. I turned my gaze to Nikolai to see him looking at me with wide eyes. I knew he was shocked at my disobedience. But I'd do it a thousand times over if it meant the girl could have a little bit of dignity back. Any punishment for this is accepted for this, it is worth it. I then looked around the room to see everyone looking at me with wide eyes and their mouths agape.

"I knew it." Murmured Rhazien as he stood up and crossed the room to stand in front of me. "Ask her to stand up again.” He whispered in my ear. I looked at him in defiance. "Do it." He said forcefully, his power rolling off of him but I didn't care.

"Stand up." I told Lisa for his sake. I didn't want to upset Nikolai any further because of this Vampire I was disgusted. How could have I liked him first? Lisa did not move an inch.

"Interesting." Rhazien said as he took his seat again.

What was interesting in all this?

"Lisa, take your place.” He told her and she immediately kneeled by his side again. I clenched my fists.

“There are certain customs in our world, Love. You cannot break them. You will not make the same mistake again. She belongs to him to do as he wishes. No one interferes. He is a strong Vampire, we do not want to anger him."?Nikolai told me.

I wanted to argue but he was right. He knew the best.

“Okay.’ I told him.

"Nikolai, I believe that she is not just an average she-wolf. She is destined for more.” Rhazien said, looking serious now. "I haven't heard of many gifted werewolves. At least not such a big gift." I could feel the shift in the atmosphere. Tension was thick in the room.

"Also, I believe that it is her gift that somehow she shared with you after you both mated. She would have known if she had them before.” He looked at Nikolai pointedly. "We need to focus on Avalyn here."

"What do you mean destined for more?" Vladimir asked.

"I'm not sure yet." He replied. "Tell me about your parents Avalyn.” He asked.

I took a deep breath. Nikolai took a hold of my hand and rubbed soothing circles. He gave me a small nod. "M-my mother died giving birth to me. And Papa was killed for power." I choked out. I was never easy talking about them.

"I am sorry for your loss. Alpha Javier was a strong leader, with an even stronger daughter. Emmanuel made a grave mistake.” Rhazien nodded

My eyes widened. How did he know?!

"Unfortunately, I did not know him personally. However, I do know someone who knows Emmanuel.” The way his body tensed, I knew he was not very fond of that person. Vladimir growled at his words. Rhazien was Vladimir's friend and whoever it was that Rhazien knew, I knew that Vladimir did too. Sofiya rubbed his shoulder to calm him down.

"The powers that Ava now yields had not been there before. Nor did the change in the colour of our hair or eyes ever happened. I assume that the colour change takes place when she uses the power.” Nikolai said, bring back the conversation. I was glad for that, I did not want to dwell on the past. "Or when we touch each others hair." I added.

"The powers are still latent. This does not come from vampire side. Your father was a strong vampire but if you were, you wouldn't have dominant wolf. Hybrids don't exist. But we all can agree that you are different. If in any case you had acquired a vampire trait, you would have known."

He finished.

"How would it be known?" Dimitri asked. Our beta was just as confused as me.

"Bloodthirst.” Vladimir replied. "Being a vampire, using our power increases our thirst. So Avalyn would have experience some kind of thirst when she used her powers. But then again, not a lot of her powers are used yet."

“True.” Rhazien agreed. "I know for a fact that none of Nikolai's ancestors were Vampires." He said and looked at Nikolai, "you come from a rare, pure bloodline.”

I shivered at that. I knew that a pure bloodline was extremely rare. It would mean that Nikolai was one of the most powerful werewolf out there. My wolf and I were so proud of our mate.

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