The Lycan King (Book 1)
Chapter 70. Dinner Party


All the lights of the pack house were lit and it looked grander than ever. I heard murmurs saying “he's here’, 'Alpha’s here’, 'get ready’. My curiosity rose as I walked into the living room.

The lady in red caught my attention. In fact, she was the only one who had my attention. And I, her's. She gave me a dazzling pearly-white smile that made her dimples pop and I swear my heart stopped.

I took long steps to cover up the distance between us and held her hand and twirled her around herself, making her dress swoosh and then snaked my arm around her waist and dipped her as I have her a sweet? kiss.

"Wow, that was hot." I heard a girl say and then some hooting.

Grinning, I pulled Ava to her feet. "You look beautiful.”

Blush rose on her cheeks as she smiled shyly at me, her big doe shaped eyes melting my heart. "Y- you too."

I heard some chuckles around us and my smile widened. "And that, kids, is how you make your lady speechless.”

I looked at all the teenagers that surrounded us and gave them a wink.

"I hope my mate didn’t cause too much trouble?” I joked.

"Nope. Only enough.” A girl winked at Ava.

Ava grinned. "All of these fine young wolves have helped me the entire day. We have planned a party after the dinner which includes more greasy food, music and drinks which the entire pack will attend. I think we all deserve a last hooray before the big day.” She said the last sentence softly. "Excellent idea, Love.” I nodded and looked at the kids. "Thank you so much for helping us. This wouldn't have been possible without your help.”

Their chests puffed out and eyes shone with pride.

"Our guests are here.” Mikhail announced as he entered.

"Let's go greet them.” I grabbed Ava's hand and pulled her to the entrance.

Two cars and then a couple of mini buses rolled to a stop at the gates. Rhazien stepped out of the car and to my surprise, he had brought Tessa with him. Slowly, all the vampires started filling out and started making their way towards us. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"King Nikolai. Queen Avalyn.” He bowed. Dimitri and Andrei, who had been tasked with bringing them in through the borders joined my side.

"Rise." I said. He stood straight with a grin. I clasped Rhazien's hand and gave him a handshake. After that, he greeted Ava with a kiss at the back of her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you again.” He nodded. "If only the circumstances were better.”

"You steal my words, Lord Rhazien." I said swiftly. "I welcome you all to the Rogue Pack. Please join is for dinner and a small party with the entire pack after that.” I addressed everyone that had gathered behind him with a welcoming smile and then we all made our way inside.

All the high ranking vampires sat with us on the dining table and the rest were accommodated in the common eating area. The slaves did a quick job of serving everyone with their food and a glass of blood.

Once the table was set, I stood up from my seat and raised my own glass of whiskey. “I would like to personally thank all of you for coming here and agreeing to fight for us. The Alpha of The Montana Pack, Emilio Gonzalez has never liked vampires. He first killed his own Alpha— Alpha Javier Alvarez and then strategically killed and removed all the vampires from his pack. He has violated the Vampire-Werewolf Treaty and has yet to suffer the consequences. The werewolf high council has neglected its duties. It's about time we fight for ourselves and show everyone that the balance will be restored. We will not let any person or treaty be violated anymore. The tyranny of the Montana Pack ends now." I raised my glass. "May the honourable win the war."

"May the honourable win the war!"?The men raised their glasses and repeated with vigour. I downed my glass and so did everyone at the table.

"Gentlemen, let's begin our dinner.” I nodded and took the first bite and then Ava did. We were followed by the rest.

"Nice toast." Rhazien said over his glass of blood.

"Thank you.” I nodded. We weren't the only ones who had suffered because of the Gonzalez. And these vamps needed to know that. "Why did you bring her?" I motioned towards Tessa was meekly seated next to him. I saw his hold on the glass tighten.

"Tessa has not been able to adjust in the Kingdom and among the vampires. The tradition of slavery and keeping humans as pets is something she does not find..acceptable. I know this is a huge favour but Jessica and I were hoping you would take her in." He replied.

I looked at Tessa.?The pack is only as strong as the weakest link.

"A pack is no place for a human, Rhazien." Letting a human live in a pack would be dangerous. The only humans allowed to live in a pack are the slaves. And this only because their Master's take their responsibility. The responsibility to take care of them and punish them when needed. Humans often have a tendency to step out of line. They do not understand our world enough to live without rules. And if I somehow let her live, it will be an outrage. The wolves may bully her and slaves can start thinking that they need their independence too. I simply cannot let that happen.

"She just needs a place to stay in your home, Nikolai. She will work around and do chores. I will pay for her food and rent if you wish." Rhazien bargained.

"I do not need your money, Rhazien." I told him. "I just reunited the sisters, I did not take the responsibility of taking a human in.”

He sighed. "I understand.”

"Forgive me for cutting in, King Nikolai." Tessa said softly. "But I propose to be your slave. Please don't send me back there." A shudder wracked her body.

"I don't need a slave. And I have enough—"

"Not really.” Ava cut in. "I need a slave.”

I raised a brow at her. This woman has been against slaves since the day she came and now she wants one?

And the woman who wants to leave the vampire kingdom because she is against slavery is offering to become a slave?

"Yes." She said firmly. "I could use a lady's maid. Like I had back at the palace in the kingdom. I would need her help to get dressed and do my makeup and hair and for my other personal needs.” She nodded. I saw right through her. She was only doing it for Tessa.

"Fine." I agreed. "But Tessa will solely be your responsibility.” She needs to know the entirety of what being a Mistress entails.

"Do you agree, Tessa?" Ava asked instead.

"I agree, Mistress.” She nodded softly.

"Thank you.” Rhazien said gratefully to both of us.

After dinner ended, everyone gathered in the main living room. The windows had been pushed open and the garden had been decorated and lit so the party was half indoor and half outdoor. The trees in the garden were decorated with fairy lights and tables and chairs were set up here and there for people to sit. There was a buffet table on the side with lots and lots of greasy food, mostly pizzas and cold drinks. This was a more child friendly party. Most of the pack members had already gathered and had started mingling with the vampires. The slaves were making rounds with more drinks and food, making sure everyone had what they needed.

All in all, the party was going great.

Ava was talking to Tessa when a female vampire came up to me. "Nice party, Alpha.” She winked. "I wonder if your bedroom is just as nice.” I caught her hand before she could touch my chest. "It is. And you know what's the best thing in it??My mate.” I hissed.

"Mate? I see no mark.” She gestured towards my bare neck. "And nor do I see her."

"That may be because you are partially blind.” A group of teenage girls gathered around us in a semi circle.

"And the only thing you can see is power." Another girl added.

"And a good lay." Said another.

"And money." Another added.

"And what you don't see, is the mirror. Coz if you did," the girl motioned towards her slutty clothes, "a power-hungry, gold- digger who has no respect for mates or herself was all you'd see.”

I smirk tugged at my lips. Ava has truly won the hearts of these kids. The vampire who was hitting on me had gone red in the face and she stomped her heels on the ground before she turned around and walked away.

We all laughed at that.

"We have your's and Luna's back, Alpha.” The girls said. A smile tugged at my lips, "thanks."

"Look." One pointed at Ava.

A man was approaching Ava, his eyes fixated on her ass. He tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around with the ever present smile on her face. I couldn't hear what he said because of the music but the way he extended his hand, it looked like he was asking for a dance.

I growl ripped from my throat and just when I was about to make my way to them, a teen took Ava's hand with a mischievous smile and led her to the dance floor. Ava's smile widened at him in recognition. And then I saw three other guys corner the sleazy man before they disappeared with him in the woods.

"I see that Ava has made quite the impression on all of you." I told the girls.

"We've never met a Luna like her." One girl said. "I'm Eva. I was her personal secretary for the day." She said proudly. We both watched Ava dance and mingle will almost everybody at the party. She made a point to include all the kids too, who later looked up at her with reverent look. "She has a way with people. She got my friends and I to be excited about doing chores.”

A feeling of happiness filled my chest. This is what I wanted. Ava being happy, her talking to new people without being afraid. Her making friends and making bonds that will last a lifetime. She has clearly gained the loyalties of all of these people.

"Ava is special.” I agreed with Eva. "Please excuse me, I need to have the last dance with my mate.” I said and without taking my eyes off her, I made my way towards her.

"Can I have the next dance with my mate, young man?" I asked Adrian who was currently enjoying his turn of dancing with her.

"Of course, Alpha.” He grinned before giving Ava a gentlemanly bow and dashing off towards his friends.

"I was waiting for this all night.” She said and I kissed the back of her hands before I placed them around my neck and placed my hand on her waist

"So was I." We moved to slow melody. "Eva told me about your day."

"They are good kids.” She smiled brightly. "They made today very fun."

"I'm glad you had fun. Even though I threw this at you last minute. The guests are very happy," I smiled softly at her as she played with hair at the nape of my neck.

"You can throw anything at me anytime.” She brought my head down and kissed me.

A cough broke us apart. "Sorry to break your bubble but the guests are tired would like to be shown to their rooms," said a grinning Dimitri, who didn't look sorry at all.

"Of course.” Ava quickly said. "Please round the kids, I'll sort this out.” She pecked my lips again before she stroke back inside the pack house.

"The tables have turned?Alpha.” Dimitri laughed.

"You need to find your mate.” I muttered and left him to find Adrian and Nessa.

"Let's go kids!" I announced when I reached the kids. Vanessa who was talking animately to a group of girls immediately looked at me and nodded. She said goodbye to her friends and then came to me and raised her hands, "I'm tiwed."

Smiling, I picked the little munchkin up at sat her on my one arm and I saw Adrian wave goodbye to Finn and then walk to me. We made our way inside the house and found Ava leaning back on the couch. Her eyes cracked open when she heard me enter. "I'm tired.”

"l would carry you but my hands are full.” I extended my free hand towards her, "come, I'll help you up."

She extended her hand and I caught it and then pulled her up. I put my arm around her waist and supported her as we walked outside.

"You look like a model family.” Rhazien met us at the entrance.

"Thank you.” I smiled. Adrian opened the back door and got in. I placed Nessa besides him before closing the door.

"Where is Tessa?" I asked them.

"She is staying here and helping with the clean-up. She'll be home tomorrow afternoon.” Ava said sleepily. "Eva will drop her back.”

"Alright." With a last nod towards Rhazien, I helped Ava in the car and then got behind the wheel and took off.

Adrian was also asleep when we got back to the estate. A guard carried him inside, April carried Nessa and I carried Ava and took her to our bedroom.

I gently placed her on the bed and took of her dress and undergarments before I took some tissues and removed her makeup. She didn't like to sleep with it.

I removed my clothes too and threw our clothes in the hamper for once and then finally, got in the bed and fell asleep besides Ava almost instantly.

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