The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast
Beta's Runaway Bride: Epilogue - Dual POV


I told my father never to contact me after today, that I want nothing to do with his pack after this. He humiliated me for no reason, all because he felt cheated out of something and needed to make an example of me.

As much as it hurts, I am glad to be rid of him. Hopefully, I don't see him again after today, but I wish him well

An hour ago I signed papers anchoring me to Maxim for life, now I'm in the shower getting ready to consummate our marriage. The thought sends a shiver down my spine and I giggle inwardly at how silly I am acting.

It still feels unreal since everything regarding the legal aspects of marriage is so clinical, but the gorgeous sapphire and gold band on my finger makes it all so real. I married Maxim; married the man who I thought would be my doom.

I dry off and slip on the short silk nightgown before walking out of the bathroom. He's already laying waiting for me in the middle of his bed wearing nothing but a pair of silk boxers, with one arm behind his head and the other on his taut abs.

He's still healing, but most of the damage is gone. His perfect skin will be marred with silver scars though, but I am sure it will make him look even sexier. I walk over to him and straddle him, causing him to suck in a breath through clenched teeth.

“Xiomara Costas. Hmm, that just rolls off my tongue, just like everything about you,” he says, grabbing my hips and I can feel his cock growing hard underneath me. I'm not wearing anything, so I can feel EVERYTHING.

He reaches up to open my nightgown and it slips off my shoulders, then he runs his hands between the valley of my breasts and I let out a low moan. Cupping both my breasts in his hands, he teases my nipples with the pads of his thumbs and I inhale sharply.

"My wife is so fucking perfect,” he growls, the rumble of appreciation in his chest makes me bite my bottom lip, and I lean down to claim his mouth with a kiss. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

With one hand cupped behind my head to deepen the kiss, the other plays down the line of my body eliciting goosebumps. I love it when he touches me, love it when he treats me like I am HIS.

In one swift motion, he turns us around so I'm not underneath him. Gods, I always wanted to know how it would feel to be pinned under his weight and it's as glorious as I'd hoped it would be.

A knot of emotion burned in the center of my chest and made its way up into my throat, finally spilling over my cheeks. Is this what happiness finally feels like?

We lay like that for a few minutes, neither of us saying a word. But what do you say when you've found someone who feels like home? Even if Maxim isn't my Goddess-given mate, this still feels as strong as any Mate Bond.

Whatever we felt for each other feels amplified now, and it is obvious now that we did not make a mistake. I would have fallen in love with Maxim anyway, even if I weren't as stubborn as I am.

I guess you could say I found my freedom in his captivity.


I watch Xiomara sleep after our first night together, my body still burning at the memory of her touch. Everything was perfect tonight, as perfect as it could ever be.

Nothing about it was forced; whatever she wanted, I gave without hesitation and she returned the favor. It may not have been the wildest night ever, but the intimacy felt so much more than rough sex ever could.

Something in my chest twists and roars just watching her sleep, and an intense need to protect her and make her happy takes over my senses.

I now get why Niko is so obsessed with Mia; the feeling of being claimed by the person you've always wanted has a different taste to it. Xiomara might have been a wife given to me who I begrudgingly accepted, but we've both grown to be so much more than that to each other.

It's not the first time I've rejected something Niko has done for me. He saw something he knew would draw me to Xiomara, and for that, I will always feel indebted to him. I'll get a big fucking “I told you so’ from him later today, but it's worth it.

My hand goes to my neck, still tingling from where she’s marked me. The marriage papers may have legally made her mine, but this mark means a thousand times more than those papers ever could.

I breathe out a sigh and draw my hand to her soft hair, stroking it and feeling the corners of my eyes welling up with tears. I never thought I'd have this with someone; no, I never wanted this with anyone.

My parents weren't exactly the best role models when it came to a happy home; my father was abusive and craved power and when he couldn't get it, he took it out on us - my mother and me. As much as I loved my mother, she was a coward who died on her knees for nothing. I knew I was meant for something better than that, hence my coming to Niko's father for training.

One day I'll tell her the truth about me... about how one of the Gammas is actually my little brother. How I needed to make him forget about me through witchcraft to keep him safe from my father's plans and how I am still watching over him to this day.

One day I'll let that secret out, but for now, I'm content with just this. Besides, you share secrets later on in the marriage, don't you?

I pull her into my arms and breathe out a content sigh while feeling truly happy for the first time in a long time. There's a strange stabbing in the center of my chest and I swallow around it, finding comfort in keeping Xiomara close to me.

Who would have thought not wanting something would lead to me yearning for it?

The scent of sweet jasmine and lavender lulls me to sleep, and I allow it to drag me under its haze.

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