Mama had made a delicious meal, and Royce had not failed in complimenting her several times, making her blush happily.

“No really, it's delicious.” Royce says as he eats Mama's signature brownies with hot custard. “You went out of your way to make so much.”

"Oh thank you, it really wasn't much at all'” Mama exclaims, waving her hand.

I cock a brow.

Wasn't much? She went full out with six different dishes and three desserts.

“You are too modest Kiara.” Royce replies, placing his spoon down, and I can’t help but notice the way his tongue runs along his lips.

Yeah, Mama had been adamant he calls her Kiara. I bet Dad wouldn't be happy with these two getting on so well, but with everything going on with the witches and the death noodle, he had to stay down there to deal with matters.

Night has fallen and Mama has told us to stay the night, and to be fair, I don’t mind. I need the break away from everything and even better; she was insistent that Royce also stay, and that is something I am not going to argue with. I want him right now, by my side.

I owe him for dropping everything and helping me get Malevolent down here. I really do and he said he has things he needs to do with his pack. I need to help him too.

“So, is it true you're Skyla's teacher?” Alessandra asks bluntly, her eyes piercing into Royce.

His smile fades as he becomes serious, and perhaps there's a hint of guilt in his eyes. I'm not certain, as he masks it pretty well.

"Yes, that is correct, however, we did know one another from before I became her trainer, although that isn't an excuse.” He says lightly, his grip tightening slightly.

“Does it matter?” I ask, cocking a brow at Alessandra.

"Did I say it does? There's stuff going around, you know.” She counters scathingly. “So, I was just confirming if he’s the guy from the rumours.”

“Rumours?” Dante tilts his head.

“None of your damn business.” I growl.

“Let's not do this now.” Mama warns, her voice gentle yet firm.

“She's just asking. It's completely fine.” Royce says to me, trying to ease the tension.

His hand rests on my thigh, and he strokes it sensually. Does he not know he’s driving me fucking crazy?

Mama is sitting opposite me. Next to her is Alessandra, who is opposite Royce and Dante is on Alessandra’s other side and although they can't see his hand under the table, it's working me up. Alessandra stays quiet, watching him before she simply shrugs. “Ok.”

“It's a harmless question.” Royce says, giving her a small smile. “It's all good.”

"One that shall spread a lot of opinions sooner or later. Are you certain of your choices, Royce?” Dante says, drinking some water. His words shock me.

What the fuck does that even mean?

“Dante...” Mama replies, clearly as surprised as me at his remark.

I roll my eyes, him and his way of talking.

"We're not all-seeing, so let Royce and the rest of us make the choices we want, or is that an indirect jab at me that I'm bad news?" I ask dangerously, cocking a brow.

Dante frowns slightly as he looks at me from behind those shades. “I love you, Skyla, but you yourself know that your feisty and reckless nature will only get you into trouble.’

My eyes flash as I glare at him.

“Don’t antagonise me, Dante, just be a brother, not a fucking all-knowing god. I don’t need it, and if you can't help me with whatever the fuck I should be careful of, then keep your shit to yourself." I growl back.

He tilts his head. 'You know I can't... my hands are tied, in a way more than you know. All I can do is warn you in the only way I can.’ He says softly.

I hate that tone of his too.

“Well, I don't need your cryptic shit. Whatever happened between you and Royce earlier was fucking weird, too. What was that about?’ I shoot back.

“That was between us, I'm afraid.’

Yeah, you can't even share that.

I clench my jaw, feeling my anger flare inside of me, the urge to let my Lycan come out growing and I'm about to stand up, but Royce’s hand on my thigh keeps me in place.

“Let's drop this conversation, shall we?” He says, glancing at Dante. Both men stare at one another, and I can't read either of their damn faces.

Royce is as emotionless as ever and Dante is hidden behind his glasses, but there seems to be a sizzle of power between them. I can feel their auras before Dante smiles faintly.

“Very well.” He says after a moment.

Mama sighs silently, but I still hear it.

She looks at Dante, me, and Royce with concern.

I shake my head, returning to my brownie and custard.

Whatever happened earlier between Dante and Royce was... fucking weird. There seems to be some sort of understanding of sorts between them, and something happened...

At the time, I had thought the glass shattered because of Dante, but it had been Royce's doing. Dante did something, but that powerful aura was Royce's, not Dante's. Something more happened between them, and I plan to find out when we're alone.

But the thing that got to me the most was the way he looked Dante straight in the eye. Something that is no small feat. Some of us can look him in the eye for fleeting moments, but not for as long as Royce had, and he had done so, unblinking.

Royce is powerful, and that's incredible, yet this fact is also eye-opening. It makes me wonder what else is out there or what other powers linger beyond our knowledge that we simply don’t know of. Just how Azura's ex had been something that we had never heard of before... then this serpent... not to mention the odd increase in other happenings around the world.

“Where are you consumed?” Royce asks me softly, as he leans over, placing a soft butterfly kiss on my cheek. A tingle of pleasure rushes through me and his fingers tantalisingly brush between my thighs.

The urge to clamp my legs shut as my core knots is tempting, but that means admitting to him how his touch is driving me nuts and I'm too angry to admit anything to anyone right now.

His touch soothes me, his scent fogging my mind, but in a good way. I lock my arms around his neck, wanting so much fucking more, but the sound of a loud groan of disgust makes Royce move back.

“Ignore her. She's being a prude when we've practically seen Mama and Dad fuck.”

"Skyla!” Mama says, and I turn to her, smirking.

“Am I wrong? None of you guys ever cared for what you subjected us to. Alessandra needs to stop being dramatic.” I smirk at my little brat of a sister, sticking my tongue out, and she simply rolls her eyes, giving Dante the smallest of smiles when he ruffles her hair fondly.

Mama chuckles. “Alright, fair enough. She's only teasing you. Well, why don't you all go watch a movie and spend some time together? I will bring some snacks for you.” She offers.

“Good idea.” Dante says, and I know he's looking at me. “I think that would be great.”

'Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I've forgiven you, Dummy God." I say through the link, smirking.

“No worries.’ He gives me a small, amused smile and my anger from earlier does dissipate a little..

I hate that I can't stay angry with my family for long.


It's an hour later and we're in the home cinema room watching an action movie. Aside from that initial strange interaction, Dante and Royce get on ok and even talk. Me and Royce are seated in the corner, with me sitting on his lap. Malevolent is curled up in the corner of the room and Alessandra and Dante are sitting more centre, opposite the TV.

“Alaska?” Dante asks.

"Yes, I grew up there and we trained there.” Royce says, his one arm is tightly around me, the other resting on my thigh as I hold a bowl of popcorn, although more than the movie I'm hyper-aware of his sexy body against me.

Even though I can't tell what Dante thinks of him, I kind of want to ask... but at the same time, I'm not sure I'm ready for his brutally honest reply.

“Your brother, correct?” Dante asks, turning to look at Royce.

“Yes.” Royce replies. He tenses a little and I know he’s trying to mask his rage towards him. His tone clearly displays that that is the end of that topic.

“Do you really need to sit on top of him?’ Dante remarks as he nods at Royce's reply before turning his head away.

Jealous?’ I counter, stretching my leg and just about managing to scuff his knee with my toes. “Ass.’ “Not at all." He replies arrogantly.

'So, what do you think of him?’ I ask, leaning into Royce.

I can't help but smirk as he adjusts his position a little, making sure I'm not completely pressed against his cock.

Is someone getting turned on?

I look up at him, wondering what would break his self-resolve as I run my fingers along the faint stubble that is sprayed across his jaw.

Ah, my man is sexy-as-fuck.

I smirk wickedly, making Royce narrow his eyes as he watches me suspiciously.

“Do you want the truth?” Dante's voice brings me from my devious thoughts, and I glance at him. 'Yes, even though I know I may not like it." I say.

Dante looks at me, and I see the small frown on his forehead.

“He's a good person... but you will destroy him.’ sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I feel like I've been slapped, my heart thuds and I see Royce look between us. He knows we're linking, but Dante's words sting far more than I could have imagined

“What?’ I manage to reply.

“If you want my honest opinion... let him go, before you ruin it all. 'm sorry but it's what I feel.” There's a sadness and regret in his voice but I don't care...

He voiced my deepest, darkest fear that I truly am not worthy of Royce...

Those words of his make my blood run cold as I sit there numb and frozen.

I don't deserve him.

I will destroy him...

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