The Lycan's Queen
Chapter 29

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 - Chapter 29 It had been another long week and a half since Bradley called, and it was stressful. Nothing had happened yet, which just made things worse. Luke was agitated and took his anger out on Sophia, who came crying to me. She said it was getting harder to live with Luke when he snapped and shouted at her all the time. I had to explain to her that his feelings toward his brother were clouding his ability to think properly. Luke loved Sophia; we all knew that. Sophia decided she wanted to go back to our pack and spend some time with her family. I disagreed with her because I knew Luke really needed her, but Sophia was not budging So, I told her to let Luke know before going. She promised me that she would, but the very next day, Luke rushed in with a letter from Sophia explaining that she had gone back. Luke was distraught; he blamed himself. Sophia didn't help as she wasn't answering his calls. I had to step in and call her so Luke could speak. He told her he was so sonry and that he'd come and pick her up. Although Sophia had sorted things out with Luke, she still wanted to stay back for a few more days. Luke agreed, to keep her happy. So, Sophia was due back in five days. Luke had been working hard with the wolves and with the men. All four men had come up with lots of plans for any situation. Adonis refused to take any chances at all. There were several new panic rooms installed throughout the palace, and Adonis implanted new safety procedures. It was a week ago now that I spotted Adonis in his study alone.... (This novel will be daily updtaed at WEEK AGO Nothing special had happened today. Adonis and I had a two-hour training session, and as soon as it was over, he went to his study. It had been the same routine now. Adonis spent most of his time in his study, it was like he didn't want to share his worries with me. I knew he was anxious. He didn’t want to mess up, and he wanted to make sure that bastard paid for his actions. After I had showered, I decided to go and meet Niya. On the way, I passed Adonis's study. I expected to see all the men in there, but when I peered in, only Adonis was sat there. He held a photograph in his hand and was looking at it sadly. Whose photograph was it? Curiosity got the best of me as I entered Adonis's study. Almost immediately his gaze connected with mine, and he put the picture down. “I was about to ask you the same thing. Whose photo is that?” I replied. Adonis tensed, and I knew he was about to dismiss it, so I cut him off. “Answer truthfully. Don't even think about lying to me.” Adonis sighed and motioned for me to come closer. “My family. Mum, Dad, and my siblings.” “You miss them,” I guessed. Adonis nodded. “I think this whole situation makes me miss them more. Father would have known exactly what to do, Mother would have kept everything in order, and my brother would have been there to make me laugh. My sister, she would just provide her support.” I sat on his lap and held his face in my hands. hide that from me.” “Yeah, I guess I am not used to sharing everything vet. This is all still new to me.” Adonis chuckled. “Well, it's a good thing we're stuck with each other. We have many years to learn.” I smiled. Adonis nodded and laughed. “So, tell me about your family. Where are they now?” I asked. “You know, I had a normal childhood. I had no idea about being the king or even being a prince. Mother wanted us three to have a normal childhood, and she succeeded with that. “It was only when I got older did I realize what was expected of me. Training started, and it was vigorous and long. My siblings, especially my brother, used to hate it. “Me training meant I didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted with them. Mother and Father, on the other hand, just wanted me to complete my training so they could leave. “As soon as Father deemed me fit to be king, he passed the title down to me and left with Mother. I don't blame them, being a king or a queen is a tough job. “Unfortunately, I have no idea where they are. But my siblings? I miss them a lot. “Damien, my brother, lives in England now. He left as soon as I turned king. He has always said that he wanted nothing to do with royalty. “My little sister Riley, the youngest of us, she is a spitfire. She always rebelled against Father, and never liked the rules and what was expected of her as a princess. “Riley was very opinionated, and her voice would be heard. It was only four days before I was crowned king that she met her mate, a human. Riley took that as her chance to escape. “She left with her mate the day after I was crowned to live with him. I haven't heard from her since, nor Damien. “Both my siblings are living their lives on their own terms, without a worry in the world,” Adonis explained Hearing all that was a shock to me. Adonis's family had always been a mystery since it was only him who remained at the palace. Looking at him, I could tell how upset he was that his family wasn't here, but I could also see happiness. Adonis loved his siblings but valued their happiness above his own. I kissed Adonis softly on the lips. “You'll always have me.” Adonis smiled and kissed me back. “I know. I can’t seem to get rid of you.” I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.” An idea popped into my head, and I asked, “Hey, why don't you ring your siblings and ask them to come here?” Adonis looked unsure. “I don’t want to ruin their lives by asking them.” “Adonis! They won't be moving back for good. It would just be a visit. Plus, they're your siblings, they won't say no,” I tried to connive him. Adonis still looked unsure. “No, leave it. I don't want to disturb them. They are living their lives.” I was about to argue, but Adonis shook his head, so I closed my mouth. “I'll be back, I just need to check on Luke. Will you stay here and keep me company?” Adonis asked. I nodded. (This novel will be daily updtaed at"Of course! You go and check on Luke. I'll be on my phone anyway." (This novel will be daily updtaed at Adonis kissed my forehead before lifting me and placing me on his chair. As soon as he walked out, I glanced at the photograph of his family. It was time someone did something for Adonis, and that someone was me! PRESENT Right now, everyone was sitting in Adonis's study. I swear his study should be our second home since we are always in here! No surprise that I was sitting on Adonis's lap as he was discussing issues with the others. I glanced at Niva, who faked a vawn. Same, girl, same. Lexi was on her phone, so she didn't see us. Don't get me wrong, we cared about these issues, but hearing about the same issues every single day was getting tiring Adonis was talking about security, increasing guards yet again. Increasing patrols, again. He believed a slipup would be when Bradley attacked, but he didn't want to give him that opportunity I was about to ask for a five-minute break when Adonis tensed. Uh oh. I quickly stood up as Adonis looked at me with an accusatory gaze, but I just shrugged my shoulders. The door opened and in walked the carbon copy of Adonis, although his hair was a little lighter and his eyes shone with mischief. “Brother!” Damien Grey made his presence known. Adonis looked at his younger brother in shock, but before he could even say anything, behind Damien, a woman entered. She was gorgeous, inheriting her mother’s blue eyes. “No hug?” Damien asked. Riley rolled her eyes and made her way over to Adonis. “Thank your mate. She called us here.” Suddenly lots of pairs of eyes looked at me. The only pair of eyes I was focused on was Adonis's. He looked at me with happiness, and that warmed me. I knew I had done the right thing. “It is so good to see you both. How have you been?” Adonis asked, pulling a seat for his sister. She sat down with a huff whereas Damien still had that infectious grin. “Eh, we don’t wanna talk about us! We wanna talk about the fact that our big bro finally has a mate!” He winked at me, making me laugh. Adonis shook his head. “Some things never change.” “Well, I have a son now,” Riley said. “A son? When? How?" Adonis spluttered. “When, about three months ago now. His name is Michael. I don't think I need to explain the biology behind it, Adonis. It isn't like you haven't had any practice.” Riley rolled her eyes. My eyes widened with shock, while Niya and the others laughed. “But why didn't you call earlier?” It wasn't hard to miss the hurt in Adonis's voice. Riley sighed, “You know why. If I said I was pregnant, the stupid council would demand me back here and make my son be the next king. I don't want that.” The mention of the council had everyone growling. Even Damien's grin was replaced with a sour look. It seemed the council wasn't very favorable among the Grey siblings. “A bunch of old pricks who have sticks up their asses,” Damien growled. “We're here to help you in your fight, in whatever way you need us. Plus, a family reunion was long overdue,” Damien said, looking at me. “Thank you both. Having you here means so much to me.” Adonis smiled at his siblings. Damien turned his gaze on me. “So, you're the one who made my brother wait for so long.” at Adonis. “Gross, newly mated lycans are the worst.” Riley pretended to gag, but I could see her genuine happiness shining in her eyes. “You were no better. Thank God you left so we didn't have to witness it,” Damien teased Riley. “Shut up.” Riley poked her tongue out. Adonis laughed at his siblings. Seeing him this happy and not having to worry about Bradley was amazing. He needed this. “Hey, I wanna see what you've done with the place. The royal tour please?” Damien asked. " the king, I am pretty busy, but I have some free time for you,” Adonis teased. “Wow, I am so honored.” Damien rolled his eyes. “You just want to see what Adonis has done to your bedroom, right?” Riley looked at her brother.(This novel will be daily updtaed at “Stop exposing me,” Damien complained. “Come on you two, I'll show you how I've made this place much better.” Adonis stood up. None of us joined the three siblings as they left the study, laughing and joking. It was time for these three to have some quality time together.

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