‘How could I get played by a man who wanted me first?’

Xylia let out another sob as her stomach twisted thinking how big of a fool she was. The man who was supposed to protect her from his world, hurt her the most. She was chained to the horrendous dungeon of the Lunar Guardian kingdom for a sin which she never committed.

She looked at her bruised wrist decorated with the iron chain to the wall. She was imprisoned for the last twenty-four hours without any food and water in this cell.

“Did this bitch accept her crime yet?” She heard the familiar voice of the man, the brother of the former Lycan King, who asked the guard. The guard kept his silence and the man cursed before leaving that ugly place knowing well that Xylia Cortez, even if she was human, was not easy to get coerced.

Xylia laughed with tears in her eyes at the irony. She was welcomed to this kingdom with the title of Luna, The Lycan’ Queen. The man who made her life upside down within these three months. But How can she blame him when her own birth-givers, her parents never cared for her. She was a disgusting weak human for them which they used as a scapegoat everytime.

Xylia still regrets the day of her life when her father George Cortez called her for the first time to their home only to offer her to the most dangerous, heartless and cruel Lycan King. Theodore Lockheed!

She was happy to live far away from these werewolves and doing her studies but her parents had already planned to ruin her little peace among the humans.

“You are getting married in two days and that’s final, Xylia. Your sister has already disgraced my name enough. The fool ran away with some Omega two days prior to her marriage so now you have to replace her!” George snapped at her when she refused to suffer the consequences of her elder sister’s grave mistake who was betrothed to Theodore.

“Xylia, You don’t know how dangerous Theodore Is, his anger, his nature…it’s fearsome. He wouldn’t understand Amelia’s reason to escape. He will seek vengeance. He will punish not only us but your sister too once He will find her. Not even the moon goddess would be able to save us from his wrath. You never gave us any happiness, your birth brought nothing but sorrow in our lives, Xylia. This is your chance to prove your worth to this family. Marry the king and save our reputation and lives.” Her mother Rachel’s words broke her heart and shattered her dreams.

They sealed her fate to the monster. She saved all of their lives but in return she sacrificed hers and her Baby.

Her unborn baby!

Xylia touched her Belly and caressed it. “Oh Moon goddess! Please if you really can hear me, don’t do this to me. Don’t put this little life inside me. I shouldn’t be pregnant, please. I shouldn’t be.” Her chest tightened with the thought of what if she was pregnant and Theodore got to know. He will never believe her. After all, He labelled her as a whore. She was afraid He might kill her and this little life without knowing that it was his.

“No! I will convince Theodore that He is the father of this baby.” With this thought, Xylia nodded with determination.

“Don’t take more than ten minutes, otherwise you will be banned from coming here!” Xylia heard the guard’s stern voice and she understood her friend Sarah came to meet her. They sent her yesterday too with the aim of persuading Xylia to accept her sin. But Xylia stood on her truth.

The guard opened the cell and Sarah sprinted to Xylia and hugged her.

“Oh Lia, Iam sorry..” Sarah whispered but Xylia shook her head, smiling.

“They are trying really hard to prove me a traitor, right?” She let out a humourless laugh and Sarah sighed in distress. She pulled out a piece of bread sneakily and gave it to Xylia. “It took me a while to bring this for you..” Fresh tears leaked out of Xylia’s eyes thinking her friend was the only one who stood by her side in the whole kingdom.

“Eat it first..” Xylia bit her lower lip and swallowed. She was famished so she took it but as she was about to take a bite her mind recalled something and she stopped.

“Have you got it?” Xylia asked Sarah with hope filled eyes and Sarah sighed. Her features Conflicted as she blinked and nodded slowly. Xylia grabbed her shoulders and asked her urgently, “Where it is, Sarah!” she shook her.

Sarah looked back at the cell gate to see the spot clear so she carefully pulled out a balled-up paper from her pocket.

“I made sure Doctor Regina won’t tell this to anyone. Fortunately, she is a good lady and kept her silence about it. But for how long, I don’t know.” Sarah sighed once again.

“What..what’s the result!” Xylia stammered as she grabbed the paper and opened it.

Her hands shivered when she was reading the contents written on it. Sarah reluctantly slid near to her and squeezed her shoulders. Because she knew it would change everything for Xylia.

“Its positive, Lia!” she whispered and the paper slipped out of Xylia’s hand. Her eyes widened as terror took over her entire body seeing that one word.

She was pregnant!

Her heartbeat raised itself thinking about the consequences of her pregnancy. The best news of her life became a curse for her. Xylia planned to surprise Theodore about it tonight that she was pregnant because she was supposed to get the report yesterday. She did her medical test three days ago to the pack doctor to clear her doubts as she hadn’t had her periods for two months. Though she knew it by heart but She didn’t disclose it to anyone because she wanted to be sure about it first.

She begged Sarah to bring that report from the Doctor Regina anyhow before the entire pack could see her differently. Before she was considered a weak Human but now she will look like a betrayer, a disgraceful Luna to them.

“He will not..hurt our baby. Right, Sarah!” Xylia looked at her friend hopefully as she touched her stomach.

Sarah felt pity for her friend because she knew how the Lycan king Theodore was.

“He will kill your baby, He might kill you with it because the King doesn’t stand lies and betray, Lia..”

“But it’s His!” Xylia tried to scream but her dry throat refused to do so. Sarah shushed her and closed her own eyes.

“I know Xylia, I know. I trust you but they don’t. Hell! Even your parents will give you an evil eye. Nobody is gonna trust you even if someone might have done a conspiracy against you.”

Xylia let out a silent sob. For the first time in her life she cursed herself for being human. Only if she were a werewolf, she would have done much better in her life.

“I will not let anyone hurt my baby, Even if He is a lycan king, He won’t hurt his offspring. The Heir! This is why my parents married me to him..” Xylia said recalling how her mother used to pester her every week to get pregnant with the Lycan Heir and secure her place as Luna Queen but now nothing mattered to her except her baby’s life.

Sarah shook her shoulders to pull her out of her reverie.

“Listen, Lia. I know the King and people here and how they work. They won’t believe you even though you are their Luna, they will not spare you even though this child is of King but they will assume it as bastard. King already believed that you slept with someone. Everyone does! it’s just a matter of time they prove it.”

“But I didn’t…” Xylia screeched.

“Oh yeah!” They heard a taunting familiar voice of a woman who entered the cell with her husband. Sarah sneakily grabbed the report paper, crushed it in her fist and stood up Immediately. She bowed down to Theodore’s uncle and aunt before stepping back and putting the paper into her jacket.

“Do you really think you can deceive the Lockheed family, you pathetic human. You dared to betray my nephew and ruin the image of my son with your whoring ways.” Selena Lockheed snarled.

“I didn’t do anything please, let me talk to Rykar for once…” before Xylia could complete her sentence, Selena raced towards her before slapping her. Xylia let out a cry. Before she could sober up, Selena gripped her neck and slammed her against the wall.

“Don’t take my son’s name from your filthy mouth, you whore. I will kill you…” Selena growled and her eyes turned into the shade of dark blue. Sarah widened her eyes in fear, she wanted to save Xylia from this crazy bitch but she couldn’t do anything as she was just an omega.

“Selena, you are choking her. Don’t forget she is human, leave her. Theodore won’t like you doing it.” Sirus, her husband warned his wife who growled in denial. She wanted to kill Xylia for once and all.

“Because of her, Theodore is blaming our son as well. She is just like her sister, a whore. Theodore should have killed her whole family when her disgraceful sister eloped away. This cunning human shouldn’t live among us.” Selena remarked.

Xylia was thrashing in her hold, her tear filled eyes widened. She was deprived of food and water so she didn’t have any energy in herself to fight even a bit against this werewolf. She opened her mouth and gasped for oxygen but the tight pressure on her windpipe was making her skin blue. Her mind reminded her of a growing baby in her stomach so She tried to scratch Selena’s hand on her throat, tightened her hold, not leaving her.

“Selena, leave her!” Sirus warned her once again because he didn’t want to have another problem by killing this stupid human. Theodore Lockheed was the current king and head of the Lockheed family who would decide her punishment, not anyone else, not even his father.

Selena turned her bright enraged eyes to her husband to make him shut his mouth but the next second her eyes widened hearing the deep voice that shook everyone’s body there.

“I think you should listen to your husband, Aunt Selena!”

The next second her hand released Xylia who fell on the dirty floor, coughing badly. Xylia was afraid for her baby, so she rubbed her chest to ease her breath. She promised herself to protect it at any cost. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Selena looked at Theodore and his Beta behind him and she stepped aside in fear giving way to Theodore who walked towards Xylia with steady steps.

She blinked multiple times to clear her gaze but as soon as she got her breathing normal, a pair of black shoes came into her sight. She looked up to see the only man who was responsible for her state.

Her husband, Theodore Lockheed.

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