The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 29

Maria and I stood hand in hand as we looked down at our parent’s graves with tears streaming down our eyes. ‘En tus manos, oh señor, humildemente te confiamos a nuestros padres’ Maria whispered through tears. (In your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust you with our parents.) I mentally translated in my head as I took a deep breath to continue the prayer. ‘Abrázalos con tu amor, sálvalos del mal y concédeles el descanso enterno.’ (Embrace them with your love save them from evil and grant them eternal rest). ‘Dales la Bienvenida al parasío, donde no habrá dolor’ (Welcome them into paradise, where there will be no sorrow.) Maria whispered as I finished off our prayer ‘Sin llanto ni dolor, sino plenitude de paz y alegriá’ (No weeping or pain, but the fullness of peace and joy.)

We knelt down to their grave as we rested our heads on the stone tears falling from our eyes like a waterfall, my heart breaking like I just lost them all over again as the memory of their deaths re-enters my mind and I let out a silent weep.

‘I’ve missed you both so much’ I whispered as Maria gives me a reassuring squeeze. ‘I wish you were here, so I could say one more I love you. One more I miss you, to give you both one more hug … one more kiss’ my voice cracked as I spoke. ‘The day you two left was the day our hearts broke, our worlds shattered, and nothing seemed meaningful all seemed lost. I wondered who was going to stroke our hair and whisper everything was going to be okay … who was going to make jokes at inappropriate times to make mum mad’ I let a small giggle remembering a faint memory for the two of them.

‘What scared us most was time …’ I drifted off as I felt the tear sliding down my cheek then hang on my jawline. I sniffled as I wiped my eyes. ‘That in time we may forget your voices, how you sounded like … how you smelt … how you lived and how you loved’ I move my hand up and down the stone as I smiled with tears still streaming down my eyes. I looked up at the sky with tears burning my eyes I whispered ‘Their voices … please don’t let us forget their voices’

Maria embraced me in a tight hug as she whispered how she misses them too. ‘You think they could hear you?’ She asked through tears, I smiled ‘I do … I also believe there watching over us, that they are always nearby. Watching us grow up … I just hope they’re proud of us’

‘If they were here, they would be’ A man whispered as me and Maria snapped our heads in the direction of the voice. I let out a small gasp as me and Maria quickly stood up to hug our grandparents. ‘Abuela’ I smiled hugging my grandmother. ‘Abuelo’ Maria cheered hugging our grandfather. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

They embraced us in a tight hug as they let out a sigh of relief, I hugged Abuela from the side as we all stood staring down at our parents grave. ‘We miss them too mariposas’ they both whispered at the same time give us a kiss on our head.

‘Come on back home with us’ I froze in my spot as she suggested we go home, ‘Isabella?’ my grandparents whispered. I haven’t set foot in that home since I witnessed my parent’s death, I don’t think I could set foot in that house ever again without them. Maria saw the panic on my face as she approached me telling me to calm down. ‘I’ll be fine let’s go’ Our grandparents went in their own car as we went with the men from Andres as part of our deal. Vincenzo wouldn’t let us step foot outside that vila without them, honestly, there was no use fighting them.

We stopped at the gate as our grandparents gave us access to enter, we came to a stop in front of the fountain in the centre of the Vila. I got out of the car as I looked around my head started hurting as I began blinking rapidly. The water in the fountain turned red with blood as I imagined bodies hanging off and on the fountain. I shut my eyes tight shaking my head trying to get rid of the mental images.

I hesitantly reopened my eyes the water returned to its usual blue, ‘mariposa come on angel’ Abuelo called out for me. I hesitantly walked up the stairs taking his hand as I gave him a reassuring smile, ‘I’m okay’ he nodded his head unconvinced. We walked inside and nothing changed, the walls were still a light shade of pastel green. I smiled looking at our old baby photos laughing at the one of me painting Maria with whipped cream. ‘Your mum was about to have a heart attack’ Abuela laughed as she saw us staring at the picture frame. ‘It didn’t help when your father started to eat the whipped cream off your arms’ Abuelo laughed ‘In his defence, he was cleaning’ We both let out a genuine laugh ‘Sound’s just like Papa’ I smiled sadly. How a simple image could hold such memories and sadness all in one.

We caught up in the kitchen having something to eat, Maria updated them on our lives back at the orphanage, when we got adopted, our decision to move to New York, The kings and Xavier being back and after me. ‘Did none of you think to call?’ Abuela asked as she rubbed her temples. ‘There isn’t anything you can do from Spain, and you can’t just up and leave. So, we both agreed there was no use making you both worry while feeling hopeless’ I explained.

‘Why didn’t you both come back?’ I winced at the question and the hurt expressions. ‘Spain carries a lot more sadness and grief. I guess we both weren’t ready to face it all again’ Maria explained. They nodded their heads understandingly ‘If you want an escape, please, don’t hesitate to come back home’ We nodded our heads in agreement. We moved on to more pleasant topics as we discussed the advancements of the drug cartel and how they have put forth all of Dad’s plans. While also helping the people of Spain, giving charity in his and mama’s name.

We walked around the backyard slowly making our way back inside when we stopped by the room and my heart stopped beating as I stood at the door Flashbacks of their dead bodies reappeared in front of my eyes as I took a step back, their screams for me to leave to run. Their dead bodies lifelessly holding hands as blood poured from them. ‘I- I can’t’ I whispered breathlessly as I ran out of the house.

I rushed to the gate leaving the house, as I stood in front of our car. Maria caught up not far ‘You, okay?’ I nodded my head slowly trying to slow my heart rate back down. ‘I- I just … I couldn’t-‘ she cut me off shushing me ‘I know don’t worry, you saw things none of us did. Come on let’s go back to the guy’s yea?’ I nodded my head. ‘Mariposa Estás bien?’ I nodded my head smiling ‘Sorry I scared you guys’ I replied a little embarrassed ‘I’ll see you two soon, well come to visit next time’ Abuela hugged me as she whispered in my ear. I nodded my head grateful giving my grandfather a kiss on the cheek we said our short goodbyes as we hopped back in the car.

The car ride was a comfortable silence as we drove back to the Vila.


I walked into our room as I saw Vincenzo laying down asleep, shirtless. I sucked in a breath as I watched his chest rise and fall. I admired his psyche and how innocent he looked laying there. I smiled as I got closer, I kneeled and planted a soft kiss on his cheek as I stood up to go shower, I felt a pair of strong hands wrap around my wrist. He pulls me to him I yelp as I land on top of Vincenzo. ‘You think you could do that and just leave?’ he asked eyes still closed. I let out a giggle as I got comfortable. wrapping my arms around his waist as I rested my head on his chest.

He hummed as he kissed my head wrapping his arms around me making sure I wasn’t going anywhere. ‘Are you okay?’ He questioned I sighed, ‘Yes’ I lied as I buried my head further into his chest. ‘Liar … Leonessa you do know I can read you like a book’ I rolled my eyes playfully. ‘I’m here,’ he whispered into my hair. ‘You can talk to me or not talk to me, but I’m here.’ I closed my eyes smiling at his change of attitude. Good to know running away works I joked to myself as I let out a small giggle.

I lifted my leg up rubbing against his cock, I felt him stiffen underneath me as I smirked. I readjusted myself purposely moving my hip back and forth. Vincenzo’s breathing becomes heavy as I teasingly grind against him. He grips my throat pulling me down closer to him, our faces inches apart as he whispers slightly out of breath. ‘If you don’t stop in the next 5 seconds, I won’t be able to control what happens next’ I smirked ‘who says you had to control yourself’ I whispered back matching his dominance tone.


Within a split second he smashed his lips on mine, flipping us so now he was on top of me. My legs immediately wrapped around his waist as I pulled him closer to me. Breaking the kiss, he leaves sloppy kisses along my jaw then travels down. My fingers trailing his back leaving scratch marks as he dry humps me. Instantly he places his hand over my mouth ‘No talking, no moaning’ he harshly commands, purposely teasing me.

I shut my eyes closed as I bit my lip to try and be quite. My pussy throbbing with every movement, I was so wet I could feel it drip. He was taking full control tonight and the power lurking in his eyes made me weak and ready to submit to whatever he wanted. ‘You going to be a good girl for daddy?’ he spoke in my ear as he roughly dry humped me staying in place waiting for my answer. I nodded my head; he hiked up my skirt as he teasingly traced my pussy with his index finger he hummed in pleasure feeling how wet I was for him. ‘So wet for me baby’ he purred.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I arched my back as he teased my throbbing pussy. ‘Please’ I begged needing to feel him, needing more contact. ‘Look at me’ He forced my jaw as I stared at him lust dancing in both our eyes. ‘I want you to see whose pleasuring you’ I licked my lip as I stared at him, how can a person be so desirable. In one swift motion he inserted his finger in me. My eyes rolled back ‘Vincenzo’ I moaned out as he grabbed my hair and forced me to look at him again. ‘Look. At. Me’

‘The man who your pussy throbs for’ He thrusts his finger, I bit my lower lip at the impact as I stare at him not daring to look away ‘Who your pussy gets soaked for’ he inserted another finger making me gasp as he pumps in and out. Then stops before I could reach any real satisfaction, he smirks at me ‘who your body aches for’ He whispers. He goes down he grabs my thighs giving them a squeeze before he pushes them back making my hip hike up. He leans over my pussy his hot breath on my clit ‘Vincenzo … Fucking hell’ I moaned out breathlessly. His being a fucking tease, he wants me to know he was in control.

‘Oh, fucking hell’ he groaned as he extended his tongue and started at the bottom and licked all the way upwards until the flat of his tongue licked my whole clit. I gripped the sheets of the bed as I arched my back thrusting my hips further into his skilful tongue. I let out a moan as he started fucking me with his tongue. He lifted my ass up giving him more access as he went back to sucking me dry. ‘D-D- Don’t stop’ I barely got out as his pace quickened. He forced my hips back down as he hovered over me eagerly, I eyed full of lust and a hunger I never felt before.

Sex with me and Vincenzo has always been something amazing but tonight, tonight it felt different like he was making up lost times and in his own may making up for everything. I unzipped his pants as he continued to hover over me taking out his cock. I begin to slowly pump his entire length as I innocently stare at him. Licking my lips, I bat my eyelashes as I watch his eyes roll to the back of his head because of my touch. His body and cock visibly tensing at the movements.

‘Look at me’ I repeated his words to him, he eyed me amused as he smirked at my change in attitude. ‘Look at the girl who your cock immediately reacts to’ I whispered as I started picking up the pace ‘The only girl who can make you … fully satisfied’ I purred as I went faster inching my head up so that my lips were only an inch from his. ‘tu buena niña’ his good little girl.

Taking charge once again he flipped us back around so now I was on top of him, I re-claimed his cock as I hovered over it teasingly to get him back, my hot breath making it twitch in anticipation ‘mine’ I whispered as I kissed the head. ‘Isabella Knight-‘ I cut him off taking his entire length. I took his length out trying to catch my breath as I pumped him, leaving slow licks from top to bottom as I teased him with my tongue on his head. Swirling my tongue around his head. I smirked watching his reaction each moan and groan made me deeply and erotically satisfied. I let out a low moan as I felt his cock hardening further it felt like a rock.

I sit on top of him he reaches over for a Condom. I grip his hand midway ‘I want to feel you inside of me’ I plea as I watch him with puppy eyes. He helps put his cock in my tight pussy, ‘fuck’ we both moaned out as his cock stretched me out, I started riding him my head rolled back in pleasure. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I cursed as he gripped my waist guiding me in specific motions. I smirked and moved my hips in the motion of my name. ‘I own it’ I purred. He flipped us over as he started to fuck me ‘So wet for me’

He groaned picking up the pace he gripped my boobs and pushed me further into him. I gapped as I pushed myself up slightly gripping the sheets of the bed feeling my entire body fire up ‘nobody but me dares touch you’ he threatened thrusting one last time before offloading quickly slipping his cock out. Both reaching climax I was sweating.


We both took a shower after we caught our breaths and cleaned the bed before the maid could change our sheets. ‘No one needed to see that’ I muttered as I folded the now clean sheets and put them away. Mental note never gets In the shower with Vincenzo King, I have never met someone with so much energy. My pussy was throbbing the second he started bathing me, long story short we fucked in the shower.

We went downstairs as we were called for dinner. Sitting aside each other everyone’s eyes were on us, ‘where were you two?’ Lorenzo smirked at the both of us, I immediately buried my head in my hands my cheeks going red. ‘Oh you know just f-‘ I elbowed Vincenzo in his stomach ‘say it and no more for you!’ I harshly threatened as he eyed me with a smug smirk.

I was grateful at Maria for changing the awkward subject, Maria asked how Andres and his wife met their story was so adorable and easy. I found myself looking at Vincenzo a part of me couldn’t help but wonder how difficult our story so far had been, and if our story will have a happy ending like Andres and Sarah. Was he even thinking about marriage? About me? The future?

‘While you are here as my guests, please explore the sights. It would be a shame if you flew from New York to Spain just to stay in your rooms.’ I laughed as I watched Ariana applaud Andres for his comment. ‘YEAA come on you heard the man it would be rude to not listen’ She pleaded with her brothers.

‘Let’s go on a date’ Vincenzo surprised the table as he looked at me, ‘What?’ I replied back shocked, ‘We never been on an official date, yes I took you out, but we weren’t official’ he stated. My eyes gone wide as I looked at him … Lorenzo matching my expression ‘Are you asking Isabella to officially be your girlfriend’ He dramatically emphasised the obvious. He nodded his head ‘If she says yes if not then I’m kidding’ he joked. I laughed ‘after everything’ I looked at him knowingly ‘Of course Italy’ Smashing his lips on mine, I got lost in the taste of his lips as I dragged my tongue on his bottom lip. Coughs were heard from the table ‘GET A ROOM YUCK THATS MY BROTHER MAN’ both Lorenzo and Ariana shouted covering their eyes, we broke apart ‘you’ll be finishing this off later’ I looked at him like he gone mad, ‘How are you not tired? You men aren’t built like that’

‘Vincenzo King is’ he winked, sending a wave of anticipation through my entire body down straight to my pussy. ‘Let’s not be cliche no restaurant dates … let’s go laser tag’ Vincenzo suggested I eyed him amused ‘Seriously? A game of shooting?’ I smirked amused. ‘You want to play a game version of your actual life?’ He laughed out ‘Afraid you girls are going to lose?’ He teased. My completeness kicked in high gear ‘Ok you’re on, but let’s make this interesting’ I spoke.

‘A bet’ He stated, all of us nodding our heads. ‘A bet’ I agreed ‘If the girls win you boys have to take us on an all-paid shopping spree wearing ‘my girl won me in laser tag’ t-shirts’ I smiled, as I watched the hesitation in Lorenzo and Vincenzo’s eyes before they reluctantly agreed. ‘Ok, but if we win you girls have to do whatever we say for 24 hours’ I looked at the girls as we mentally exchanged thoughts. ‘You girls scared?’ Lorenzo and Vincenzo stood next to one another as they teased us. ‘Deal’ we agreed.

‘But the teams are uneven’ Lorenzo pointed out, ‘My son can join you two if you would like’ we all nodded in agreement, and I swear I caught Ariana blush from the corner of my eye. His son Sebastián stood up. ‘let’s go’

We all hopped in the car along with a few of Andres men just in case and drove off to a local laser tag centre. Eagerly getting out of the car we go inside and get in our gear the girls are team Red and the boys are team Blue. The instructor gave us a briefing and rules before we could start. But all I could do was focus my eyes on Vincenzo as we playfully teased each other with the guns and gestures. It was different seeing this side of Vincenzo a goofier and more relaxed version of him, It was nice like he was finally letting a little light enter his darkness.

‘Ok thank you for choosing us and have fun!’ The instructor spoke as we all ran inside getting into various positions. The lights in the arena darkened we all split up and went for our targets, I spotted Lorenzo hiding behind a barrel aiming my gun I shot at him turning his light off ‘You. Bitch’ He sassed. I giggled and winked ‘I think this makes you my bitch’ I remarked before taking off. I saw Ariana shoot Sebastián I fist pumped the air, I moved around one of the courses and saw Maria and Lorenzo having a standoff. Such a unique couple I mentally laughed watching them.

So, if Sebastián is corned by Ariana and Maria and corned by Lorenzo … where is Vincenzo. I looked around my surrounding no light shined other than the light from the obstacles, sneaky bastard I yelled to myself where is he? I walked around shooting at the targets for double points. I stood frozen when I felt someone pin me against the wall, ‘Hey baby’ he smirked aiming the gun at my chest. I smirked ‘Italy’ he cocked his head to the side amused ‘any last words leonessa?’ I tilted my head rubbing my chin ‘not really a word but’ I grabbed his face and smashed his lips to mine; his hands immediately fall as he pulls me by my waist.

I break the kiss and shoot him, ‘Next time might wanna skip the foreplay babe’ I laughed before taking off running. The entire game was spent us running and shooting each other a lot of threats and gasps. Lorenzo falling and me laughing at him, Ariana shooting her brothers feeling some sort of bliss ‘ARIANA’ Vincenzo yells frustrated his Italian accent was so thick when he was mad. I laughed realising he was going to shoot me ‘NICE’ I air high fived Ariana. Running away and Vincenzo was hot on my tail. ‘YOU’LL NEVER CATCH ME BITCH’ I yelled running, ‘ISABELLA’ He yelled shooting his gun trying to get a clear aim for the sensor to catch it.

I laugh running before tripping over a body, ‘FUCKING HELL LORENZO’ I cursed realising he tripped me ‘GET HER’ Vincenzo hovered over me faces inches apart ‘Ti ho preso’ (I got you) his Italian accent sent shivers down my spine as I stared into his eyes he remembered the time he had to chase me out in the rain to get in his car when he beat up sam. I smiled like an idiot and whispered back. ‘Mi hai beccato’ (You got me).

The lights turned back on, and our attention never left one another, I coughed slightly as he stood up and helped me up. ‘Ready to buy some print out T-shirts’ I smiled ‘Ready to say yes for 24 hours?’ he remarked ‘You know that bet counts towards Ariana and Sebastián’ I smiled back innocently and kept walking to the main room as I watched him freeze in his spot. ‘Just to be clear I won that’ I shouted as I kept walking. ‘THE GIRLS WON’ he shouted as he ran towards us in the main room. ‘WE WON!’ we cheered as we saw the scores.


I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of Vincenzo on the phone, I turned over watching him intensely engaged in the conversation ‘I’ll leave in an hour’ he stayed on the phone for another minute before hanging up. ‘Leave?’ I whispered disappointed. He looked down at me not realising I had woken up ‘I have business back home that needs my attention, I need to get an earlier flight.’ I frowned disappointed ‘You’re coming back home tomorrow, enjoy your last day leonessa you’ll see me in less than 24 hours’ he reassured me ‘you promise?’ I whispered. I asked for reassurance as a bad feeling began to creep its way to my stomach.

‘I promise’ he kissed my forehead before getting up to pack and call a car. I stood up and looked at him ‘What exactly is this business that needs your attention’ I asked knowing the answer wasn’t going to be reassuring. He looked at me hesitantly as he strolled the packed suitcase and stood it up next to him. My eyes following his every move while I stood in one of his buttons up shirts and long white socks. My hair fell loose he stepped closer to me and tucked a strand behind my ear.

Leaning down softly planting his lips on top of mine. The kiss was tender and gentle I hummed closing my eyes. ‘Promise you’ll always remember me’ He whispered like this might be the last time I see him. I looked at him full of worry then sadness, ‘don’t make me promise that’ I whispered feeling defeated. He looked at me his eyes fill with shock, sadness and desperation. ‘People only ask you to remember them if there planning to leave’ I explained softly. ‘If you’re planning to leave … please don’t ask me to remember it’ but my heart already promised his … it promised his heart and the man standing in front of me to never forget him no matter what.

We stood in front of each other in a comfortable silence as he hugged me ‘I’m not going anywhere; I’ll see home tonight’ He reassured me. I smiled and nodded my head my gut feeling still eating away at my stomach. He grabbed his suitcase and left my eyes followed him until he was no longer in view. ‘Did he have a bad feeling as well?’ I thought out loud. I heavily sighed trying to push back the sickening feeling and go back to sleep. I hugged his pillow taking in his lingering scent as I slowly fell back asleep.


I woke up to the same feeling in my stomach but this time it got worse overnight, I shut my eyes shut as I gripped my stomach. I got out of bed and got dressed for breakfast and with every step the sick feeling got worse like something bad was about to happen. I walk downstairs dressed in ripped jeans and a distressed T-shirt. ‘Buenos Días’ I greeted everyone at the table. I smiled at Ariana as I saw her talking to Sebastián. ‘Buenos Días’ Andres and Sarah greeted me back. I took my seat and let out a heavy sigh. ‘Where’s Vincenzo?’ Maria questioned. Just as she spoke i felt my gut twist I coughed and shook my head trying to distract myself from what I felt ‘He had to go back to New York, for an important meeting that wouldn’t wait. The private jet is set to be back soon though’ they nodded their heads understandably.

‘Let’s see what’s on the news’ Andres flicks the Tv on as a visual of a private jet in flames appears on the screen. My heart tugs at my chest as I straighten my posture. ‘This just in private jet from company Air Global has just crash landed near New York city. The private jet caught a flame and is not known if there are any survivors.’ The news lady spoke as I felt myself losing the ability to breath like the oxygen was no longer … ‘No’ I shouted tears pouring out of my eyes as I felt the pain in my heart. My hands interwind in my hair as I let out a blood curling scream ‘NOOOOOOOO’ tears falling as the veins became visible in my neck as I yelled. I dropped to my knees unable to let any sound out. My mouth opens wide as I silently yelled, cried, cursed. This isn’t happening. ‘Isabella maybe it’s not his jet’ I heard someone try to reassure me.

I clutched my chest as I felt my breathing become rapid, everything around me became dizzy as I heard the news anchor announce ‘Vincenzo King was on board, officials haven’t found his body but say the likelihood of his survival is a 40% chance’ My eyes rolled to the back of my head as the room went black.

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