The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 33

I looked at him cautiously pulling away, ‘what?’ I softly whispered. ‘Let’s go to war’ He stated once more firmly and sure. ‘B-‘ He cut me off ‘If he had my brother captive, I would tear apart this world for him, with or without anyone’s help. I know you would do the same with or without help. I don’t think I’d handle it well if you went alone and something happened to you. He wronged both of us so let’s finish him together’

‘You remember?’ I softly spoke, ‘That he was the one who killed Dante? Yes, I have these mini flashbacks they feel like a dream. Some are detailed and some are a blur, I just remember someone telling me how he died’ I nodded my head slowly, ‘Are you sure about this?’ He looked back down at me and nodded his head. ‘Never been so sure of something in my life.’ I smiled nodding my head feeling my anxiousness calming down.

I looked over at the clock on the wall and jumped up ‘Oh shit’ I rushed out, ‘what?’ I turned around ‘I need to go to the shipments from the Garcia’s-‘ He cuts me off with his hand ‘Wasn’t Lorenzo going to that’ I bit my bottom lip acting deep in thought. ‘Okay, let’s go’ I looked at him shocked ‘You’re coming?’ I questioned. He looked at me while putting his leather jacket on ‘If I’m going to remember anything I need to start getting back into the routine. Since you know all my clients, you’d be a good person to help fill out any gaps’ I eyed him not believing his reasoning, He wanted me around … maybe he was scared I was going to make a run for it?

I sighed leading the way ‘I just need to change first’ He nodded his head. I walked towards my room and quickly changed into something more comfortable. I slipped on my black skinny jeans, a tight black fitted bodysuit and through my red leather jacket on top. I sighed and turned to the side analysing my stomach, I smiled rubbing the barely visible bump. ‘Maybe we should tell daddy about you tonight?’ I whispered. ‘Isabella, you alright in there?’ I jumped hearing Vincenzo’s voice. I quickly put my hair up in a ponytail and walked out. ‘All done’ I smiled; he turned around stopping to take a minute to stare.

I started feeling self-conscious, I walked towards him even though the way he was staring at me made my heart beat a million miles per hour. I used my fingers to close his mouth ‘You done?’ I asked. He rolled his eyes; I kept staring at him amused the smug smirk never leaving my lips. He cracked and let out a small chuckle ‘Come on then’ I walked in front of him and out the door. ‘Isabella!’ I turned around and saw Maria ‘What about our trip?’ I nodded my head smiling ‘I promised, didn’t I? Tonight, when I get back, I promise’ She smiled nodding her head okay.

‘Be careful’ She whispered I kissed her on the cheek and smiled ‘Always’

We got into the car and Vincenzo took off. We sat in comfortable silence for a minute ‘How do you do it?’ He questioned, I looked at him confused ‘Silence them’ he paused for a minute ‘Your demons’ He finished. I turned to look at him my eyebrows slightly raised, and mouth parted at his question. ‘Well, I don’t know’ I answered truthfully ‘I like to think that because I finally accepted them as a part of me, It allowed me to have some control over them. Like by accepting it I wasn’t focusing my strength on fighting them, I was focusing it on how to use them to my advantage’

‘How did you stop fighting,’ He asked like he was in the middle of an internal struggle right now ‘I came to terms with everything’ I whispered softly, ‘I came to terms with the lives I took, the people I left behind. I accepted every single sin I ever committed and never looked back. I decided to stop blaming it on my ‘monsters’ and accept it. Once I did it felt like I became whole’ I explained watching his features relax as he took in every word. ‘Why?’ I asked, he looked forward ‘When you explained tonight about how you ‘knew’ me, you spoke about my guilt, my pain, and my hatred. I never spoke about that to anyone; I never showed those sorts of emotions.’ I nodded my head understanding him.

‘I guess you opened something I thought was closed. A part of me that I didn’t know existed a part of me that was human?’ He questioned, ‘Vincenzo, you’re not a monster’ I whispered softly but I lied. ‘Yes, when I first met you, I hated you. Then I don’t know it felt like somehow my soul was yearning for you then all of a sudden that hatred just disappeared.’ I explained truthfully, shrugging at how it could just go. ‘That doesn’t change the fact, that I am what I am’ He grunted. I squinted my eyes at his sudden mood change ‘Let me finish’

He kept his eyes on the road, sighing I continued ‘When I said you’re not a monster, I lied’ I spoke out, his foot hitting the accelerator the cars speed picking up as I watch his knuckles turn white. His grip on the steering wheel looked lethal ‘What I really wanted to say was a monster wasn’t such a terrible thing to be’ I quickly rushed out; the speed came down ever so slightly. ‘From the Latin root monstrum, a divine messenger of catastrophe, then adapted by the old French to mean an animal of myriad origins: Centaur, griffin, sayr.’

The car was zooming past everything was a blur, I looked ahead and saw we were approaching the drop-off. I noticed the sharp turn ahead and my heart began picking up pace ‘VINCENZO STOP THE FUCKING CAR’ I yelled placing my hand over my stomach. The car came to a screeching halt, he turned to face me. I shook my head trying to catch my breath. ‘To be a monster is to be a hybrid a signal, a lighthouse. Both shelter and warning at once. Vincenzo, life has been a bitch to both of us. It forced us to do and see things no human should, but we did it for the protection of the ones we loved most. So, no being a monster isn’t such a bad thing. Everyone has them the only difference is choosing to accept it or trying to suffocate it until it eventually consumes you. I’m proud of mine … now It’s time you start accepting yours before you let it swallow you whole’ I opened the car door and slammed it behind me.

I walked the rest of the way and watched as he zoomed past me. My head racing 10 miles per hour, not knowing what to focus on. I huffed frustrated walking towards the drop-off, feeling my heart racing. I looked at the smoke in the air from the car, I use to be able to know how Vincenzo would react, what he would do how he would feel but since the accident, I feel like I don’t know him at all. In a way I didn’t anymore, he was constantly contradicting himself maybe he really is at a battle with his old self and his present self.

And it looked like his new self was wining, I huffed seeing the Garcia’s alongside Vincenzo, I slowly approached them. ‘Isabella, Como Estas mi querida?’ he greeted happily, I sniffled a laugh smiling at him, ‘Bueno, que tal tu?’ I asked he nodded his head saying he has been good as well. ‘Business picked up thanks’ to your shipments and supplies of alcohol’ I laughed nodding my head, Vincenzo eyed me sideways. I explained the situation without directly looking at Vincenzo to catch him up. ‘Yes, the government got pretty interested in our finances, so we decided to buy a wine farm along with a factory. We have been exporting and importing goods and money laundering them through various businesses. And who else but the Garcia’s would we love to be in business with’ I smiled, he nodded smiling.

‘You got a good one Vincenzo’ Mr Garcia smiled admiring myself and Vincenzo. ‘Both of you are at the top of our chains, I can imagine your kids’ He laughed. I and Vincenzo tensed up as I placed my hand over my stomach feeling uneasy. ‘No kids’ Vincenzo quickly spoke up, I was now eyeing him sideways. ‘You don’t want kids?’ I questioned, he shook his head no ‘and bring them into a world of crime, violence and bloodshed?’ He questioned like he was the logical one.

‘I never wanted kids and I never want them’ He spoke out firmly as I tensed up. ‘What If I want?’ I asked frustrated, ‘Then fuck someone else!’ He calmly spoke but his eyes were sending daggers my way. ‘Maybe I will’ I spat, ‘I don’t understand why you are even being like this we aren’t together I don’t even know you’ He whisper yelled only for me to hear. I went to yell at him, but Mr Garcia quickly cut me off. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean-” I quickly cut him off shaking my head sympathetically ‘No, don’t be sorry. You did nothing. Thank you for your compliment, Vincenzo just has meterle el culo’ I smiled feeling some sort of pleasure telling him Vincenzo pretty much had a stick up his ass.

Vincenzo glaring me from the side, I rolled my eyes. Continuing our chat as his men loaded the shipments from the boat into their truck. ‘It’s always a pleasure doing business with you my dear, and you Vincenzo.’ We both nodded our heads and Mr Garcia approached me alone. ‘He’ll come around don’t worry. Keep your head high angel’ Giving me a kiss on the head and getting into his car.

I smiled watching him leave, he reminded me so much of my father. His warm heart, his soothing voice, and soft features. I sighed remembering my parents still trapped. Their cars and trucks left the dock as I watched them drive off until I couldn’t see them anymore. ‘What the fuck was that!’ Vincenzo roars from behind me, I rolled my eyes not turning around choosing to just ignore him. ‘ISABELLA’ I snapped turning around ‘WHAT’ I hissed, ‘what was that? The talk about children then demeaning me in front of my oldest client and closest ally?’ He was pissed I’ll admit that was wrong of me, and he had a reason to be irritated but, in my defence, I was defending the child that was in my stomach … sending a sick feeling to my stomach now that I know he doesn’t want it.

My eyes grew wide thinking if he finds out he may make me get rid of it. ‘Isabella!’ He snapped; I snapped my head towards him. I rolled my eyes ‘Sorry, I guess I forgot where and who I was talking to’ I admitted feeling like I was talking to the old Vincenzo. He sighed frustrated brushing his fingers through his hair, ‘where you always like this?’ He questions, I eyed him ‘like what?’ I hissed.

‘Like this! Did we always argue like this?’ I sighed ‘Yes, but it was sorta our thing’ I shrugged, ‘Our personalities are so alike we would clash more times than you could count’ I admitted. He looked at me with a confused expression ‘Then how- How?’

‘If love isn’t madness, ‘it’s not love’ I repeated the words he once told me, He looked at me taken back a wave of shock took over his features. Realising where that quote came from, ‘Dante’ He spoke softly, I nodded my head as I quoted his twin brother. He went to ask a follow-up question before three cars circled us.

Vincenzo quickly grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him, ‘Who-‘ Vincenzo quickly shushed me grabbing my hand and running. The men that were in the car chasing us as gunshots were heard flying in our directions. ‘GET HIM AND KILL HIM’ a rather young voice roared, Vincenzo guiding me through the shipping containers as we hid behind one, our backs pressed up as our chest heaved up and down.

‘You go back there, I’ll check here’ One called out, Vincenzo peaked and quickly hid. I went to say something before he put his hand over my mouth. I rolled my eyes and licked his palm; he snatched his hand away so fast I almost burst out laughing. He looked at me like I lost my mind his head tilted towards me; his mouth parted slightly as his eyes furrowed together. He wiped the palm of his hand on his jeans a playful smirk forming on his lips.

I saw the shadow on the floor getting closer, he stood near us and before turning to face us Vincenzo quickly hit the side of his hand in the man’s neck, the man dropping his gun and holding his throat not able to breathe. Vincenzo quickly pulls him behind the container and snaps his neck. I watched my eyes widen at his effortless combat skill’s, He grabbed the gun and extends his hand out while he watches ahead making sure the coast is clear. I looked down at his extended hand and felt my heart skip a beat, I looked up chewing my lip before taking his hand. He tightened his grip and took off, we bounced from container to container slowly approaching where he had his car parked. While we fought off a few of the men as quietly as we could.

We saw the car in sight, and he squeezed my hand I sighed and gave him a squeeze, indicating I was ready to run. We had no idea how many men are here, and we have no backup or our own weapons. I hated the idea of running but I wasn’t going to put myself in a situation like this … not in my condition.

‘Well, well, well.’ A rather young voice began taunting us as his men stood behind him guns aimed towards us. He had three men behind him I turned around seeing a few more on the floor, I winced. I turned around and watched as he and his men only seemed to be paying attention to Vincenzo, no one looking at me as they aimed their guns to his head.

‘Salvatore’ Vincenzo greeted, ‘You killed my father!’ the man spat. Vincenzo rolled his eyes ‘Your dad tried to kill me, steal from me … and did a lot worse than that’ I cringed imaging what else the man could have done, ‘I don’t care what he did. You killed him, now you’re going to pay for it with your life.’ He spat, I raised an eyebrow at him, he looked no older than 20 his men looked much older than he did. Vincenzo let out a dry mocking laugh ‘Go on then’ he threw his gun near his car as he opened his arms out inviting him to end his life.

‘I don’t have much to live for nowadays’ He’s voice was barely above a whisper, not wanting anyone to hear him. I watched him stand there inviting all the bullets to pierce his chest honestly no longer caring about a thing. I looked back at the men in front of him and noted they still paid no attention to me, I slowly backed away.

As they kept yelling and exchanging threats, ‘YOU THINK I WON’T’ he yelled, Vincenzo stood his arms still open ‘My arms are getting sore boy’ he yawned. I quickly darted towards the car when I felt like I was no longer in view. I grabbed the gun from the floor and stood up as I felt a man grip my waist pinning me against the car ‘Whatcha got their doll?’ He slurred pressing himself to me. I gagged trying to push him off me but failing. ‘Get off’ I shouted, ‘LET GO OF HER’ I heard Vincenzo’s voice roar.

The man stopped his grip on me still firm, he didn’t turn around. I turned around and looked at Vincenzo, he lunged forward trying to get to me before his men stopped him while the Salvatore pressed the gun to his head. ‘Kill me I don’t care just let her go’ He shouted; He eyed him shocked ‘Vincenzo King? Has a soft spot?’ He laughed. I rolled my eyes feeling my anger rising and my strength building.

The man placed his hand over my stomach pushing me roughly against the car, I grabbed the gun and hit it against his head, watching as he passed out on the floor. I aimed my gun at the men who now had let go of Vincenzo with their guns aimed at me. ‘Hello boys’ I smiled sadistically, ‘I don’t think we’ve met’

They rolled their eyes laughing as they lunged towards me, I moved to the side grabbing one and holding him in a chokehold as I used him as a human shield. I tightened my grip to stop him from squirming as he gripped my arm pulling to set his neck free. I aimed my gun at the remaining two, I looked over at Vincenzo almost asking him if I should kill them. He smirked and nodded his head slightly.

Turning back around I smirked pulling the trigger both bullets penetrating their skulls as their lifeless bodies fell to the floor. The man I had in a shock hold now passed out as I let go of his body. I walked towards the boy who still had his gun aimed at Vincenzo now aiming my gun at him. He laughed ‘Did you think I only brought 10 men to take on the most feared people in our line of work? As if ten men could take out Vincenzo King and Dragon’ I eyed him then quickly met Vincenzo’s worried stare.

As if on cue cars hurled surrounding us, another twenty men appearing as they surrounded us. Starting to grow nervous I watched them with caution, my chest now rising and down at a quick pace. I protectively placed my hand over my stomach as I watched their guns aimed at us.

Vincenzo however looked calm, too calm. His posture was straight, confident as his features remained smug. I tried to see if he saw someone or noticed something I hadn’t, but the place was surrounded by unfamiliar faces. He’s lost it ‘After all this is over, I want my sanity back’ I whined huffing crossing my arms over my chest. Vincenzo eyed me slideway’s amused. I watched him in front of unfamiliar men all guns aimed at his head, he showed not one ounce of fear, worry … nothing like he was in his element. I rolled my eyes at the irony talking with me makes him uneasy but 20 guns pointed at his head ready to kill him makes him all giddy.

‘Get them’ He ushered his men towards us, looking at one another we nodded getting ready. A man came swinging I ducked kneeing him in his stomach, punching his side then hooking his jaw. I grabbed him by his collar and threw him against the two men that were approaching me. 

I kicked one in the back before he could attack Vincenzo from the back, Gunshots started blaring. Vincenzo grabbed my hand and pulled me with his entire strength out of the way hiding me behind his tall built frame. The Salvatore growing frustrated lunged, quick and relentless, his gun positioned to deal a death blow. ‘ENOUGH!’ Vincenzo’s voice boomed, through the dock sending a wave of fear through all the men. Salvatore and his men stopped cold, listening as Vincenzo’s voice seemed to echo around inside their heads. ‘That’s it.’ His voices rattled inside their brain as he spoke like a true leader. He towered above Salvatore as he stood tall, he looked powerful, in charge as though everyone was under his command they all found themselves unable to move as they stood frozen.

‘Obbedire‘ He commanded, Obey I found myself repeating his words.  My eyes never left him. I found myself unable to move, unable to comprehend anything like I was waiting for him to allow me to move again. Like I was in some sort of trance, I watched in admiration feeling my heart rate speeding up watching him. The way he was able to take control in a split second amazed me and stirred up a deep attraction.

He put his hand back grabbing mine, making sure I was okay and still behind him away from the aim of the guns. I found myself losing every inch of hate, the resentment I felt towards him this past month as I started at his hand intertwined with mine as I found myself wondering. What if I never forget you as you forgot me? What if, all my life, when I meet someone new, I can never fall for them because they aren’t you?

Biting down on my jaw I looked away feeling myself slipping into a state of mind that I couldn’t afford to be in right now. I looked back up noticing Vincenzo and the Salvatore in a heated argument, ‘It’s over’ Vincenzo laughed victoriously. On cue the sound of gunshots filled the once silent dock, Vincenzo gripped my pinning me against the container as he shielded my body with his own as the bullets were flying everywhere. I shut my eyes tight as I feared for his life more than my own gripping his shirt as he stayed pressed against me.

With the sound of gunfire coming to a stop, he slowly pulled away. Our eyes never leaving each other, I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. His hands wrapped around my small frame as I watched his gaze softened his mesmerising grey eye’s shined as he stared into mine and at that moment we both drowned under the waves of words we weren’t saying. His eyes slowly trailed down to my lips then back up, my breathing hitched as he slowly leant down to connect our lips, I edged up our lips inches apart ever so slightly touching before we pulled away at Garcia’s presence.

‘Are you both okay?’ Vincenzo moves aside scratching his head walking towards his car. I looked at Mr Garcia and smiled gratefully ‘Thank you so much, I don’t know how we can repay you’ He laughed pulling me in a hug. ‘Isabella, your friendship is enough payment.’ His embrace was warm and comforting it made me yearn for my father’s hugs even more. I sighed feeling a piece of me was still missing ‘Your friendship means a lot to me as well’ I smiled.

He nodded his head smiling ‘Take care of yourself … remember I’m always here if you need anything’ I smiled at his reassurance giving him one final tight squeeze. He called all his men and ushered them away and ordered some of his men to do the clean-up. Vincenzo told him it was not necessary and that he would get his men to come but Garcia insisted. They exchanged a few words before Garcia laughed patting Vincenzo on his back giving him a hug, I smiled watching Vincenzo’s calm stature as he hugged Garcia back. He had more of a bond with him than his own father, it was sweet watching the two of them.

‘Isabella start calling me Manuel, I think we can skip the formalities’ He laughed, I shook my head smiling. ‘As you wish, Manuel’ He winked waving goodbye as he got into his car and drove off. ‘You ready to go?’ Vincenzo spoke up, I nodded my head ‘More than you know’ I rushed and got in the car. ‘You and Manuel seem pretty close’ Vincenzo spoke up trying to get rid of the awkward sexual tension. I nodded my head smiling ‘After your crash he was the most concerned for you out of all your contacts. He was constantly coming to check up and make sure I was okay. We got close he reminds me a lot of my dad’ My smile grew smaller as I looked out the window wondering how they are if they’re in pain. If they’re okay, I leaned my head on the glass as I watched the buildings pass us in a blur.

‘You seemed pretty close as well’ I sated turning my attention back to him, ‘He is like the father I never got’ He answered truthfully drifting off, I waited for him to continue as I edged closer to him. ‘I first met him through a business deal when me and Dante were only 10. He was so energetic and full of life, never in a million years would I have assumed he was a part of any criminal activity, he was cheerful full of jokes’ He laughed out, ‘I remember once they finished a meeting early and he saw me and Dante target shooting, he came up to us and watched us shoot at the clay targets and said no ten year old should be that good with a gun’ I smiled watching his entire persona shift as his body relaxed into a happy memory of his childhood.

‘He asked us what we liked, what interests us. Dante and I had a real fascination with the stars for some reason, what each represents what it means. It always amazed us, and he just happened to be an astronomer. He spent hours telling us stories around the stars, about what each represented. Where everything was, it was one of my fondest memories. Ever since then we grew really attached to Manuel. He was more of a dad to us than our real dad, I think that might be because he and his wife were never able to conceive. So they really enjoyed our company they treated us like we were their own, If Dante hadn’t died … I think I would have turned out differently’ He turned his head and looked at me wearily.

I looked at him with sympathy, I wanted so badly to hug him but felt “You shouldn’t be this easy to talk to’ He spoke out, I eyed him slightly offended. ‘It’s like I don’t even realise what I’m saying until I said it.’ He seemed annoyed at himself. I sniffled a laugh. He turned around eyeing me ‘Stop that’ He commented, I burst out into laughter. ‘I’m not laughing’ I quickly laughed out, ‘Stop smirking!’ I smiled ‘Don’t be a rainy cloud.’ I rolled my eyes; his facial expression went from laughter to seriousness as he lowered his head in pain letting go of the wheel.

‘Vin- VINCENZO!’ I yelled out. He shook his head grabbing the wheel and looking straight ahead. ‘Are you okay?’ I touched his head checking for a fever, ‘I- I’m okay’ he rushed out. I nodded my head unconvinced as I moved my hand away.


We parked the car getting out, I felt my stomach turn. Oh, hell. I ran past Vincenzo and his men rushing to my room. Hovering over the toilet I felt everything in my stomach making its way out. I flushed the toilet wiping my mouth with a tissue and slouched down. Leaning my head against the wall, I looked down at my stomach and glared at it. ‘Come on! Be nice you’re living in there rent-free’ I heard a knock on my door, I quickly jumped up and washed my face. ‘Coming!’ I called out examining my state in the mirror before nodding my head and walking off towards the door.

I opened the door and saw Maria standing ‘are you okay?’ she rushed out. I looked at her confused ‘W-why wouldn’t I be, okay?’ I swatted her hands away jokingly. ‘You ran up to your room so fast, it looked like you were going to throw up’

I pursed my lips shaking my head ‘No, no. I’m fine I just … needed a minute to myself’ She nodded her head unconvinced but decided not to push me any further. ‘Can we go now?’ I nodded my head feeling as though it would be the best time to tell her about our parents. Somewhere far from everyone where it was just me and her. I changed out of my leather jacket and grabbed a comfortable oversized jumper and slipped it on. I smiled inhaling its familiar scent.


I hate him, I hated him more than I could ever explain. I watched Vincenzo asleep; I cannot believe he is keeping me here against my will. I was leaving this hell hole even if I had to crawl out in a pool of blood.

I watched him sleep, laying on his stomach his arms underneath the pillow cuddling it. I watched his breathing subconsciously syncing mine with his. He looked peaceful, I shook my head focusing, I held the knife tight in my hand as I hovered above him, I quickly dropped my hand down ready to penetrate his back. When he flipped over, grabbing my arm midway and pinning me underneath him.

‘Now you didn’t think it was going to be this easy, did you?’ He purred towering above me. I eyed him furiously, I grunted and managed to free my hand from his grip, I swung missing him but getting the side of his arm. I watched as the blood flowed out from the fresh cut.

His eyes darkened as he pulled me up, pinning me against the wall. ‘You’re gonna regret that leonessa.’ I smirked ‘No, I don’t think I will.’ I spat, I took another swing which he professionally dodged, grabbing me by my waist and throwing me against the end of the room. I grunted hitting my back against the wall, He pulled the gun from underneath his pillow and aimed it at me. ‘I wouldn’t call this a fair fight’ I spoke out. He looked at me and smirked ‘You giving up so soon?’ he mocked.

I smirked ‘I meant for you’ He laughed out. I lunged towards him my knife ready for the blow he gripped my arm and held me by my waist spinning me around and pinned me up against the wall. ‘I think you found your match’ I rolled my eyes, pushing him off me but failing. ‘UGH’ I grunted frustrated, using every ounce of strength I had left inside me and pushing him off. He fell to the floor, and I jumped on top of him, I was straddling his waist using my free hand I wrapped it around his neck and firmly planted my knife on his cheek.

‘Likewise,’ he looked at me with those big beautiful grey eyes, staring into my soul as he looked completely mesmerised, his eyes told me everything he couldn’t. I felt myself losing my train of thought unable to tear my eyes from his. Like hypnosis all I wanted to do was look into his eyes. I heard the doorknob begin rattling ‘shit’ I hissed under my breath and fumbled trying to get off cutting the side of my stomach in the process. ‘How … mother fucker’ I hissed dropping the knife and holding my side.

‘Leave’ Vincenzo ordered to whoever was at the door as he stood up slowly. He forcefully moved my hands and looked at the cut, his soft features turning to stone as he saw the small cut, I caused myself. I watched him as he forced me into his bathroom and cleaned my wound. ‘I don’t need your help’ I bite, he ignored my outburst and finished cleaning my wound and bandaging it up. ‘I know you don’t, but you’re going to get it anyway’

I felt myself relax, he grabbed me one of his hoodies and told me to put it on. ‘I don’t want it’ I pushed it away and he took in a deep breath before running his hand through his hair. ‘I need you to wear it’ I looked at him confused before I looked down realising, I was only in shorts and a bra. I snatched it from his hand and quickly put it over my head. He smiled amused and I couldn’t help but laugh.

He joined me laughing I shook my head, and I couldn’t help but think … was he so bad? I broke into his room to kill him and instead he cleaned my wound and gave me a hoodie to cover up. 


‘Wait I need to do something before we head out!’ She quickly shouted and ran off somewhere downstairs. I watched her run laughing at her childlike behaviour for a late trip to the beach. I looked from the corner of my eye and watched Vincenzo go into his bedroom a cup of bourbon in one hand. His grey sweatpants hung dangerously low exposing his defined V line.

I found myself standing in front of his door, as I watched his tall frame lean against the railing of his balcony, I sighed watching him. Even from behind he looked stressed, I walked inside and stood next to him leaning on the railing. ‘They hate each other’ Vincenzo commented pointing to Ariana and Sebastián arguing in the garden.

‘How lucky’ I whispered, he looked at me puzzled by my comment. ‘To harbour such strong emotions for another and to have them be reciprocated,’ I explained … ‘They are lucky’ I whispered watching them exchange words in a heated argument. ‘You just described love.’ Vincenzo states taking a sip of his bourbon. ‘Did I?’ I smiled. ‘There are close ties between love and hate; snip the cord and watch which way you fall.’ I whispered the last part mimicking the actions of cutting a cord with my fingers. ‘And where do you?’ He implored. ‘Fall?’ He made clear what he was asking. Little did he know I was hanging by a thread in the grey space between where no one could bring themselves to give a damn … But I did I gave a damn no matter how much I denied it, if my cord snipped, it was clear where I’d fall. ‘It’s not important’ I finally answered him.

He looked at me ready to push before I smiled cutting him off ‘It’s in the past, all my feelings for you are gone’ I lied through my teeth, he looked at me his eyes melting mine as we held eye contact our eyes saying everything we weren’t. I quickly snapped my head looking away, ‘You looked at me a little too long, for your feelings to be gone’ He commented.

I inhaled a deep breath choosing to ignore his comment, I looked up at the sky admiring the stars. ‘I like the stars’ I randomly confessed. He smiles wide as he whispered, ‘So do I’ I admired the beauty of them ‘They inspire me, you know?’ I asked, he laughed ‘Yes, I know’ I laughed ‘But get this,’ I throw. ‘What?’ He turned his gaze looking around the sky at the different stars. ‘They, the stars themselves, don’t inspire me’

‘Hmm?’ he hummed. ‘It’s who made me curious about those stars, the one who gave the courage to look up at the sky through the storm and wonder’ I commented remembering the one time he comforted me when it was thundering outside.  ‘Who would that be?’ He genuinely asked his voice sincere and genuine. I looked over at him, ‘You’

Maria peaked her head through the door ‘Isabella, you ready to go?’ I nodded my head my eyes still fixated on Vincenzo before I slowly made my way out.


We arrived at the beach and quickly found ourselves a spot on the sand. I smiled as Maria leaned her head on my shoulder. We both stared out watching the calming serenity of the waves crashing against each other. ‘Maria’ I whispered; she looked up at me ‘yes?’ worried as she studies my features. I inhaled and looked her in the face ‘I found out something a week ago, but I didn’t tell you or anyone until I was a hundred percent sure’ she nodded her head slowly encouraging me to finish.

‘I went to follow up on a lead, Xavier’s right hand so I can figure out who he was holding hostage’ I took a deep breath before continuing Maria was visibly worried as she eyed me waiting for me to spill it out. ‘Isabella?’ I nodded my head slowly, ‘His right hand was Diego’ I whispered scared of her reaction. Her eyes grew wide hearing his name ‘Continue’ she spoke out firmly aggression clearly evident in her tone of voice. ‘Isabella finish your sentence!’

I cringed hearing her aggression being pointed at me ‘He said Xavier has our parents’ she stood up alerted ‘DOES HE!’ She yelled, I stood up trying to calm her down ‘ISABELLA DOES HE!’ I let out a frustrated sigh ‘YES! Okay yes’ I felt everything fall apart.

‘Our parents are alive and have been hostages with the man YOU worked for? The man YOU killed and tortured for? The man who YOU still haven’t killed no matter every chance you get! The maniac who kept you hostage for months and turned you into a different person has our parents!’ I winced at her harsh words. I bit my lip and yelled ‘MARIA! IT WASN’T LIKE I KNEW ALL THIS!’ Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘BUT YOU FOUND OUT AND DIDN’T THINK TO TELL ME?’ She shouted, I shut my eyes hurt looking back at her again ‘I NEEDED TO BE SURE!’ I yelled out in my defence, ‘ISABELLA, THEY’RE MY PARENTS JUST AS MUCH AS THEY ARE YOURS! YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO HIDE THIS FROM ME’

She looked at me still frustrated full of anger and sadness. ‘Why did he kidnap them, Isabella?’ I went quite biting my bottom lip not wanting to tell her the reason. She nodded her head understanding, tears streaming from her face as she pointed a finger at me ‘To get to you right?’ She asked pondering the thought. My silence spoke volumes and it was all she needed to be sure she was right.

‘Because it always comes down to you, doesn’t it? They all wanted you, our parents died for their empire but, it was to get to YOU! Then they are held against their will to get to you to stay! EVERYTHING THAT GOES WRONG IN OUR LIVES SEEMS TO HAVE YOUR NAME WRITTEN ALL OVER IT ISABELLA.’

I looked at her my eyes wide as tears began forming ‘Isa-‘ I cut her off ‘My fault?’ I laughed nodding my head ‘YOU DON’T THINK I KNOW THAT ALREADY? YOU DON’T THINK I HAVENT BEEN KILLING MYSELF OVER THAT EXACT THING!’ I shouted feeling like everything I ever thought about myself was slowly becoming a reality.

‘I didn’t mean it l-‘

‘But you did Maria, you did mean it. If i knew even for a second that my existence would in danger everyone, I loved I would have ended it a long, long time ago’ I watched as she looked at me before whispering ‘I wish you never became Dragon … then Xavier wouldn’t have put his eyes on you and our parents would still be alive.’ She brushed past me walking back to the car and speed off.

I was well known in our line of work being dad’s right hand, word got out about me. My skills, my tactics even at such a young age I wasn’t one to be messed with. So, when I agreed to work with Xavier I only went by dragon that’s who he wanted and that was all I was able to be at that point.

I sat back down on the sand and looked out at the waves; tears streamed down my face as I felt my world crumble around me.


‘Isabella?’ I woke up to someone shaking me awake, I quickly shot up looking around trying to remember where I was. I was still at the beach, the sun slowly beginning to rise. ‘Isabella?’ Lorenzo called my name again. I looked at him and sighed ‘What are you doing here?’ I asked. He looked at me full of sympathy ‘I heard what happened, when you didn’t come back home. I got worried’

I sighed looking back ahead at the ocean ‘I didn’t think it would be a smart idea to go back.’ I whispered, ‘You know she didn’t mean any of it’ he whispered sitting next to me. I sighed not believing a word he just said. ‘She did, she meant every word. Everything she said was true … and because it came out of her mouth it just made everything, I already thought so real’ I spoke through the tears my throat burning up.

I coughed and looked up blinking trying to stop the tears from making its way out again. ‘Come on’ He stood up extending his hand out for me to take. I looked at him silently thanking him for not pushing the topic further. I grabbed his hand, guiding me up. We walked towards the car and sat silently as he drove us back to the estate.

‘We’re going to get them back’ he commented disturbing the silence that filled the car. I looked at him and nodded ‘I know’ I whispered ‘I just hope we won’t be too late’

‘We won’t be. You have us all standing behind you, not us Vincenzo and me. The whole mafia loves you, you’re still like our leader they all admire you, and like Vincenzo they would go to war in order not to see a drop of your blood hit the floor’ I smiled feeling a warm feeling settling in my stomach. ‘Thank you’ I whispered; he smiled nodding his head. ‘I’m always here when you need it Isabella’ I smiled ‘I know’ I whispered.

We arrived at the estate and a sick feeling settled in my stomach the closer I got to the doors. ‘Isabella, Vincenzo want’s you in his office now’ Sebastián informs me. I nodded my head making my way to his office, I froze at the door as I saw who was in his office.

‘Hey Isabella, miss us?’

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