The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 4

Isabella’s POV

Same stink new smell.

Maria and I are in the changing rooms getting ready for our performances and hopefully some private dancers. The number of people in here I’ve seen throwing bags of hundreds … all that came to mind was you can really get a sugar daddy here.

The exclusive strip club called us back and we had to start straight away. So here we are getting dressed and caked. yay. The manager briefed us and gave us our only uniform. The boss apparently did not want any of his stripper’s identities to be seen and instructed them all to wear a wig of sorts to give them privacy as well as keep their identities hidden from some of these men here. Honestly, a change of hair can really alter one’s appearance.

The second I saw the fire-red wig I fell in love I quickly rushed towards it and snatched it off the mannequin’s head. ‘Um excuse me I was going to pick that wig’ 

Plastering the fakest smile I can manage I look at her, ‘Aw sorry love, maybe try another one’ I suggested trying to go back to the mirror. ‘First of all, it’s Roxy-‘ Cutting her ‘ I don’t recall asking’ I pointed out and shrugged my shoulders turning back around. Hoping she would get the hint and walk away. 

‘Listen I tried being nice, but don’t think I won’t knock you out if you try me with that tone again’ I look at her narrowing my eyes and in the sweetest most innocent voice I can muster, ‘Oh Hun, if you’re not gonna be polite I will happily tear your voice box from your fucking throat.’ I kept my cool, knowing the calmness in my voice was more intimidating them a yell.

Rolling my eyes, I proceeded to walk off after she chose to keep quiet. ‘Listen, babe, the boss is coming in today and his favourite colour is red. He’s mine and so is that wig’ She spits, I cocked my eyebrows up and smirked turning around on my heels, I charge for her neck and pin her against the wall. Applying just enough pressure to cut off her airways but not enough to kill her. 

‘What did I just say?’ I calmly ask her, tilting my head ever so slightly not losing my grip as she desperately tries to get my hand off her. Still keeping a firm grip around her neck, I pulled her towards me then quickly slam her head back on the wall, ‘I asked you a question.’ I warned lowly the girls in the changing room staring at us no one daring to interfere.

It felt like the room was on edge to see what I was going to do. She started choking out a cry for help her words barely audible.

I let go of her neck and she falls to the floor grasping her throat. ‘You know your kind of my bitch now’ I laughed out blowing her a kiss I walk back to Maria and sit on the couch getting her assistance with the wig.

In my defence, she started it. I’m not crazy, or violent unless you try to take advantage of me or treat me like a damsel. You can’t blame me really, I came from a criminal background and got pushed around for the rest of my life by one man and then by my stepfather and his abusive ways. 

Nothing I wasn’t used to not to make myself sound like a victim. If you don’t fight and bite back, you’re going to be pushed around your whole life by people like her.

I look at myself in the mirror and analysed myself. Fixing up the bangs on the wig I grabbed my red sparkly stilettos and walked out. Ten minutes on the pole and I swear I made at least $5,000. 

The music blasting through the roof speakers, I let the beat of the song completely take over my body. I grab the pole and swing myself upside down, hanging on by just my legs intertwining my leg around the pole to keep me from falling. I extend my free leg out in front exposing myself teasingly.

I arch my back and trace my breasts along with my curves. From the corner of my eyes, I see more people coming in. Must be someone important judging from the armed men that hung around him as a puppy does to its master.

Swinging back right side up, I continue dancing and doing moves on the pole while I eye the man. Suddenly my body was completely set on fire, a zoo decided to escape in my stomach, and I bent down to clutch it.

I remembered where I am and saved myself by gliding my hands upon my exposed legs and flicking my hair and ass on the way back up.

It’s him.

His eyes connected with mine and I suddenly found it hard to breathe. I took my time analysing him, a black turtleneck, dark charcoal grey pants, and black boots. Four rings. I dozed off imagining those rings wrapped around my neck. Before I was snapped back into reality by a creep ‘Come on baby shake that ass for daddy’

I mentally threw up more times than I can count. He wasn’t bad looking, but just wasn’t the one I wanted. I looked back at Italy and saw his face change from lust to complete anger. Oh? Then that bitch from the dressing room walked up to him, placing her hand on his chest, and whispering into her ear. A flood of jealousy overtook all my senses. Despite my best efforts to stop.

I shook my head bringing myself out of my murderous gaze. Italy smirked, seeing the frustration and jealousy on my face and began stroking her leg and squeezing her ass. Oh, he wants to play. 

Bring it on Italy I mentally challenged him. I look down and the man, I sat at the edge of the stage and used my finger to indicate for the man to come over. I pulled at his tie. Oh, kill me. I stood upright and began grinding my ass into the man, my eyes fixated on Italy. Like he was the man I was dancing on, I watched as his knuckles started turning white, the veins on his forehead popping out and his scowl evident on his annoying face.

One point for me. Just as I was about to turn around and grind myself on his leg, I was brutally pulled away. ‘Aye fuck off, this one’s mine find your own whore’ the man yelled.

Honestly, I use to get offended being called a whore and slut by these men, but then I remember I’m walking out of here with their thousands and all I do is a dance on a pole. I like to think of them as my bitches, so I just shrug it off now. Italy however grabbed the man by his shirt and spat something in Italian. The man looked petrified and ran out of the club.

‘In case you haven’t noticed I work on commission’ I smart-mouthed him, he turned looking at me with an unreadable expression, his body tensed and stone cold. He rolls his eyes and grabs me by my arm and takes me to a private room. He eyed me up and down for a few seconds then sat on the chair, resting his head extending his legs apart and arms on the armrest. Power move. He looked in charge and like in power like I was some peasant that needed to bow down and kiss his ring.

‘Dance’ is all he said. Crossing my arms, I looked him up and down ‘No’ I responded.

Furring his eyebrows in pure amusement, ‘Dance, or I’ll make you’ he spoke his thick Italian accent made that threat a million times hotter. Make me I begged him in my head wanting him to overpower me to take control.

‘I’d love to see you try’ I smiled; he lowered his head slightly keeping eye contact. I roll my eyes and ask, ‘you paying for this dance?’ all he did was simply nod. Grabbing the iPad, I played Grind on me. Just so I have an excuse to keep grinding onto him. As the song began my body immediately began moving to the beat of the song, following the lyrics.

I placed my hand on my chest slowly moving it to my neck and in the same motion, I began descending into a split. Placing both legs behind me I crawled over to Italy who looked too calm.

His calmness and lack of facial expression sent a wave of disappointment, frustration, and annoyance throughout my body. Fine if I can’t get your facial reaction, I’ll get something else’s reaction. Moving his legs further apart, I placed my face inches from his cock licking my lips slowly and raising up. Inches from his face I bit my lip and spin myself around as I begin to grind into him.

And on cue his cock gave me the reaction that wasn’t evident on his face. Smirking I grind further into him. I turn around and sit on top of him and I slowly grind myself into his now hard on. Fuck his big, I had to bite my lip to restrain myself from letting out a moan. Our faces now inches apart he looked at my lips then back at my face hungrily. The song stopped and so did my movements. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

We both sat there like we were in some sort of trance; you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. What are you thinking about? Just as he was leaning in to kiss me the door flung open, ‘Boss baby don’t you want a private dance from your favourite girl’ she smirked her finger twirling her hair and the other hanging on her already low underwear.

I felt him stiffen. Looking at him that vein in his forehead reappeared. Fuck she’s gonna get it. Although to my surprise the complete opposite happened, Italy took me off if him and walked out with her.

My body was in complete shock, I just stood there trying to understand what just happened. Bella, you’re acting like he is yours shut the fuck up he was just a client I mentally scolded myself, but I couldn’t help but feel the sting of jealousy rushing through me like blood. 

Slamming the door on my way out and throwing all rational thoughts out the window I walk into the room they were in. ‘What the fuck?!’ I screamed scaring the girl and earning an angry expression from Italy.

Smirking she looked at me ‘Oh baby, did you think he was actually enjoying your pathetic dance. You can never please him like I do. Now do yourself a favour and go away’

I looked at both of them in disgust ‘Did you seriously forget what I warned you about in the dressing room? Don’t think because Italy is sitting here that, that’s gonna stop me.’ I hissed watching her eyes grow wide.

‘What did you just call me’ Italy roared.

“Italy.’ I repeated in a firm voice. His acting like I just said the worst thing ever, if he wants, I can make it worse. ‘You don’t scare me’ I spoke up firmly, my gaze burning into his. ‘As your boss, I suggest you watch that tongue because I won’t hesitate to cut it off’ he threatened. Oh, great of course he’s the boss, well I guess I did guess that earlier.

His threat terrified me more than anyone has in a long time, for what felt like a decade I genuinely felt scared, but that wasn’t going to stop him from running my mouth. Not knowing when to shut up I didn’t take him or his threat seriously, wanting to test his patience further I edged closer to him. ‘Then do it mafia’ I teased mockingly. The whole strip club, some of his men I presume and my sister staring at us. With the attention, I knew Mafia had to keep up an image FUCK. I yelled in my head, why did I do that. 


I mentally yelled at myself. Oops, letting out a groan he pulled his pocket knife out of I don’t even know where from and grabbed me by my throat and pinned me against the wall.

My heart was in my throat and my body shaking like a washing machine. I was beyond petrified; I wanted the walls around us to swallow me whole.

‘Unless everyone wants their eyes pulled from their sockets. I suggest everyone gets back to work’ he roared like a madman. His voice was deep, and his Italian accent was thick and strong. Something I noticed happens a lot when he’s mad. The girl ran out closing the door behind her.

The fade noise of the music resumed, and everyone went back to doing whatever it was they were doing with their functional eyeballs. Cool no one coming in here to help me, why would they. It’s not like they’re dumb enough to get in between a random girl and their boss.

At least I can say I had the balls to threaten the Vincenzo King. OH, WAIT HAHAHAHA I WON’T EVEN BE ABLE TO SPEAK. cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. cool, cool.

He grabbed my jaw forcing my mouth open as he placed the knife on my tongue. Looked me dead in the eyes with pure power and amusement. He was thriving having me in such a vulnerable position and it wasn’t until now that I realised just how close he is to me. 

‘Were you jealous leonessa?’ he purred against my ear.

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