Its been about two months since I asked her to marry me. I smiled over at her as she watched TV. We were staying in our cabin in Palmer. She was still having a hard time. Still fighting for her sanity it seemed.

We have yet to complete the mating bond. I haven't felt like it was the right time just yet. She's too fragile right now.

Every time we try to begin she starts craving and her eyes go red once more.

My father walked in with a bag of groceries. I could hear mother and my siblings out by the car grabbing the rest.

"How is she?" He asked.

"She's doing better." I answered.

"Has she slipped again?" He asked speaking through our mind link instead.

"Yes. About an hour ago. She took off for the cabin south of here. I caught her three miles from it. She's getting worse it seems. Her speed is unreal. She can be in one place before I can even process it." I looked over at her. She seemed to be falling asleep as she laid her head on the arm of the couch.

"Do you think she can teleport? That could be her gift."

"No. Its not teleporting. Hers has to be one of the unique gifts. Her eyes are back to her normal blue sooner than they should be. Its only when she slips that they turn red. I dont know how to explain that. But we won't know what she's fully capable of until she gets better." I shook my head and began putting things away as they brought them in.

"I'll start dinner in about an hour." Mother said as she walked in with Caleb behind her. Bringing in the last few bags. Christine and Britney were both beginning to put the pantry foods away.

"Go take her to bed. She looks like she needs some rest." Father said as he nodded towards Ariel.

Gently picking her up from the couch I headed for our room.

I carefully laid her on our bed before turning to leave the room.

"Make sure the blood bags get put in the basement fridge. Locked up." My fathers words echoed down the hall.

"I'm going take a couple of those. She hasn't fed in a while. She'll need them." I said coming around the corner.

I grabbed her cup from the coffee table to clean out. It was the perfect cup for her blood drinking.

"Has she been keeping the blood bags down?" Christine asked.

"Barely. She gags it down but it stays down and dulls her appetite." I answered. I grabbed four blood bags I emptied one into her cup. Put the other in the fridge and drained the last two.

"Didnt you go hunting this morning?" Britney asked.

"Yes. But I drink more when she feeds. In case she needs it from the vein instead."

"Has it worked? Since you're technically not alive." Caleb asked.

"Haven't had to do it yet. But this is a caution. I don't want to not be prepared for it."

He nodded.

"I'll be with her. I'm gonna have her feed." I said walking away from them all.

I have yet to be able to show her how to hunt for animals. She hasn't been strong enough.

"Ariel?" I called when I came in and saw the empty bed.

She came out of the bathroom and smiled at me. Before her eyes grew red at the smell of the blood. She was next to me in that next second.

She drank hungrily. Like shes been starved for months.

"More." She hissed as she finished the cup.

"Let me get you another blood bag." I said. I went to turn to leave but was pinned to the wall before I could take a step.

She bit down on my neck hard. The growl that rumbled out had her press her body to mine.

"Ariel." I gasped. She began to undo my belt. Her hands tore at my shirt the minute my belt and pants were undone.

Her teeth retracted from my neck as she pulled me to the bed. She bent in front of me and pulled my pants to my ankles. Leaving me in my boxers.

I held in a groan as she slid her hand into the front of my boxers. I was already rock hard. Her light touches sent heat up my body.

"Ariel." I grunted as she pulled me free and took me into her mouth. The feeling boiled my blood as she continued her torture. She slowly pulled me out of her mouth to play with the tip. My hands found their way into her hair as she went back down me. Taking all of me.

She pulled back and released me before adjusting her position, placing her hands on my hips. She took me in and bobbed her head up and down. Keeping a slow pace.

My grunts and groans filled the room. Along with the sounds she made as she suckled me.

I felt my orgasm close and tried to pull away. But she continued her assault.

"Ar," I groaned as I came. She kept going, swallowing every bit of cum until I was finished.

She smiled up at me. Her eyes back to her normal blue as she stared up at me through her eye lashes.

I picked her up and tore her dress off her body before tossing her on the bed.

I groaned when I saw she only had that thin piece of clothing that hid her womanhood.

I slowly crawled up the bed to her.

She squealed as I ran my tongue up her stomach before I began sucking her breasts that laid before me. She squirmed underneath me as I continued.

I lightly sucked at her skin as I made my way up to her lips.

I took her lips the same time I tore the fabric away from her skin. She gasped into my kiss. I took that moment to deepen the kiss. Our tongues fighting for dominance.

I slowly began to tease her clit before I slid two finger inside her. Her moan swallowed up by my kiss.

I stroked her softly as she squirmed beneath me. Riding my fingers.

"Damien." She groaned as she broke the kiss, throwing her head back.

I continued pumping my fingers inside her. Her muscles began to clench as she neared her orgasm.

One hand gripped my shoulder while the other was wrapped into the sheets.

Her moan echoed throughout the room as she came. Her hips bucking as I continued.

I gave her a smirk before I slid down her body. Taking her within my mouth as I suckled her sweet juices.

She screamed my name as I teased her. Her hands buried in the bed sheets. I looked up at her as I dipped my tongue inside her. Her head was thrown back as she arched her back before pushing her hips up. I gripped her hips as I pulled her up. Closer to me.

I slid two fingers in while I used my tongue to play with her clit. Her moans echoing through the room were music to my ears.

Her second orgasm hit fast and hard as she screamed my name.

I was hard and waiting for her.

She gave me a wicked smile before she attacked me. Her lips crashing to mine as she wrapped her legs around my hips.

With one arm around her mid-back, supporting her. I used my other hand to guide myself inside her. Slowly. Stretching her out to fit my size.

Her moans filled the room as I inched deeper inside her. I felt her barrier as I stopped.

She gripped my shoulders as she wiggled her hips.

I growled in her ear before breaking through. She screamed as I laid her back on the bed.

Ariel's P.O.V

His body felt so good on mine as he moved. He was slow at first. Careful.

I kept moving my hips. Earning growls from him.

"Harder." I whispered into his ear as I nipped at his ear.

He pulled back and caught my lips with his. His hands trailing up my body.

I deepened the kiss. Our tongues dancing together.

He gripped my hips before slowing down more. Almost stopping. I pulled back from his kiss. Meeting his gaze. He smirked before he pounded into me. I groaned as I gripped his shoulders. I could feel my orgasm build higher and higher before it hit. My moans only made him move faster.

He pulled back and grabbed my legs. Putting them up onto his shoulders. His movements were slow. As he pumped into me. I moaned his name repeatedly as he sped up. Hitting that sweet spot every time. I came again, my scream muffled by his lips as he leaned down. My legs falling on either side of him. He kept going. Moving deeper and deeper in until he about hit my cervix.

He leaned down and bit my ear before whispering "I'm not even fully inside you." My eyes rolled back into my head as his words sent me into another orgasm.

I moaned as he pulled away. Pounding into me harder. I felt myself cum once again as he continued.

He captured my lips once again. His movements slowed as we both came. Slowly rocking inside me as he dragged out our orgasm.

"I love you." He breathed as he pulled away. Kissing my forehead.

"I love you too."

We laid side by side in the bed for a bit before he started kissing my neck.

A smirk found it way to my lips as I swung myself up and ontop of him.

He was already hard and ready for me. I grasped him in my hand before slowly lowering myself down his shaft.

"Uhhh." I let out a moan as I began to roll my hips.

His hands came up and grasped my hips.

He pulled me forward and pounded into me.

I moaned Into his ear as he continued.

My eyes trailed down his neck as I found where I had bit him the first time. My fangs came out as I came. Screaming as the orgasm hit me hard.

He continued to pump up into me as I bit down on his neck.

His groan rang out around me as he bit down on my shoulder. I suckled the sweet blood in his veins. He pulled away before I did.

Once my fangs retracted from his skin he flipped us around and had me pinned to the wall across from the bed. Still deep inside me. Deeper it seemed as he slowly stroked in and out of me.

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My moans filled the room as he sucked at my skin. He slid my legs up onto his shoulders as he held me by the hips. My upper back leaned against the wall as he slid me up and down his shaft.

"Damien." I groaned as another orgasm hit me.

"Yes, baby, say my name." He grunted as he plopped me onto the edge of the bed. He spread my legs and pounded into me harder.

My screams muffled by his grunts and groans. I felt myself leap over the edge as another orgasm hit me. His relentless pounding never slowing down as he rode out my orgasm.

He flipped me around onto my stomach. Never pulling out. He kept a slow pace as he pushed my legs up to get me on my knees.

His hand wrapped into my hair as he began picking up his pace. He seemed to be going deeper as he buried himself in me. Over and over until another orgasm hit.

Damien snaked his other hand around and began playing with my clit as he continued his endless pounding.

My moans and groans and screams were muffled by the sheets as I buried my face in the bed. Cumming again and again.

Damien slowed his pace as he came. Burying himself deep inside me.

"You don't ever get tired do you?" I asked him after a while. I felt exhausted.

My head laid on his chest as he stroked my back.

I ran my hands up and down his stomach.

"Vampires don't get tired from such activities. I could have gone longer. But your legs were shaking. I forget you're still fragile." He answered. Kissing my head. "How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted." I gave a slight laugh. "Its funny. Even being a vampire I still feel like my human self."

"Hopefully the mate bond being completed will help give you back your strength and help you get better." His hand trailed up and down my back as he spoke.

"I'm hungry." I said as I felt my teeth extend.

He sat up, pulling me with him.

My eyes trailed up to his neck. "I left a mark." I said as I traced the bite mark I left. It was red slowly fading to purple.

"Its fine. It'll go away after a few days. You have the same mark. Its because of the mating bond being completed."


He pulled me to my feet and towards the bathroom.

About an hour later we were out in the kitchen with everyone else. Angie was finishing up dinner. The table was already set. So I stood off to the side as Damien got into the fridge.

When he pulled out the blood bag my teeth extended again. He went to empty it into my cup, but I snatched it away from him and drained it from the bag.

I lowered the bag from my lips and opened my eyes. Everyone was staring at me with a worried look.

"Can I have some more?" I asked.

"Ya. Caleb can you go grab a couple more bags." Damien asked, not taking his eyes off me.

"Ariel? How do you feel right now?" Kameran asked as he walked over.

"I'm really hungry." I said.

He shared a look with damien.

"Open your mouth." They both said as they headed over to me.

Listening, I opened my mouth.

"What is the matter?" Angie asked. "Oh." Was her reply when she looked at me.

"You have two sets of fangs." Kameran said. "That's rare. It only rarely happens in born vampires. Until now. You were turned...."

"She could have had vampire blood somewhere in her family line. It'd explain her being mated to damien. Vampires mate with other Vampires. Its very rare when they mate with humans and normally those humans have a history of vampire blood." Britney said.

They all looked at me.

"We will need to do a full family history check. Go back through her entire family line." Kameran said.

"Right now we need to get her food. Of both kinds. Dinner is ready so let's get sat down. Caleb get her cup of blood now and then one for the dinner table." Angie said, looking at caleb who walked up behind us with blood bags.

Damien grabbed me and steered me to the table, sitting me down.

When he set one cup infront of me, I about broke. I reached for it quickly, gulping down every ounce. When I opened my eyes I could see my reflection in the window. My eyes blazed red, fangs extended, a bit of blood running down either side of my mouth.

Damien handed me a napkin. My gaze moving to him. He gave a small smile before he began dishing up our plates.

I lowered my head, keeping my eyes on my plate. My fangs were still out. The smell of blood from my other cup sent a burning sensation down my throat as I breathed.

"Ariel, you okay?" Caleb asked. He was sitting in front of me.

"Ya." I said, picking up my fork.

I picked at my food. It didn't look appetizing at all. I was trying to fight the urge to grab my cup and down the blood. That's all I was craving. I didnt want this food. I wanted blood.

My head began to pound as I felt myself losing control. I finally looked at Damien. My eyes pleading.

He gave me a confused look before he nodded.

I carefully pushed my plate away and grabbed the cup. Downing every bit of blood inside.

My gaze found its way back to damien. Worry played within them.

Even after being able to drink. I could still feel myself getting colder as the killer part of me crept forward.

"Damien." All I had to say was his name. He was up quickly and back with the chains before anyone could move.

"What are you doing?" Christine asked.

"Chaining her up." He said as he brought me to the silver induced chair.

"I thought you said no silver!" Caleb called as he leaped out of his chair.

"Yes but right now she's getting worse. Stronger. She doesn't get a lot but its enough to put her out a bit. Only when she struggles does it inject into her blood stream." He answered as he began wrapping the chains around me.

"What are you doing this for? Why are you Chaining her to the chair?" Britney asked.

"I can feel it." I whispered.

Everyone heard, but they were all shocked.

"W-wh-at?" Britney stammered.

"She can feel when she's slipping. She becomes colder. We came up with this idea together. She doesn't want to hurt or kill anyone. When she begins to slip, she let's me know." Damien said as he locked the chains in place.

"I couldn't get her this morning because she was sleeping when she went. She woke up and took off. But anytime shes awake and feels it. We do this." He looked over at caleb. "Now I need more blood."

My head pounded as I looked at him. My gaze flared red before it dimmed.

Damien's P.O.V.

Caleb ran down to the celler as i turned back to Ar.

Her head was to the side her breathing shallow. She had lost the battle.

"Ariel?" My father said, stepping up towards her.

She looked at him before letting her head hang. Looking to the ground.

"Don't. She will try to attack you if you go too close." I said.

Caleb was back with the blood. I took a bag from him and walked over to her.

She kept her head bowed as I knelt down in front of her. I went to lift the blood bag to her mouth when she attacked my arm. Her teeth sinking deep into my forearm.

I bit back a curse as I forced her off. Before letting her sink her teeth into the blood bag.

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