"So shes the rare Ruby Wolf." He said, I could tell he was contemplating his options. But I hadn't even told him the part about her weird premonition while she was comatose.

"Kameran, there is one more thing... Ariel is also mates with Damien.. When she was comatose after the accident she had a premonition of sort." I said. He was silent for a bit before he said, "I see.... What was Her visions about?"

"Her life if she chooses him." I said and then told him everything she told me.

"That does seem like Him being forceful... But none of this makes much sense. He isnt like that at all. He also lied about who Rose really was..... If the fates sent her these visions they would have been the truth."

"I was thinking the same. She doesn't understand any of this, of course. Rose is so much different than what Ariel saw. In it Damien made her just seem like a crazy vampire. I may have my own reasons for hating that woman, but mine are due to the slaughter of my brother and his mate, as well as three of my best pack members and their families. Now add to the fact that she tried to kill my mate. But the way she described how Damien was.. Didn't seem right." I said.

"She must have found out that your Luna is also mated to Damien."

"Ariel doesn't want to be mated to Damien, Kameran. She is terrified of him just because of the visions. She doesn't understand why she chose him when I was back in her life."

"That's what I don't understand about this whole thing. None of what she saw was true... The Goddess wouldn't give her those visions. Not when it isn't the truth."

"She doesn't want too, but we will be coming up soon. She needs to face her father, who knowing she was in the hospital hurt, never once showed up. She also needs to face Damien and reject him. Whether he accepts it or not she is my mate. Her being the Ruby Wolf is proof alone that she is meant for me." I said.

"Damien won't like that. He will try to win her over." I could hear the fear in his voice. He was afraid Damien would do something to break our neutral contract.

"He won't touch her! I don't give a damn if he is the strongest vampire alive!" I growled as I pulled up to the gates and rolled down my window. The guard came running over and bowed when he saw me.

"OPEN THE GATES!" He commanded before turning back to me, "Alpha, Welcome home." He bowed once more before stepping back. I drove through and headed up the mountain. Home was so close and I was happy to be back. The entire pack knew I had been with their future Luna because she was hurt.

"Alpha Blake, if you think that we can stop him from trying you are wrong. We both know that he is a powerful vampire."

"She is almost 19. She won't come into her wolf until she is 21. I only have a little over 2 years to get her ready. To get her trained. Have her learn what she is, who she is. I will not have to deal with keeping Damien in check. He may have brought this on himself for what he did to Rose and her mate. He is most likely being punished by our goddess for his actions."

"Believe me I know..." He sighed.

"I need to get her adjusted to everything. We will be there the Wednesday of next week. And Kameran, None of what we just discussed is spoken to anyone else. If I find out that you spoke to anyone else about Ariel, than we will have a problem and I will withdraw my side of the neutral contract."

"Of course. I will not speak a word. I will have rooms prepared for you both by than. You know where it is. I will let the guards know that you can enter without issues."

"Kameran, you only need one room ready. Ariel will stay with me." I said as I came to a stop.

"Of course. I will speak with you another time Alpha. I must go. Goodbye." He said.

"Goodbye Kameran." I said before I hung up.

I swung out and came around to the passenger side. She was still sound asleep.

Let's just carry her. My wolf, Jax said.

No. I'm gonna wake her. She needs to walk in. The Pack can't know she is still recovering. They need to think she is fully healed.

Of course. You are right. I wonder what my mate is like. 2 years is such a long wait.

Yes I know. But let's just get her ready for it. Her first shift is going ro be painful. You know this, Jax.

I do. Let's get her food. She hasn't eaten anything in a while.

That's another reason for waking her.

"Ariel." I said gentle waking her.

She opened her eyes.

"We are here." I said helping her out of the vehicle.

She turned and looked around. Her eyes landing on the packhouse. She looked over at me, her eyes wide.

"That's the packhouse." I laughed.

"That's not a house. Blake that's a fucking castle!" She said still in awe.

"The first two floors are for everyone. There's a gym, rec room, pool, spa, anything you can think of. There is the main dining hall for the ranked members and then there is the dining hall for all other pack members, which are on the first floor. Along with the kitchen. There is two swimming pools and spas on the first floor as well. I'll take you on a tour in the next couple days. The third floor is for the ranked members families. The fourth floor is for the ranked members and their mates and children. The fifth floor is ours. Its where my office is and your office will be. It is also where all of the meeting rooms are and of course our room."

I shut her door and placed my hand on the small of her back, directing her towards the Castle.

"Blake." She said looking up at me as well walked up the stairs.

"Yes my love" I said as I met her eyes.

"Um I'm hungry." She said softly.

"I know, I will have something prepared for us."

The Guards at the door bowed before pushing them open.

When we entered Jeb was waiting for us.

"Alpha." He tipped his head at me. "Luna." He bowed.

"Oh, um you can call me Ariel. I don't-" she began to say but I interrupted her. "Dearest, Jeb will be more than happy to call you Ariel, but in the presence of others he will call you Luna until everyone understands and follows by calling you Luna. The ranked members may call each other by their first names. But any other member must call you Luna or Luna Ariel."

"Everyone who knows that you are the Alphas mate, have all already begun to know you as our Luna."


"We had the kitchen staff prepare you both dinner. I will have them bring it to your office, Alpha. I'm sure our Luna wouldn't want an audiance with her dinner." He spoke, I raised my eyebrow at him, but then he nodded towards the hall and I saw two Omegas peaking from around the corner.

I laughed.

They are all waiting around the dining hall for a glimpse of the new Luna. Jeb said to me through our mindlink.

We will be up in my office then.

I pulled her towards the elevator.

"They want to meet you."

"Oh. Well I mean they will right?"

"Yes. We will be having a welcome party for you. We can't yet have your Luna ceremony until you are ready and have your wolf."

"Okay." She smiled.

"After dinner we will go to bed. Hopefully you can sleep well."

"Yes. Hopefully."

We ate in a peaceful silence. When we finished I took her to our room and let Jeb know I needed the dishes cleared.

"Wow." She gasped. "This is amazing."

She walked around the room admiring every item. When her eyes landed on the bed, her cheeks flushed, I had a king sized bed, red silk sheets, and the frame was wooden, wolves had been hand carved into the wood. It told the story of the first pack to exist. Her fingers traced the largest of the wolves, The Alpha. "I'm still gonna be in school, aren't i." She said, her tone showed the signs of irritation. She might now want too but she has too.

"I spoke to the school about letting you graduate early. Due to you having enough credits. But they said that the final say, even though you are 18, has to come from your father." I came over to stand next to her. I took her hand and led her towards the closet.

"Oh. Well I guess that's another reason to go see him then....." She said.

"Ariel, I know that everything that is going on is scary and a lot to take in, but understand that no matter what I am making sure your father let's you graduate early. We have so much for you to learn and understand. I can't have you having to leave 2 hours early to get to school and return 2 hours after school ends. I can't have you leaving our territory unguarded, unprotected." I said as I opened the door and pulled her through. Her breath caught as she looked around the large room.

"Like it?" I asked.

"Like it? I love it!" She said as she walked around it. One side was hers the other mine. The middle of the room had a couch and a few chairs. A table sat in the middle with fresh flowers that we changed every three days. "The bathroom is connected. You have to go through the closet to get to the bathroom." I added. She went to the bathroom to see it as a knock sounded at the door. I sighed. Can they not mindlink with me?

Jeb stood on the other side. I gave him a look of pure annoyance as he stepped in and shut the door.

"What?" I snapped. "Could you have not asked me if I was busy first. "

"I didn't think you'd mind after I told you what is going on." He said, he was too calm...

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Your parents are downstairs." He said. Jax let out a loud growl. It shook the room as my eyes met Jebs.


"Blake?" Her voice echoed through the room as she called out for me. I calmed almost instantly as her hand rested on my forearm.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her eyes filled with worry.

I caressed her cheek and smiled down At her.

"Of course my darling. I just have something I need to take care of. Stay with Jeb while I go handle things."

"Okay." She said softly.

I leaned down and touched my lips to hers in a soft kiss before I turned and walked out to the waiting devils.

"Jeb guard her with you life." I growled as I stopped at the door.

"Yes, Alpha!" He said as he bowed. I snickered as I turned and saw a few Omegas standing outside the door.

"Leave!" I ordered as I headed for the stairs. They quickly left the floor and headed for the door. They shouldn't have been up here in the first place. I thought in annoyance.

"What are you two doing here!?" I demanded in my Alpha tone as I descended the stairs.

"Do not speak to me like that young man." The woman, who was supposed to be my mother, my dead mother said.

"I do recall telling you both to stay away from this territory. You better have a damn good reason for being here or I will out you to the council and banish you!" I said.

"The family business-" The man, who was supposedly my dead father said.

I snickered. "Its not a family business. It is my business!"

"How is that? I do believe I am the one still running things!" He snapped.

"Excuse me!?"

"I am still running things these past 5 years. Any time you showed up I stayed away or had Marrisa put me into a disguise. I made sure before coming back that none of them remembered my name or my face. To them I never existed. Now! The family business, you need to start paying more attention to it."

"I pay plenty of attention to the place. I work from home due to how far it is. There is only so much i can do. Unlike you I'd prefer to stay at the pack to help. But once or twice every week I try and come in." I said.

"Who is that!?" My mother demanded, looking behind me. That's when I felt her presence.

Ariel's P.O.V

I watched him walk out. Jeb and I stood for a few minutes before I asked him if there was any type of dessert.

"Yes." He said, then thought a second.

"Follow me."

I followed him out and down the stairs.

When we got to the final flight of stairs I saw Blake with a man and woman.

"I pay plenty of attention to the place. I work from home due to how far it is. There is only so much i can do. Unlike you I'd prefer to stay at the pack to help. But once or twice every week I try and come in." I heard Blake say as well stopped on the top step.

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"Who is that!?" A woman demanded as she looked past Blake. Her glare could have killed the devil himself.

Blake quickly turned towards us. His face darkened into a glare as he stared at Jeb.

"Um I guess you're in trouble now.." I whispered as I looked over at him.

"I thought he would have taken them to his office..." He answered as we continued our descent.

We went to walk past but the man wouldn't allow it. "BETA! BRING HER OVER!" He demanded.

"You have no right telling my Beta what to do!" Blake snapped. "Leave!" He said turning towards us.


"SHE IS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS!" Blake said, his tone was loud and calm. But the power behind it had sent a shiver down my spine.

"I have a right to know who that human is in my pack!" The man growled. Like literally growled.

"This is my pack. You lost rights to my pack as soon as you faked your own deaths. " Blake was calm. But I could see the tension in his back.

"Are those his parents?" I asked Jeb.

"Yes. They faked their deaths when Blake was 17. They've been back for a year now. They came back the same day he found you." He answered. His eyes glazed over as he stood silently.

"Bring her over." Blake said. Jeb blinded his eyes a few times before he looked at me.

"Um..." I said as I was led over.

"So who is this?" The woman snapped.

"You know we don't allow humans in this pack." The man said.

"No! You didn't allow humans. I allow them!" Blake ground out.

"Tell us who this filth is then!" The man demanded.

Blake growled and took a step towards him.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He visibly calmed.

The woman gasped. "No!"

The man looked over at her with a raised eyebrow.

"She's your mate! You are mated to a filthy human!.” the woman said as she grabbed onto the man.

"Ariel, these are my dead parents. Angus and Tory." He said gesturing towards the two. His jaw tight.

"Hi.." I said, not knowing what all they expected out of me.

"You are my sons mate?" She scoffed.

"I am.." I answered unsure if she meant it as a question or not.

"Well, you really aren't anything." Angus said.

I stood there silently as they judged me with their eyes.

"Well, its not too late. Reject her so that you can be given a better mate." Angus said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

A growl came from within Blake's chest as he took a step forward.

My grip on his arm tightened. "Blake." I said his name softly. Barely a whisper. But he heard me.

He stood up straighter. "If I hear one more disrespectful comment about or towards my mate I will have you banished. I will go to the council about you as well."

"You can't honestly be thinking about keeping her! Turned werewolves are so weak. Most of the time omegas are stronger." Angus said, his voice full of hatred.

"You act as though you have say over what I do!" Blake growled.

I was confused on why he didn't tell them who I really was.. But I guess it was better this way. I wasn't going to question why he wasn't saying truth.

"If you have nothing else to speak about I am going to take my mate to our room." He said, his voice held a commanding tone in it.

"We need a place to stay. We are staying here for a few weeks." Angus said.

"A few weeks?" Blake laughed. "You think I will allow you to stay here for a few weeks after what you put this pack through!"

"We have a reason for being here!" Tory said.

"That reason you have yet to reveal! I am not going to allow you to stay here in case you decide to harm someone in the pack or are bringing harm to the pack!" Blake said, I could tell he was using his tone as Alpha. His voice sent chills down my spine.

"If you want no harm to come to your Mate I suggest you allow us to stay!" Angus said.

Blake let out a growl. "Are you threatening my Lunas life!"

"YES! I AM!" Angus boomed.

"Beta, take them both to the southern side of the territory. Let them stay in the farthest cottage away. Have guards posted around them. They are not allowed to leave. Tomorrow morning have an omega take the guards some groceries to give them. We don't want them to starve before they can tell us the truth of why they are here." Blake commanded.

"Yes, Alpha." Jeb said as I looked over at him. His eyes glazed over before he blinked a few times. He smiled down at me before a dozen Guards came into the foyer.

"Alpha!" They all said before respectfully bowing. Then straightened back up, their eyes moved to me.

"Luna!" They all said repeating what they did to Blake.

"I want these traitors taken to the farthest cottage in the southern most part of our territory. There are to be 5 guards at all times around the cottage. An omega will be by in the morning to bring groceries. I am letting Beta Jeb be the one in charge of the scheduling of the shifts. You will report to him. They are not allowed to leave that cottage for any reason. No one is to go in or out. The only communication that will be allowed is the transfer of groceries and trash. Have a washer and dryer installed before they go. I don't want them having to leave that cottage for any reason. Take them to the dungeon until you have everything set up." Blake said, his Alpha tone sent chills down my spine. I also found it hot. I blushed as I felt my arousal.

"Yes, Alpha!" They all said.

Angus and Tory screamed the entire way. Demanding more respect.

Jeb followed behind.

"Your arousal is distracting." Blake growled softly in my ear.

I blushed more. "How?"

He nipped my neck making me gasp. "I can smell it."

"Oh." I said breathless. My face was red.

"I'll give you two choices. We can go get that desert you wanted. Or." His words trailed off as he nipped my neck again. This time lightly sucking on my skin. "I can take you up and show you what I have wanted to do to you the moment my eyes met yours."

I gasped. I knew exactly what he was wanting and I wanted it too. "What's stopping you?" I said.

He let out a deep growl before sweeping me off my feet and taking me up to the room. Screw choices I wanted him.

He gently laid me on the bed before capturing my lips with his.

His tongue swept my bottom lip asking for entry.

I gladly gave it to him. Our tongue danced together as he gripped my hips. I moan into his kiss as he grinded his hips against me. His hard member pushing into me.

He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head as he trailed his lips down my jaw to my neck. He inhaled my scent as his lips found my neck. His tongue trailed down the side of my neck until he reached the base where he lightly bit. "This is where I mark you as mine." He said, his voice deep with passion.

He released my hands before pulling my shirt up and over my head. His eyes darkened as he took in the blue lace bra I wore. A growl of passion vibrated through the room as he took my lips once more.

His fingers trailed down my sides before he hooked them into my pants. Slowly pulling them off without breaking the kiss.

My hands found his shirt. I pulled on it, idicating that I wanted it off too.

He broke the kiss and sat up pulling his shirt off.

I never got tired of seeing him shirtless. His tan skin seeming darker in the moonlight that shone through the window.

"Beautiful." He said as his eyes raked down my body.

I let out a slight gasp as he kissed each breast lightly before lifting me up and unclasping my bra. He took one nipple into his mouth while he flicked his finger over the other.

My moans rang out through the room as he continued. He moved to the other breast, giving the same amount of attention to each.

"Blake." I groaned as his lips trailed down my stomach.

His fingers hooked into my panties and he slowly pulled them down.

"Your arousal is so intoxicating." He said after he took a deep breath.

He spread my legs open more as he pulled me towards the edge of the bed.

He trailed kisses down each of my thighs before I felt his tongue flick across my bundle of nerves. I moaned fisting my hands into the sheets.

"Mmm. You taste divine."

He slid a finger within me. The sudden entrance had me about to burst.

"Blake!" I moaned again. Louder than the last.

His finger pumped into me. Bringing me closer to the edge. He slipped one more finger inside me. He started to move quicker. My moans filled the room.

I moaned his name as I came. His mouth replaced his fingers as he suckled me. Tasting my juices.

"You taste even better than you smell." He said in my ear. His breath sending shivers down my body.

"I love you." I said as I looked up at him.

"I love you as well." He smiled. The moonlight made his eyes seem brighter. Like they glowed. I reached my hand up and caressed his cheek.

His eyes closed as he leaned into my touch.

I removed my hand from his face and moved it down his body. A growl of pleasure escaped his lips as he opened his eyes.

When I made it to his belt he caught my hand. "Don't."

"Why not?"

"Tonight is about pleasuring you."

"But I want it. I want you."

He looked away. Seeming

to be at war with himself. Or maybe he was at war with his wolf.

"Blake, I want you to make love to me. I want you to claim me as yours as much as you can right now."

His eyes snapped to mine. He searched my face for any sign of uncertainty. When he found none he crashed his lips to mine.

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