A sudden jerk had me awake.

"Its okay, we are just landing." Blake said as my eyes met his.

"I slept the whole ride."

"Yep. We are going to stay at a hotel. I don't feel comfortable staying on their estate. "

"Okay. I agree."

"I booked 2 suites. We are going to the hotel first. Then we will go to your fathers and see him. He is at work right now. We still have 6 hours before he is off."

"Okay. That gives us time to rest and regroup." I said as I yawned.

After about an hour we were on the road to the hotel.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"A little. I'm more tired than anything."

"We can stop by somewhere quick to get a bite to eat before going to the hotel."

"Okay. Pizza would be easy. Could just order it at the hotel." I said as I closed my eyes drifting back to sleep.

It was sometime later when I felt a soft cloud under me as I was pulled from my sleep. I felt like I had only slept for a minute. I opened my eyes to see Blake walking back out of the room, gently closing the door.

I smiled as I turned to curl up under the covers. The bed was so soft and warm. I fell right back to sleep after.

Blake's P.O.V.

I walked back out to the pack after I laid her in the bed.

"So the food will be here in about an hour." Jeb said as he stepped in from the balcony.

"Okay. I'll wake her when the food is here." I said as I leaned against the counter.

"So what's the game plan Alpha?" Ken asked me.

All the others looked to me as well.

"Jeb, Ariel and I will be going to see her father. She needs to be able to graduate for her lessons as your luna to start. When we go you all will go and get used to the area. Get used to the hotel. Find a good escape route if something happens and we gotta get us out of here. Tomorrow morning I will be calling Kameran Knight. I will be letting him know that we are here and I require a meeting with him and his clan. Damien hopefully doesn't know that our Luna is here. If he finds out she is here before we want him too be prepared to defend her.

When going to the Knight estate everyone is going. Two of you will stay in the vehicle, while the rest of you are outside or inside with us. Jeb, Ken, and Quinn will be with Ariel and I. The rest of you may decide amongst yourselves who will be inside the vehicle and who will be outside. If anything happens, anything. You will here our normal signal. That means to get your asses inside and shift if need be. Who ever I give Ariel to protect if things go south damn well better keep her safe. Whoever gets her needs to run. Leave. Get into the vehicle and drive out of there as fast as you can. That is why I want two of you in the vehicle at all times. We will be bringing every vehicle. But one needs to be in and running at all times. We need to treat this as a war. Always be on guard. Keep an eye on everything. None of us know who our enemy is there. Kameran, his wife and children may be allies. But we don't know who to trust."

"If he tries to kidnap Luna, do you want someone to just grab her and run while everyone else is fighting him? Even if you arent with us?" Quinn asked.

"If anyone tries to touch your Luna you protect her and get her out of there regardless of if I am there. We will be here for 4 days. There will be guard shifts. Jeb and I will take the first 4 hours while you all get sleep. Jeb will assign the rest of the shifts after."

"Alpha if I may, shouldn't you just stay with Luna while all of us take care of the guard shifts. You by her side is safer for her." Ken said.

"I will let Jeb decide what the best protection strategy is."

"I will get the teams set up. We have a lot more to discuss besides Damien.."

"The council issues can wait." I ground out.

"Alpha, if the council has a problem with your decision of your parents. We all will gladly stand behind you. None of us would have protected them. We would have rather became rogues."

"Their worry is with your Luna and the Vampire king." I said.

Just then the food arrived so I headed into the room Ariel slept.

I was surprised to see the bed empty. I heard the water turn on for the bathtub in the bathroom connected to the room.

I was distracted by the conversation that I didn't hear her stir.

"Ar" I called as I knocked on the door before entering the bathroom.

She turned to look at me, a soft smile on her face as she stood from next to the tub.

"Why didn't you come and see me?"

"You were busy doing your Alpha duties."

"I was just talking through what to do for your protection." I said walking over to her as I raked my eyes down her towel clad body.

"And I appreciate that. Which is why I didn't interrupt. I knew you would know I was awake sooner or later. "

I pulled her closer, a gasp escaping her lips when she felt me hard and ready for her.

"You're lucky that our pack members are in the other room." I growled into her ear.

If it wasn't for all of them in the kitchen I'd have had her over the counter already.

"Why are they what's stopping you from taking me." She said, Her voice a soft hush of seduction.

"They would hear."

Her eyes widened at that, her lips forming an 'oh'.

A smirk played at my lips as she turned around, her innocence clear.

"Fuck!" I growled when she dropped the towel and stepped into the tub.

"This is a big bathtub. Almost like a mini pool." Her response clear that she knew exactly what patience she was playing with.

I turned and left the bathroom. Her laugh echoing out as I closed the door.

Jeb met me in the hall a sour look on his face. "What?"

"Damien went to the Packhouse looking for you. Eric told him the cover story. But one of the elders told him everything.... I'm sure you already know who spoke about it... But Damien knows everything.."

"I guess its a good thing we lied about what hotel we were going to.. I will deal with him when we get back."

"He knows you two mated. Hes even more pissed. He took care of Kansto. His betrayal pissed him off and he ripped his head off."

"Fuck.. How long do we have before he is back into Anchorage?"

"Four maybe five hours. He is running..."

"Fuck... Get everyone prepared. Unfortunately we have to go see her father before he leaves work.. Damien wouldn't put anyone at risk of exposer. He's already had to live that out."

"I'll take them to the other room. Get them prepared. So you can handle the women in your room who obviously is about to go into heat...." He said gesturing behind me.

I turned to see her leaned against the door frame in her robe.

No.. She's still human. I shook my head.

'She's not fully human. Could be different since she is the Ruby and already half mated.' Jax said.

I groaned as I walked back into the room with her.

"Take a bath with me?" She asked.

"We need to go see you father sooner than expected. " I said, grabbing her hands as she tries the unbutton my pants.

"After please." She begged. "I promise I'll be good and listen after you bathe with me."

"You want to take a bath together?"

She nodded her head as I heard the door shut. Signaling eveyone had left our suite.

"Fine. But we have to be quick." I released her hands and followed her into the bathroom. Where she dropped her robe and turned to start stripping me off my clothing.

"Fuck!” I groaned as she ran her hands down my chest after removing my shirt. Her fingers played on the button of my pants for a second before she undid them and pulled them down.

I was standing at attention already. A moan escaping my lips as she freed me.

Her hands stroking me softly.

I gently pushed her to the bathtub where the steaming water waited.

After we stepped in and got comfortable, her lips smashed to mine in a hungry kiss.

I let her continue her assault of kisses as she trailed down my jaw and to my neck then chest.

Both of our moans mixed as she suddenly slid down me. My hands coming up to grip her hips as she rode me.

I grew harder as I watched her work.

Her head thrown back, hands on my shoulders as she rolled her hips. Moans filled the bathroom as I felt her walls tighten around me as she came. Her body collapsing on me. I continued the pace as I rode out her orgasm.

'Let me join.' Jax begged. Giving him some control would make me grow larger.

'Im not sure she can handle you as well just yet.'

'Ask her!' He yelped. I knew he was restless. Waiting on her other half to come.

"Jax wants to join too." I whispered in her ear. Her breath caught as she sat up to look at me.

"What does that mean?"

"He wants to join. Take some control too. It'll cause me to grow larger though. In all areas."


Jax growled in excitement as I picked her up and took her into the bedroom laying her on the bed, all the while not pulling out of inside of her and not caring that we were both dropping wet.

As Jax took some control I felt myself grow inside her as well as my muscles and height a bit.

My voice was huskier as I spoke, Jax coming out too. "Mmm, you feel so good."

She moaned as I moved. Pulling out of her before pushing all the way back in.

"Blake." She gasped as she grabbed me arms.

"Mmm. Baby." I continued my movement as I quickened the pace.

I threw her legs on my shoulders, going even deeper.

"Shh baby. Others can hear you here." I said as her moans grew louder.

"Blake!" She squeaked out as her walls clenched around me while she came again.

A growl rumbled deep from my chest as I grew larger, Jax taking on more control than what I gave.

"Jax!" She screamed as she came again. "Uh!"

"Yes little wolf! Come for me! Scream my name!" He said. My voice coming out darker.

Her grip tightened on my arms as we lifted her and walked to the wall. Her legs wrapped around my waist as I moved inside her once again. Her back pressed against the wall.

I groaned out her name as I came. Jax slowly releasing his control. Allowing me full control. And we weren't done.

I pulled her from the wall and took her back into the bathroom. Setting her down and turning her around to face the counter with the large mirror. I entered into her once more after bending her over it.

She gripped the sides as she groaned. I snaked my hand around her to play with her clit. Making her clench around me as I pounded into her from behind. Her moans becoming louder as she reached her edge. Just as she was about to come I bit down on her mark. Throwing us both into an orgasm overdrive.

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"Oh Ar... We're gonna have pups before you are supposed to..."

She giggled as she leaned her weight into the counter.

"Come on. Let's get cleaned up and ready. We should have left already." I said as I smacked her ass and walked over to the shower.

After we were showered and clothed we headed out to the hallway where everyone met us, before we headed to the vehicles. On our way to her father.

"Why are we going to the school?" She asked as well turned into the parking lot.

"He won't attack here." I said.

"But... He isn't here yet. You told me we still had like three hours." She said frantically.

"Calm down. No he shouldn't be here yet. But something could happen to where he's here sooner. So we want to stay as public as possible."

"Oh... Okay..."

After we parked I had Jeb come in with us, while everyone else stayed in the vehicles.

"How can I help you dears?" The lady at the desk asked us.

"We are here to see Kyle Locke. He's my dad." Ariel answered.

"Oh right. I remember that conversation. Uhm," she pointed at me "you called here. You're her fiance!"

"Yes ma'am." I said.

"Okay, let me take you to his office. School just got out so he should still be here." She said as she stood and came around to meet us at the doors.

We followed her down the hall and after turning down three different halls we stopped infront if a door.

"There ya are. Just let me know if you guys need some thing."

"Of course. Thank you." She said back to the lady.

"Ready?" I asked when I saw her hand shake as she grabbed the door handle.

"No." She answered as she pushed the door open.

We stepped into the room to see his retreating form as he headed for the back of his classroom. "Tutoring is cancelled for today. Come back tomorrow guys." He called as he set a stack of books down.

"Hi dad...." She said softly.

I watched his body go tense as he slowly turned.

"What? How?"

"I brought her. Remember we talked on the phone. You kept hanging up on me." I said.

"No! You're dead! I was told you died!" He said.

"By who?" I growled.

"My wife told me that the hospital called... Said she had too much internal injuries and ended up passing away in her sleep. Said that if anyone called, it was a sick joke that someone was playing to try and scam me."

"Why would she lie to you about me being alive?" Ariel asked as she tried to not cry.

"She's part of Damien's family by marriage." Jeb said.


"Her sister married a Grayson Knight."

"Abigail is her sister?" I asked.

"How do you... Nevermind." I said then turned my attention back to her father. "Obviously your daughter is still alive. These papers here need to be signed for her to graduate early."

"Why do you need to graduate early? Just stay in school." He said looking over at her.

"I have more than enough credits to graduate. I'm not... I can't... Um.." She looked over at me as she panicked.

"She's not living in their house. She couldn't keep living there. She moved in with me. Where I live is three hours away from her school. There's also no schools for her around there she can transfer to." I answered. Adding a bit of lies.

"What? What's going to happen to the house? That's been in your mothers family for years.."

"I bought it. Its still hers. She's just not able to stay there."

"I'm not signing those papers. Not until I discuss it with your step mother." He said to her.

I raised an eyebrow. Something was off.

"Come have dinner at the house. We will discuss it there. Be there at 6. I assume you already know the address."

She looked at me and I nodded.


We left shortly after. She seemed distracted as we headed back to the hotel.

When we got into the room she went to the room without a word. Jeb looked over at me. Our looks said the same thing. She's mad and scared. Which was not a good combo.

"Take care of your mate. I'll get the team ready and do a drive by with them. I'll leave two guys with you."

"Sounds good. Let me know if anything happens."

"Always do."

He left as I headed for the room.

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