I woke to the sound of yelling. Damien sat up in bed, and looked at me.

"What is going on?" I asked before looking at the alarm clock. 2:25AM

"Damien it's two in the morning." I grumbled as we got out of bed.

"Graysons yelling for everyone. Come on." He said as he grabbed a blanket from the bed to wrap around me.

Slowly we made our way out of the room before he lifted me up.

After a few seconds we were in the living room with everyone else.

"Why is Grayson screaming for everyone?" Damiens mother asked.

"Why isnt he here if he was yelling for us to go into the living room?" Christine said.

"I dont know. I cant hear him right now. Which means hes blocked out his thoughts." Kameran answered the two.

"Shes awake." Caleb said as he looked down the hall.

"What?" Damien shot up from the couch.

We all watched as Abigail walked into the room with Grayson behind her.

"Abigail." Brittny gasped.

"How is this even possible?" Damien muttered.

"Thank you." Abigail spoke her voice like an angel as she looked at me.

"Why are you thanking her?" Damien whipped around to face me, "what did you do?"

"I didnt do anything. Your guess is as good as mine with this." I looked over at Abigail with pleading eyes. She knows how she was freed.

"Grayson told me she wasnt going to give up on me. I'm thanking her for being so kind and Caring even when shes never met me." She turned and curled up next to her mate.

"You are very welcome." I smiled. I saw Damiens father watching me. He knew. I knew he knew. I looked at him and sent a pleading 'please dont say anything' to him. He nodded and spoke back to me 'we will talk later.'

I nodded.

"Let me make you a meal and i will fill you in on everything that you have missed." Damiens mother, Angie, said.

Abigail nodded and headed for the kitchen with Angie.

Everyone else followed except for Kameran, Damien, Grayson, and I.

"Damien, can you go wake a few of the maids and have them get Graysons original room set back up."

"Yes father," He wrapped his arm around my back and went to lift me but I declined. "I'm still quite tired. I'll just wait here for you."

"Okay." He kissed my forehead before he disappeared.

Grayson went over to the doors by the hall and pulled them closed. While Kameran closed the doors that connected the Hall to the kitchen.

"What did you do?" Grayson was the first to speak.

I stared at him silently.

"Ariel, how did Abigail come back?" Kameran asked.

"You know. You can read my thoughts so you know."

"I know what you have thought recently. I do not pry into others minds. Now tell us what you did."

"Two days, she gave me two days to say goodbye before she will erase my memories." I looked down.

"Rose?" Grayson asked.

"Yes. She came here. When the explosion happened. She killed Carry and set off that explosion, because she knew I'd be left alone. So she waited. Then she approached me. She was going to kill me. But I made her the counter offer. She was impressed with my offer so she gave me two days. But if I fall in love with him again... she will put me in acoma. I'm not going to win this one." I looked up at Kameran.

"I wrote down everything that has to do with Damien in a journal. So that I dont forget him. I'm going to let myself remember him. But I just I cant be with him...as much as i want too."

"Why didnt you let him decide that? You're choosing to leave him. You should never have come into his life." Grayson hissed at me.

"I'm sorry instead of him coming in to find me lying on the God damn floor dead I did what I could to save my life. Oh and a thank you for bringing my wife back to me, would be great. I didnt have to do this for you. No matter how I controlled the situation last night there was no way I was getting out of it alive or with Damien. She didnt need to give me these two days. But she did."

Grayson glared at me before storming out of the room towards the kitchen.

Kameran looked at me and smiled sadly. "You are a remarkable young lady. We will find a way to get you out of this."

"I have to be home by tomorrow night. That's when she will come."

"I'm leaving damien a letter. But I will also be telling him in person. The letter is more detailed though."

"You need to tell him. You need to tell everyone."

"I will."

"You should do it now."

I sighed. And trudged behind him into the kitchen. Damien showed up a few minutes later.

"Everything is getting cleaned up and ready." He spoke as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Ariel." His dad said sternly.

"I'm going."

"What's going on?" Damien asked as I stepped away from him to face the large group.

"That explosion was a set up. It was planned. Rose knew you all would leave me alone. As soon as you all left that room she was there. She was going to kill me." I paused to look at Damien. Saddness played in his eyes. He knew what I was going to say. I continued. "I talked her out of it... I told her that she could take my memories or put me into the same comatose state that Abigail was in.

She thought those were much better ideas. So she decided to do both...."

"Both?" Damien snapped.

"My memories of you will be wiped.... if I fall in love with you again.... I will fall into the same comatose state as Abigail. She gave me two days with you. By tomorrow night I have to be in my own room. That's when she will come. Theres no getting out of this. I'm sorry. I did what I needed to to stay alive. If I'd have said no....."

"Why didnt you yell for us? Yelled for me?" Damiens voice was filled with anger and pain as he spoke.

"I would have been dead before you got there. There was no way I was getting out of that room alive. So I made a deal. To keep my life."

"Only to throw Damiens life down the drain. Shows how much you actually cared." Grayson snapped.

"Grayson, enough. This girl has brought you nothing but happiness now. Keep your trap shut." Kameran snapped at his brother.

"What does my father mean by that, Ariel?" Caleb asked.

I looked at him with my head held high. "I convinced Rose to give Grayson his mate back. I told her that They both have nothing to do with this. I got Abigail back, only because she was impressed with me. She liked my ideas of torture for Damien.... they were better than me just dying.... she enjoyed that. So she granted me everything I asked. And gave me two days to be with him."

"She sacrificed everything in that small amount of time we were all gone. Tell them what you told me about the journal."

"My life with Damien. The small amount of time I've actually been with you...." I looked over at him. Tears danced in my vision as I continued voice shaky. "My love for you will always be there. I will not allow myself to forget you. I wrote everything down in that journal. Down to the small smiles you've given me. To the time I told you to leave me alone. Everything that happened between us. Everything. Is written down in that journal. Even the warning about Rose. Everything."

I looked over at my brother. "I need you to tell dad that I fell today and hit my head pretty good. I want him to think I lost my memories from a head trauma." I looked over at Jake as he held onto Arias crying form.

He nodded to me. Angie came over to me.

"We will miss you very much." She whispered to me as she hugged me.

"Like I said we will get you out of this." Kameran said.

"I'm gonna take her to bed. We will see you all later. Let us know when Alpha Blake and his pack gets here." Damien pulled me up into his arms and took off for his room.

After a while he set me down. After the dizziness faded I looked over at him. He was sitting in the chair infront of the fire.

"Damien." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You shouldnt have made that deal. You should have stalled. You shouldnt have.... you're leaving.... That's worse than a God damn rejection. You still want me but you are leaving me. What's the fucking fairness in that."

I flinched away from him. "I thought-"

"You thought wrong." He stood turning on me. His eyes red.

I looked at him shocked at his words.

"If I could go back, I would. But itd do no good. I tried yelling for your father but all of you were distracted. Which is what she wanted. Maybe I'll just let Rose kill me. It seems like that would suit you more. This way we would be able to be together again."

We had a stare down for a long while before he spoke. "Just reject me. Why do this if you can just reject me."

"It wouldnt be the truth."

"Exactly. She will think you rejected me. And she will leave. All you had to do was reject me. But instead-"

"We can still do that. Shes coming back tomorrow night. If you are there when shes supposed to be there and we are fighting.. then I'll be able to reject you. She will think it's true. I never told her that I love you."

"Fine. But if something goes south I'm taking you away from there. You wont be hurt or killed."

"Okay. Now can we stop fighting and spend what little time we have alone."

He pulled me into him and held me close. "this is why you wanted me to make love to you last night." He stated.

"Yes. I wanted to know what it felt like..." I admitted.

"But you're losing your memories of me."

"I'm writing everything down. Everything that happens. And if that happens then itll be wrote down as well."

"If we can convince Rose that you rejected me, then I'll make love to you."

"Deal." I leaned up to kiss him.

As our lips touched a knock rang out through the room.

We continued our kiss as he pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He laid me down on the couch as his tongue danced with mine. He began to trail kisses along my jaw and then down my neck.

The knock came again. Before a voice boomed through. "Alpha Blake and his pack have arrived, Damien. Let's go." Caleb said from the other side.

Damien grumbled before getting up. "This should be fun."

"Come on." I spoke softly.

He picked me up and carried me down.

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He set me down outside of the living room doors. Letting the dizziness pass.

We walked into the room. There were men all around the room. Some were sitting others stood. One of the men had his back to us. Though as soon as he turned I about broke.

"That's why i recognized your name." I gasped. Blake was the man I dated while I lived in Washington with my mom. I ended up leaving without saying anything to him.

"Ariel? You died. I watched you die." Blake growled. "How are you alive?"

"I had the faintest heart beat. They barely caught it. I.... I thought you left Washington.. I tried getting ahold of you, before I left."

"I left to track down Rose." He walked up to me and picked me up into a hug. I hugged him back. Inhaling the familiar earthy scent he always had.

"She was your mate." Caleb stated.

He set me down. "Yes. She was." He looked over at me. "You can ask my men how bad it was for them when I lost you."

I looked around the room at everyone. Seeing many familiar faces. Jeb was among them. In the back corner. He saw me watching him and spoke. "Weve missed you, Princess. It's good to know you are alive and safe."

"Safe really isnt the word I'd use right now." I said.

"Shes who you called us about?" Blake looked over at Kameran.

"Yes. Rose is after her. Still I should say now. Shes mates with Damien." He answered.

Blake looked over at Damien. "How is it possible for one woman to be mates to two?"

"It must have happened when she was on the brink of death. Your connection to her about disappeared. Fate besides to mate her with another. Now she will have to choose." Caleb spoke up as Damien remained silent.

"Fate is cruel." Christine grumbled from the side.

I looked over at Blake and told him what happened the previous night with Rose.

"So we have to get to her before she gets to you tonight."

"I was going to reject Damien where she could hear. Make it seem real."

"No. Just lose you memories. Get rid of that journal and go with Blake. It would be safer with him than with me." Damien said. Before walking out of the room.

I looked over at Kameran then to Blake. "He is right" Blake said.

"Come with me." I said as I headed for the stairs. "Hes up on the top floor."

"Do you want me to carry you, love? I know these stairs will about kill you if you continue."

I glared at him. Before allowing it.

When we got to the top floor he set me down and I headed for Damiens door. When I opened it Blake had to pull me out of the way before a chair impaled me as it came flying out of the room.

"You want to be careful, vampire." Blake growled as he headed into the room first with me trailing behind.

"Get out." Damien hissed.

"No." I stepped out from behind Blake. Heading for Damien.

"I'm not going to listen to what you have to say. Reject me and leave."

"I'm not rejecting you. Well not truthfully that is."

"You're mated to him. You have to choose. You still have love in your heart for him or you would have accepted me. I'm not going to fight over this. Go with Blake. Hes a much safer mate than me."

"I've made my bed with Blake. He left. He thought I was dead. He made that choice. He left. He accepted my death."

"Dont you get it. You're not dead. Which means he cant be with anyone else till you are. I'm fine with being lost. I will manage just fine."

"You're an idiot."

"He is right though. I'm a much safer mate to be with."

"Shut up." I turned to him before looking back at Damien.

"Hes been living without me this entire time. Thinking I was dead because he wouldnt come see for sure."

"Ariel." Blake began. "I told you to shut up." I snapped at him. "I'm tired of people trying to make me do what they want. I decide what I want to do. I decide who I want to be with. Not the other way around."

"You cant make those decisions. One of us will be left with heartbreak and loneliness for the rest of your life." Blake spoke.

I turned to him. "You've already been doing it."

"That's not the point knowing you're still alive means we are still mates."

"You need to stop talking." Damien growled.

"You both need to just stop."

"You need to make up your mind." Blake fired back.

"You need to shut up. I'll decide when I'm good and ready. We have more pressing matters to attend to." I snapped.

"Just let her take your memories of me away and go with Blake. At least you can stay human with him. Once you mate you'll be with him until he dies. And wolves live just as long as vampires. You'll never age." Damien spoke.

"Damien shut it. You both need to stop."

A knock sounded on the door before Brittny came bursting in. "You all need to get your asses down stairs now. Rose is in the kitchen."

I wasnt even able to comprehend what was happening. One second I was standing in Damiens room the next I was on my feet trying to regain my balance in the living room.

Blake came running in as the dizziness subsided. We headed for the kitchen. Rose was sitting at the bar. Twirling a glass of thick dark red liquid in her hand.

Everyone stood In a circle around her. She was trapped.

"Hello sugar sticks." She laughed. "I am really here. I came to make a bargain."

"You can go to hell you piec-" Damien growled stepping in front of me.

I rolled my eyes and smacked his back. Which did nothing but send him a message of me being pissed off at him.

"Will you shut up and let her talk. God damn. How the hell do you all survive. None of you will just listen. Listen first kill later." I grumbled stepping away from Damien.

Blake stepped up behind me placing him hand on my hip.

I side stepped him. Going over to the other side of the room.

"I'm very happy that you are back with Blake. Now I dont have to take your memories away." Rose smiled.

"Get to the real reason you're here." I snapped.

"I'm tired of constantly following Damien around." She smirked.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Blake sniff the air.

"She was bitten. She has no way of surviving this wolf bite."

"Vampires can survive wolf bites."

"Not when the wolf is a Siren as well." Blake answered. "When a siren gets bit by another siren. They dont survive. The only way for her to survive this is by drinking the blood of the one who bit her and the blood of that wolf's Alpha."

"She wants some of your blood and the wolf's blood to survive." I looked over at her. "You are willing to give up your revenge to survive."

"Yes. My survival means more than this feud." She met my eyes. Then laughed before it ended in coughing. "You all think I'm willing to die for this bullshit, you're wrong."

I went to answer her but Blake began to talk. "The only question is what wolf bit you." He looked at her.

"What does it matter. This is your pack. So you will be the one I need blood from. Stupid mutt." She growled.

"Watch your words, vamp." Blake growled back. He went to continue but 4 men came running in. When they saw Rose they all stopped.

"She was sitting in the tree line facing the kitchen. We attacked." The brown haired man said.

"She killed Marely." A man in the back growled.

Everyone looked at Rose. She only shrugged. "They had it coming. If I hadnt been bitten, they'd all be dead."

Blake turned his attention back to his wolves. "Speaking of, who bit her?"

"Crowley." They all answered.

Blake began to laugh. "You're screwed." He said after his laughter ended.

"What?" She snapped.

"Crowley is no one of mine."

"But hes in you pack." I said.

"Doesnt matter. I'm not his true Alpha. He ran away from his pack, because they werent accepting to him being different." Blake turned his gaze to me.

"That makes no sense. Every wolf pack has at least 5 sirened wolves." Damien spoke up.

"Yes. But Crowley isnt just a Siren wolf." Blake answered.

"Then what the hell is he?" Rose snapped.

"Crowley has demon blood running through his veins. His father, was a Siren. His father's father was a demon. His father's mother was a Siren wolf. His mother was just a normal wolf. See the connection?" Blake explained.

"You're dead Rose. Theres nothing you can do." Damien stated.

"No. This cant be how it ends."

"You'll get to see Gregor." I spoke softly.

"After I die a long excruciatingly painful death." She snapped at me.

"Just kill me now. Make it fast."

"Why would we do that when you have made all of our lives a living hell. You deserve this death. Nobody is going to take that away from you." Damien laughed as she growled in pain.

"Caleb, Take her to the dungeon. Chain her up so she cant kill herself. But make sure shes at least comfortable. We arent that bad." Damien spoke looking at Caleb.

"Ya. I'd like company. I know her tricks." Caleb spoke as he grabbed Rose by the arm.

Blake looked over at his men. With a nod they all headed behind Caleb.

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