The Metatronic Chronicles: A Minor Inconvenience
The Metatronic Chronicles: A Minor Inconvenience

The Metatronic Chronicles: A Minor Inconvenience

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Michael and Daniel Wilder are high school students with all the normal problems of their ages. plus a couple of extra teensy little problems. Both of them are angels and Michael is going to be a dad. In the Metatronic universe, Heaven and Hell are located in a spatial void that exists outside of what we understand to be our universe. Angelic assignment outside of this "Void" is a plum job as it involves the populating of entire planets, which gives angels the utmost freedom to wander. Michael and Daniel Wilder are normal teenage boys who live in a small Wisconsin town, trying to keep up with school, meet girls, play their music and keep their parents off their backs. When an unexpected tragedy whisks them off into the lives they are destined for before they are ready, they find themselves in a fantastic world of angels, swordplay and adventure. However, with school still needing to be attended to, a baby on the way and being expected to fulfill new responsibilities, life becomes very complicated. To top it off, the new baby just happens to be Metatron, creator of the universes, chief of all angels and a general pain in the ass.

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