The Missing Princess
Chapter 42 - Disappearances


Weird shit has been happening around her lately. Ever since that last surfing competition. Eros and his friend left and from all accounts are home with Zenos in Russia. We still haven’t found exactly where in Russia they are. Duncan can’t understand how he isn’t able to keep their exact location hidden so damn well. I think Duncan is about to lose his shit. It is driving him nuts that he can’t figure this shit out. It is weird, but I am not IT expert so I can’t weigh in on the subject. I have been informed that there has been more foot traffic around our borders, but the only scents we can pick up are humans. There were a few of the competitors that hung around after the competition but they were here for a vacation and left when it was time for them to leave. I have a few of the guys out and wandering around town making sure no one was able to stay behind without me knowing.

“We still only scent humans around our borders, but there is something strange about the pattern or the path they are taking.” Shay states.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“The scents are human, but it is almost as if they are trying to figure out exactly where out borders are. However, they don’t show up everyday. There can be a few days in between their lurking. There are two scents that are always picked up, but the other few scents are different.” Brandt explained.

“Raef has a few of the trackers trying to track down who these humans are.” Shay added.

There is so much about this that doesn’t make sense. The fact that at least two of the people are repeat offenders is troubling. I don’t believe Zenos would use humans to scope out our borders. He has to be using supernatural’s, but how the fuck do they have human scents? I don’t fucking like this. I would be more concerned but thankfully the weather is changing and there probably won’t be anymore surfing competitions for a few months. In fact tourism will dwindle as well. It’s starting into winter time here. Okay I know winter in Hawaii, yeah it’s a joke. It’s our rainy season though and the weather is unpredictable so most people stay away from the islands this time of year. Kodi’s book is in its final editing stages. She will be sending it off to her editor and hopefully in a month or so it will be released. She did mention that her editor would like her to attend a few book signings. At the moment none are found here which I am not thrilled about. She hasn’t agreed or turned down the idea.

“What has the Luna said about the book signing subject?” Shay asked.

“Nothing has been finalised. Kodi told her editor that she wants to see where and how many cities that she might be travelling to before she makes final decisions. I know she wants to but I know she is worried that this would give Zenos a chance to kidnap her.” I told them.

“Raef, Shay and I would be more than happy to travel with her.” Brandt replied.

I knew one or two of these guys would say that. These three have become good friends with my little copper flame and I know she trusts them as well. I let them know that I will talk with Kodi and let them know. I already know that if she has to travel that I will go with her if I can, but also that these three will be with her all time as her guards during the trip. The three of them leave letting me get back to business. I’ve had to come into my office in town this week. Shit has gotten behind and I need to straighten it out. I also have to make plans for the Alpha’s that will be here in a week. All but one Alpha has RSVP’d and the one that hasn’t is one that I would really like to be here. I decided to call him and see what was up. Freddie answers and he tells me that he never received my invitation. I tell him that I will both email and text him one. I know my secretary sent them out so that when the arrived they had to be signed for. He lets me know that he will look into it and that he will most definitely be here. They were all excited to meet Kodi. The other, minus the two assholes, had already found their mates. I was the last one of our group to find my mate and Luna. We had all attended the same school to learn how to be alpha’s and run our packs. Shay and Brandt had left to resume their duties.

“Dani told me that she coming for the alpha conference.” Kodi said.

“Dammit my little copper flame.” I hissed.

“Sorry I thought you heard me knock and then open the door.” She replied. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“It’s fine. I had a feeling she would. She knows all those alpha’s and I know one of them was hoping that once she came of age that they would be mates. Don’t worry there won’t be a problem. He found his mate and Dani has dip shit and dumb ass so everything will be fine.” I told her.

“I wasn’t worried but Dani apparently told my bothers about that one alpha and they lost their fucking shit. They more or less forbid her from coming to this meeting, but she told them to fuck off and that she was going whether they came or not. My grandfather had to get involved and tell them they were being fucking morons. They are coming with her, as expected, and I may or may not have to have the shadows restrain them if they decide to start shit.” Kodi told me.

I let out a groan. I am not surprised that Rory and Vance reacted like that. I probably would have reacted like that if I had found out that some guy that thought my little copper flame and him were going to be mates. I however know better than to try and tell her not to go somewhere or do something.

Dani will do whatever she wants whenever she wants and those two will learn this eventually. Kodi wanders over giving me a kiss and then leaves my office as quickly as she entered. I return to work when Raef wanders in. Something isn’t right and both Blade and I are on alert.

“I was in town and I saw Eros and his little friend. I am not sure when they returned but they’re here. I tried to follow them, but they disappeared after walking around a corner. I have the IT unit trying to find out where they are staying but so far no one has checked into anywhere under either name.” Raef explained.

“They must be staying with someone they know.” I point out.

“That is what I thought so I have the IT unit and Duncan digging around. So far they haven’t found a connection. I think this mole is closer to our inner circle than we know. I am trying to figure it out, but whoever this person is doesn’t train regularly. I am not sure how they were able to stay under our radar after the surfing competition.” Raef comments.

“Let me know what the IT unit or Duncan finds out. They are here for a reason. I doubt they are the brains behind the plot to kidnap your Luna, but it is clear they are here to find a weak link or way to get their hands on her.” I told him.

Raef nods at me as he walks out of my office. I am not surprised that they came back. I am guessing they returned to one of the other islands then came here. It wouldn’t surprise me if they are staying on one of the other islands and coming here daily or every few days. I can tell you that Eros isn’t fond of Kodi, but I didn’t like how his little friend was looking at her during either competition. This is the last thing I need when all the alphas are coming. Just one more thing to drive me nuts.


We had gone home after the competition. Zenos had asked us if we had noticed anything. I know he was thinking of trying to get Eros to mate with Kodi, even though that all of knew that she was fully mated to Alpha Reign. They told me that Dobrita knew a spell or knew someone that knew a spell that is able to severe the mate bond.

“I know you want Eros to mate Kodi, but I know he doesn’t want her. I however, think she is gorgeous and was wondering if I could have her?” I asked.

“That is a great idea. I didn’t really want Eros with Kodi since they are cousins, but they would have strong children. I think you and Kodi would be good together. I will see where Dobrita is with the whole breaking Kodi and Reign’s bond spell. We need to make sure that their bond can be broken. If they are true fated mates then their bond can’t be broken unless one of them dies. That particular bond hasn’t been seen in centuries, but it is still possible.” Zenos explained to me.

Eros walked into the room at that moment. I told him what his father and I were talking about and he thought that was a great idea. He flat out told his father that he wants nothing to do with Kodi and that even if they weren’t cousins that he has no interest in her. My parents were killed when I was a toddler. Zenos and Donrita took me in after my parents died. Eros and I have been friends since we were born. My father was close friends with Dobrita. I think my father and Dobrita were cousins somehow. That makes Eros and I distantly related.

“I talked with Amir last night. He told me that they have figured out that there is a mole in the pack, but they don’t know who it is. He said his cousin Raef is the one looking for the mole. Amir is worried that Raef will figure out that he is the one feeding us the information.” I said.

“Let him know that he is welcome to come here if shit goes down. He is our friend so he is always welcome here. They have no idea that we are here.” Eros points out.

“True. I told him I would talk with you and then get back to him. I think he might call you later. Let him know that he can come here if you talk with him before I do.” I remark.

We have been staying on Maui since the competition ended. We made sure they saw us leave so they would think we returned home. We have made sure to keep a low profile so we can move around unseen. We noticed that they pack has members on every island, but Maui seems to be the least populated of all the islands. That is why we picked this island. So far we haven’t seen any vampires here either which is weird. I ask Zenos about this and he has no idea why there seems to be a lack of supernaturals in this island. It worries me and I would like to know why. Eros and I decide to go have a look around. Zenos tells us that he will be back and then he is gone. Oh the perks of being a supernatural. We can go where ever we want using our powers.

“This is fucking weird.” I comment.

“Yeah it is. I have only seen like four or five wolves and not a single vampire. Seems like only humans live on this island. Something about this doesn’t make any sense. I know the pack has members on every island. I am not sure about Eli and his kingdom. I figured they would have a few living here as well. I don’t like this.” Eros states.

“Yeah I don’t like this either, but that means there is less chance of someone seeing us.” I pointed out.

“True. We still need to be careful. I need to ask dad if there are any other supernatural beings that live on the islands. I don’t know of any and I haven’t heard anyone talk about any other beings living on them. “ Eros comments.

“Shit I didn’t think of that. What about a coven?” I asked.

“Fuck that would make sense as to why we are only seeing humans. Witches or warlocks would be able to blend in with humans.” Eros states.

While we walk around we do see quiet a few women that would do well in the ring. We secretly take pictures of them as we use our charm to flirt with them. We find out their names and where they live. We text all that shit to Volotor as he can come grab them.

“We probably shouldn’t have done that.” I gasp.

“I know but they were all by themselves and no one seemed to notice their disappearance.” Eros comments.

We have three girls hidden in the lower level of this house. We usually don’t do this shit but we couldn’t help it. It was way to easy and they came easily. We need to get them off this fucking island. Eros is on the phone with Volotor. I do look up at him when he says that he can have two of them.

“Why only two?” I asked.

“The red head is my second chance mate.” He admits.

Well shit this just got more complicated. He tells me that Volotor can’t come for three days which means we are stuck here making sure they don’t attract attention. Eros calls his father and I can hear Zenos yelling at him over the phone.

“What the fuck were the two of you thinking?” Zenos asks us.

“We didn’t plan on doing this. It just kind of happened. Plus the red head is my second chance mate.” Eros admits.

“Fuck.” Zenos growls.

“Don’t worry everything will be okay. My name is Danica and I can help.” The red head tells us.

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