The Missing Princess
Chapter 57 – Escaped


Finally, we were back home. I felt much better knowing we were back on pack territory. Kodi’s book signing had been rescheduled even before we had that show down with Zenos. I was glad that it had been rescheduled. My little copper flame needed time to recover and not deal with people. We had stayed three days at the castle, and I thought that Kodi was going to murder the previous council members. They for some reason had been trying to convince Zhamaxin that she needed to live there and be part of the fey court. Rory and Vance had to tell them if they didn’t shut the fuck up, they wouldn’t be responsible if Kodi strung them up by their toes or dicks. They left her alone after that. Between their threat and the viciously evil smile my little copper flame gave them they gave her a wide birth after that. I smiled as she walked into my office. She had a small bump now. I guess our little one decided it was safe to let everyone know that he was here. Everyone already knew that she was pregnant, but I guess he wanted to make sure he was seen. She was seriously upset when she found out that surfing would be a no go until after he was born. I thought she was going to burn down Chiron’s office. Thank God for Fern telling her that they can still go to the beach and watch the guys surf. Of course, this caused a huge issue with Ino who didn’t want Fern watching other men playing in the water mostly naked as he put it.

“Well, what brings you to my office my little copper flame?” I asked.

“I am fucking bored.” She announced.

Ino snorted as he read some reports that Eli had emailed us yesterday. Eros, Jeremy and their mates were still rotting away in the dungeons at the castle. We still hadn’t talked with them yet. I know Zhamaxin had spoken with them, but none of them had much to tell him. From what he told me Eros told him that he didn’t consider them family and he hadn’t said anything else. I grunted when she dropped down onto my lap. My hand instinctively went to her stomach. We still hadn’t found out why Blade went from a normal werewolf to a fucking Lycan. I had put on about fifty pounds of solid muscle after that shift. Not that I was complaining. Kodi certainly liked all my new muscles as she had spent all night touching every part of me. I had to admit I love her being pregnant. I woke up with her riding my cock like a fucking cowgirl. Then we fucked again in the shower. I am debating keeping her pregnant for the foreseeable future if this is how she is when she is carrying my pup.

“Well, the little man here seems to be active today.” I stated.

“Yes, he is, and your son is using my fucking bladder and other internal organs as punching bags.” She hissed.

I heard another snort which pissed Kodi off. I might love the fact that her hormones have made her extremely horny, but on the flip side they have made her very short tempered.

“Snort one more fucking time and I will cut off your balls and feed them to Uahi after coating them in fucking fruit juices. Then I will find a new fucking man for Fern.” She growled.

“Please don’t do that. I am slightly attached to his cock and balls.” Fern spit out.

“Slightly, after last night I would say you are more than slightly attached.” Ino spit back.

“Okay that is more than I needed to or wanted to know about what you two do privately in your bedroom.” I groaned.

“Well, this conversation plummeted into the gutter quickly.” Mauku remarked.

My office phone rang before I could tell them to shut the fuck up. I quickly picked it up trying to avoid any more of this conversation. I heard Zhamaxin on the other end of the line as a loud howl rang out letting everyone know that we had trespasser’s. The next howl that sounded was one telling everyone that we were under attack. I heard Zhamaxin tell me that Eros and his group had escaped and that they didn’t know where they were. I told him that I would call him back but right now we were under attack. He told me that he would send some guys. I slammed the phone down and ran out of my office to find dad standing there with Askel and Bastian.

“What the fuck is happening?” I asked.

“The patrol caught several strange scents that crossed the north west border. Shay can’t get in touch with Batina. He went back to their cottage, and it looks like someone broke in and took her.” dad explained.

“Zhamaxin called me as the first howl sounded. He was letting me know that Eros and his friends escaped, and they have no idea where they are.” I told them.

“That is why we are here. I received a call from Batina. As we were talking, I heard a crashing sound. I am guessing that Eros and Jeremy showed up and took her. Their mate’s bodies were found yesterday in the cells. They had been killed. From what we were able to find out. Eros mate had somehow tricked the bond. She was not his second chance mate. The other girl was also not Jeremy’s mate. We are not sure how she tricked the bond. The boys must have found out or the spell was rendered useless being in the fey kingdom. We believe they came for Batina and Kodi. We believe that Eros wants Batina and Jeremy wants Kodi.” Askel explained.

Blade and I were seeing red. If they think that they can have my little copper flame, then they are delusional. I quickly walked out of the pack house. I shifted into Blade as I stepped onto the grass. I let out a howl that was returned by the entire pack. They were coming for the people threatening their Luna. I felt my mark starting to hear up. I knew that meant that Kodi was about to lose her shit. I heard a scream coming from the forest. I took off towards it.

“Don’t come any closer. I will kill her and the pup she is carrying.” Eros hissed.

Kodi was doubled over as another scream tore from her. Batina was beside her telling her to breathe. Shit what is it with babies and their terrible timing.


We had killed those two bitches. I have no idea how they were able to cast that damn spell making us believe that we were their mates but once it wore off in the dungeon, I was furious. Jeremy was pissed. I had lost one mate already of my own stupidity, but this was even worse than that. To trick the bond was unforgivable in my books and in Jeremy’s. We agreed that we deserved Batina and Kodi. I would take Batina and he would take Kodi like we had originally planned. Then my parents had to go and work with that arrogant psychotic alpha. In the end it had gotten them killed. Everyone back home was taken. Hell, they even took my little sister, Alezios and Maxim. I would get them back along with Batina and Kodi. Getting across their borders was easier than I expected. We made it to the cottage where we found Batina. We had heard a couple of their guys talking about her and where she and the wolf she is mated to lived. She was easy enough to take. She had been on the phone when we broke the damn door down. I didn’t care who she was talking to. I grabbed her dragging her out of the damn cottage. Kodi was going to be the tricky one. She wasn’t the easiest to find and I knew we would have our hands full with her. We found her as we made our way through the forest. As I expected she fought. I was trying to stab her when I heard a loud growl that shook the damn ground.

“We need to get the fuck out of here.” I said.

“Heard, but how the fuck do we do that. We can’t get near her to sedate her.” Jeremy pointed out.

A scream tore through the air as I was trying to come up with something. I looked over to see Kodi doubled over and on her knees. Batina was beside her telling her to breathe. Seriously that little mutt wanted to be born now. This was not in our plans. As I was reaching for her Reign came crashing through the trees. Fuck, I still don’t understand how he went from a normal werewolf to a fucking Lycan, but the guy was even more massive than before.

“Don’t come any closer. I will kill her and the pup she is carrying.” I hissed.

It wasn’t long before we were surrounded. I grabbed Batina pulling her against me. I smirked at her mate when he growled at me. Jeremy reached for Kodi to pull her up but when he touched her, he was burnt. What the fuck? I threw Batina at Jeremy and grabbed Kodi myself only to be shocked. Fuck her powers are out of control because she is in labour. I linked Volotor telling him we needed out of here now. He said he would be here shortly.

“I want my sister, Alezios and Maxim. I know you are holding them here after fucking kidnapping them. Who knows what you have done to her or them.” I growled.

“They haven’t done shit to any of us.” Daenenay growled back.

She and the twins were standing in front of me looking completely normal. I knew then they were the ones that had helped these assholes. She was also the reason mom and dad were dead. I threw my poisoned knife at her. It sunk into her left shoulder.

“That is for betraying the family you little slut. I knew you were a fucking traitor. Dad should have sold you when he had the fucking chance.” I yelled.

Maxim caught her as she dropped to the ground. Volotor appeared right then. He saw what was going on and grabbed us. Jeremy had a hold of Batina as I grabbed for Kodi. However, before we could do anything the fucking forest twisted around us preventing us from teleporting or it was Kodi’s powers that were jumping all over the place. Another scream tore from her. I reached for her again only to be hurled backwards hitting a tree making my world go black. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


I picked up Kodi and ran straight to the hospital. I trusted dad and the others to get that shit cleaned up and put those two in the fucking cells. Chiron was waiting for me when I arrived. I laid her on the bed then shifted back hurrying to pull on a pair of shorts waiting for me. I followed them to the room but was stopped before I could go in.

“Stay here until we get her settled. I will check her out and come talk with you.” Chiron told me.

I growled at him, but I stayed where I was. I was pacing when dad walked up. I told him they were getting her set up as he leaned against the wall. I kept pacing until a scream echoed through the hallway. I ran into her room followed by dad as Chiron stopped us. Kodi was pale and unconscious and lying way to still on her bed. I let out a growl as Chiron kept me from getting any closer. More people came scrambling into her room.

“What the fuck is going on? Someone better start talking.” I roared.

Chiron opened his mouth to explain when all the monitors hooked up to her started going crazy causing everyone to rush to her bed side. Then the monitors went silent.

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