Hannah had already given up trying to figure out what Calvin was thinking; it was impossible to fathom

what went on in his mind. She could only go with the flow for now. Once the truth came to light, she

would be able to leave him and resume her life without worrying about all of this. … Calvin’s split-level

penthouse had been purchased early on, and the units in that development phase had the best layout

of all the condominiums in the area. Furthermore, the location was very scenic. In the past, when Liam

disciplined her for doing anything wrong, Hannah had always threatened to run away from home, but

she had always ended up seeking sanctuary here. The thought of Liam was like a dagger to the heart,

and the discomfiture was reflected in her face. “What’s the matter? Are you afraid Jay will

misunderstand you if you stay here with me?” “Jay…” “Don’t talk about him.” Calvin parked the car,

then undid his tie and pulled it off. “It’s annoying.” Hannah did not even know what to say to this. Calvin

had not bothered to listen to her explanation before jumping to the conclusion that she was having an

affair behind his back. Yet, now when she wanted to explain, he refused to listen to her and claimed it

was annoying. The implication was that reality consisted only of the things that he believed were true.

This was exactly the same as his belief that she had watched Liam die without lifting a finger to save

him, and his conviction that she was scheming and calculative. Hannah glanced at him with a slight

frown. His gaze was distant and aloof; it looked as if he was extremely displeased. Unfortunately, if

Calvin was displeased, everyone else would usually suffer as well. Once they got into the house,

Calvin glanced askance at her. “So after using everything at your disposal to bait me into marrying you,

you’re trying to hook Jay as your next target now that he’s back?” “How many times do I need to say

this? I wasn’t the one who leaked that picture!” Hannah felt as if she was arguing with a brick wall; it

suddenly felt even more futile than usual. “That being said, Jay is a very good friend of mine. Stop

slandering him all the time…” Her indignation amused Calvin; he could see she was clearly on the

verge of losing her temper. With a lazy smile, he settled onto the couch. “Are you going to yell at me

now, hmm?” As far as Hannah was concerned, Jay was the only one who had supported her

unhesitatingly in her bleakest moment. Not only that, he had told her that he did not believe she was

capable of such treachery. As a result, she could not stand Calvin constantly badmouthing him. “Yes!”

Hannah was furious enough to want to air all her grievances in one fell swoop. Her slightly chubby face

was scarlet with rage, yet somehow, she managed to look adorable despite her anger. Calvin merely

stared at her, his dark eyes glittering. His well-cut suit fitted him perfectly, accentuating his wide

shoulders and slim waist. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing a glimpse of delicate

collarbones that even a woman might envy. His hands rested on his lap, his fingers long, slender, and

well-manicured. Hannah took in all these details as she defiantly stared right back at him. As she

became aware of how handsome he was, she suddenly lost all desire to argue with him. She did not

know why, and it vexed her. Right at that moment, Mrs. Wright came out of the kitchen at the sound of

their voices and was astounded to see Hannah there. In the past, Hannah had been the only female

visitor to this apartment, and Mrs. Wright had doted on her as if she were her own daughter. In Mrs.

Wright’s opinion, Hannah was both beautiful and well-spoken. After Liam’s death, however, she had not

expected to see the girl here again. No wonder Calvin wanted her to cook pasta; Hannah had come to

visit. “Ms. Parker?” Mrs. Wright gasped. “Yes, it’s me!” Hannah whirled around and greeted her, just like

in the old days. “Hello, Mrs. Wright!” Mrs. Wright nodded in acknowledgment. She could never think of

Hannah as being evil or ungrateful. After all, the girl was well-bred and beautiful, and had not kicked up

any distressing scandals over the last few years. How could someone like her possibly harbor any ill

intentions? Nevertheless, Mrs. Wright was employed by Calvin and had his interests at heart in

everything she did. This meant that she did not dare to fully trust Hannah. Since it was still unclear

what Calvin’s attitude toward the girl was, Mrs. Wright could only wait and see. She firmly suppressed

her desire to baby Hannah like she would her own child and contented herself with scrutinizing the girl

carefully. Noticing how thin Hannah was, she said kindly, “Why don’t you go and change first? I’ll serve

dinner after that.” “Alright,” Hannah replied. “Let me go change, then I’ll come and help you in the

kitchen!” After all, she still had a set of her own personal items and toiletries left here from when she

used to visit in the past. Mrs. Wright’s heart melted. Really, this girl was too sweet for words! Calvin

remained seated on the couch, but the difference in Hannah’s tone when she spoke to Mrs. Wright

made his expression darken. Mrs. Wright sensed that something was off and stole a glance at Calvin.

Does Mr. Fullerton dislike Ms. Parker that much now? Could she really have been involved in Mr. Liam’s death somehow? By nature, she was an easy-going soul and seldom let anything bother her, Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

but right now, she felt worried. “We’ll eat in about an hour. I want to take a shower first.” Calvin had

initially wanted to ask Mrs. Wright to bring some soothing cream for his rashes but noticed that she

seemed a little preoccupied. He changed his mind and decided to look for it himself. Mrs. Wright

nodded respectfully. “Very well, Mr. Fullerton.” Calvin was about to go upstairs when he met Hannah,

who had just changed into comfortable loungewear. “Dinner will be served later. I need to bathe first.

You should shower too; that motel wasn’t very clean. I don’t want any germs or bacteria dirtying this

place,” he informed her curtly. Calvin had always been very particular about the cleanliness of his

home. The bedsheets were changed every day and his room was disinfected daily as well. He could

not fathom how anyone could stay in the unhygienic environment of a motel. It was like a foreign world

to him. Hannah suppressed the desire to roll her eyes. Instead, she contented herself with mumbling

under her breath, “It’s not as bad as you think.” At the very least, the motel provided her with a safe

place to lay her head. As someone with practically nothing to call her own, anywhere that could offer

her shelter was practically heaven. Calvin did not catch what she said. “What?” “Nothing, don’t worry

about it.” Hannah shrugged. As she glanced down, his arm caught her attention. He had rolled up his

sleeve, revealing the red, angry rash on his skin. Curiously, she took a step forward and peered at it.

“What’s that?” For the first time, Calvin’s expression faltered and a slight trace of panic crossed his

features. Hurriedly, he took a step back. “Don’t touch me if you haven’t taken a bath.” As he spoke, he

pulled his sleeve back down and headed straight to his bedroom. Hannah almost got hit in the face as

the door slammed behind him. She took out her phone and looked up the term “rashes” on Google.

After hunting for pictures that more or less matched the rashes she had seen on his arm, she

discovered that they were allergy symptoms. Now that she thought about it, she remembered that

Calvin had been scratching at his arm on and off from the time he entered the motel. Did that mean he

had allergic reactions to less-than-clean environments? If that was so, why had he still gone to the

motel in the first place? He had not called his family doctor to come over and examine him, which

meant that it was not a very serious reaction. Hannah looked around the spotlessly clean condominium

and recalled the motel, with its dark, dingy corridors and yellowed bed sheets. Despite herself, she felt

a touch of pity stirring in her heart. It could not have been easy for Calvin to bring an alleged “murderer”

back to his home. Quickly, she went to her bedroom and scrubbed herself thoroughly in the shower,

then hurried downstairs. “Mrs. Wright, is the first-aid kit still in the store room?” she called. “Yes, it is,

Ms. Parker. Did you hurt yourself?” Mrs. Wright came out of the kitchen, looking surprised. “No, no, I’m

fine!” Hannah hastily replied. A look of worry appeared on Mrs. Wright’s face. “Oh dear, is Mr. Fullerton

not feeling well?” “No, it’s not that either,” Hannah answered quickly. Not wanting Mrs. Wright to worry,

she continued, “My period is due any time now, so I just wanted to see if there were any painkillers left

from the last time I was here.” “Oh, I see!” Mrs. Wright exclaimed. “Yes, please check. The first-aid kit

hasn’t been replenished though, so if there aren’t any painkillers, I’ll call up the pharmacy and have

someone send some over.” Hannah searched for a while, but could not find anything in the first-aid kit

that could help with allergies. Calvin always took at least an hour to bathe, because he needed to do it

in three stages. Hannah did not want to inconvenience Mrs. Wright, so after glancing at the time and

making sure that Calvin was still bathing, she put on her coat and went out on her own.

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