Chapter 21

In the end, the entire medical center was reduced to ashes.

They always had a hunch that someone had set the fire on purpose.

Jeff said, “If I find out that the fire was intentionally set to make your life difficult at the Murphy family, I won’t let them off easily.”

After chatting for a while, Arabella saw that it was almost time, and Kelly should be arriving at the agreed place soon. So she went downstairs and said, “Mom, I’m going out for a bit.”

Louisa wanted to ask where her daughter was going, who she was meeting, and what she was doing, but she didn’t want to disturb her, so she just smiled and asked, “Should I have Aiden drive you?”

“Mom,” Serena couldn’t help but speak up, “I just told Aiden that I’m going somewhere, meeting a friend later…”

Louisa furrowed her brow, “Can Pete drive you then?”

“Pete has a habit of taking a nap around this time. If I wake him up now, I’m afraid he won’t be in a good mental state, and it won’t be safe for him to drive…” Serena said and then pretended to understand as she glanced at Arabella, “Bella, if you have something urgent, I can call my friend and cancel, and then Aiden can accompany you.”

“No need, I can drive.”

But the Rolls-Royce had already been damaged in a collision with a truck and had been sent for repairs. Arabella thought for a moment and asked, “Are there any other cars at home?”

Louisa replied, “Of course we have other cars! Let the driver take you to the garage, and you can choose whichever car you like to drive!”

Just pick one?

Arabella was also surprised.

Louisa lightly pressed the intercom on the wall and directly connected to the driver, “Aiden, come here and take Bella to the garage.”

The garage had three floors!

There were various supercars, limited edition sedans, luxury RVs… all in different colors.

“What does our family do?” Arabella was shocked by the luxury cars in front of her and finally asked.

“Miss Arabella, don’t you know?” The driver was also surprised. He thought everyone would recognize Kenneth when they saw him since he was the wealthiest man in the country. After all, who wouldn’t know the richest person in the country?

“The Master has been the wealthiest man in the country…”

Ranked first on the national rich list for twelve consecutive years!

“Since the Master retired last year and the Young Master took over the group, he has become the wealthiest man in the country.”

Regardless of who the richest person is, they are all part of the Collins family.

Arabella understood. Previously, Attlee and Olga had said that her parents were unemployed…

So, they were unemployed for this reason.

After a while, a flashy sports car left the Collins residence and drove onto the main street.

To avoid attracting attention, Arabella parked the Bugatti Veyron in a nearby underground garage where Kelly had been waiting for quite some time.

When Arabella stepped out of the car, Kelly’s eyes nearly popped out. She stared at Arabella’s luxury car for several seconds, then asked incredulously, “This is your family’s car?”

Although Kelly knew Arabella lived in the Reflections Villa in Summerfield, this kind of expensive car wasn’t something an average rich person could


Kelly seemed to be greatly shocked, “Which family is your biological father from?”

“The Collins family.”

“Kenneth Collins?” Kelly’s eyes widened in surprise.

“You know him?”

“Who wouldn’t know the country’s richest man? You’re… you’re damn lucky, Kelly exclaimed, “The Murphys must be regretting it now.”

In a luxurious private mansion in the suburbs, the lights were dazzling.

The mansion had thirty-two entrances. If viewed from the sky, it looked like a child’s drawing of the sun.

Each car would enter a different entrance, then into a different garage. After parking, they would take a dedicated elevator to their prepared private


Throughout this process, they wouldn’t see other guests, and even after finishing, they wouldn’t meet other guests on the road.

Because of the high degree of privacy and security here, the entry tickets were always in high demand.

Kelly was the Piper family’s beloved little princess, so naturally, she could get these tickets.

She and Arabella were regulars here.

After parking, they took the elevator to the 3rd private room, which was fully equipped with drinks and snacks.

This was Serena’s first time in such a place. If not for her good friend leading the way, she might not know how vast the world outside was, and that this gorgeous private mansion was actually an underground auction house.

“Brooklyn, how did you know about this place?”

Serena had told her bestie Brooklyn Reed at noon that she didn’t know what gift to give to the sick Phillip, so Brooklyn suggested they come here to look.

“I’ve been here a few times with my brother. There are all kinds of rare and precious things here! Just wait and see what Phillip likes, buy it and give it to him, he’ll definitely be very happy.”

Brooklyn was also a rich second gen. She figured that Phillip had seen all kinds of common treasures, but the ones that appeared at the auction were definitely not available on the market.

“Why don’t I see any other guests?” Serena was puzzled.

“They’re all in the other private rooms. The hall has thirty-two rooms in total, and they form a circle with the stage in the middle.”

“But there’s no emcee on the stage, all the auctions are automated.”

“Do you know that each room has a large glass wall? That’s for a better view of the auction items.”

“You can clearly see outside, but you can’t see inside when you’re outside.”

Listening to her bestie’s endless chatter, Serena couldn’t help but feel a bit envious. If her five brothers had been willing to take her here before, she could have seen so much more…

Inside private room number one, Carl stood next to Romeo and respectfully said, “Mr. McMillian, the HeartEase Herb will appear as the finale of the


“Mhm.” The man sitting on the sofa spoke in a low voice, exuding an air of nobility.

Heard that Heart Ease Herb works wonders for heart diseases, he was hoping to snag it at the auction, then hand it over to the medical experts around him for further study.

“The auction has started.”

The floor in the center of the stage slowly parted, and an item for auction slowly rose.

An automated voiceover began to introduce the source and value of the auction item…

A huge electronic screen magnified the shape of the auction item, every detail, every part, could be seen clearly.

This was a small bottle of Heart Revive, reportedly, for heart disease patients, it gives a refreshing and comfortable feeling after taking it. When you’re fine, you can use it to brew soup. If a patient falls ill, it can also be dissolved in water and taken, providing quick pain relief.

It won’t cause any side effects when mixed with any other medicine.

During the system’s explanation, the HeartRevive moved along the ground track, in front of the electronic screen of each box, letting people see it clearly. “Bella, isn’t this the leftover material from your HeartEase production?”

“Yeah.” Arabella did not hide it, honestly saying, “This is making full use of resources.”

Although its effect is not as good as HeartEase, at least it has some medicinal value, so no waste here.

[Starting price, twenty grand.)

Chapter 22

Kelly was taken aback by the price. “Even the leftover stuff costs twenty grand?”

There were three buttons in front of the glass wall, labeled ten grand, fifty grand, and a hundred grand, respectively.

In other words, the minimum bid increase was ten grand.

Serena stood in front of the glass wall, watching as the amount on the screens in the other boxes lit up blue. After several rounds of bidding, the price had already risen to a hundred and twenty grand.

“Serena, this thing’s pretty cool. You could buy it and make some soup for Phillip. It’ll be good for his health, and he’ll know you’re a good girl. He’ll definitely appreciate it…

Serena also wanted to get her hands on this treasure, but the competition from the other buyers was too fierce. She had pressed the ten-grand button several times without success, so she decided to take a risk and press the hundred-grand button!

The room fell silent.

[Bidding at two hundred and fifty grand for the first time!]

[Bidding at two hundred and fifty grand for the second time!]

[Bidding at two hundred and fifty grand for the third time! Sold!]

[Congratulations to buyer number 19 on winning a bottle of HeartRevive!]

Kelly couldn’t believe that even the leftovers could sell for such a high price. “Bella, can I have the leftovers next time?”

Arabella just smiled at her. “If I gave them to you, would you know what to do with them?”

“Hehe, you could help me use them~”

Serena finally managed to win the auction item, hugging her best friend in excitement.

The next few items were all decorations, which she wasn’t interested in. She left early to go home and make soup.

By the time the main event came around, it was two hours later.

*Mr. McMillian, the HeartEase Herb is up.”

Six fresh green plants rose from the stage, nourished by a special solution. They were extremely valuable.

[Starting price, a hundred grand.]

Carl knew that Mr. McMillian had to have this little thing, so he went ahead and bid an extra hundred grand.

The amount of the bid from box number 1 shocked everyone in the other boxes.

A hundred grand!!

This guy just bid an extra hundred grand!!

He clearly intended to win this!

The other boxes weren’t about to be outdone:

[Two hundred and fifty grand.]

[Three hundred grand.]

[Three hundred and fifty grand.]

[Four hundred grand.]

Kelly watched the bidding war unfold. “Bella, how much should we bid?”

“Add another hundred grand.”

Kelly pressed the bid button, and the total immediately jumped to five hundred grand!

The room was abuzz.

The price of five hundred grand wasn’t for six Heart Ease Herbs, it was for one!

The total for six would be three million!

The others didn’t dare to bid anymore, and just as Kelly and Arabella thought they had won…

A large blue number appeared on the screen in box number 1: six hundred grand.

The sight of this number sent shockwaves through the room!

Arabella and Kelly hadn’t expected box number 1 to increase their bid by so much.

Box number 3 wasn’t about to be outdone: [Seven hundred grand.]

Box number 1 casually matched it: [Eight hundred grand.]

Box number 3 was furious: [Nine hundred grand.]

Box number 1 was as cool as ever: [A million.]



The room fell silent, everyone watching the bidding war between these two.

Box number 2 in the middle was feeling very awkward. How did they end up sandwiched between these two big shots?

This sucks!

“Bella, we can’t bid any higher. The pills made from HeartEase Herb are valuable, but they’re only worth a million!” Kelly said nervously, watching box number 1. “The people who came today are not simple. We need to be careful.”

“HeartEase Herb can save Grannie Grace’s life.” Arabella raised her bid by another hundred grand. “Today, I must get it.”


[Box number 3 bids one million and a hundred grand.]

The room was stunned. No one had expected that a single HeartEase Herb could go for such a sky-high price of one million and a hundred grand! Who exactly was in box number 3? They were so rich?

“Mr. McMillian…” Carl hadn’t expected the bidding to be so fierce. “Should we continue? This price has already exceeded the value of the medicine itself.” “Continue.” Romeo’s voice was cool and calm. “Keep the gap.”

“Yes, sir.”

Carl increased the bid by three hundred grand…

[Box number 1 bids one million and four hundred grand.]

As the automated voice announced the bid, Kelly was infuriated. “This is ridiculous! What the hell? It’s just a few herbs! Do they really have to outbid us so fiercely? Who the hell is in box number 1, they’re so rich!”

One million and four hundred grand per herb, that’s eight million four hundred grand for six…

This was not a price ordinary people could afford!

[Box number 3 bids one million and five hundred grand.]

Arabella pressed the bid button again.

Kelly looked at her slender, beautiful hand and asked in surprise, “Bella, are you going to keep bidding?”

The total was already at nine million…

Even if they made six HeartEase pills and sold them, they could only break even at six million, and they would still lose three million!

Just then, Romeo’s phone rang.

It was Brodie, who was looking after his grandfather.

“Mr. Romeo, something’s wrong! After Phillip had the soup that Miss Serena brought, he suddenly developed a high fever. The doctors say his condition has worsened, and he’s currently being resuscitated… I’m sorry to bother you, but could you come over?”

Romeo’s voice was icy. “What did she give my grandfather to drink?”

“She said it was a kind of tonic that’s good for the heart when added to soup…”

“And you just sat there and let it happen?”

“I had no choice. Phillip was very happy to see her and wouldn’t listen to me. He insisted on having it all…”

Romeo stood up and left the box.

“Mr. McMillian, aren’t we going to keep bidding?” Carl sensed the aura of displeasure emanating from him. “Did something happen to Phillip?”

Romeo’s voice was cold. “He’s being resuscitated after drinking the soup Serena made.”


“Huh? When did Miss Serena learn to make soup? And she went to see Phillip?” Carl followed Romeo. “Should we ask Miss Arabella to come over and take a look?”

Romeo suddenly stopped in his tracks, remembering the girl with the scalpel, her clear, confident eyes…

“Last time it was Miss Arabella who helped Phillip get back on his feet! Mr. McMillian, you have Miss Arabella’s contact, right? Why don’t you give her a


Romeo gave him a glance, then whipped out his phone.

“Bidding starts at one point five million!”

Kelly held her breath in tension, her hands clasped together in desperate prayer, “Don’t bid again, don’t bid again…

“Bidding at one point five million for the second time!”

Arabella’s gaze landed on the big glass wall of booth number 1. They didn’t seem to be bidding.

“Bidding at one point five million for the third time!! Sold!!!”

“Yay!!” Kelly immediately hugged Arabella in excitement, “We won! We won!!”

They couldn’t believe that the person in booth number 1 didn’t dare to bid any higher!

“Congratulations to the guest in booth number three for winning six HeartEase Herb plants!”

Chapter 23

Arabella held her phone close to her ear, catching the deep, magnetic voice of the man on the other end.

“My grandpa’s run into a bit of trouble. I need your help.”

Arabella was puzzled. Phillip seemed to be doing fine the day before.

What could have gone wrong?

“Where are you right now?” Romeo’s voice was as low and captivating as a cello, “I’ll come to pick you up.”

“Could you head to the Holy Cross Church in the suburbs then?”

The Holy Cross Church was not far from the mansion, and Arabella could reach in a few minutes if she took the shortcuts.

Romeo was taken aback, “Are you in the suburbs?”


The Holy Cross Church was an old building left from the 80s, with no worshippers visiting the weed-infested place. What could a girl like her be doing there?

After hanging up, Arabella told Kelly, “I need to make a trip to the Holy Cross Church, got some business to handle.”

“Alright.” Kelly knew Arabella had a lot on her plate and didn’t ask further, “I’ll send your stuff over later.”

There was a whole workflow to be done after the shoot, and Arabella, pressed for time, simply nodded, “Okay.”

At the entrance of the Holy Cross Church.

Romeo’s mind wandered, “Is Miss Arabella here for a photoshoot? She’s incredibly beautiful, and it would be a shame if she isn’t!”

Remaining silent, Romeo fixed his gaze on the distance, awaiting the appearance of a figure. Suddenly, Carl exclaimed, “It’s Miss Arabella! I knew it! She must be here for a photoshoot.”

Adorned in a white dress, Arabella looked like a stunning vision against the backdrop of the setting sun, turning the church into a picturesque scene. Her flowing dress and waving hair made her appear like a fairy emerging from a painting.

Carl found himself captivated by her beauty. After a moment, he stepped out of the car and courteously opened the door for her, saying, “Miss Arabella, please come in.”

With lively eyes and a radiant aura, Arabella glanced briefly at the man in the backseat before seating herself next to him without any pretense. “How is Phillip doing?” she inquired.

Romeo, still mesmerized by Arabella’s presence, replied, “He had some soup that someone brought, and now he’s in surgery.”

“Was it a soup from someone he knows?”


Arabella recalled Phillip’s condition yesterday. Even if he drank soup, it wouldn’t warrant surgery.

So there must be something wrong with the soup.

“Miss Arabella, if you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?” Carl glanced at the rearview mirror and asked, “You’re still in school, right?”

She looked like a little girl.

“I’m eighteen.” Arabella’s tone seemed casual, “I just finished my university entrance exams.”


She was still so young…

Carl exclaimed, “You’re only eighteen and already such a skilled doctor. Did your ancestors practice medicine?”


“So, you are…” Carl didn’t finish his sentence when the car suddenly jolted.

Arabella lost her balance and fell towards Romeo.

Romeo instinctively caught her.

Arabella was wearing a sleeveless dress today, and Romeo’s hand on her shoulder made her blush slightly.

Romeo’s expression was a bit unnatural as he touched the girl’s soft, delicate skin.

The girl’s elegant scent filled his nostrils, it was a pleasant aroma.

“I’m sorry, Mr. McMillian, Miss Arabella, I…” Before Carl could explain, the car jolted a few more times.

He had been talking to Miss Arabella and hadn’t noticed the bumps in the road…

As the car jerked violently, Romeo held the girl in his arms protectively and warned Carl, “Keep your eyes on the road.”

Chapter 24

Arabella raised her eyes and saw his refined features… something deep within her seemed to be touched. After the car was driving smoothly, Romeo finally let go of her hand and said, “I’m sorry.”

it’s okay” Arabella looked away, her face slightly flushed.

The first two times Romeo had met Arabella, she appeared aloof and arrogant, but now she seemed like a timid little girl, which he found intriguing. Carl thought Romeo might get angry, but he didn’t…

Carl looked up and noticed the subtle atmosphere in the backseat. Suddenly, he realized something…

“Focus on driving” Romeo noticed his gaze and spoke with a slightly stern tone.

In the past, any woman who dared to get close to Romeo would undoubtedly be cold-shouldered, or even thrown out of the car! But now…

Romeo didn’t drive this woman away; instead, he held her during the bumpy ride…

Carl quickly said, “Mr. McMillian, it’s because of Phillip that I’ve been distracted”

Romeo was puzzled.

“Miss Arabella, today Mr. McMillian and I went to see Phillip. He said he wanted to meet you and personally thank you for saving his life. You may not know, but Phillip is very stubborn. Once he decides to meet you, he will definitely find you.

Carl then turned to Arabella and said, “Mr. McMillian, I’m worried that Phillip might disturb Miss Arabella’s life. Could we schedule a time for Miss Arabella to meet him and explain the dangers of not taking his medication? Miss Arabella is a doctor, and Phillip will surely listen to her.”

“Can we do that, Miss Arabella?” Romeo followed up.

“Okay” Arabella nodded, mostly concerned that they might come looking for her and cause trouble.

If he wakes up, I’ll go see him directly. If he’s still unconscious, we’ll arrange another time,” Arabella added.

“Alright.” Romeo’s gaze lingered on her face, and then he took out his phone and asked, “If we’re going to schedule a time… can I add you on WhatsApp?”


Carl saw them adding each other as Whats App friends and couldn’t contain his excitement!

“When the time comes, you send me your address, and I’ll come to pick you up,” Romeo said, his tone gentle.


At the entrance of the operating room at Hope Hospital…

Brodie paced anxiously, constantly glancing at the operating room. Phillip had been in there for an hour, and the surgical light was still on…

The elevator door opened, and Romeo and Arabella walked out together. They both had outstanding looks and well-proportioned figures, looking like a perfect match

“Young Master…” Brodie noticed the young girl beside Romeo, feeling somewhat surprised, but he didn’t have time to ask too much. “Phillip has been in the operating room for an hour.”

“What did the doctor say?”

“It doesn’t look good…”

Brodie sounded a bit downcast, he wished he had stopped Phillip from drinking.

“Bring the soup that person sent over, let Ms. Bennett have a look.”


Though surprised, Brodie quickly brought over the soup.

Arabella stirred the remaining soup ingredients with a spoon, realizing it was a famous heart-nourishing soup.

But the soup shouldn’t taste like this.

Arabella sniffed carefully, indeed catching a familiar scent.

Chapter 25

“Is there Heart Revive in this soup?” Arabella asked Brodie, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Brodie was taken aback, but quickly replied, “Yes, the person who delivered it said that Heart Revive is good for the heart and doesn’t have any side effects…

“You’re right.” Arabella finally figured out what the problem was, “But Phillip is weak right now. Having this soup would actually backfire

“So, it’s not the soup that’s the problem, but Phillip’s physical condition?” Brodie was surprised by Arabella’s intelligence. Just through a sniff, she brew where the problem was.

Just then, the door to the operating room burst open, and a nurse rushed out.

“Mr. McMillian, nice to see you! Please sign this surgery consent form…”

Romeo looked at the paper and pen in her hand but didn’t take them. Instead, he asked coldly, “How’s my grandfather?”

“Uh, it’s not looking good… Please trust us, we’ll do everything we can to save your grandfather! Also, could you please sign this?”

Romeo glanced at Arabella, “What do you think?”

“Phillip’s condition isn’t that severe yet.” Arabella understood the implication of signing the surgery consent form. She checked the time, “Wait for me She handed her bag to Romeo, who took it.

As Arabella walked away, everyone was stunned.

“Master, who is this girl?” Brodie was puzzled. Why was Romeo holding her bag?

“Isn’t the operating room this way? Why is Ms. Bennett going that way?” Carl was also confused.

“Mr. McMillian, your grandfather’s condition is very serious. Please make a decision quickly.” The nurse was in a hurry, unsure what Arabella was doing and worried about the delay in treatment.

Arabella went to Caden’s office to get a set of acupuncture supplies, then asked the nurse to lead her to change into sterile clothing.

“Mr. McMillian, she…?” The nurse was stunned. Was this girl crazy? Was she going to operate on the old man herself?

“Just do as she says.”

Romeo’s words were undoubtedly a huge support for Arabella.

“Whatever she says next, just follow her instructions.”

The nurse understood and didn’t say anything more. She quickly led Arabella away.

“Mr. McMillian, let’s go to the observation room and wait. At least we can see how far along the surgery is.”

“Alright.” Romeo, holding Arabella’s bag, walked ahead.

In the operating room, Dr. Greg breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Arabella. He immediately gave her the main position. Ever since he witnessed her medical skills last time, he had been in awe of her…

The nurses were stunned…

Did this girl have such great abilities?

Was this the miraculous young doctor from yesterday’s hospital rumors? Was she the one who operated on Phillip?

If that’s the case, it wouldn’t be surprising.

After all, even the famous heart specialist Dr. Greg had failed in front of her.

Arabella finished the rest of the surgery, but Mr. McMillian’s breathing was still very weak. Things didn’t look good.

“Miss Arabella, what do we do now?” The other doctors were obviously at a loss.

They had been practicing medicine for many years and could handle all kinds of conditions with ease. But with Phillip’s situation, they felt helpless


When Arabella said this word with certainty, the other doctors became discontent.

“Phillip’s breathing is getting weaker, and we’re supposed to wait? Wait for what?”

“This is the most critical time for rescue. Every second is priceless!”

Seeing Arabella standing motionless in front of the operating table, the other doctors started to panic.

Chapter 26 

“If you can’t handle it, maybe we should let Dr. Greg take a crack at it.”

“You’re still wet behind the ears, probably haven’t dealt with this kind of situation. Dr. Greg, can you rack your brains for a solution? We can’t just sit on our hands here.” 

If you can’t” 

“Who said I can’t?” Arabella lifted her gaze, her eyes brimming with confidence.

The speaker was taken aback by her audacity, “If you’ve got the chops, then step up!”

Phillip’s breathing was getting weaker…

The sound of the ventilator alarm was becoming more frequent…

Upon hearing the alarm, Arabella swiftly opened her needle case.

Everyone was stunned. What was she planning to do? Employ some Eastern acupuncture?

This is an operating room! Are you seriously going to perform acupuncture here?”

“The patient is in critical condition, he can’t handle your messing around.”

“If you don’t have any other tricks up your sleeve, then step aside and stop wasting time!”

Arabella started inserting silver needles into the old man’s head, heart, and arm.

The nearby nurse was scared out of her wits. This girl had guts, she had stuck needles all over Phillip..

“Don’t peddle your Eastern medicine mumbo jumbo here!”

Finally, one doctor couldn’t stand it any longer and was about to intervene, when Dr. Greg scolded him, “Enough!”

The nurse quickly chimed in, “Mr. McMillian said we’re to follow her lead.””

Under Romeo’s orders, the others, though ticked off, didn’t dare to object, with only one brave soul saying, “Fine, you handle it!”

After the needles were inserted into Phillip’s pressure points, it wasn’t long before Phillip coughed up some blood…

Everyone was dumbstruck.

Even Brodie in the observation room was startled, “Is Phillip okay? He seems to be getting worse.“.

Why did Phillip suddenly cough up blood?

After coughing up blood, Phillip’s condition gradually stabilized.

The ventilator stopped sounding its alarm.

All the doctors were staring at Arabella in shock.

Arabella saw that it was about time, began to remove the needles, and casually said“He’s fine now. Let’s get him back to his room.

All the doctors were looking at her with complex expressions.

“If you hadn’t jumped the gun with your surgery… these few needles would have done the trick.”

Arabella packed up her needles and walked out after dropping this bombshell.

Everyone was blown away, with Dr. Greg being the first to grasp her meaning. Recalling the process and points where she inserted the needles, he mulled it over and suddenly understood, “Brilliant! So that’s what it was…

He had studied acupuncture and understood Arabella’s methods…

But the other doctors were in the dark, and came to ask:

“Dr. Greg, did you get it? Tell us

“How did she do that?”

“Mr. McMillian… Miss Arabella… she…” Carl was too shocked to finish his sentence.

What kind of person was she?

It was a disease that had all the professional doctors stumped, and she healed it with a few needles?

Was it that the other doctors were incompetent, or was her skill just too superior?

As Arabella stepped out of the operating room, she saw Romeo walking towards her, her bag still slung over his shoulder.

Arabella had left in a hurry earlier and had given her bag to him. She hadn’t expected him to carry it for so long.

Chapter 27 

“Phillip will be awake tomorrow. For the next month, he needs to avoid overeating. So, no more nutritious soup like today’s,” Arabella said.

“Got it.” Romeo agreed, glancing at the sky, “Let me treat you to dinner.”

“No need. I should head home.

It was likely around six or seven o’clock now. Arabella took her bag, checked her phone, and sure enough, she had missed two calls from her mom. Arabella quickly returned the call, “Sorry, Mom, I was busy.”

Romeo watched the girl on the phone. Her eyes sparkled, she carried an extraordinary aura, and her voice was soft and enchanting when talking to her family.

“Right, I’m heading home now/Ok, bye.”

After she hung up, Romeo softly said, “Let me drive you home.”

“Just drop me off at Emerald Park. I have a car parked in the underground garage there.”

Emerald Park?

That was a park still under construction; not yet open to the public. Why was her car parked there? And why was she at the Holy Cross Church later? To him, the girl in front of him was like a mystery, hard to see through.

“I need to return these first.” Arabella had borrowed some acupuncture equipment from Caden’s office earlier, and he was on duty today, still in the office. After returning the acupuncture tools, Arabella walked out of the office and passed by Grannie Grace’s room. She couldn’t resist stopping to take a peek inside.

Inside the roomGrannie Grace was still there, receiving an IV treatment. Her eyes were closed, and she looked peaceful in her sleep.

The sight triggered a fond memory from Arabella’s younger days. She remembered an afternoon when she had seen Grannie Grace napping in a room, bathed in sunlight streaming through the curtains. The old lady’s breathing was calm and even, just like it was now.

Suddenly, Arabella heard a voice calling her name, and she turned to find a surprised Olga and Attlee standing there. They had received a call from the hospital, alerting them that Grannie Grace’s VIP room was about to expire, prompting them to rush over after dinner to renew it. Little did they expect to encounter Arabella at the hospital.

Olga was the first to regain her composure and wasted no time in questioning Arabella, “What are you doing here? Haven’t you gone back to your biological parents? You can’t seriously be thinking of begging Grace to let you stay in this city or, worse, come live at our house. Forget about it!”

Attlee was equally taken aback by Arabella’s presence, asking, “Bella, what’s going on? Didn’t you go back with your family?”

Olga, with a disgusted expression, jumped to conclusions about Arabella’s motives, “I bet she never really left! She probably heard about the harsh living) conditions at home on her way back and couldn’t bear it, so she ran back here to beg Grace for help!”

Frustrated, Olga urged Attlee to intervene, and he reluctantly stepped forward with a forced smile, attempting to resolve the situation, “Bella, can we talk? How much money do you want?”

Arabella observed her once–close family members now showing their true colors and couldn’t help but feel a sense of amusement, her lips curling.


They want to buy her off?

Seeing her silent, Attlee took a bank card out of his pocket. “Here’s a hundred thousand dollars. Take it. The password is 123456.”

“Attlee!” Olga was pained at his generosity, “Why are you giving her so much money?”

Attlee signaled Olga to be quiet. If they didn’t give Arabella enough money, how would she agree to leave?

She had stolen Yoli’s expensive ruby necklace yesterday, and today she was getting a large sum of money. She would leave, right?

A hint of mockery flickered in Arabella’s beautiful eyes as she looked at the bank card in his hand. She remained silent and didn’t react. “What? You think it’s too little?” Olga asked discontentedly, “I advise you to be contént. Otherwise, you might end up with nothing!”

Attlee tried to shove the bank card into her hand, but Arabella skillfully avoided it.

“What do you want? You want to wait for Grace to wake up and deceive her? Dream on!” Olga never thought Arabella would be so difficult. “Let me tell you, from now on, you have nothing to do with Grace! Stay away from us.”

“One billion.” Arabella’s lips curled slightly, she said word by word, “I might consider it.”

“You, you must be daydreaming!” Olga was so angry she nearly fainted. The girl’s first word was one billion, “Why don’t you rob a bank?”

“Robbing bank isn’t as fast as robbing you guys.”

“You, you…” Olga clutched her chest, never imagining the girl would be so cunning, “I won’t give you a penny!”

She grabbed the bank card back, “If you don’t leave, I’ll have you thrown out!”

“Oh, then call someone to throw me out.”

“You, you… You’re killing me! This so–called VIP floor, letting anyone in…” Olga was about to go find staff.


Suddenly, a man’s voice caught their attention.


Olga looked up to see a man at the end of the corridor looking this way, apparently calling Arabella’s name. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

It was a tall man with a strong presence, even from this distance.

Arabella heard the voice and looked towards it. Seeing Romeo waiting for her, she didn’t bother with the two any longer and turned to leave.

“Who is that man?” Olga looked curiously down the hallway. “Could he be her father? That’s impossible; her father’s voice couldn’t be that young…” “Maybe he’s her brother. She have five unmarried brothers. Wasn’t it mentioned earlier that her grandmother was sick? He could be staying in this hospital as well.”

“Can they afford to stay here?” Olga watched them disappear at the end of the corridor and couldn’t help but ask Attlee, “Attlee, we must quickly transfer Grace to another hospital; otherwise, if Arabella gets attached to her, it’ll be a big problem!”

Attlee had the same thought, but within all of Summerfield, no other hospital had medical resources as good as Hope Hospital. Only here could Grace receive the best care.

“Grace likes her… I’m just afraid Grace will soften her heart and let her come back to this family!”

Olga recalled three months ago when Grace found out Arabella wasn’t her biological granddaughter, her heart couldn’t take it and she fainted. Upon waking up, Grace sternly declared that as long as she was alive, Arabella was not allowed to leave this family. Anyone who made Arabella leave would be considered an enemy of Grace.

Later, when Yoli returned home, Grace didn’t show her any kindness either. Her heart and eyes were only for this unrelated little girl.

Chapter 28 

In order to protect Yoli and to help Arabella find her home as soon as possible, without Grace Murphy’s knowledge, the two of them posted Arabella’s information on the family search site. One day, Arabella’s family finally called to say they wanted to take her home.

When Grace found out, she was so shocked that she had to be hospitalized.

During Grace’s absence from home, Arabella smoothly left the Murphy family.

“Grace is probably getting a bit senile in her old age. She treats a stranger better than her own granddaughter!” Olga complained, “Now I’m just worried that if Arabella doesn’t leave, she might get some improper ideas, like fighting Yoli over Zachary Panter…”

The Panter family was much better off than the Murphy family!

Zachary was kind and sensible. He treasured Yoli and treated her very well..

Not only was Yoli beautiful, but she also had a gentle and kind personality, which was why she could firmly grasp Zachary’s heart.

“Attlee, shall we go and find our primary doctor, Dr. Caden, and ask him to arrange a transfer procedure for us?

“We have no other choice, Attlee sighed.

“Let’s go.” Arabella followed behind Romeo, phone in hand, replying to messages one by one.

She had been to an auction in the afternoon, performed surgery on Phillip, and still had a lot of messages that she hadn’t replied to in time.

Just then, someone pushing a wheelchair came around the corner, nearly bumping into Arabella.

Romeo pulled her to his side in one swift motion, “Be careful.”

Arabella reacted, her face flushing again. In the car, Romeo noticed that Arabella seemed a bit listless. So, he pulled over.

“Wait for me ȧ moment.”

He got out of the car and walked into a dessert shop.

Not long after, he came out carrying several bags.

Inside were small cakes, bread, milk, juice and other things, as well as some cute–looking candies.

“Girls are supposed to like this stuffhe handed them over.

Having performed surgery on his grandpa for so long today, Arabella was probably hungry.

As Arabella was about to say something, looking at all the food in front of her, Romeo leaned in and opened a bottle of milk, sticking a straw in it for her. Arabella, I’m not hungry.”

“Eat more.” Romeo handed her the milk.

Arabella took the milk and took a few sips. Even though it was pure milk, she didn’t expect it to taste a bit sweet.

On the other side.

“Dr. Caden, what do you mean the approval was denied?” Olga found Caden Newton, and as soon as she brought up the transfer, Caden’s face turned cold.

“Grace should stay at Hope Hospital in her condition.”

“Isn’t there a better hospital?” Attlee couldn’t help but ask.

“Hope Hospital is the best hospital in the country.”

“We know, everyone can see the medical standards of Hope Hospital, but…”

Before Attlee could finish his sentence, Olga stepped in, “Dr. Caden, we have no choice. If we don’t transfer my mother, I’m afraid someone will keep disturbing her and affect her recovery…”

Caden gave her a cold look. Was she talking about Arabella?

Ungrateful indeed.

Chapter 29 

Bella has done so much for the Murphy family, but what have they done for her as children in return?

Caden coldly asked, “If you really cared about Grace, you would have come when the nurse called you at 9 am. Why did you wait until now?”

“We, we had some stuff to deal with…

Mainly, Olga had a spa date with some posh ladies and Attlee was off playing golf with some high–ups from his company…

By the time evening rolled around, the housemaid had already prepared dinner. Of course, they gotta eat while it’s hot!

So they only rushed over after finishing their meal.

“Because there are things to deal with, do you not care about the life and death of the old lady?”

Olga and Attlee felt extremely awkward hearing Caden’s words.

“I can sign the transfer papers, but I need to inform you that the médical resources and doctors at other hospitals are nowhere near as good as Hope hospital. Once Grace leaves Hope hospital, I predict she won’t last a week. You should prepare yourselves mentally.”

Upon hearing this, Attlee’s expression became serious, “Dr. Caden, is there any other better solution? Such as ensuring Grace’s health when she leaves the hospital?” 

“There is.”

Upon hearing this, Attlee immediately perked up, “Dr. Caden, do tell, I’m all ears.

“There’s a drug on the market that can save Grace’s life…

“Go on, I’m taking notes.” Attlee quickly took out a small notebook, pulled out a pen from his pocket, and uncapped it.

It can only be purchased on the black market. Each pill costs a million, and she needs to take it twice a month. Only after three months of consecutive use can surgery be performed.”

After hearing this, Attlee and Olga exchanged glances. A million? So, that’s six million in three months?!

“Are drugs that expensive nowadays?”

“It’s made from very rare medicinal ingredients, so it’s particularly scarce.”

Attlee silently put away his notebook and pen, “In that case, I’ve decided not to transfer her. We’ll have to trouble you more in the future…”

The reason they wanted to save Grace was firstly because she holds 30% of the company’s shares, worth 30 million. But this sky–high price for the drug was clearly not worth it.

Secondly, Grace favored Arabella. If she wasn’t in her right mind and gave her shares to Arabella…

They might make the old lady leave a will giving all her shares to Yoli before she died.

That’s why they wanted to save the old lady.

Arabella had often helped the Murphy family through crises because Grace owned shares in the company. Otherwise, she wouldn’t give a damn about Attlee’s life and death…

But the people of the Murphy family didn’t know this. They thought they’re all that, able to become the richest family in Tranquil City….

Attlee secretly slipped the bank card he had previously given to Arabella into the medical record in front of Caden

This small move was caught by Caden, making him despise Attlee even more.

“Mr. Murphy, are you trying to get me fired, or even put in jail?” 

It was important to know that medical staff took advantage of their positions to accept bribes in private, which was a crime of accepting bribes. If the amount was large, they might even go to jail.

“Dr. Caden, you get me wrong…” Attlee quickly laughed and cautiously said, “We’re not asking you to violate your professional ethics. This is just a small token of our appreciation. We know you’ve been working hard recently, and this money… you can use it to buy some health supplements…”

“Yeah, Dr. Caden, just take it!” 

“Take it away. Caden didn’t take a second look, his tone was indifferent, “Someone told me, I will naturally work hard, and you don’t need to do any more. unnecessary things, you can go out now.”

“Dr. Caden…”

Olga wanted to say more, but Attlee quickly took back the cardlaughing it off as if nothing had happened, “Alright, we’ll leave now. If Dr. Caden needs anything in the future, just let me know anytime…” 

If it weren’t for Bella, Caden would have kicked them out a long time ago.

Chapter 30 

“Dr. Caden really has a nasty temper.. Olga couldn’t help but comment as she stepped out of the consulting room, “Look at Zachary, he is a rich boy, but he’s so educated…”

“He’s a genius doctor who’s been spoiled and pampered since he was a kid, so his arrogance is understandable.”

“Speaking of which, Dr. Caden mentioned that someone asked him to pay special attention to Grace’s condition. Must be the Panter family, right?” With their extensive connections, the Zachary family were the only ones who could help with Grace’s condition.

Plus, Zachary and Yoli were engaged…

“It has to be the Panter family. Who else could it be? We should thank them at some point, but…” Feeling a bit downcast with the inability to transfer Grace to another hospital, Attlee could only let her continue her treatment here.

“Attlee, is that the direction the girl earlier took?”

Suddenly, Olga seemed to think of something, “I remember that the wards over there are quite expensive?” Half of this floor was for regular VIPs, and the other half for top–tier VIPs.

Grace got to stay in the regular VIP because they brought it up on the Panter family, it was estimated that the Panter family helped them.

But the top–tier VIP was a different story, not everyone with–money could afford it..

How could that girl afford to stay there?

She didn’t know anyone important!

“Dad, mom.”

Just then, a gentle voice rang out.

“Yoli, how did you come?” Turning around, Olga found not only her daughter came, even Zachary came together as well.

Zachary’s appearance and temperament were very good, and Olga was more and more satisfied. With such a son–in–law, her smile was always on her lips! “Zach, you came too!”

Upon spotting them, Zachary courteously greeted, “Hello“,”

“Hello…” Attlee returned the greeting warmly, “Weren’t you two on a date? Why are you here in the hospital?”

“We were going to watch a movie, but I heard from our housemaid that the hospital called us, so I thought something happened to Grace, and came to check on her. Zachary still hasn’t left after sending me home, still at our door…” So, they came together.

“Dad, mom, how’s grandma?” Yolanda was quite the performer in front of everyone: Despite her disdain for her biased grandma, she knew how to play her part, “I think I saw my sister downstairs just now?”

That familiar figure stepping out of the VIP elevator, but she didn’t see clearly..

Hearing her mentioned Arabella, Zachary was taken aback. Didn’t they say Arabella returned to her biological family? Why was she here?

Olga and Attlee both had grim expressions.

“Her…let’s not discuss her right now. Your grandma is fine, the hospital just wanted us to pay some additional fees…Since you’re here, why don’t you go in and see her? Maybe your care and love can give her some strength…”

Zachary and Yolanda shared a glance before walking hand in hand into the ward,

Grace on the bed was nothing but skin and boneslooking extremely frail.

Tears welled up in Yolanda’s eyes, “I was only gone for two days, and grandma has become so weak…”

In truth, her “two days” wasn’t accurate. It had been quite a while since she last visited.

“Why does grandma have to suffer like this, why can’t all the pain be transferred to me, why…”

Seeing her tears, Zachary quickly wiped them away, “Silly, you’ve already been through a lot…”

“I’m not afraid, as long as grandma can recover, I’m willing to bear all the pain for her!”

Looking at her kind and determined face, Zachary was deeply moved, and his love for her grew even stronger.

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