The Raspite Prince
Chapter 31

"I love you, Laoonica." He whispers.

"I love you too, Patrick." Within a few minutes we are both asleep despite the glow that is now radiating from the both of us. There are no dreams as I lay cuddled next to him in our bed.

I wake up before he does in the morning and slid my night gown over me. I look over at him as he rolls over with the cover draped over him and I smile to myself as I step out of the bedroom closing the door behind me. I set down on the couch and take a deep breath. I am a little scared at first, but I know I have to try. I have never really set down and tried to use my powers on my own. Not that I can remember. My father had always forbidden it so I am not completely sure what to expect. For that matter, I do not know what I could actually control without having given myself to him.

I will try starting with something small. I focus on my hands and the destructive flame came from them. Not because I am angry but because I want it to. I hold it for a minute then pull it back in with very little effort. I play with my powers for a few minutes amazed by what control I have over it, even if it is so small. Then I am interrupted as Patrick has woken up and came out of the bedroom. All he had on were his shorts. His muscular figure distracts me for a second as I look up at him. He laughs when he sees what I am doing.

"Well how is the control?" he asks. He is standing in the doorway to the bedroom with a huge smile on his face. He watches as I flick the flames on and off of my hands like a kid playing with an exciting new toy. The entire time he just laughs.

"I have it I have control over it look." I say as I turn it on and off with ease. I don't want to try anything too big in the ship but the small stuff seems to come easily. Staring at my hand I cause the flame to start at my fingertips and go down to my elbows then back up again.

"Well that's good. I am glad you have gained control." He walks over to the couch and crawls behind me. He wraps his strong arms around me and kisses the side of my neck while I continue to play with my hands doing different patterns with my hands.

"I am scared to go bigger I don't want to hurt people." I say as I lean back into him. We sit there for a moment as I enjoy being held against him. "Perhaps we should get dressed?" I don't want to as I just want to sit here with him. He doesn't budge as he kisses my neck again.

"I don't really have to work today considering it is technically our honeymoon. You want to see what else you are capable of doing?" I look at him. Then rush into the bedroom to get dressed. I rummage through the dresses in the closet and pick the blue and white dress I had made several days ago now. I brush out my hair, leaving it down, and rushing back out of the bedroom.

"Okay let's go!" I was ready in a few minutes which was a record for me I think. He looks at me still pretty much naked and smiles really big at my innocent excitement.

"Slow down I have to get dressed as well." He laughs. He seems amused by my enthusiasm. He goes into the bedroom and grabs some casual pants and a t-shirt. I couldn't believe that my father could have been so wrong about not being able to be myself. Patrick truly seems to want me to remain myself. He comes out of the room and looks at me.

"You ready?" he walks over and holds his arm out for me and I take it without hesitation.

"Yes can we go to the greenhouse." Patrick and I head to the green house first. I can't wait to see what I could do with the plants. I am still playing with the flames as we head into the elevator. As soon as we enter the green house, without even touching the plants, they all seem to become healthier and more productive just at my presence. It is amazing I spin around looking at all of them. I guess Patrick sees the look of amazement on my face because he is laughing at me. In fact, he hasn't really stopped since he woke up.

"What?" I ask looking at him and with just a thought one of the vines reached out and snap against his bottom. I giggle as he jumps forward. It didn't hurt him but it made him laugh even more.

"Hey now what was that for?" I laugh and make it hit him again.

"Stop laughing at me." I say laughing myself. He comes toward me in play and then it turns into him chasing me while we both laugh. I run around the fruit tree from my home planet and peek around it. I don't see him at first as he sneaks around the other side catching me. He presses into me as my back is against the tree and kisses me. He pulls away and holds out his hand and I take it as we walk slowly back to the elevator. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"So where to now?" he asks. I look at him. I'm not sure where else to go. I think for a moment of what else I know I can do. I know about the destruction and the plants from prior. Suddenly it hit me.

"The medical bay, I want to go to the medical bay." I want to see if there is anyone sick to see if I can heal them. I am so excited about being able to control my powers that I have all but forgotten the fact that both his and my father had warned me that there was something bad coming. We are heading down in the captain's voice came over the intercom.

"Wolf to the deck." Patrick had forgotten his own intercom. So he presses the one on the elevator. I look at him a bit disappointed as I was looking forward to testing more of my abilities.

"On my way." He says overriding the elevator so it would immediately head up. Not thinking anything is wrong, I stay with him as we head off to the deck. As the doors open and the captain looks at us.

"I wasn't prepared for the princess to be with you." The captain looks at me. I look back at him then down at the floor.

"I am sorry sir we were enjoying our time together." Patrick is holding my hand and doesn't let go. I grip a bit tighter to make him aware of my discomfort at the thought of not being welcome.

"I can leave and go back to the room if you need me to." I reply still looking down and somewhat hovering behind Patrick a bit. I look at him a bit confused but willing to excuse myself if it is indeed a huge issue. It does put a bit of a damper on my enthusiastic mood though.

"No it is fine you can wait in my office while I talk to Patrick in the conference room." The captain holds his hand out directing me towards his office.

"I will be glad to wait for you in there." Patrick holds my hand all the way into office then kisses my hand. He looks down at the desk then back up at me. There is a strange look on his face for a moment that I cannot read.

"If you will excuse me I do have to go and check on things, see whatever it is that the captain needs from me. I will return as soon as I can." He grabs a handful of clear panels off of the captain's desk and heads out the door.

I don't sit, instead I walk over and look out the window. The stars seemingly wiz by the ship. In actuality it is we who are moving not them, but it appears to be opposite as I look out. I stand there for a while until I itched with boredom and turn to see if there is any way to entertain myself. I look at the desk as I do I notice that he has left one panel behind. I'm sure it wasn't on purpose. I walk over to look at it to see if maybe it is important. As I pick it up the screen lit up showing files and other data on it.

"This stuff will take time getting used to." I say out loud. Even with what time I have spent on his ship the technology still amazes me. I look at the now visible screen filled with pictures of files and such. One particular file beckon me, after all it is labeled Laoonica. Surely he would not object to me peeking at my own information. "No I shouldn't" I say out loud and set the thing back down on the desk. I walk back to the window trying to distract myself from the panel but it is no good. I couldn't resist. "What in the heavens?" I open it and glare in complete confusion. There are so many files it didn't make any sense; after all I haven't been aboard but a month at most. I scroll all the way to the very top of the list and found the first file: Visit to Booravia.

I look up at the door then back down at the panel as I want to make sure I am not caught looking at this. I scan my eyes over to the date of the file as my finger follows along the line of information to aid in my concentration on it. I am even more confused when I reach the date. If my calculations are correct this would have been right around the time the Commerce had originally visited our planet. I set it back down on the desk now sitting in the captain's chair. I drum my fingers on the desk as I am scared and curious as to what this is. Then something else caught my eye to the right of the Laoonica file. Prince Patrick Wolf. I hesitantly reach my long slender finger up to the file and press it. I am in no way ready for what I see. It has his picture and below it his birthday, and to my surprise his birth place. Raspacity floating cities of Talumate, Raspite headquarter planet. I stare in disbelief as I can't believe what I am reading. He is the prince of the Raspites. My heart pounds as I suddenly realize what my father had been trying to tell me. Then it hits me, he would be king, his father had died he would now be king. I hear the door mechanism and I quickly hide the panel from few.

"Patrick." I look up and see him staring at me weird.

"I need you to come with me to the conference room my queen." I hesitate a moment, but I took his hand. I am not sure what is going on now as the file has me completely confused. We leave the room together and step next door. All this time he has been the enemy, but who was my father referring to as the enemy within our walls? Who had orchestrated all of this deception?

We walk through the door to the conference room holding hands. I am looking at him at first trying to figure out if he can read the disbelief in my face but he isn't looking at me. I look over at the screen and to my amazement I did not see the council. Instead I could not believe my eyes. It was my mother. She is alive. I let go of Patrick's hand and stared at the screen. My own mother could it be true? I am stunned to silence as I stare wounded to my core by this now obvious betrayal.

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