The Raspite Prince
Chapter 37

I have spent several days in silence as we now seem to be getting ever closer to his home. To my new prison. I wonder as I look out at the approaching planet what it will be like. Will I have any freedom as I had in my own castle growing up with my own wing of the castle for me to roam through? Or will I end up locked away in a high tower away from any chance of escape or hope.

"You are still not talking to me I see." He comes out of the bedroom and looks at me as I have already put away the couch from the night before. It is ironic that the sleeping positions are now changed. I guess as he now owns my powers I do serve as the better protector. I look over at him then back out the window. He is dressed as I have requested he be as I no longer wish to see any part of him bare. "I know it will take time but you will see that I am not your enemy." He looks sad every time he tries to talk to me the last few days. He reaches over and starts to place his hand on my shoulder, but I withdraw. He turns away and I hear the door open.

"I think I would like to have lunch in the garden if that is okay with you." I look down and back without actually turning around. I see his face light up a bit at the sound of my voice.

"I will arrange it. Might I join you?" his voice almost sounds desperate.

"If you would like." I still don't look directly back at him.

"I will see you at lunch then." I don't understand the way I feel. I wish that perhaps my father would have let me experience more. Maybe I wouldn't be so lost in all of this. I turn as he walks out of the door.

"I wish I could actually talk to you again father I am lost." I whisper as I set down on the couch. Breakfast will be here soon as I have started taking most of my meals in the room. It is easier to hide away from everyone than to fake being happy in front of them. I wasn't sleeping well either as the anxiety of what is to come weighs heavily on my mind. I sit on the couch waiting for them to come and I dozed off.

The aroma of the flowers in my garden fill my nose. I look around at the stone walls that surround the small well light space I had spent so much time in. Funny how it seems so much smaller now that I have seen so much more than just these walls.

"It was your favorite place when you were here." I turn to see my father standing behind me.

"Is this real or is it another trick?" I stand still as I look at his face. A smile came across it and unlike the dream that had been faked he reaches out and touches me.

"It is real. I am sorry that you have had to suffer so greatly." He wraps his arms around me and holds me close to him and I break into tears. It is the first time since I originally found out the truth.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask tucked into his chest I have missed this more then I realized.

"You must continue to go with them. I am afraid that you are in for more pain before it gets better." I look up at him.

"What do you mean?" I hate the riddles he left me with in my dreams.

"It means there is good at the end of this." I pull away a bit upset at another unanswered question.

"What can be happy? Am I to forgive him and learn to be happy with him or am I to leave? Or am I even me anymore? Did he gain control? Tell me what am I to expect, no more riddles or opened ended questions." I demand.

"Life is never that simple my child. There will always be something left unanswered. There are always what ifs and what could have beens. Just know that you are on the right path at this point to find where you were truly meant to be." He smiles at me as he has done so many times before.

"Father please don't go yet just set here with me for a while." I sit on the stone bench that is placed in the middle of the small cylinder area. He comes over and sits beside me and reaches over to grab my hand.

"You are stronger than I ever imagined you to be. You have more control then I ever imagined and you will learn the truth of your questions soon enough. In the time we have left I will just sit with you my child." He put his arm around me and I lean into him taking in all of the scents and sights that I feel have all but faded from my mind.

"Your majesty." I hear a voice calling to me from outside my head but I don't want to leave this moment. "Your majesty breakfast is here." I look at my father as he fades from my side. I set up on the couch to see the guard standing in front of the table between it and the door. There is a beautiful tray of food setting ready for me to eat but all I can think is how I want just a few more minutes under my father's arm. Noticing that I am awake the guard bows and leaves. I sit at the table and look across at the empty chair and thought back to the day that right before the wedding and the conversation Melena and I had in regards to her brother. She was hiding things from me as well but was she doing so because she was ordered to or because she wanted to. Either way she is the closest thing I had ever had to a friend and that thought makes me tear up.

I spent my time after breakfast sifting through the materials looking for something to stick out to me as I have been through it so many times before. I know that I want to make something that would trump the wedding dress. Sort of a way I guess in my own mind to make it seem not as important as it was. I see a beautiful dark velvet and ran my hand across its softness. I find some other materials to go with it and I set them aside as I begin to build the most intricate design I have ever tried. I want to get lost in the seams, cuts, and materials as I work out the patterns in my mind. I don't hear the door behind me slide open as the sewing machine drowns out the noise.

"Are you ready?" Patrick's voice makes me jump. I look at him as he stands there in the uniform he has been wearing when I first met him. It is probably not the exact same one, but it is identical.

"Um sorry I lost track of time give me a moment." I stand up and walk into the bedroom to change. I look over at the bed with just a glance as it still bothered me. I pull a yellow dress out and put it on. I brush through my hair putting it up into a pony tail. I take a deep breath as I open the door and look at Patrick who is leaning against the side of the room door.

"You always look so beautiful." He says smiling. I just shake my head and look down as I slid my slippers onto my feet.

"I am ready your majesty." He looks a bit disappointed that I am still addressing him as though he is nothing more than a master.

"Very well let's go." He holds out his arm for me to take it and at first I just look at him but my upbringing takes over. I grip it gently as I have done so many times before, just to the inside of his elbow.

"How much longer till we reach your home?" I ask as we make our way to the elevator. He presses the button as he always did.

"Just a few more days, my love." I cringe a bit as he says those words but I turn my head to avoid him seeing how uncomfortable I am.

"That is good I guess." I am not sure what to say to him at this point after all most of what I know of him is a lie.

"Thank you." He says as the door open to the garden and there is a table for two set up under my favorite tree with candle light and some soft music playing in the back ground.

"For what?" I ask looking at him.

"For trying." He smiles at me as he motions for me to go ahead of him.

"You were right." He pulls out my chair and scoots it in then takes his seat across from me.

"About what?" he looks at me as though he already knows what I am going to say.

"I cannot hate you forever, it isn't in me to do so. However, do not expect me to shower you with love and affection as I do not feel so strongly for you anymore." I say as I unfold my napkin. There is a cart to the side with a man dressed as a waiter readying our trays. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I don't expect you to run into my arms right away as I realize you must learn to trust me after all that you have been through." He says as the plates are set in front of us. I look up at the tree and my mind wonders into my dream. The smell is more than enough to calm me even in his presence.

"I have been looking through all the files that are under my name. I saw the captain's office the day you faked the destruction of my world." He almost chokes as I say it.

"Why do insist on going through them?" He looks at me after taking a drink.

"They show me the truth well as far as I can tell. I get to see the reality of my situation and how easy it was to find myself trapped here." He looks down at his plate then back at me.

"I didn't lie about everything you know." I just look at him with neither hate nor compassion. I wasn't sure how to feel at this point other than neutral.

"I know that some of the things were true. I think perhaps even though we are married perhaps we should start over. I will be honest with you and you with me." I'm not sure if I actually care at this point, but if my father said I should continue on my journey then I figure I should try to come to terms with the man that I am now married to.

"Hi I am Patrick Wolf, King of the Raspites. My mission was to obtain you from the ship. However due to choices made by your mother and my father I had to rescue you instead of the way I had intended." He responds differently than I have expected by being straight forward with me.

"And how exactly had you planned on taking me?" I look at him having not touched a single bite of my food.

"Still under the disguise of the Commerce, but without the trauma that was done to you by the assassin attempt. I had every attention of still having you fall in love with me and earning your fathers trust as well, but it wasn't up to me." He says still devouring his meal in-between talking to me.

"So I guess that means it is my turn I am princess, Queen Laoonica. I have the powers or chaos and destruction tucked away inside of me. I am not one hundred percent sure that marrying you actually gave you any control, but rather I have learned better control. I had to give myself completely to another. However, after my trust was broke I found that I couldn't pull my anger back in as easily." I am surprised as he actually did choke this time.

"What?" I look at him as he seems confused.

"Go ahead order me to do something." I don't know how I knew, but I did. Something inside me tells me he is not in control of me. My confused mental state had locked my powers up causing it to appear as though he did. I had never been allowed to use my powers so I did not realize how much control I actually had.

"Are you sure you want me to do this, what if your wrong?" he says looking at me. "You stopped when I said to on the fire ball and you smiled when I told you to."

"I stopped because I thought you had power and therefore you did. Go ahead order me to do something." I look at him and see he looks a bit fearful of the actuality that he may not have as much control as he believes.

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