Chapter 60 

I walked away from the scene with tears in my eyes and as soon as I got to my room, I shut the door and plopped down on the bed, and burst into tears. 

I really needed to confront Lucien. I couldn’t do this anymore, I won’t. I won’t let her take everything from me! 

The shrill ringtone of my phone jolted me awake and I groaned as I wondered. who might be calling me. I haven’t received any call on my phone since I got back and I sat up quickly, with the thought that it was Eve calling. 

I glanced at the caller ID, and it was a hidden caller. I picked it up and placed it on my ear. 

“Hello,” I called out but there was no answer. 

“Hello,” I said after a while again. 


“Norman?” my heart began to race as the other person on the other end of the line didn’t speak. 

I ended the call quickly as I realized that it could be a spam call. 

As I stood up, the phone began to ring again and I picked it up and put it on loudspeaker, deciding that I had to know who it was that was calling. 

“You need to come to Silverpine Lake now,” the voice said and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. 

“Who the hell are you to- 

Before I could complete my sentence, the gall ended and I stood still as I stared at the blank screen. It wasn’t like I could even call the number since it was a hidden number. There was nothing I could do and a thought suddenly came to me. 

What if it was about Eve of Kai?, I quickly wore my shoes and went out the door. Another thought about the danger of going to meet an unknown person clouded me but I pushed it away. 


Chapter 60 


Rielle must’ve forgotten to take my phone away from me if she really did believe I was with the traitors, she would have made sure it was destroyed or just taken away from me. 

If there was a chance to save my son, I would take it. 

I walked quickly, careful to avoid the guards as I wasn’t allowed to leave the mansion. 

As soon as I got to the gate, a stern–looking guard glared at me and I swallowed hard as I thought of a possible excuse to give. 

“Where are you going to?” he asked, glaring at me as if he was boring a hole into my head. 

“I the Alpha sent me,” I blurted out and he eyed me suspiciously. 

“But we were given specific instructions not to let you out of the gate,” he stated and I sighed. 

If he was going to be this way, then I have no choice. 

“Who gave 

the order? Luna right?,” It was more of a statement than a question and he glanced at his fellow guard, beside him who shrugged.  Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yes, Luna Rielle gave the order to not let the traitor pass through the gate, the other guard retorted and I nodded my head. 

“And now the Alpha sent me. Perhaps I should leave right now and go to him and inform him that–what are your names again?” I asked, glaring at them. 

My acting surprised even me and I fought back a smile as I saw the look of horror on their faces. The first guard shifted uncomfortably and seemed to say something. to the other one with his eyes. 

“You may leave. I hope you understand that it wasn’t our intention to stop you. We were just making sure. You know. we had orders to follow,” he said and the other one nodded rapidly. 

“We were just following orders,” he agreed and I bit back a smile as I nodded. 

Just as I was about to take a step through the gate, a voice halted me and my breath hitched in my chest. 


12:17 Thu, 14 Mar 

Chapter 60 



Rielle. I swallowed hard as I clenched my fist. I was close, very close. I was so close and now this. 

spun around to come face to face with her and before I could mutter an excuse, I was met with a resounding slap. I gasped as I held my cheek, glaring at her with surprise. 

“How dare you!! Yea traitorous b*tch!,” she yelled and then faced the guards who looked even more shocked than I was. 

“We..we..she said..” 

“She said what!” she yelled and they shook with fright. 

“I specifically gave the orders for you not to let her out of the compound. Was that too much to follow?,” she muttered a string of curses and I fought back the tears that were already clouding my eyes. 

“Rielle i- 

“Shut the fuck up!, you traitorous whore!,” she snarled and I winced. 

“Where were you going to? to go meet your whore of a sister? and her stupid boyfriend!,” she shot out and I swallowed the lump in my throat, willing myself not to get riled up by her words. 


“Yet you call yourself a mother. A mother that abandons her own child!” I felt Nova whimper and I knew that she was hurt by those words. 

Nova who had been extremely quiet these days. 

How dare she even accuse me of being a bad mother, when everything I’ve done was for them. 

I didn’t want them to be with a father who didn’t want them and that was why I went to the human territory I wanted a normal life for them, a life of comfort, hence the reason I decided to study what I wanted and worked hard to ensure they got everything they needed. 

12:17 Thu, 14 Mar 

Chapter 60 


“A good mother indeed!” she spat out and I flared up. I could endure every other insult, but not this. I couldn’t let her spite me over that when she stole my children from me and made Rick call her “mummy“. 

“Don’t you dare!!” 

She looked surprised and even the guards stared at us, visibly surprised. She glared at me in anger, nodding her head as she smiled. 

“Don’t you dare say that!” I yelled, suddenly overcome with rage and she scoffed. 


It was the very familiar smell that hit me first before the voice came. 

“Luna!, you need to see this.” 

I lunged at him, grabbing his shirt roughly, my rage dissipating and giving way to desperation. 

“Where the hell is my son? Where’s Kai!!” 

The other guards pulled us apart and Rielle turned to the guards. 

“Take her to the cell.” She commanded and they rushed to my side. 

“No, no! where is my son? Rie–Luna, please I need to see my son!” I pleaded, desperation evident in my voice as I fell on my knees as the guards were trying to hold me. 

“What is going on here?” 

I spun around to see his very familiar handsome face, Lucien. 

“Luc–Alpha please, I have to see him,” I pleaded, tears cascading down my face. 

“What are you doing out here?” he demanded, glaring at me and I could swear I saw disgust in his eyes. 

“I caught her trying to run away,” she glared at me and then walked to Lucien’s side. “Anyways, what’s going on?” She questioned. 

“I can smell him, my baby–he’s here–he’s nearby,” I croaked out in tears and she scoffed. 

Chapter 60 

Lucien began to walk towards the main building and Rielle beckoned to the guards to let me be. 

“Don’t let her out of this gate, else…,” With that, she followed Lucien and I quickly – got up and went after them. 

Kai’s smell was stronger in the mansion than from outside, and for some reasons. not known to me, I had a gnawing feeling that something very bad was going on. 

As I quickly entered the deliberation room, where Lucien and Rielle entered, I discovered that the smell was intense in the room, and with the way Lucien clenched his jaw, I knew something was very wrong. 

“I was about to send someone to get you now,” he said, his face emotionless. 

“What happened to Kai?,” I asked, but it came out in a whisper.. 

“Well, I was about to ask you that, Amara.” He paused and took a step closer. 

“Where were you headed to?” 

I felt the ache in my chest but I managed to push it aside. I knew something had happened to Kai, but I just couldn’t figure out what had happened. 

“Where is Kai?,” I asked again and Rielle scoffed. 

“You tell us!” she snapped. “Where the fuck were you headed to?, to run away to meet your sister after you decapacitated your son!, she accused and I felt my knees. go weak and the ache in my chest return with much force. 

What did she mean by that? I felt weak as I didn’t know anything but the fact that something had indeed happened to Kai. 

“Where is Kai?!” I yelled and she pointed to a small box on the table. 

I quickly ran to open it and what I saw shattered my heart to pieces. 



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