The Rejected Phoenix
29 what have you done

Chapter 29.

Subtitle: what have you done.

*** Melanie's POV***

"here.. Have a cup of this for the meantime.

They only sell beer here."

Ryker muttered and handed me a cup of coffee.

I nodded and took it from him glancing at it and then keeping it back on the table.

"till when before the old man gets here? "

Ryker asked grumpily and I scoffed.

He looked at me weirdly.

"is it in your blood to Scoff at every word I say?

Am I that annoying? "

He asked and I rolled my eyes sipping form the drink.

I didn't reply him but just kept shut.

Shortly we heard a commotion at the door as usual.

We have been trying to track down the Vampire using the compass but it just hasn't being successful on him,

I don't really know why.

"tiger! Tiger! Tiger..."

The commotion went on and on and I couldn't help but gulp hard anticipating what will happen next.

I saw him look around and his eyes fell on both me and Ryker.

He shot us a deadly stare and walked to his usual seat.

I nudge Ryker and spared him a glanceotioning iwht my eyes

"it's time.. Let's go!

I muttered enough for him to hear.

He stood up and started walking forward and I stood up also scrambling along with him. "how do you plan on doing it? "

I asked him in a whisper but he ignored me.

I really don't know how he planned to convince the Vampire but I just hope it works and he does not cause any harm to both of us.

I was shocked when Ryker sat down on the seat right opposite the Vampire king.

"does he want us dead or what? "

I was baffled and couldn't help but ask myself.

I quickly stood besides him.

But I was scared to the bones.

"I'm up for today's challenge! *

I heard him say and my eyes widened

Was he about of his mind or what?

I quickly bend to his level and tapped him hard.

"are you insane... You can do this..

You'll loose a finger!”

I snapped but he only chuckled and faced the Vampire who had a pipe stuck to his lips as usual. "you know the rules young man? You loose you get a finger cut off! You still in? *

I heard the Vampire asked in a grumpy voice but I knew he definitely knows of the reason we were looking for him and won't spare Ryker.

"let's twist your rules a bite old man.

If I loose you are permitted to cut off my finger but if I win the... Then I get to order you around for the next three months and you can't object.. Agreed? "

I heard Ryker asked and I finally understand why he was doing it.

But the Vampire was the king of this place and I knew it would be hard to defeat him.

What if the alpha king looses?

What will happen then?

He really will agree to get his finger cut off?

"who do you think you are trying to change my rules young boy? The rules are rules and I won't change it for any reason man. "

The vampire muttered with a cold face.

He had an annoyed face on.

"why? Your too afraid that I will win and get you bossed around for a whole three months? *

I heard Ryker snapped loudly and the crowd began to murmur immediately.

I glanced around to see he people talking to themselves about what was happening.

The vampire had a possible face on.

"shut the f*ck up kid.. You know noth..." S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The vampire was cut short by Ryker.

"oh.. The tiger is too afraid that someone has finally come to challenge and send him to his doom aigo.."

Ryker uttered mockingly and the chatterings increased.

"bang! "

The vampire hit his hands hard on the desk and shot Ryker a glare..

"you really are impossible. 1 told you to stay clear off my way but you really are bend on making me bend to your request huh? The deal is changed..

If you loose you and your damn ass mate stay clear out of my way for good and never show yourself to me.

We clear? "

The vampire asked and Ryler chuckled.


He said in his alpha tone and immediately the cards where thrown on the table.

The game began and I watched without any idea who was winning or who was loosing.

It went on for minutes,i was getting tensed up.

"what am I seeing? This is the first time the tiger has taken so much time to win the game. And look it's being five minutes and the Two are still on a draw! *

I heard a man exclaimed besides me and I looked with Keen interest.

My eyes sparking with hope as I looked at Ryker.

Our eyes met and I encouraged him to go on.

I saw him smile back and went back to his game.

"this is unbelievable.

The new guy is winning.

What's happening? "

I heard a woman ask in disbelief.


There went a few more rounds of card toss and exchange before I saw

Ryker drop his card on the table and smirk at the Vampire

People around gasped and I saw that the the Vampire had an angry unbelievable face on.

I took the hint that Ryker may have won so I began to bubble up.

"you can see now that your no match for us tiger.

So first thing first.

Get your ass off that seat and come over to our corner.

We've got business to discuss!”

I ordered and I saw his eyes glinted with anger.

He was trying to control himself.

The people around all walked back to their seats while murmuring among themselves.

They were afraid of getting in the web of the tiger.

I took Ryker's hands and dragged him up from the seat while he kept staring at me as if I just said something hilarious.

Dragging him away with me back to our seat I couldn't help but feel proud of him and how he handled the Vampire in one start.

I raised my head and whispered softly in his ears.

"this is the only good thing you've ever done that I know of. *

I mumbled and he raised a brow.

I look behind to see the Vampire still seated while glaring daggers at me.

I gave him a “what are you still waiting for?" look and he stood up, following us begrudgingly. As he sat I cleared my throat and was about to start talking when I picked up a familiar scent. And before I could comprehend it I heard a loud noise from behind me and then from nowhere a heavy punch was send flying towards Ryker's way.

I heard a growl and looked up seeing an angry looking Cole.

He had blood shot eyes and looked like he was blood thirsty.

Ryker growled at him and I saw the people around shivered while some scampered out in fear. Some stubborn ones sat still and kept watching.

"all of you humans get the f*ck out of this place or you'll be dead in seconds!"

I heard my brother's voice snapped and I looked at him.

He too glaring at me and the alpha king.

I scoffed.

Immediately the people scampered off.

A loud punch that was sent toward Ryker's way send shivered down my spine.

"what the f*ck is wrong with you Cole? You wanna fight? "

Ryker growled.

I just stood watching with a panick face.

Why were the two of them fighting?

"I told you to f*cking stay away from her but your not going to listen are you?

Is it untill I kill you? *

Cole snapped and I saw Ryker's eyes glinted showing his black wolf eye.

I gasped in terror.

So the fight was because of me?

What was going on?

"what the f*ck is you business with her huh? Is she your mate or what? You better be the one to stay away while I'm being friendly else I'll kill you first! *

I heard Ryker growled in a voice that was completly not his own.

It was his wolf and the voice was scary.

Immediately Ryker shifted to his wolf but didn't expect to be pierced by a spear made of silver. "noooooo!"

I growled and ran to him.

He fell to the ground and winced in pains immedietly.

The silver was pure silver and was the strongest to exist.

Even an alpha king can't stand the pains form it.

He may die.

I saw silver glows emit form the spear and circled Ryker.

I glared hard at Cole who stood with the spear in his hands with a cold face as if he did nothing wrong.


I cried out.

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