The Rejected Phoenix
39. Wild night I

Chapter 39.

Subtitle: wild night I.

*** general POV**

**WARNING! : content below is strictly rated 18,you can skip if you can't handle it.

She took a deep breath and adjusted herself on his laps taking a look at his d*ck.

She then smiled nervously and looked at him, he didn't say anything but just smirked at her. "what are you gonna do now mate? my little man is hungry now, I tried to tell u not to go too far but u won't let me talk...

He cooed in a teasing voice and she bites her lips sexily and licked it looking at him with preying eyes.

"who said I wasn't gonna eat you up? "

She asked and slammed her lips hard on his kising the hell out of him and taking him by surprise. In less than minutes,she stood up from his laps and pushed him away from the fire a bit, he fall done on his back like a light feather and she climbed him once more, straddling him.

She began kissing him again hard, his lips felt succulent and soft and she wanted to bite on them which she did, she kept sucking and biting him that his lips had started to bleed.

"woooah...! Chill girl, I'm not running away. But we can't do this now, at least not here."

He cooed as he cut off the kiss and pushed her back a bit.

She was annoyed and grabbed his head facing him hard.

"are you a saint or what! I'm almost naked in front of you, I'm f*cking wet for you and your not an exception, your damn hard and shiver under my every touch but your still trying to prove hard to get ain't you? *

She snapped angrily.

He sighed and grabbed her waist.

"I've told you this countless times, I will work hard to be worthy of mating with you. What I did to you was really terrible and I am still trying to gain your love and forgiveness little by little.

I may have urges but I want to prove to you that I can keep to my words of not mating with you until your finally ready to accept my whole self.

But your really hot and gorgeous,your making it hard for me. "

He explained and she sighed getting off his laps and sitting besides him.

“but I've forgiven you, I wanna f*ck you! *

She thought to herself but couldn't bring herself to say it.

They were both disorganized and their breathing was scattered.

They had totally forgotten that a lady was sleeping in a tenth right next to them.

Melanie looked at Ryker who was staring back at her, his long hair was scattered all over his face and back and his belt was still off, she almost busted out laughing when she stared at his hard long c*ck that was still sticking out of his pants, he had forgotten to stick it back in and was too engrossed staring at her.

"that little man is still angry for being tormented and then abandoned like that, can't I at least do something to help? "

Melanie asked and Ryker looked down at his pants in embarrassment.

"we can't go any further.. You should get some sleep.. "

He muttered and made to leave but Melanie stopped him.

"I can still do something to help calm him down right? *

Melanie asked and Ryker looked at her trying to anticipate what she was thinking.

"what do you mean."

He trailed off as soon as she crawls up to him on her knees and then made him lay down,and then she was dragging down his Jean trouser.

It was off in a matter of minutes and his shorts followed.

She looked nervous and sweaty as she touched his long hard c*ck,he groaned and tried to sit up but she stopped him.

She them used both of her hands to hold him tight as she began to squeeze him, he let out a painful groan and she figured out she was doing it the wrong way.


He said and sat up holding her hands and guiding it on his c*ck moving her hands up and down his long rod, he was groaning with his eyes close as she did a hand job on him.

He soon recoiled his hands and laid back down,enjoying how nice her hands felt on his cock and how it made him groaned and squirm, he was sticking hot.

Melanie rubbed her hands around the tip of his cock and a loud groaned envwloped him, she continued with the assault seeing that it was taking an impact on him, her hands would rub round and round him, and then they'll go up and down pulling his soft skin along with them as well, and then they'll stop at the tip and then rub his tip softly.

"f*ck yes! ...aaaah.... This feels so good! "

He was now shaking and groaning in pleasure as he spurt out a nice juice when he came to climax, some of his simen spilled up to her nose, shw wondered how it'll taste.

Ryker was breathing heavily as his c*ck had calmed down and went back to its normal size, but Melanie was restless.

She was feeling all hot inside and her body was Ricky, she was dripping wet between her legs as it was creating abhige toil on her.

As Ryker made to sit up a drop of Melanie's Joice dropped on his torso,he smirked and looked up at her face, it was filled with blush and she looked hot.

"you look delicious, I'm not gonna have all the fun babe..."

He muttered and grabbed her waist bringing her back on his laps.

He quickly pulled down her pants and removed her top,tossing them aside like some rack.

She smiled and kissed him, he kissed her back and it was intense.

Both of them were fighting for dominance.

Soon he flipped her round so that her back was touching the ground and and he was on top of her. She was damn nervous and was breathing heavilly as he began kissing her neck, biting her hard and leaving small red hickeys on her.

His lips grazed her upper body and every of his touch on her made her skin jerk and her hair sprang up.

He was driving her insane. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

As his warm tongue slide down her collarbone, then to her twin peaks and her body curled up in a tensed way.

Her whole body heated up and she wanted him to touch her more.

Bringing his mouth to her left nipples he gave it a soft bite and the right nipple peeked up in annoyance, begging for attention as it found it unfair that it's colleague is getting all the love and lickhe seemed to have understood it's troubles as his left hands moved up towards it, cupping it in his large palms and giving it a thorough squeeze.

"aaarghh... "

She screamed lightly with pleasure as she ached her back.

His lips destroyed her nipples while his hands did justice to her other boobs [fair enough his left hands was roaming her waist down to her ass.

He was driving her insane.

His lips left her left nipples and focused on the right one devouring just like he did the other and she couldn't help but squirm and make funny noises, her moaned was driving him crazy and made him groan in pleasure.

Soon he stoop playing with her boob's and went down to business

His lips went down to her tummy,slightly rubbing her navel along the way as it leaped to her hips. She aches her waist forwards and her licked her hips round making her all ticklish.

His mouth then went down to her upper area...

"no! *

She shrieked and jerked up.

Was he going to kiss her there?

She felt it's dirty and didn't want him to do that.

"are you okay Melanie? Is anything wrong? "

They both heard Lulu's sleepy voice from inside the little tenth and Melanie clasped her hands over her mouth.

Her stupid voice had woken lulu up.

"no.. I'm perfectly fine lulu.. Just having a little private chat with my mate here.. You can go back to sleep now! "

Melanie shouted back and heard lulu muttered an “okay’.

But before she knew it she felt something wet and warm on her pussy walls and then she felt two hands trying to pat both her walls open.

She gasped and clasped her legs closed,trapping Ryker's head in between her..

She slowly opened them back.

"no.. You can't kiss me there, it's disgusting! "

She said and heard him chuckle.

"who said I was only gonna kiss you there? Besides, your juice smells really nice.

I don't want it to go to waste..."

She heard him mutter in a husky voice her heart beat accelerated.

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