The Rejected Phoenix
44. His pregnant luna

Chapter 44. Subtitle : his pregnant Luna. *** Melanie's POV*** I was damn tired of flying but had to keep up with the others. It was the longest wing flight I've ever subjected myself to and the tiredness I felt was unspeakable. "just because your tired doesn't make you weak phoenix.. Be fast, the four legged creatures are even faster than us! " I heard the dragon mind linked me and I scoffed and looked ahead of me. "how did you get into my head? * I snapped and he chuckled through my mind again, I groaned and looked beneath me. Ryker and lulu were no longer near me they were a long way ahead of me, I seem to be the last person trialing behind. As I looked forward to concentrate on flying i couldn't see the dragon anymore He had left me behind, I heard a loud screech from ahead of me and I knew if was from him. A few more kilometres and we will be back to the pack house. I can then go back to my desert and have a little bit of rest with Latisha and my mom. I gathered the little strength I had left and started flying at a quick pace, I soared high up and then started to flap my wing freely as I move ahead. I soon caught up with the dragon who smirked at me and led ahead. His eyes started to stare below and he slowed down which almost made me collide into him, I slowed down too and looked down also in confusion. The whole land beneath me was burnt, there was smoke everywhere and the ground was covered in ashes. I flew down along with the dragon and landed softly on the ground that was least burnt. Lulu and the alpha king where both standing on the floor and had already shifted back to their human form. I also shifted and stood besides Ryker who had a cold look on "whatever happened to this place? " I asked him but he kept quiet,examinig the whole area. "I can smell the dark magic, the witches did this... How far have they gone with this assault of theirs?" I heard the dragon asked besides me and Ryker growled at him and turned to face him with a deadly look on. If looks could kill then the dragon would have being five feets below the earth due to the glare and growl he recieved. "the witches? Are you sure it was not you but the witches? They were using you to destroy things and people around and you couldn't even control yourself, you just follow their orders and destroy lives and properties and now you are here to tell me shits about the witches being the ones who did this? " Ryker scoffed and the dragon chuckled. "seriously kiddo? I'm a ice dragon not a fire breathing dragon! Of course I can use the fire magic sometimes but I don't use it, and I may be bewitched when I caused harm but it wasn't me who burn up this place, I still have a good memory okay. Learn how to control your anger and not try to rid it on someone else or I'll kill you! * The dragon snapped, he was also as angry as f*ck. Ryker ruffled his hair and walked away. "how many more kilometres till we're back at the pack house? * I asked and tried to keep up with him. "you must be tired just twenty more kilometres. I hope all this ends sooner. " He sighed and held my hands as we walked ahead. "Melanie! " I heard a familiar voice squeaked in my head and I looked around trying to figure out where she is. "Latisha! Where are you? " I asked and looked around in shock and surprise. How did she find me here? "up here! * She muttered and flee right towards me, Landing softly on my shoulders. "Latisha! I shouted with joy and robbed her hair, placing soft kisses over her smooth head. "I've missed you so much! How did you find me here? * I asked her. "is that your firebird?" Lulu asked as she ran up to me taking a look at Latisha. I nodded at her. "mother was worried sick about you and wouldn't eat for days, she made me go on a long tour to look for you within the packs everyday, hoping that you'll return home, safe and sound. I'm so glad your back, but damn, you've lost a lot of weight! * Latisha said and I chuckled and rubbed her hair. "I'm sorry for leaving without informing the both of you, I hope mother isn't that sick? Have you been lonely? " I asked her and she answered with a yes. I was too engrossed taking to her. "Charlie have been keeping me company so I didn't miss you much. But I'm still glad your back! * She said. I faked being hurt as she told me she didn't miss me cause Charlie has being keeping her company. "Latisha.. How are things back in the pack? Is there any damage done in my pack or any other?" Ryker finally asked her after a long moment of silence. "I thought you wouldn't acknowledge me. Three different packs have fallen, Cole and Jaxon are still trying to rebuild the starzeal pack. Jaxon has being taking a very good care of the pack. " Latisha answered him through a mind link, I could also hear what she was saying. "how's Jaxon? * Lulu asked Latisha axcitedly. "he's fine.. Now can you folks quit asking me silly questions and let me rest for a while? * Latisha snapped tiredly and I chuckled. "if you wanna reach the pack in time you will have to hasten up, we haven't got all day! " The dragon snapped at us and I immediately shifted to my large phoenix size, Lulu and Ryker began shifting also before w we continued the journey. There was a large crowd of wolves waiting outside the pack house when we returned. The omega's,delta’s and many other wolves were waiting outside. "welcome back alpha king! * They all greeted Ryker as he walked ahead of us all, I could here whisperings as we went and different eyes staring my way as I went, I clutched unto Ryker's hands to reduce my nervousness when I heard a loud shriek from ahead of us. "baby!" Tammy came running right out of the pack house and then towards us, she went right into Ryker's arms and hugged him tightly as if there was no one but the two of them there. Ryker didn't push her away and I watched as she went for his lips next. She kissed him hungrily and I felt my whole blood boil with rage, without thinking I grabbed her arms and threw her away from Ryker, it was a light throw but she fell on her butts in front of Ryker. She began crying immediately and the old woman who used to act as the alpha King's butcher came running towards Tammy with a sorry face. She helped her up from the floor. "how dare you hurt our Luna? You would be dead if she loses her baby! * The lady snapped at me and I looked in shock, my eyes dilated from that of the lady and then to Tammy who had a smirk on. Then it finally fell on Ryker who also had the same confused look on. "what did you just say Magerat? who's pregnant? What's she talking about Tammy? * I heard Ryker asked. "I'm pregnant. With our first child honey... I was not feeling well for sometime after you left, I went to have a check up done on me afterwards and then I found out I was pregnant. I'm carrying your pup.. " Tammy replied with a soft voice and I didn't miss the smirk she threw right at me. It seemed the whole pack was present as I could here voices murmured something like “the Luna is pregnant?’ that was another shock to add to my pains. She was pregnant? And worst he already made her his Luna! I quickly looked towards her as I took slow steps towards her, my eyes fell on her neck and I saw a light tooth mark on them. He already marked her! How dare he! My head was spinning in circles that I dind't know what to do for a very long time. What was the meaning of all this going on? Without thinking once more I grabbed her by the neck and held her above her feet. She struggled for her breath and I laughed slyly. "what the f*ck did you dare do you witch!" I growled at her, my anger was getting out of control. But what shocked me even more was the fact that I was held by the hand. I looked up to see Ryker throwing a glare at me before he shoved me to the floor like a bag of sack. My heart was bleeding seriously and the fire in me was burning uncontrollably. "dint you hear she is pregnant! Don't you dare hurt her! " He snapped at me and helped Tammy up from the floor, before carrying her into the pack house like a baby. I was dumbfounded and lacked what to do or say, I just sat on the floor like a bag of bean. "get up buddy. You've being away for months and this is what you see when you get back,i pity your life a lot.. * I heard Charlie cooed softly and I sighed, a line of tear came rolling down my cheek slowly and I hugged her before bursting into tears. Lulu hugged me and Charlie to comfort me more and I cried heavily on both their shoulders not minding the stares I was getting from people around. "I thought he loved you... Why would he hurt you in this way? He doesn't deserve you. Why would he toy with you like that? * Lulu sighed. "get up kiddo, enough of the crying. Your making yourself look weak. We've got a lot to handle, forget about the scumbag for now! * I heard the dragon snap at me. He was standing in front of me. He was right. It's was high time I forget about the scumbag for real and focus on what I had to handle.. I sighed and stood up from the ground, walking away with the dragon through the crowd of wolves. Wolves were giving different comments about me while I walked pass them. I didn't miss the stare I got from my father who stood among the high officials of the pack, he made to say something to me but I glare from me made him shut up for good S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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