When the plane was in the air and we were free to walk around, Violet and I took a well deserve shower. As the warm water was washing over my body I felt my mussels started to relax and the soreness with the fatigue took a hold of my body. You will never think that a battle that only lasted two hours can make you feel so rundown, but it did. My body was tired and my eyes struggled to stay open. As I came out of the shower I saw Violet already on the bed fast asleep. She looked so peaceful and I thought I could join her even only for an hour, but then I saw Chin enter the room and said that it was my turn. I looked at him frowning as to ask what my turn is and he just pointed at the blood already staining the towel I was holding on the wound to slow the bleeding after the shower. “Come let’s take a look Baby girl.” “Have you checked Violet, does she have any wounds I should know about?” I asked remembering the three Vampires that was on top of her. “No she only has a few bumps and bruises; no bite marks nothing to worry about.” Upon hearing that I let out the breath did I not even know I was holding in and turned to leave the room. After laying down on the cough that was there, Chin started to look at my wounds. “You have a few bruises nothing to be concerned about but the cuts underneath your ribs looks bad we will have to put in some stitches.” “I thought so.” “This is going to sting a little.” He said as he put antiseptic on the wounds to clean them and started to stitch me up, after sixty two stitches he was done and I was fast asleep.

After arriving at the mansion Chin open the door for me and held his hand out to help me out of the car. Which I accepted with open arms, as my body was protesting against every move I made. I felt Violet grabbing my arm and as I looked down at her I saw her eyes glowing. “There is someone here.” She whispers to me and I looked at the guys and asked them, “Is there something we should know about?” “Not that we know of.” As Chin said that I saw him lifting his head up and sniffing the air, probably trying to get the scent of who it is that Violet is picking up on. “I can’t pick up on any scent.” So I closed my eyes and started to concentrate trying to find out if anyone was here and if they were a danger to us. I cocked my head to the side as I am feeling a familiar aura coming from the house and that is when it hit me. “Jason is here.” As if on cue the Elite’s came out of the mansion all five of them with Liam in front. I pushed Violet so that I half cover her, I looked at Chin and Peter wanting to know what is going on, but they were just as surprised as we were. I then felt a very strong very impressive aura coming around us and knew that the aura belong to Liam, as the only person I know who possess an aura so strong to be Violet. At that Chin and Peter bowed their heads down in submission and Violet tucking on my hand. When I looked at her I could see the question on her face....., should we also bow. I looked back at Liam and said. “No Princess we will not bow down to anyone.” I saw the confusion on the other guys faces as I said this, except for Drago his eyes was like laser going over our bodies and he kept on smelling the air as if he knew our scent. Then I remember that he probably did, as he was alive when the assassins were still living. I just smiled at him, knowing he is going to figure it out sooner than later.

I started to get restless of the staring off between us and the guys so I suggested that we go in and sit down, because the staring is not going to get us anywhere. After sitting in an awkward silence for a few minutes, Chin came in with a tray of Coffee. “O Thank you Chin I really need this.” “Pleasure Baby Girl.” Then Liam started to talk. “We want answers, who are you and what are you, where did you come from? I am guessing you know our names because of Chin and Peter over there, but how did you see Jason when he was using his gift and how did you command him not to follow you after I gave the instruction that he has to?” “Well Liam if you could just calm do......” That is when Drago interrupted me. “I knew that I have smelled a similar scent before, but how are you here, how is the curse broken?” That is when the other guys also started talking and it just became a mess of words and I started feeling a migraine coming on very strong. “Quite!!!!!!” I shouted and started to rub my temples to ease the pain a little.

“We will answer all your questions, if you would just settle down! I promise you that we are not a threat to you, so Liam if it pleases you, put that aura of yours away.” “How do we know you are not a threat to us!?” “Because we are Assassins, that’s why!” At that said the room went into silence, you could have hear a needle drop and all of them were lost for words except for Drago that had a huge smile on his face. Liam stood up and started to pace the room with his hand rubbing his chin deep in thought. “Let’s say that we believe you that you are who you say you are, how did you break the curse?” “Well I would love to explain everything if you would sit down.... please.” I gave him a smile but made sure that he will be able to see on my face expression that I dare him to defy me. He stood there for a few seconds holding my stare, probably weighing his options, but decided to take his seat. “So tell us your story.” Marcus said. “To start with my name is Scarlet and this is my daughter Violet. About four years ago we didn’t even know this world existed, I was married to a loving husband and we had a happy live. One day he went on a hunting trip with one of his friends, but never returns. You see my husband was killed in this very forest, at the time we did not know what killed them, and after that..... Violet and I was angry at everything and everyone. We started to lash out on each other and on everyone around us. So I decided that we needed to get our anger out, so I did a little research and found Chin’s ad for Martial arts classes that he was giving in a studio in the city.” “But why didn’t.......” Jax started to ask. “Let me finish and then if you still have questions I will gladly answer them.” I looked at Jax and he just gave me nod signalling that he will wait for me to finish the story.

“So I decided to call him and book classes for Violet and I. I did not want to go to a doctor so that I could have heard that what we were going through is normal and get a bunch of pills that will maybe be able to help us, I wanted us to get all our frustrations out and be able to defend ourselves at the same time as we were alone at that time. When we started with the training we were still oblivious to this world, but after a while Chin recognized who we were and he told us everything that was going on in the dark. After that he started to train us here in the mansion where it was more private and we had more time to train. So we started to get stronger and more in control of our emotions and we were able to start protecting the humans as we were born to do. This morning when we came to do more training, I had a vision of girls being dragged into an ally by men, but when I took a closer look at the men I recognized them as Vampires and saw that it was in Transylvania. So we got our things together and the rest of the story you all know.” Everyone was just sitting there looking at us, probably trying to process all that I have just said. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Then Drago spoke, “Welcome back, not all of us like the situation the assassins was killed but the Queen at that time had spoken and we all had to obey or we would also have been killed.” “Well I do not know about that but the situation with the humans is all about to change now and I will make damn sure it does.” At that Liam jumped up yet again, “Who are you to say that! We are all under the Kings rule!” Then I decided that I had enough of his screaming at us and it was time to put him in his place. I stood up, looking him full in the eye and letting my aura come out, pushed his to the point where he was forced to bow his head at me. “I am not under anyone’s rule get that through your thick skull and I had enough of your disrespect do you understand me.” I said it without yelling but to make sure I had enough authority in my voice so that he would not be able to argue. “..How did you do that?” he stutter while asking me with his head still bowed. I let out a frustrating sigh and sat down again, pulling my aura back in.

Chin then answered the question, as he could have seen the exhaustion on my face. “Well you all know that the old Queen of the Assassins was the only one left alive and the one that got cursed.” Just then you could see the realization on everyone faces as the understood who we were. Chin had a smile on his face and you could see how proud he was to announce this bit of information. “Yes you are thinking correctly, they are of Royal blood and she is the rightful Queen of the Assassins.” Suddenly Jason put his hand in the air like a school boy wanting to ask a question. I could not help for the smile that formed on my face, “Yes Jason you would like to ask something.” He started looking at his hands and started to play with them. “Some of you might think that this is a dumb question, but what was the curse.” I looked at him with a frown on my face as I thought all inhumane will know about the curse, apparently I was wrong. Drago then looked at him and said, “There will come a day when hart break has been felt, when the human world are in danger and will need them the most. Only then will the Assassin gene awake and the days of the Assassin will start again.”

“Wait then why did the curse only got broken now. I mean the humans were always in danger since the Old Queen and I am sure that more than one of Scarlet’s ancestors has died?” Marcus was now the one asking the question and I just looked at Chin also wanting to know the answer as it also made no sense to me as to why it took so long for the gene to awaken. “I have thought about the same thing for a while and I am guessing it is because now one of them was killed by an inhumane just so you know Scarlet and Violet is the only two living Assassins” Well that did make sense but I don’t think the second part was necessary. As I looked next to me, I saw Violet was fast asleep already and I knew this was my chance to say goodnight and leave to get some rest. As I got up I heard Liam talk, “Scarlet I just want you to know that I will have to inform the King of all that has happened.” I did not even bother to turn around to answer him as I bend down and picked Violet up. As I stood up to walk out I just said, “I understand do as you must.” At that I walk out and took Violet to my car.

As I turned around after putting Violet in the car Chin came up to me and embraced me in a warm hug and kissed me on top of my head. “You did great today Baby girl, you and Violet. You made your ancestor very proud.” “Thank you Chin I appreciate that.” “Goodnight Baby girl be safe.” “Always.....goodnight Chin.”

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