All of a sudden I feel Chin getting ripped away from me and I saw Alexander standing there looking as if he wants to rip Chin apart. “That is enough.” He said while staring dagger at Chin with his eyes a few shades darker that usual and I could feel the power rolling off of him. “Can I please have a moment alone with Scarlet I need to talk with her?” I just looked at him with my one eyebrow lifted and wonder what he wanted to talk about. Then everyone did as he asked and left except for Violet who looked between me and him. “Its fine princess, I will meet up with you as soon as I’m finished here.” She just gave me a small smile one last hug and followed Peter into the house.

“It must be boring.” I said as I turned around and walk to the bench under oak tree. “What must be boring?” “That everyone just do as you say, never asking why or disagreeing with you.” “Well that is how it works; I am the one with the plans and answers. Everyone looks to me to lead them.” “And you think that you never make a mistake, never thinking that you have given the wrong command maybe?” “No Scarlet I am who I am and I need to be strong for everyone and needs to make decisions in the spur of the moment I do not have time to doubt myself. If I start to doubt myself then the people will start doubting me and if that happens they will challenge me for the crown and that can result in a lot more battles and a lot more lives lost.” “I see your point, but if you never second guess yourself then that can lead to a wrong decision and that can also lead to a lot of lives lost.” He just sat there leaning against the tree looking at the sky, deep in thought. “And that is exactly the reason why every king needs a queen to rule at his side.” I let out a chuckle as I said, “Well then I guess you should go and find yourself a queen then.” He just looked out into the distance with a slight smile on his face and I could not help but to take in his appearance.

He was quite tall, about a head and shoulder length taller than me and he had pitched black hair, neatly cut. His face was clean shaved and he had a strong jaw line, he had a white T shirt on with black jeans, but you could still see his muscular body under the shirt as the shirt hugged his torso. Over all he was a very-very handsome man. As he turned and looked at me I could not help but to admire those beautiful silver eyes and then I notice the smile. I knew I was caught ogling him and I could not help the blush that crept to my cheeks as I cleared my throat and turned to looking away at nothing.

“Scarlet I know you don’t like what happen today, but it did and there is nothing that we can do about it. We are fated mates.” As I wanted to say something he just holds up his hand and continues to talk. At that I narrow my eyes and stare daggers into him, who does he think he is just showing his hand and I must obey, but I stayed silent and listen as I don’t have the energy to fight. “You know we heard what you and Violet talked about here and I understand that you loved your husband and I will never take that away. He will always have a special place in your heart and I do understand that Scarlet, I really do.

You see I also had a fated mate before and I loved her with everything I had. She was kind and loving, she always put everyone’s needs before her own and she helped out wherever she could. She was so fragile and pure, that I did not want her to train with the warriors as I was afraid that she might get hurt. I always told her that I would protect her, no matter what and that she will always be safe. Then there was an attack on the City and I had to leave her to go and help the warriors. She was busy getting all the people who were not trained to fight or too old, to get into the City Hall as it was designed as a safe house. No one can get in there after the doors are shut. So I send my Beta back to her, to go and help her and to close the doors, but he was too late and some of the rogues got past us. As soon as she saw them coming she went and closed the doors and lock herself out. My Beta and other warriors fought as hard as they could but one rouge still got to her and she could not fight him off even in her wolf form. She died in my arms that day and it was the most horrible pain I could ever feel.”

As he was talking I could not help the tears rolling over my cheeks as I saw a tear escaped his eye. He knew exactly how it felt to lose someone so precious to you that you would gladly give your own live for theirs. “I lost myself that day and if it was not for my brothers that needed my protection against my father, I am sure I would have turned feral and have been lost forever. I made a promise after that, that I will never love a woman again and that when I take the throne I will lead without a queen. Then today happened and to be honest with you......I am just as lost here as you are.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I sat there taking in everything he said and thinking about it, but I just could not help but to wonder about what happened to his father and why they needed protection from him. He let out a chuckle and asked me, “You are wondering about my father aren’t you?” “Sort off, but it is none of my business so you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” “No it’s fine. My mother became very ill the one day and the doctors could not help her so she passed away, but before she died she made me promise to always be there for my brothers and to protect them as she saw my father already displaying anger because the doctors could not do anything for her. After that my father would take out his anger on us and I would most of the time take it all so that my brothers don’t have to. As he was King at the time he had authority over us and we could not do anything to him. After the battle with the rouges, it was like something snapped in him and he started to get worse and worse. But something snapped in me too as I lost my mate and I was able to rebel against him and I did. The one night he found Liam in the streets and started to beat him up and that is when I lost it and killed him. After that the throne was given to me and I had thrown everything I had into running the kingdom.” “I’m sorry to hear that.” “It’s fine it happened a long time ago.” “How.....long is a long time?” “About a hundred and ninety years ago, give or take a few years.” “Wow okay......that is a long time.” We sat there for a few minutes in total silence just listening to the birds sing.

With a sigh I looked over at Alexander and asked him. “So what are we going to do?” “In all honesty and for the first time in a long time I have no idea.........take it one day at a time I guess.” “We can always reject each other.” As I said that I felt a sharp pain in my heart, like someone drove a knife through it and I did not dare look at Alexander as I know there would be pain in his eyes as the mate bond already started to form between us. Then he took my chin and lifted it up so that I would look into those silver eyes of his and I felt the familiar warmth spread through my body. The same warmth that I would have felt every time that Christopher touch me. I must admit, it felt wonderful to feel it again. As I looked into his eyes I could see the hurt and pain that my words gave him and I immediately regret that I have brought it up. “Scarlet if that is what you want I would not stand in your way, but know this. I would never do that, I believe everything has a reason and we were bonded for a reason. I am not sure what the reason is, maybe it is so that we can heal each other or make each other stronger for what is to come......I don’t know, but I know that in just the few hours we spend together I have started to fall for you.” I could see the truth in his eyes as he said those words, but is it him or is it the mate bond doing its magic, I wondered. I did not know what to say, I was lost for words. “Scarlet let’s take it one day at a time and see what happens, what do say.” “Fine, we will see how it goes.” After saying that, I clapped my hand together and stood up. “Well I am sure you did not come here knowing that I am your mate, so why don’t we go back in and discuss the real reason you came here.” “As you wish, little mate of mine.” I snapped my head to him and narrowing my eyes. “Call me that one more time.” Keeping his gaze and challenging him to call me that again and he just started laughing, like a full blown, out of the stomach laugh. “You should have seen your was priceless.” He said while trying to catch his breath.

Everyone started gathering at the door to see what was happening. I just smiled and retreated into the house to go to the office and wait for everyone. Chin came in first with no one following him. They are probably still outside looking at Alexander as if he went mad. “Baby girl what happened out there I have not heard him laugh like that since Veronica passed.” I looked at him puzzled. “Veronica? Was she his first mate?” “Yes that was his first mate.” “Well then I am glad that my facial expression was that amusing to him.”

Once everyone came into the office and settled down, Alexander entered still wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. I sat up straight letting my aura out a little to gain everyone’s attention and said. “So...........let’s talk.”

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