Once change into our fighting gear and having our weapons, can’t be too careful, we went to the clearing in the woods to meet Liam, Chin and Peter to do some more training and getting rid of our frustrations. We started with a little warm up and meditation and then we started with hand to hand combat, but this time Chin decided that Violet and me must fight against each other as Violet grown so much in strength there is really not many that can stand against her. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Mom don’t you go easy on my now.” I let out a snicker as I told her, “Don’t worry Princess you are in need of a good hiding.” As I go to stand in my defensive position she already launched at me and I was surprised at the speed and strength she put behind her punches as we are hitting at each other, I dodge a few ones but some of them I felt as I hit her in her stomach sending her back a few paces I felt the anger in her aura, I may be her mother, but the warrior in her won’t back down as she grab at her back and took out her swords. In the corner of my eye I see that Peter wanted to intervene, but I just put my hand up to stop him and took out my own swords. We stood about two feet apart and our swords clashed as we started our little dance and I must admit I liked it a lot, I did not need to hold back on my strength when fighting her and it was a well needed release of anger.

All of the sudden I felt a strong presence among us and I knew I have felt it before, but could not put my finger on it, as Violet also stopped and started to look around. I could not see any one and the presence was all over the place. Then a strong wind came and surrounded me as it felt like it wanted to rip me apart, I used my aura to push it away and down. When I looked around again I saw Violet on the ground near Peter and I ran to her. “Are you okay princess, what happened.” “I don’t know mom the wind it started thrashing around me and lifting me up bringing me here, but I’m not injured.” Now I was pissed, no one will hurt my daughter and get away with it.

At that moment I felt the wind coming up again and I look at the direction of where it came as I saw a figure far into the woods standing by a tree and I slammed my fist against the ground sending a shock wave right to the figure and when it almost hit her, I saw the figure push of into the sky and those beautiful rainbow colored wings opening up in the sky. “Sonja...” I made my way further away from Violet ordering her not to intervene no matter what. We were strong and fears, but somehow I think that she will be a little stronger. Once in the center of the field I saw her coming down opposite of me, but still pretty far. In the blink of an eye I saw a flash and lightning came down straight at me as I dodge it barely and I was more than surprised at this. Then another came and I kept on dogging it trying to find a way to stop these lightning bolts. As one came once more towards me I rolled away hitting the ground once more and the shock-wave I send pushed her of her feet as she was too busy creating these bolts, she did not see it coming. She recovered in a flash and went up into the sky once more this time she came down with a speed I did not know anyone was capable of and in my moment of distraction, I moved too late and one of her wings caught me throwing me against a tree. I really am going to feel that tomorrow, I thought to myself as I got up and waited for her next move, but she just disappeared and then I felt her presence at my back, but was too late to turn around as she hit me in the back making me stumble forward and fall. I really need to stop getting hit like this, but what the hell, how did she do that? If it goes on like this I am definitely going to end in the hospital. Then I felt her pushing me down into the ground with her hand on my neck and I snapped I send my aura out, throwing her against the tree and away from me.

“Scarlet...Scarlet...Scarlet!” “What...!” I snapped at Alexander in my head. “What the hell is going on and who is hurting you. Where are you I’m coming, I am goi....” “Alexander calm down I am just busy getting to know our little fairy friend that’s all.” Then I dodge another lightning bolt, “O we are back to that are we?” I said to myself as I took out my sword and throw it at her, hitting her on one of her wings making her come down to earth as Alexander is still going on in my head. “You are distracting me,” is the only thing I said as I put the walls back up in my mind. Then I hear her laughter as if this is all but a joke to her. “Please do tell the joke; we also want to laugh our asses off!” “O come on I am just amused I thought that I will have one hell of a fight instead I get...well this. You are definitely not as strong as I thought you were.” As she said that she did something with her hands and tree branches came at me, so I started to cut through them with my other sword, but it just did not want to stop and my blood started to feel like it was boiling as the anger and frustration was building within me.

I closed my eyes as the branches were going at me ripping at my skin. Using the pain I felt I went deeper into myself my sole and there was this red flame inside me it felt so real as if I could touch it. I concentrated on that, on the feeling and then I just released all of it my anger the pain the frustration of everything I have ever felt, sending a wave of wind so strong it broke all the trees down that was around us and sent her into the woods. As I emerged from the destruction I caused I felt stronger and somehow more in controlled of my aura, as it was like a red light surrounding me hugging me and I can just guess how it must look to the others as their eyes were the size of plates. “O now that is what I wanted, now we have a fight.” Sonja said with a smile on her face as she approached me. We were standing face to face, neither one of us wanting to break eye contact. She suddenly swigged her fist at me and we started exchanging hits and kicks. She send another hit at me and I grab it twisting it and bending it behind her back, kicking her on the back of her knees sending her to the ground, but before she hit the ground she kicked back, kicking me in my stomach making me stumble a little.

In the corner of my eye I saw Violet holding someone back and then I saw Alexander with anger written all over his face. With what I can see, it looks like he brought his top worriers with him as they are flanking him. She used once again my distraction against me and hit me on the jaw making my head whip to the side. I really need to focus more. As I came back I send a fist to her ribs, but she stopped me and while she was busy stopping me, I send my other fist and made contact with her cheek bone making the skin split open and blood started to trickle down her face. She wiped at it and gave me a smile as a lightning bolt came directly at me and I shifted my hand to the side using my aura to push it away and as I did that, I did a roundhouse kick and landed it in her abdomen sending her into a nearby tree. She recovers quickly and used her wings to send a gush of wind my way knocking me of my feet landing on my back. O I’m definitely not getting up tomorrow; I’m really going to feel this. As I got up she was already in front of me grabbing me by the throat, I brought my arm up twisting my body a little hitting her arm away from me and hitting her with my other hand on the chest, making her stumble back, as I went for her again she spread her wings and went into the sky. This is really pissing me off now so I ran into the woods as fast as I could climbing up a tree and waiting for her, as I concealed my aura and hide my presence.

As she came near me searching for me, I jumped out onto her back, pulling her wings back until I hear a satisfying crack, making her fall to the ground, but before we met with the ground I pulled my legs up to my chest and kick onto her back making her crash hard into the ground and I back flipped of her landing on my feet. All of the sudden she started laughing again as she turned around and lay on her back. We were both panting hard, we were tired and that was one hell of a fight. I saw that she won’t be moving anytime soon so I just fall back on my ass and resting a bit as she started laughing again and this time I joined her.

I lay on my back next to her, looking at her as I said, “You are much stronger than I thought.” “Right back at you, not even the old queen had the power that you have.” “Yea so I’ve heard.” “No seriously I’ve had the change to spar with her on an occasion and she was never able to control her aura like that, when you started to tap deeper into yourself you managed to unleash your true power and that is very rare.” “I think it has something to do with me being mark.” She looked at me for a while deep in thought. “I never thought about that, it could be...I mean you are marked by a Hybrid King...it could have help you to get to your full potential, but do you what to know something else?” “What...?” “There is a reason why I chose to fight you and not Violet.” I look at her a little confused and then I realize were she was heading with this. “I know...she hasn’t even reached adulthood and yet she is already matching me.” “She is going to be one though cookie to crack.”

Laughing at that, I hear Violet. “What the hell! Now you are friends? You guys almost killed each other,” She said and threw her arms in the air. We chuckle a little as I answered, “We were just getting to know each other princess.” “What happened to having a drink together, you know sitting around a table and talking.” “Now where is the fun in that?” Sonja said while laughing. As I started to get up Alexander rushed to me breaking out of whatever trance he was in and help me. “Are you okay?” He asked while looking me up and down for any live frightening injuries. “Stop that I am fine don’t worry so much you will get grey hair.” “Really Scarlett I leave you alone for a few minutes and then you go and get into a fight....why?” I just laughed and shook my head as I turn to help Sonja up. Once up she took in a sharp breath when she wanted to open her wings. “Did you really have to pull so hard on them it felt like you wanted to pull them off or something.” “Sorry, but I needed to bring you down to earth one way or another.” “I must say that was a smart move hiding like that and concealing you presence.” She said while flinching again trying to open her wings. “Well I am definitely not flying again today.” I looked at her apologetically. We put an arm around each other supporting one another as we started to limp to the nearest car. Alexander started to walk behind us and Violet, throwing her arms in the air once again. “I can’t believe it. I cannot believe it,” she said. As we came near the worriers they parted to make a path for us and as we were in the middle, someone shouted something I didn’t really listen but then they moved and were saluting us. We stop in our tracks as we were watching them all and my breath was taken away by the respect they were showing us. “Now that is something I never thought I would see.” Sonja said and as we turned around I saw that Alexander and the rest of the gang were doing the same. Tears started to prick in the back of my eyes, but I pushed them away standing as straight as I can and saluted them right back. They all turned and left as Sonja and I started to lean on one another again. Upon reaching the car Sonja turned and looked at me and Violet and a smile formed on her face as she said, “We will be one hell of a force to be recon with.”

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