Once at the West border of the city we stood and watch over a lovely field of wildflowers it was truly beautiful and peaceful, but if we are right it is only peaceful on the outside. “So what now, how are we going to hide from Alexander?” Drago asked and Sonja took out a sort of powder and started to throw it over us as she was saying something in another language that I did not understand. “Okay all done...” “That’s it...that is how we are going to cross unnoticed. Sorry to be so skeptical, but I cannot see how powder and a chant is going to hide us.” Drago voiced out. “I need to agree hear with Drago, magic does not work on us Assassins.” Violet said. “You guys have no faith do you? It is not magic it is a gift I have so just trust me okay, Alexander will not suspect a thing.” “You better be right Sonja I trust you with this, so let’s go.”

We were just outside of the shack and I had this very unusual feeling something is not right, but we are here so we might as well take a look on the inside. As we step inside of the shack everything looks normal at first glance, but it looks smaller on the inside as it does on the outside. There was gardening tools on the one side and building material on the other as if it was meant to be there. “Mom look...there behind those pots what is it?” “It looks like a lever of some kind.” I said while taking careful steps to the lever, making sure I do not trip any hidden traps. Everyone followed behind me ready to protect if anything happens. As soon as I pushed the leaver down, the wall started to open and there was a spiral of stairs going down. “Everyone be as quiet as possible we have no idea what is down there.” I said as I looked down wishing that I could use my aura to heighten my senses, but if I do anyone that is down there will feel it. Drago brushed past me as he took the lead down and Violet and I was in the middle with our guns out and ready with Sonja at the back with a weapon of her own, it almost looked like a steel pole but it was halfway through coated with silver and it had some drawings on it. As the landing came into view this awful smell could be smelled and Violet almost gagged as she put her hand over her nose and mouth. “What is that smell?” She whispered from behind. “I have no idea Princess, just stay calm okay.” I said as Drago turned around facing us, “And don’t puke on me.” I gave him a glare as he gave me an innocent smile.

Once on the floor we took in our surroundings everything was white and there were hallways upon hallways down here. Sonja came up beside me and punched me in the shoulder. “Are we smart or are we smart?” She said as she took on that wickedness of her. “Ya ya I will give it to you girls you really figured it out, but let’s get out of here and go get the team.” Drago was about to turn around to go back as a pure silver cage came down on us trapping us inside and from around the corner came a laughing Amara. “Look at what we got here, just what we needed. Scarlet I knew you were dumb, but I did not know that you were this dump coming here by yourself, almost no protection bringing me exactly what I needed.” She said shaking her head. “And what is that exactly?” I sneered at her, as a smile appeared on her face.

“Well your blood of course or Violet’s blood whichever comes first.” “You will not lay a hand on my daughter.” I said as my anger started to rise. Sonja looked at her narrowing her eyes as a few more witches and Vampires came to stand at the back of us. “Why do you need their blood haven’t you tortured enough creatures already?” Sonja said while gritting her teeth. “O but you don’t understand I found a way to link everyone’s genes together but I don’t need her genes I need her blood, which is the key to everything and with both of them here just think how many creators I can make.” “And how do you know their blood is what you need? “Well seeing that you are going to die anyway I can probably tell you. We did a little ritual with Scarlet’s and Alexander’s blood seeing if they are truly mates. Well after that well no one was looking I took the blood in a vile and when I came back here knowing that they are following Aldan, I did a separation spell on the blood and tested her blood with the gene’s and saw that it worked.” Amara said in an almost sing song voice. Violet went to touch the bar and pointed her gun at Amara, “You forgot one thing Amara silver does not hurt us.” She said as she shot at Amara’s head and in an instant Amara used her magic to stop the bullet and then the other Witches did some spell that put Drago on his knees and I saw in Sonja’s face that she is hurting, but refused to bow. “Stop that!!!” I screamed at her as I went to Drago side pushing my aura out with Violet making a barrier between us and them. Once Drago stood up Amara started laughing again and talking, but I have no desire of listening to her as I started to mind link Alexander. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Alexander...” I called out to him about three times before I got a response. “Scarlet...where are you what‘s that static noise in the back? Scarlet...?” “Calm down Alexander and listen to me very carefully I don’t have much time.” “Scarlet what have you done now....” “Alexander be quite and listen! I need you to send someone and Capture Aldan and then I need you to get all the worriers and the rest of the Elites to the west side of the city there is a wooden shack the secret lab is underneath.” “I told you to stay home why you never listen to me.” “Just shut it and come get me! “Scarlet no...Wait...what....?” Just come...” was the last thing I said as we got cut off. I looked over at Amara that was sporting a huge smile on her face, “Trying to reach you precious Alexander are we, sorry won’t work magic can be very powerful if you know how to use it.” I started laughing at her as she turned from all smiles to a sneer. “We are immune to your magic or have you forgotten little Witch?” “You will not win Assassins or not I will have your blood and I will kill everyone that tries to hurt my mate and family!” “Your mate....?” Drago asked looking at her all confused. “Aldan.....” Is all I said as it all makes sense now. Amara smile at me as she said, “You are a lot smarter than I originally thought....little one. I narrowed my eyes at her as I conveyed my message to Sonja so that she can tell Drago and Violet the plan. “So Violet and I will push our auras out pushing everyone down and then we will bent the bars open and fight like we have never fight before.” She nodded at me as I saw the smile on Violets face appears I knew she has gotten the message. We pushed our auras out pushing everyone away and off their feet as I taped deeper and deeper into my aura making it glow a little red as it come out. We took the bars of the cage pushing it to the sides making a big enough hole for us to get out. Once we are out Drago turned into his beautiful Dragon and started to bite and blast fire wherever he can as we started shooting and Sonja wielded her weapon cursing everyone as it made contact with them, but Amara was already gone.

As everyone around us were either dead or gone we started making our way through the tunnels in search of her. “This way...I can sense her here.” Sonja said as we walked into a massive room with a great big rock door on the other side of it. We became quiet listening for any sounds and then we hear snarling and hissing on the other side. “Maybe we should go and get Alexander.” “Don’t worry so much little Dragon, Scarlet already called for him, he will be here soon.” “Okay smart ass how do we get through the wall?” He asked and they turned to Violet and me. “We got it just make ready for whatever is going to come through that. I have a feeling it is not going to be pretty.” Violet stood next to me as we punched at the same time making the rock door crumble to the ground and in an instant we were overwhelmed with creatures coming at us and some of the Witchy ones started to throw fire like balls at us. Drago tried to breathe fire at them and Sonja tried her lightning thing, but it was like they had a protective barrier around them. So we did it the old fashion way by using our weapons and by weapons I mean Sonja’s pipe that she was swinging with force to crush heads and Drago used his mouth by biting at them. Violet and I went for our swords as we used all our bullets earlier. As they came for us they started pushing us back and making a circle around us and we needed to adjust, so Drago covered Sonja’s back and Violet covered mine. We use our auras as much as we could to keep them back only allowing a few to come near us. I started cutting their heads of as it was the easiest way to kill them, but it was like they were learning our moves and dodging them, I kicked and punched, stabbed and cut, but it was tiring and we were starting to struggle keeping them at bay as more and more came through the cracks.

All of the sudden the concrete floor and walls started to crack as roots came out of them and grabbing at the creatures, then I felt Alexander’s death like aura as he came into the room tearing creators apart and I felt relieved wash over me as Violet and I pull our auras back, not needing so much protection anymore. At that we fueled our own strength and began to move faster between everyone making the fight a little easier, but no matter what we did more and more creatures came our way. Alexander was at my back now as Blake was at Violets. We battled and battled, but I made a mistake and one of the things cut me on my arm with a silver knife, before I could react, Drago came over me biting its head off. The only thing I could think off at that time was, gross...I hope he brushes his teeth after this, I can’t even imagine how awful the taste must be. Luckily he is spitting it out and not swallowing it or I would have seriously berthed. Alexander grabbed another creature that came on the right and pulled his head from his body, they were no match for his Lyken strength. Then fire balls started to come our way again and Alexander took me into his arms turning his back to take the impact as he protected me. I felt this cold sensation going out of me into him and I felt our link getting stronger as he was being fueled from my aura. He broke away from me giving me a wink as he turned to the witch like creatures. He started to take them one by one cutting them with his paws and tearing into them, it was as if there magic fire and whatever magic they tried did not work on him anymore, it was as if my aura is protecting him even when he is away from me. I know this should have been gross and what not, but as I was watching him while fighting my own battles, he was so strong and majestic as he moved without hesitation and strength radiant from him. You could see the distress on the creatures faces as they saw him coming for them, it was mesmerizing.

I almost fell into a sort of trance looking at him when Sonja pushed me out of the way of a fireball that came straight for me, as we looked up our eyes locked with Amara, but it was only for a split second as she disappeared. I looked to Sonja and in an instant she grabbed me by the shoulders and took to the sky to follow Amara.

As we followed her stench we came to yet another spiral stairs going even deeper into the ground and as dumb as we were we followed it and entered into a dark room. I could barely see my hand in front of my eyes so dark was it. If it wasn’t for Sonja’s eyes adjusting so fast I would have died if she did not push me out of the way, when Amara throw fire at us. I taped into the last bit of energy I had left to be able to see and fight, just hoping that it would be enough to get the job done. Then something happened and Sonja collapsed next to me, I bend down to see what was going on, but could not find anything as if she was put into a death like sleep.

“Don’t worry your friend is just having a little sleep and you will be joining her soon.” I heard Amara say out of the right side corner of the room. I heighten my eyesight even more seeing the room in full now and it was as if they started with the place but did not finish, it was just ground all around us and stuffy. “Now it is only you and me, you know that you will not be able to beat me right.” As Amara said that I throw my sword at her cutting her on the shoulder. “Stop stalling Amara and get this done.” She launched at me with her own set of swords as I pull out my scythe. We collided with each other and were swinging right and left. As she dodge my scythe I kicked her on the knee making her buckle a little, but she recovered fast and came at me again. At the last moment she disappeared in front of me and reappeared at my back, but before she could plunge the sword in my back I turned and caught it with mine. My mistake was that I did not concentrate on her magic as another sword appeared at my back again and it went through my back coming out through my chest.

We stood there looking at each other for a second; it was as if time stood still, as if my brain cannot process what happened until I felt the blood coming from my front and back. My knees buckled and I went down landing on the floor. “I told you, you are no match for me.” Is the last I heard until I felt this warmth coming to me and I started to heal and get my energy back. What felt like hours was merely minutes and I had my strength back as I pushed my aura out to push Violets back, she lost a lot of energy doing this I felt her weakening and I hope the others are protecting her as she will need it more than ever. Before Amara could reach the steps I plunged my scythe through her as she turned her head to look at me and said, “Impossible...” “No little Witch you do not know my daughter.” Then I took my sword cutting of her head breaking the spell she put over Sonja as Sonja woken up. A sharp pain came through me and it was like my heart being ripped out, when I felt Violet in my mind, “I tried mom...I tried” “Violet nooooo!” I screamed

Sonja scooped me up and flew as fast as she could to the room we left them and I saw her...laying in Blake’s arms limp and her skin like ash, he was screaming and crying at the same time. My heart stopped and the blood drained from my face. It felt like everything has stopped and that there was no tomorrow. My life has ended with her. I ran towards her grabbing her out from Blake’s arms and embracing her in mine. “My baby....My baby...why....?” I cried as I put my head in her neck, trying to sense anything, her aura a faint heartbeat, anything, but there was nothing. “How did this happen!” I asked as I see the knife wound to her chest. “It was Aldan...he escaped we are not sure how, but he appeared out of nowhere and stabbed her when she was at her weakest.” Alexander answered with sadness lacing his voice. As he came closer and hold us both in his arms trying to give me some sort of support and solace. “Where is he?” I asked. Blake looked to the side and there I saw his dead body lying in a pool of blood. I just looked back at her and cried harder as I can’t even take revenge on the one who did this, she is gone my baby is gone....” Alexander started to rock us back and forth as I am sure he could feel the pain and longing I had through our bond.

“Scarlet she is not fully gone” Sonja said as she was watching Violets body. “What....what do you mean, there is no heartbeat.” Alexander said as he looked confused, I could not look at her as I could not tear my head away from Violet. I felt someone try and take Violet from me and I pulled back on her hard keeping her in my arms. “Scarlet please her sole is still there she just need some healing I can help” Sonja whispered to me and I hesitated. “Love you know you can trust her it is only for a moment I will be here I promise.” Alexander said while kissing me on the cheek. I looked into her eyes and I saw that she was telling the truth as I let my baby go into her arms. She took Violet and enfolded both of them in her wings as a bright white light came from her and I hear Violets heartbeat again. As she let go of Violet she slumped to the floor and I swear she looked a little older. I took Violet into my arms once again feeling the warmth returning into her body as her eyes started to open. “Hey mom...why are you crying?” I started to laugh through my sobs as I hold her against my body, crying even harder. “Mom you are kind of crushing me.” She said as Blake came closer and I saw that she wanted to go to him so I let her. As soon as she was in his arms I went over to Alexander that was helping Sonja, I took her into my arms and hugged her as tight as I could thank her for saving Violets live. She hugged me back and chuckle a little as she said, “It was my pleasure, but please do not make it a habit to die, as you can see I have a limit on bringing your asses back as it takes from my own live force.” At that we both fell to the ground laughing.

“If you girls can master the strength to get up please do as I would like to leave this place now.” Drago said as he was turning to leave. We just rolled our eyes and got up as Alexander came to my side checking me out for any more live threatening injuries. “I’m fine love relax, just tired. Alexander then took me into his arms picking me up bridal style, as Violet was in Blake’s arms and Marcus taken care of Sonja. For once we did not fight with any of them we were tired to the bones and just wanted to sleep. I looked up at Alexander with a small smile on my face as he looked at me. “Rest now love....it’s over.” That was the last words I heard as sleep took over.

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