The Revenge
Chapter 20

2 days later

"We should contact him" Erik held his chin, sitting behind his desk and leaning back in his chair.

"Ya we should bring Markus in, we can do it now" Sin sat in the chair across from Erik.

Erik glanced at Gunner "can you bring him in?"

Gunner nodded once then stood up, leaving the room. I didn't even realize when I started pacing around the room. I felt both of their gazes on me and stopped, biting one of my nails off.

An annoying habit I developed recently, whenever I felt anxious. Erik raised an eyebrow with a questioning look on his face while Sin just smiled at me reassuringly. I let out a calming breath and sat down.

I didn't even know why I felt so nervous. Maybe I was afraid of Torben's reaction, would he go on a rampage? He had to know by now, wouldn't he? No, I promised myself I wouldn't be afraid of him. The click of the door snapped me out of my thoughts.

I glanced towards the noise and saw Gunner and Markus behind him, entering the room. Markus browsed the room then smiled at the sight of me and Sin.

He was still nervous and cautious around Erik but seeing us there, he seemed more composed. With every other werewolf from his pack, he was a lot calmer. Something about Erik's aura was keeping him on the edge as he explained to me yesterday.

I understood where he was coming from. Erik's aura was strong and dominating but it did nothing to me or Sin. Erik was nothing compared to Torben.

At the sight of Markus, Erik gestured for him to sit down. He sat down on the last available chair next to Sin and I walked towards him. Standing next to him, I put my hand on his shoulder in a reassuring manner and to get his attention.

"It's time to contact him" I smiled at him confidently, but deep inside I was dying with nervousness.

He nodded "what do you want me to tell him"

"Tell him we have his Luna and son, and if he doesn't cooperate they'll end up dead." I glanced at Erik then back to Markus "once you tell him we go from there"

Markus closed his eyes and sat still. Noone made any noise. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin dropping to the floor. His breaths got deeper and fell into a rhythm.

He shot his eyes open. "He's livid. He's saying he'll kill all of us. And he is asking who is us"

"Tell him" Erik said, his voice was calm but his eyes were hard as stone.

"He is asking what we want" Markus's eyes landed on everyone's face and stopped at mine.

"Tell him, we want to meet him outside Arlon city in two days" I stated. Arlon city was situated in a valley and was perfect for a battle. He wouldn't see us coming.

Markus nodded and closed his eyes once again. Seconds later his voice echoed in the room "he will be there"


After leaving Erik's office, I went into the training grounds with Sin and Markus. I needed to train, there was no going back now. I needed to be ready to face Torben.

My eyes didn't let Markus's body. We stood across from each other, each of us waiting for the other to make the first move. I wiggled my finger suggesting to him to make a move with a smirk on my face.

He lunged forward his fist curled going for my jaw. Just in time, I raised my arm, covering my face while he hit my forearm. When he was distracted with his punch to my jaw a millisecond later, I landed a punch to his abdomen.

He took a step back, gasped and groaned at the same time. I couldn't help but smirk at him again. A determination was written all over his face when he went for a kick and I jumped away.

I leapt forward going for a punch but he expected my movement and before I hit him, he caught my fist then grabbed my wrist, pulled me closer to him and twisted it to an uncomfortable angle. Sharp pain radiated from my arm but I didn't yield.

When I looked around, other werewolves were gathered around the fighting ring watching us and cheering. Me and Markus were fighting like this for another half an hour when Markus decided he wanted to fight Sin. Markus was good but nothing compared to him.

He was a trained warrior and fought multiple wars hundreds of years ago. That's what he told me two days ago, after he declared his love to me. After that, we chatted about our lives, well mostly about his life since there was not much to my life.

I watched, mentally taking notes of Sin's movements, trying to remember them. One day they would come in handy. After another hour, they were finished. We watched the werewolves battling then went inside the house.

Before going into my bedroom I stopped in front of the kitchen. "I'm getting some blood, do you want as well?" I raised my eyebrow at Sin.

"Ya, I'll be in the shower"

"I'll bring it into the room"

He leaned closer and softly kissed my lips, then left. I entered the kitchen and walked towards the cabinets.

After looking in a few of them, I finally found glasses. I took out two and then went to the fridge and picked up a bag of blood.

When I closed it, Diana stood there, staring at me with hatred in her eyes. I didn't even smell her, that's how deep my thoughts were. I jumped a bit, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of her and nearly dropping the blood in the process.

I quickly composed myself then turned away walking towards the glasses.

"What do you want," my voice was sharp, laced with venom. My back was facing her, but my body tensed and my senses were on high alert. She was one of my enemies. I knew I shouldn't turn my back to her, she could attack any time but I didn't want her to see the effect she had on me.

"I will gladly help Torben to kill you" her voice mimicked mine; full of venom. I felt her anger radiating off of her in waves.

I turned around to her "that's all you came to tell me? That's no news to me" I willed myself to sound calm, trying to look like her presence didn't affect me. "Torben should be the one receiving your hate, not me"

"I knew exactly when he slept with you. Every time he came to me, he smelled like you, he even talked about you in front of me." Her flashing golden eyes glared into mine with so much loathing, the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

I never left her gaze, my anger towards her grew after she said those words. My jaw clenched and the knuckles on my fists were white from the pressure "he fucking raped me every single time! Your jealousy is ridiculous, take it out on him. Just the thought of him makes my skin crawl" S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I turned back to pouring the blood into the glasses. She was still standing there anger rolling off of her. Erik marched into the kitchen seeming tense, he must have heard me shouting.

"What's happening," his eyes looked between me and Diana with a stone hard glare. Then his eyes moved somewhere lower behind me and his eyes widened. I furrowed my eyebrows and quickly turned to see what he was looking at. Her fingers had long thick black claws and white fur covered her skin.

"Diana, don't do this" Erik's voice was stern as he glared at her.

Her gaze flipped from him to me and when she noticed I stared at her hand, she lunged at me.

I quickly leaned back, her claws missed my face by millimetres. I grabbed her arm with her claws and with my other hand I grabbed her neck roughly and pushed her into the fridge that stood behind her. I squeezed her neck tightly, letting my anger out. It felt good then she gasped for air.

"Touch me one more time and I will kill you" I sneered through clenched teeth.

Erik ran towards us, my eyes snapped to him as he stopped right next to me. I couldn't help the deadly glare I sent towards him. But when I saw his wide pleading eyes, I let her neck go, my anger slowly began to ease off. She coughed clutching her neck and taking a deep breath.

I took a step back then looked at Erik "keep her away from me" my voice was cold as I grabbed the two glasses and left the kitchen.

Once I arrived in the room, the noise of splashing water greeted me. Sin was still in the shower.

Putting the glasses on the table, I began to pace around the room, replying the event that happened mere minutes ago in my head. My jaw was still clenching despite the fact my anger was slowly ebbing away. I even lost my appetite after the encounter.

When Sin came out and glanced at me still pacing around the room trying to calm down my nerves, his eyes widened at the sight of me.

He came over to me "what happened" concern was laced in his voice with his hands on my shoulders to stop me from pacing. I looked at him, my hands were still curled into fists. He gently slid down from my shoulder to my hand and took my fists in his.

The second I felt his warm touch on my skin my body relaxed. I exhaled loudly and he pushed away a stray strand of hair behind my ear then placed his palm on my cheek.

I closed my eyes, holding his hand that was touching my cheek and slightly leaning in "What happened" his gentle voice filled the air around me and his concerned eyes stared deeply into mine.

"Nothing, me and Diana had a chat, that's all" I mumbled.

When the concern from his onyx eyes never left I sighed. "I'm fine now" I gave him a reassuring smile.

He lifted my chin and slowly lowered his lips to mine. His tongue gently danced with mine, tasting me. I pulled away and he groaned in disagreement. "I need a shower," I smiled at him, playfulness plastered all over my face. "We'll finish this after you're out of the shower" he winked at me.

In the shower, I drowned in my thoughts. It started being routine for me. My mind would always be running a million miles an hour.

My thought went to Sin. Lately, he was always in my thoughts. My feelings were growing for him every day. It was amazing how only his touch could calm me down. The way my body reacted to him astonished me. Luca had this effect on me too.

To my dismay, Diana came into my thoughts. She was lucky Erik was there, I wouldn't be able to control myself if I was with her alone. That woman was psychotic, the same way as her mate was.

She better not cross my way.

When I finished washing, I stepped out of the shower. I only put a towel around myself and exited.

Stepping into the bedroom, Sin was waiting for me sitting on his bed comfortably and leaning against the headboard. One of his legs was bend and his arms rested on his knee. He only wore sweatpants revealing the toned muscles on his abdomen. How I loved the look of him.

He roamed his onyx eyes over my body stopping on my face while strong desire flashed in them.

My appetite returned and the delicious smelling blood in the room hit me. I turned to the glass that was standing on the table and started drinking it.

Me being clumsy, few drops of blood escaped from the corners of my mouth down my chin and chest. I blushed when I noticed Sin was watching me intensely. I glanced down at my chest and was about to wipe it away when I felt a gush of air and he stood in front of me so close I felt the heat leaving his body. His breath was gently fanning my face when he lift my head to see my face. His onyx orbs went straight to my mouth, and then down to my chest where the blood dripped.

He locked his eyes to mine, then moved his hands under my bum and lift me, curling my legs around his waist. He walked us over to the bed and gently laid me down on my back.

He laid in between my legs while he licked the droplets of blood from my chest then began to gently kiss upwards to my chin, the corner of my mouth and stopped at my lips where he began kissing me passionately.

I closed my eyes in the act, my nipples hardened and my core burst with wetness. His hand pulled open the towel I wore exposing my naked body.

He pulled away from the kiss, and I saw nothing but lust in his eyes. I felt his hard cock on my core and I couldn't help but to began gently grinding against him.

His sweatpants were getting wet from my movement while a groan escaped his lips. I felt his cock getting even harder. He leaned down, hungrily kissing my soft breast until he found my hard peak. He sucked it then flicked it with his tongue and when gently took it in between his teeth.

I couldn't help the moan escaping my lips while my back arched from the pleasure. He went back to kissing my lips when his hand slid down to my pussy. He ran his fingers between my folds, feeling the wetness.

"I want to taste you," his lips were against mine as his husky voice penetrated my ears.

In the next second, I felt him move in between my legs. He opened my legs wider giving him better access. He found my bundle of nerves and began flicking it with his tongue then gently trusted one finger into my pussy. Then slide in another finger still licking, sucking and flicking my clitoris.

He was thrusting his fingers in and out when I closed my eyes and clenched the blanket underneath me. Every cell of my body began to feel my climax. I sneaked my hands in his hair pleading with him not to stop as my climax came, my toes curled I moaned loudly while my body began trembling.

He lifted his head and gave me wide smile, then crawled over me in between my legs. He quickly took off his sweatpants and capturing my lips with his, tasting myself on him.

With one flawless movement, I was on top of him straddling him. I kissed his neck went down to his chest and lower abdomen until I got to his cock.

I gently licked the soft head, as I did so pre-cum oozed out and I heard him let out a shaky breath. I took him in my hand licking down from his head to his balls and up. Then I slid him inside my mouth sucking him. I pushed him as far as I could into my throat a few times. His moan resonated in the room and I pulled my head away, catching my breath.

"If you keep doing that I'll finish early," his voice was heavy with pleasure. I didn't want to finish early I wanted to feel him inside of me. So I crawled over him, lifting myself off him and taking his cock into my hand readying him at the entrance of my pussy.

Then I lowered myself, him sliding deep into my pussy. I put my hands on both sides next to his head. With one hand on my hip and one on my upper back he pushed me down on him and began to hungrily kiss my lips and thrusting into my pussy at the same time. With every thrust, he picked up a pace and got stronger. And with every thrust, I was closer and closer to my climax.

I sat up with his hands on my hips, I felt my peak coming, and my fangs elongated. He sat up and just as my climax came he came too.

My body bursts with pleasure and I sank my fangs into his neck. Just as I did it, I felt his fangs sinking into my skin. We both let out moans and with the last thrust, I felt his cum squirt inside of me and his cock contracting.

I pulled my fangs out of him and rested my head on his shoulder while he did so too. We stayed like this for a few more moments longer, catching our breaths and feeling the climax ebbing away. I glanced at him and he smiled brightly at me revealing his fangs with a little bit of my blood smeared in the corner of his mouth.

"That was amazing" his fingers grazed my cheek and I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks.

I smiled at him then pulled away. Naked, I walked over to the wardrobe and put on my pyjama. He got up and got dressed too.

Lying in my bed on my side I felt the blanket lifting and him sliding behind me. With his hard chest against my back, his hand was on my belly pulling me closer to him. I felt his breath just behind my neck and with the last kiss on my neck he gave me, I closed my eyes and blackness enveloped me.

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