The Revenge
Chapter 4

The shower after the session with Luca felt always relaxing. The hot water calmed my aching body as I melted under the cascading water. After I got dried and dresses I entered my room. Freya sat on my bed comfortably, her eyes snapped to me and a wide smile adorned her face.

“Finally, I’ve been waiting for ages,” she stated, feigning being annoyed, rolling her eyes at me.

I giggled at the reaction.“Why what happened?”

“You tell me” she was grinning at me, her eyebrows wiggled and her eyes shining with playfulness.

Oh God...I know where this is going.

"What do you mean,” I asked, trying to act as if nothing happened.

"I saw everything...from the window” she slightly nodded her head and gave me knowing look.

Great...everyone saw.

Then she added ”you've got him good. It was really funny seeing my big brother getting beat up by a woman. You are my hero Reine.” pure excitement washed over her, barely holding in her laugh.

After she said it, she let out a booming laugh, clutching at her stomach. I sat down next to her, smiling at her antics and shaking my head. I felt a pang of guilt in the pit of my stomach for hurting Luca like this but I couldn't help but start laughing at Freya. Not in a malicious way but her laugh was one of those where couldn't help but start laughing too. The contagious laugh. Seconds later, I was laughing so much, my stomach ached, tears were rolling down my face and I couldn't catch a breath.

Once we both calmed down which was about ten minutes later, she bore her grey eyes into mine excitement taking over once again “I knew he would kiss you sooner or later.”

I cocked my head to the side, my eyebrows furrowed “what?? could you possibly know?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice anything?” she said flatly, shaking her head.

I stared at her, speechless and stunned. Seeing my reaction she explained "the way he would glance at you when you were not looking, he always smiles anytime I mentioned your name. He even said something to Thomas.”

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped to the floor.

How did I not notice anything?

Could it be because of my inexperience or he just hid it very well. My eyes glued to my hands as drowned in my thought but then I registered the last bit she said and my eyes shot to hers."What did he say to Thomas?”

"That you’re beautiful and he doesn’t know how to talk to you. Which says a lot, he never had a problem talking to women until you.” the grin she had plastered over her stunning face never left her and I began to wonder if her facial muscles hurt.

"A-Am I weird?? Is there something wrong with me?” I mumbled tearing my eyes away from her to the wooden floor. I couldn't help but think there must have been something wrong with me if he had no idea how to talk to me. Was I intimidating?

"I tell you that he thinks you’re beautiful and the first thing that comes to your mind is that there is something wrong with you?” she shook her head in disbelief.

She placed her hand on my shoulder"He fancies you,” she said in a matter-of-factly kinda way.

Heat rushed to my cheeks. "Are you sure you’re not imagining things?” I said carefully. But while I said it, deep down I hoped he did fancy me.

She scoffed ”I’m pretty sure,” she said reassuringly, smiling.

After some more chatting, she noticed I was tired. We wished each other good night and then she left the room.

Surrounded by silence I drowned in my thoughts. I thought he was like this with every woman. He seemed normal to me. Hell, how would I know what he was like before? I barely had any interaction with anyone when I was a slave. How would I know anything about this? But then again, when Thomas talked to me he was friendly, when Luca talked to me he didn’t seem any different, I didn’t feel any awkwardness or any implication of him fancying me. Then I thought of what would happen if Thomas wouldn't have shown up. I wondered how would Luca's lips feel against mine.

I lied down in my bed, the darkroom illuminated only by the moon shining through the window. I felt tired, my eyes felt heavy but couldn't turn off my mind.

My mind was occupied by Luca, the feel of his lips on mine. I immediately touched my lips and smiled, thinking of his warm touch on my skin. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Was this really happening? I prayed to God it wasn't just a dream and I would wake up in my old bed back at the slaves quarters. After hours of tossing and turning, I finally fell asleep.


I was pinned down on the big king-sized bed. He held my hands above my head with one of his big hands. He was lying in between my legs, I screamed for help I tried to get free by pushing him and crashing around but I couldn’t, he was too strong. Noone came to help me and the iron hold on my wrists intensified making it even more painful. Tears rolled down the side of my face into my hair as I pleaded with him. He licked my face tasting my tears and laughed devilishly. Moving my head as far as I could get away from him only earned me a mocking laugh. A mixture of lust, wickedness and lunacy flashed in his terrifying eyes that bored into mine, into my soul. Then with his other hand ripped all of my clothing off with one swift movement. I laid naked and vulnerable under him. His hand roamed over every inch of my body as he kissed me. I felt his hard cock against my belly grinding. Once thrusting into me he cursed and called me any derogatory name there was. After he finished and moved out of the way I saw another ten naked werewolves waiting for their turn with me. As the next one came over he began to shake me violently.

“Reine wake up....wake up!” the voice got louder more I got to my senses.

I flicked my eyes open and saw Luca's grey orbs boring into me, worry plastered all over his face. I felt his hands letting go of my shoulders and he sat at the edge of the bed right next to me. I sat up from my laying position wiping my face with my palms. As I felt the moisture on my face I realised I must have been hystericaly crying in my sleep. I kept my gaze on my blanket not wanting to meet his eyes in embarrassment.

"Are you ok?" I heard his gentle voice that managed to soothe me, then felt his hand brushing against my cheek.

I raised my eyes to him and he dropped his hand. "Ya, it was just a nightmare" I answered. "I'm sorry if I woke you up" I lowered my gaze again.

“You didn’t wake me up. I was passing by when I heard you screaming. When I walked in you were kicking and screaming, so I tried to wake you up.”

I let out a sigh, then met his gaze again. “Thank you,” I mumbled

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked carefully.

I shook my head and smiled at him slightly. "I'm fine. It was just a nightmare." Trying to act as if the nightmare didn't affect me. As I laid back down I covered myself with the blanket. Getting up he walked over to the door and before he turned off the light he wished me a good night then left, closing the door behind him. I wanted him to stay, to hold me, so badly but I haven't had the courage to ask him. I was afraid of rejection and he would probably think I was needy. After few mins lying in the dark, I was back to sleep. Thankfully I had no more nightmares that night.


Few days have passed since my nightmare. I haven’t had any since then. I was at work with Freya like every morning. It was a quiet day so I decided catching up on my reading would be a great idea.

That day I read about pregnancy, how it affected the body and the symptoms. My eyes widened and the colour disappeared from my face in shock as I was reading it. I learned while being pregnant there’s no period in most cases. I haven’t had a period for about two months. Then there is the ‘morning sickness. I haven’t been physically sick just a bit nauseous when smelling certain things. Things, that never made me nauseous before. Then there were tender breasts. I noticed my breasts were a bit painful but nothing concerning. I just thought I was going to get my period.

Oh my God...what if I'm pregnant? What am I going to do? The baby is Torben's. My heart sank. This can’t be happening to me. I thought I was on the verge of crying, hyperventilating. Freya noticed my uneasiness and moved towards me.

“Everything ok??” She asked sitting down next to me carefully. When I looked at her, my eyes were filled with tears. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her eyes widened and I felt her hand on my shoulder “Oh my god Reine...what’s wrong?” her voice matched her facial expression, filled with worry.

Telling anyone about how I got pregnant wasn't my plan, but she would ask questions and I needed her to check me for pregnancy. I prayed this was all just a stupid coincidence and I wasn’t pregnant. Mustering all my courage I began telling her everything, from the rapes to how he treated me and all the beatings I received from Luna too.

She stared at me, speechless, her lips slightly agape and her eyes wide. She didn't move or say anything. At this point, I stopped crying and dried my face with my hands. Her lack of response stirred worry deep within me.

Does she thinks I'm disgusting?

"You have to promise me you won’t tell anyone, I don’t want anyone to know,” I said urgently,hoping she still saw me as a friend.

Her shock slowly subsided upon hearing my voice “Reine... You will start showing in a few weeks if you’re pregnant. How are you going to hide it?” she asked.

I lowered my eyes, I didn’t know what to do. What was Luca going to think of me when he’d notice my growing belly? He would think of me so low, the thought of it made my heart sink.

I looked at Freya ”I don’t know what to do” I whispered, tears rolled down my cheeks.

She leaned forward hugging me ”I’m so sorry this is happening to you. And what you went through...I can’t even imagine.“

"You don't find me disgusting?" I asked surprised as we pulled away.

She shook her head "no I don't. This could've happened to anyone. It wasn't your fault that the bastard couldn't keep his dick in his pants" she said aggressively then she smiled reassuringly. I tore away my gaze and let out a shaky breath.

Silence filled the room and she covered my hand with hers then she squeezed my hand "let’s check first.”

She walked over to the cabinet and took out a thin strip of paper. Handed it to me ”I need you to pee on this and bring it back to me.” I gulped then I took it and walked out of the office into the bathroom.

Once I was finished with my business brought it back to her. Freya asked me to put it down on the dish, she had ready.

“Now we have to wait for a few mins.” She walked over to me.

She held my hand while waiting. Those two minutes were the longest two minutes of my life. Every second felt like hours. My mind flooded with thoughts of Torben. Once he would find out about the baby he would go after me. I wouldn't be able to stay there any longer. I would have to leave everyone behind in order to save them from his wrath. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me, after showing so much kindness to me.

I felt movement beside me. Freya left to get the pregnancy test. I looked at her intensely as she turned around. I was fidgeting with my fingers and biting the inner of my mouth to the point it became painful “Oh my god... you’re pregnant.” She quaked.

Tears filled my eyes to the point where everything was blurry and I began hyperventilating once again. In the back of my mind, I had little hope but it shuttered the second Freya said those words. She sat next to me and hugged me tightly. I was sobbing into her shoulder no doubt making her white top wet from my tears.

How could this be happening to me? Did I do something wrong in my past life and now I paid for my sins?

I detangled myself from Freya. The sadness in her eyes made me feel even worse. It made it more real.

"I’m sorry I need to go.” I got up and left when I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to be alone.

I ran through the camp towards the house. Once entering I felt relieved no one was there. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I got into my bed and began crying again.

Few hours have passed when I heard a knock on the door. I didn’t want to see anyone so I kept quiet hoping the person on the other side of the door would leave. Then the knocking returned, louder and erratic.

“Reine, I know you’re the door.” I recognised the deep muscular voice, it was Luca. Quickly wiping my face with the palms of my hands I went to open the door. He was standing there, both hands on each side of the door frame leaning against it. His eyes widened at the sight of me.

"What happened?" His voice matched his handsome face marred with worry.


"Nothing,” I said calmly almost too calmly.

His eyebrows shot up, not believing my lie. “I spoke with Freya. I was looking for you in the office. She told me you weren’t feeling well.”

Oh, thank god she didn’t tell him.

Before I even managed to come up with a reply he said. ”Were you crying?”

I didn’t reply. I looked at the floor averting his piercing gaze knowing my eyes were puffy and red from crying all afternoon.

He took a step closer to me and gently lifted my face so he could look into my eyes.

“What’s wrong, I don’t believe this is about being sick.” his brows furrowed.

I could feel his body just inches away from mine, his heavenly smell invading my sense of smell. My limbs inched to wrap my arms around him but I was a coward. I couldn’t do it. Instead, I turned around and walked over to the window placing as much distance as possible between us. I knew I needed to distance myself from him before our relationship would get serious. I couldn't bear the sorrow of him thinking the lowest of me. “I’m fine, just missing my family.”

He walked over standing behind me. If he knew I was lying he didn’t comment on it. I was glad. I couldn't tell him what happened. I couldn't even bear the thought of him thinking of me being a whore and disgusting.

"I think you could do with a bit of fresh air,” he said gently. I turned around and just nodded. He smiled back then slid his large hand into mine and led me out of the house.

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