Chapter 201

Madelyn would have preferred to stay in school, but the school holidays were going to start

next week.

On the ground floor of the Grand Court, Madelyn saw Rosario and Jadie waiting for her. When the car stopped, Rosario hurriedly went forward to open the rear passenger door.

As soon as Madelyn got out of the car, Rosario grabbed Madelyn’s injured hand.

She fussed over her, “Let me see. You poor child, how did you get injured again?!”

“I’m fine. It isn’t painful at all. It’s just a small bruise. It’ll heal in a few days.”

Jadie approached her and said, “Madelyn, your room is ready, but we’ll be sharing a room. I don’t know if you’ll like how I decorated it…” She warmly held Madelyn’s wrist.

“Okay,” Madelyn emotionlessly responded. Growing up, she had always lived alone in a room. She had never shared a room with anyone.

When they arrived at the apartment, Jadie told her the door lock code. Upon entering Jadie’s room, Madelyn saw there was an extra bed.

The bedding was all pinkish in color, and Rosario had bought it according to Madelyn’s preferences. There was also a pink Nikki bear on the bed, which was the birthday gift Madelyn wanted, and Jadie had an identical one placed in the same spot.

As a guest, Madelyn did not have the right to say she did not like the room.

“Thank you. I really like it.”

Jadie happily said, “It’s great that you like it. Rosario and I were worried that you might not. You’re still recovering. You should get some rest now. Rosario and I will help you unpack the luggage.

Madelyn faintly smiled, “I’m fine. I can unpack my luggage myself.”

“Let me help you!”

Madelyn nodded. It would be impolite to reject Jadie’s help.

After unpacking, Madelyn’s clothes occupied most of the wardrobe, leaving almost no room left for her books.

Madelyn apologetically said, “I brought a little too many things. I’ll put the rest on the floor!”

“That’s okay! I’ll ask Zach to buy a bookshelf,” Jadie said.

“Don’t trouble him.” Madelyn politely responded.

“It’s no trouble. You don’t understand. I always wanted to have a younger sister so that we could share nice things, watch movies together, and share interesting books…”

After spending over two hours unpacking the luggage, Madelyn wasted no time and immediately started studying. She had not had the time to do the workbook Albert gave her.

Jadie sat beside her and started doing her homework too. When they faced something that they did not understand, they would ask each other.

Rosario was cooking. When she walked into the room and saw the two girls studying hard, she felt so happy as if they were her daughters.

“Madelyn, it’s time to eat.”

Madelyn raised her head to glance at the time. It was not even six in the evening yet, but it was already dark outside.

She said, “Okay. You both go ahead and eat! I’ll join after I’m done with this question.”

Jadie glanced at Madelyn. She then turned around and faintly smiled at Rosario, “We’ll join you in a while.”

Chapter 202

Seeing them studying so diligently, Rosario did not disturb them.

At six-thirty in the evening, Jadie finally put her pen down and closed her book. She said, Madelyn, Is… Mr. Jent pressuring you? Your family is well-off. You don’t really need to work

this hard.”

Madelyn’s thoughts were interrupted. She stopped writing, “It’s got nothing to do with my father. I set high standards for myself and try to work harder.”

She did not want to stop studying, wanting to avoid becoming ignorant and resorting to buying her qualifications with money like in her past life. She aimed to be independent like Cecilia so she would be able to support herself even after leaving the Jent family.

“I see! That’s true. It’s very stressful to be in Class One. Just remember not to push yourself too hard. I’ll go and eat now. Don’t stay here too long doing homework.”

Madelyn nodded.

Not long after Jadie left the room, Madelyn finished the remaining half of the workbook and

went out.

Most of the dishes that Rosario made were Madelyn’s favorite. Madelyn preferred mild food while Jadie and Zach liked spicy food. There was a plate of Buffalo wings and a plate of pulled pork.

When Madelyn saw the two dishes, she immediately decided not to eat them and went for the carne frita instead. It tasted just like she remembered.

It was relatively quiet at the dining table. Madelyn knew not to talk while eating since Hayson had set it as a rule.

Jadie did not have to follow any rules here. She could do whatever she wanted.

“Rosario, sit down and eat with us!” Jadie said.

“It’s all right. You two eat.” Rosario replied.

Madelyn ate the food slowly as she said, “Come on Rosario, let’s eat together. We don’t have to follow so many rules here, unlike at home.”

Rosario chuckled, “I made chicken soup. Just a moment…”

There was a hint of indescribable emotion in her eyes. She thought, ‘I haven’t been at home for the past few days. Madelyn seems to look gloomier. She doesn’t smile as much as before. Rosario was upset seeing Madelyn like this.

Madelyn nodded.

She ate more than usual. After the meal, Jadie helped Rosario clean the table and do the dishes. Madelyn felt like an outsider here, and did not know what she could help with, so she started sweeping the floor. She still felt it was not clean enough, so she mopped the entire living room, and even went to the front door and neatly arranged the shoes. She was a germophobe and could not stand things being dirty.

It was almost eight at night. Madelyn felt like she had to try and help out around the house, since she was staying in someone else’s place.

Rosario walked into the bathroom and took the mop from Madelyn. She said, “How can you do all this? Let me do the chores from now on.”

Madelyn said, “It’s fine. I can’t just stay here and do nothing.”

“What are you talking about? Mr. Jardin treats you like his sister. You’re just staying here for a while. You don’t need to do anything.”

Madelyn remained silent.

She thought, ‘Really? But… I’ve never seen him as my family. All I’ve ever known is that, if someone does something for me, I’ll have to return the favor one day. An eye for an eye.’

Madelyn then went to the bathroom and showered, then dried her hair with a towel. The door’s room was half closed. She could hear a familiar voice coming from the living room. Zach was back.

Madelyn walked to the door and closed it. She then grabbed the hairdryer and walked into the bathroom to dry her hair….

Kevin was supporting Zach, who was drunk and barely conscious. Jadie hurriedly went to assist Kevin and helped Zach to the couch. Rosario was cooking some soup to help with the hangover.

Kevin said, “Please take care of Mr. Jardin.”

Jadie replied, “Sure. I’ll take good care of him. Be careful on your way back.”

Kevin nodded and quickly left the apartment.

Zach was lying on the sofa, reeking of alcohol. Being this drunk was a norm for him, and Jadie. had long gotten used to taking care of him.

“Zach, are you okay?” Jadie asked as she massaged his forehead.

Chapter 203

Zach, “I’m fine.”

“Don’t drink so much next time. You know your stomach isn’t in the best condition.”

Rosario finished cooking the hangover soup and quickly brought it over.

“Jadie, quickly feed it to Mr. Jardin.”

Madelyn just ignored what was happening outside of her room. She put on her headphones and listened to the Etlinish words while memorizing them.

It was nine-thirty at night before Jadie finally returned to her room, exhausted. She then looked at Madelyn’s phone that was charging on the bedside table. It had been ringing for a while.

She said to Madelyn, “Madelyn, your phone’s ringing.”

Madelyn did not react.


Jadie then walked over and looked at the incoming caller number on the screen. It consisted of repeated digits eight. Her eyes became gloomier. She then unplugged the phone from the charger and handed it to Madelyn.

Madelyn took off her headphones. Jadie said, “Your phone.”

“Thank you.” Madelyn stared at the incoming call. Shortly after, the call disconnected automatically, and Madelyn locked her phone without any hesitation.

Jadie asked, “Are you not going to call back?”

Madelyn calmly responded, “They probably dialed the wrong number.”

Jadie thoughtfully nodded and remained silent. She then went to the bathroom to change her clothes.

As Madelyn heard the door closing, she looked at her phone again and saw dozens of unread


She suppressed her emotions and immediately switched off her phone.

It was almost eleven at night, so she went to bed.

Jadie was still worried about Zach, so she went to his room to continue taking care of him.

After some time, Madelyn was woken up by the sound of someone talking. She was a light sleeper who would wake up from even minor disturbances, so she groggily got up before trying to go back to sleep. She only managed to fall asleep after Jadie came back into the room.

The next morning, the alarm rang at six o’clock.

Madelyn woke up and got out of bed carefully before freshening up and tying her hair into a ponytail with a hair band before quietly grabbing her backpack and leaving the room. She did not want to disturb Jadie, who was still sleeping.

Class One had a morning self-study session at seven o’clock. After finishing her morning routine, she would arrive at school just in time by bus. The apartment was not far away from the school.

Rosario was still preparing breakfast. When she saw Madelyn walk out, she was surprised, ” Why did you wake up so early? Doesn’t your class start at nine?”

“I transferred to Class One. We have a morning self-study session at seven.”

Madelyn was wearing her shoes at the door.

Rosario told her, “At least have breakfast before you go!”

“It’s fine. I’ll miss the bus if I leave late.”

Rosario quickly took out a lunch box from the fridge, “Take this with you. Why’d you switch to another class? It makes no difference, and now you can’t even have your breakfast. You’re in such a rush. Why don’t you wait for Jadie and let Mr. Jardin take you to school?”

“I woke up early. I don’t want to disturb her.”

Madelyn took the lunch box and put it in her backpack before leaving in a hurry.

After a while, Rosario remembered the driver was not available and quickly went out, but

Madelyn was already gone.

There was a bus stop right in front of the apartment building entrance, which was very convenient. Luckily, Madelyn managed to catch the earliest bus. At this early hour, she was the only one on it.

Just as bus doors were about to close, they opened again. Madelyn saw someone with a backpack on one shoulder. He had a strong rebellious aura and was wearing a black headband and white earphones. After he paid his fare and turned around, Madelyn finally got a clear look

at his face…

Chapter 204

Forrest ignored her and sat down near the door with his legs crossed. He was holding his phone and chatting with someone.

Madelyn then remembered what Alex had told her that day. Until now, she still found it hard to believe that he was the person who had risked his own life to save her.

At that time, it had been raining heavily, with turbulent waves. She had fallen unconscious after jumping into the sea, and all she remembered was seeing a blurry face. She had thought that person was Zach…

She had assumed that it was Zach who had saved her, because she was more useful to Zach alive. She had not even considered anyone else.

After all, who would risk their life for someone unimportant to them?

If she ended up dead, Zach would not be able to face Hayson.

There were only four stops before arriving at the school. Soon, the bus was full of people, most of whom were white-collar workers rushing to work.

Madelyn saw an old lady get onto the bus. All the seats were already occupied. Surprisingly, Forrest stood up and gave his seat to the lady.

Madelyn thought, ‘He actually showed consideration for someone? With that devilishly innocent smile, people would think that he was a model student.”

Suddenly, Forrest looked at her. He raised his eyebrow slightly, as if he had caught her doing something wrong. It made Madelyn feel embarrassed.

At the last stop, Madelyn got off the bus.

She walked slowly. There were not many people who usually arrived at Ventrocloud High

School so early.

Across the road, she could hear students from Ventropolis High School’s morning self-study session reading.

Madelyn suddenly recalled, ‘The last time Forrest approached me with his books asking me to tutor him, I coldly refused him. I still remember what he said after that. He said I was heartless, and he was indeed right. Back then, when Forrest looked at me, he just had a cold expression. Now, when he looks at me, it’s like he’s calling me heartless too on top of that.’

Madelyn saw Forrest enter the school and wanted to catch up with him, but he seemed to sense what she was doing and intentionally walked quicker to prevent her from catching up. Soon, he entered his classroom. Madelyn wanted to stop him, but he was immediately swarmed by a group of his classmates. All she could do was give up and wait for another opportunity.


The last class of the morning was physical education. It was a session that Madelyn’s class teacher had made a special effort to arrange.

Madelyn thought, ‘If I’m not mistaken, this session coincides with Class Six’s. This is chance.’


Actually, Madelyn could have just called Forrest on the phone, but she did not have his phone number. Besides, she had already left the Class Six group chat.

In the ladies changing room, Yvonne said to Madelyn, “What are you daydreaming about? Change your clothes!”

Madelyn quickly snapped back to her senses. She then took out her sportswear from the locker, walked into a changing cubicle and changed into a white sports outfit.

During the session, the teacher only made them run a few laps for warm-ups before leaving them free to do whatever they wanted. Students from Class One had heavy academic pressure, so they only had physical education sessions once a month, and Madelyn just so happened to encounter it this time.

The boys from Class One and Class Three were playing basketball, and Forrest was among them. As Madelyn watched, he made a beautiful three-point shot.

Madelyn thought the girls from Class One were only focused on their studies, but to her surprise, many of them were actually into handsome boys. Most of the girls crowding near the basketball court were there for Forrest. He was quite popular in school, and he changed girlfriends often.

After Jadie came out of the equipment room with Serena, she greeted Madelyn and exchanged

a few words with her before she left. However, Yvonne completely ignored Jadie.

“Stay away from him from now on!” Yvonne said to Madelyn.

“Stay away from who?” Madelyn asked.

“Forrest!” snapped Yvonne.

Chapter 205

Madelyn asked, “Why? Did he offend you too?”

Yvonne responded, “He offended my whole family. You don’t need to know the reason. Just remember what I said.”

Madelyn mumbled, “We’ll see.”

Yvonne then changed the topic, “By the way, I almost forgot. How’d you meet my brother? He usually never talks to me, but he went out of his way to do so….to talk about you.”

Madelyn remained quiet.

Yvonne nudged Madelyn and asked, “He even asked me to bring you out to have a meal with. him when we’re free. Come on, tell me, is there something going on between you and him?”

Madelyn was nervous, “You misunderstood. We’re just friends. There’s nothing going on between us, you’re overthinking it! My family doesn’t allow me to be in a relationship at this age. They want me to focus on my studies.”

Yvonne smiled as she put her hand on Madelyn’s shoulder, “Oh, come on! Do you know how popular my brother is in Ventropolis? So many women want to sleep with him. Everyone close to me wants to get close to my brother through me. You’re the first person who wants to distance yourself from him!

“By the way, you’re not that young actually. I remember my mother got engaged to her ex- husband, who was my brother’s biological father, when she was sixteen. So my brother and I are half-siblings. They then got married at eighteen, but with no formal marriage certificate at that time, just verbal agreement between the families. Things are different now… When my mom was your age, she was already married. You’re not too young. You should be in a relationship! And you’re so beautiful, I’m sure there are many guys pursuing you!

“Tell me,

do you have

anyone you like? Or… What type of guys are you into? I won’t tell anyone, I swear!” Yvonne said, crossing her fingers.

Once she brought up this topic, Madelyn realized that Yvonne was trying to find out Madelyn’s inner thoughts. Madelyn pondered, ‘Did Ethan ask her to go to the hall? Why’d he do something so demeaning?’

Despite Yvonne’s polite tone, Madelyn could see the contempt in Yvonne’s eyes, but she knew Yvonne was trying to hide it to get closer to Zach. On the other hand, Madelyn herself was trying to associate herself with the Arnold family.

Madelyn calmly said, “I don’t have romantic feelings for anyone right now. I just want to focus on my studies.”

Yvonne saw the seriousness in Madelyn’s gaze and believed her.

After the physical education session ended, Yvonne left on her own. Madelyn thought, ‘Ethan definitely asked Yvonne to stay with me and monitor me. And now, Yvonne is using me to mediate her relationship with Ethan.’

Madelyn went to the cafeteria alone. On the way, she ran into Forrest who was walking with two of his friends while dribbling a basketball. Madelyn mustered up her courage and walked

toward him.

Timothy was surprised when he saw Madelyn approach them, “What’s wrong with you? Get out of the way, bitch.”

Adrian lowered his head and chuckled.

Forrest spun the basketball on his finger and grinned maliciously. He mocked, “What’s the matter, gone mute?”

Madelyn ignored his unfriendly tone. She looked serious and said to Forrest, “I’ll accept your tutoring request.”

Adrian and Timothy were left speechless.

Forrest was distracted, and accidentally let the ball roll into the bushes nearby.

Madelyn continued, “Outside school hours, I’m only free during the evening self-study

sessions. I’ll wait for you in the library at seven-thirty at night, and I’ll only wait for half an

hour. If you don’t show up… I’ll take it as a rejection, and I’ll just leave.”

After saying that, Madelyn turned and walked toward the cafeteria.

“Damn… What’s happening?!”

“Did you confess to her?”

Chapter 206

The library closed at ten every night.

Madelyn arrived at the library at seven o’clock in the evening, and there were still a few people


She sat in her usual spot near the window and opened her workbook.

Eventually, the lights in the library went off one by one. The librarian approached her and said, “Hey, the library’s closing now.”

Madelyn was not surprised that Forrest did not come.

Only after leaving the school did she remember that her home was under renovation. Her maids and driver were all not at home and the last bus had already left.

So, Madelyn could only take a taxi back to the apartment.

She only arrived at the apartment close to eleven at night.

When she raised her head to look, the lights on the twelfth floor were all switched off. She thought all of them were probably sleeping.

Madelyn then took the elevator. When she entered the door lock code, it showed it was incorrect. She tried three times, and it was still wrong.

She thought, ‘Why is it incorrect?

‘It was just one to six in sequence.

‘Did they change it?’

Madelyn took her phone out. But then she remembered Rosario did not have a phone. And she did not know Zach’s apartment landline number. Madelyn did not want to call Jadie. She then stared at the last few digits that she keyed in…

After not moving for a few seconds, the motion-activated lights in the corridor went off.

There was only the light emitting from her phone. Madelyn hesitated for a while before deciding not to disturb them.

She thought, ‘It’s eleven now.

‘I should just stay in a hotel for tonight.’

Madelyn then turned around and left. She stood at the elevator and pressed the button to go downstairs. When the elevator was about to arrive, the phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated.

She took it out and saw the caller’s name, hesitating to answer the call, but did so anyway.

She heard a harsh voice from the phone, “Where are you?”

Madelyn took a deep breath and said, “I’m at the door…”

After a short while, she heard the door open.

Madelyn hesitated before walking back and going inside. As she entered the living room, she saw Zach in dark-colored striped sleepwear standing in front of the refrigerator pouring. himself a glass of water.

She wanted to walk right past him to her room.

An unhappy voice came from behind her, “You came back so late. Where did you go?”

Madelyn could sense the unfriendly aura behind her. She responded, “I don’t have to explain anything to you.”

She walked into her room and turned on a desk lamp. Jadie heard the movement and woke up, asking groggily, “Why’d you come back so late?”

“I had something to do at school.”

“Okay…” Jadie then turned to the other side and fell back asleep, hugging her pink toy bear.

Madelyn put down her backpack. She saw two cups of milk on the table, one still full, the other half-empty.

She then went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before going to bed.

When her alarm went off the next morning, Madelyn felt like she had not slept a wink. She felt light-headed and her nose was stuffy, with heavy dark circles under her eyes too, as she had

not rested well last night.

Rosario knew Madelyn had to get up early to go for the morning self-study session, so she woke up at four-thirty in the morning to make breakfast.

When she saw Madelyn walk out of her room, she was shocked. “You poor child, what happened to you? What time did you come back last night?”

Madelyn squinted as she opened the fridge, “Around eleven at night. Rosario, is there any milk left?”

Rosario responded, “Just sit down. The pancakes are almost ready. Mr. Jardin went for a morning jog. He’ll be back soon.

Chapter 207

Madelyn drank some iced water, “I’m not eating breakfast today. I’m in a hurry.”

Rosario said, “Why won’t you listen? I woke up at four-thirty to make breakfast for you. Be a good girl… You’re still growing. You can’t skip breakfast.”

Madelyn replied, “Don’t trouble yourself in the future. I can just eat anything.”

Rosario, “What are you saying?! I’ve watched you grow up. I know you very well.”

Madelyn walked to Rosario and hugged her from behind. She rested her chin on her shoulder,

I know. You treat me the best…”

The door was opened. Madelyn thought it was probably Zach who came back from his morning jog.

She quickly let go of Rosario.

Rosario brought the pancakes to the dining table, “Sit down and eat.”


Although Madelyn did not want to face Zach, she did not want to waste Rosario’s efforts either.

After Madelyn sat down at the dining table, Rosario brought over a few sets of cutlery and plates. She then took some pancakes from the main plate and put them onto two smaller plates.

After Zach showered and changed, he walked out of his room.

Rosario asked him, “Should I wake Jadie up to eat?”

Zach pulled out a chair and sat at the head of the table, “It’s fine. Let her sleep a little longer.”

Not long after Zach sat down, Madelyn got up and said, “I’m full. I’ll go to school now.”

Rosario, “Why’d you eat so little? You still have some pancakes left. There’s still time, finish it before you go.”

Madelyn, “It’s all right. I need to catch the bus.”

Zach commanded, “Sit down and finish it!”

He continued, “I asked your class teacher. You didn’t attend the evening self-study session yesterday. Where did you go?”

Madelyn coldly replied, “None of your business.”

She thought, ‘Even Hayson doesn’t care about me, so who is Zach to try and control me? If he’s smart enough, he should know that I’m avoiding him. Everything he’s done to me has

been to harm me, and now he’s pretending to care about me…

‘Who the hell does he think he is?”

Zach said clearly, “If it was because of your Olympiad Mathematics class, you’d be done at eight-thirty at the latest. You’d need half an hour to come back from school, so you’d be back. by nine.” He did not lift his head as he continued, “If you don’t explain yourself clearly, you’re not going to school.”

Madelyn snapped, “You don’t get to decide whether I can go to school.”

Rosario chided her, “Madelyn, Zach is your brother. You can’t speak like that to your brother.”

“Brother?” Madelyn sneered. “What kind of a brother is he?”

She lamented to herself, ‘Even Forrest is so much better than him. At least he saved my life. What about Zach? He used underhanded methods to harm me, drugged me and even let a few hooligans rape me.

‘What an… “amazing” brother he is!’

Rosario wondered what happened between them. ‘In the past, Madelyn was very close to Mr. Jardin. But now, she avoids him like an enemy.”

Madelyn was filled with anger when she thought about all that. She was on her period, so she got mad very easily. She looked annoyed as she said, “Let’s make things clear right here and now.”

Zach’s eyes darkened as he coldly stared at her.

Madelyn continued, “Stop pretending to care about me. It won’t change all the unforgivable things you’ve done. I won’t bow down to your every word anymore, like I did before! You’ve disgusted me from the beginning. The longer I stay here, the more we’ll just disgust each other. The more hypocritically you act, the more disgusted I’ll be. It’s true that I’m afraid of you, but that doesn’t mean I can pretend that the things that you did to me never happened. I can’t just calmly sit at the same table and eat with you.

“I’ll move out of here before school ends, so please stop bothering me and trying to control me!”

Zach thought vehemently, ‘I’ll give her a taste of her own medicine!’

Chapter 208

Suddenly, Madelyn’s wrist was grabbed firmly. She lost her balance and almost fell.

Zach violently dragged her into the study and closed the door, locking it from the outside.

Rosario hurriedly rushed over and said, “Mr. Jardin, what are you doing?”

Madelyn pounded on the door, “What are you doing?! Let me out. Zach, you jerk. Who do think you are to lock me up?!”


Zach removed the key after he locked the door. His face was stone-cold as he told Rosario, Don’t bring her any food without my permission.”

He turned back towards Madelyn and said, “You can come out once you’ve realized your mistake! Let’s see if I have to power to control you or not, like you said!”

Jadie was awakened by the noise outside. She leaned toward the door and listened. She thought, ‘Is Zach arguing with Madelyn?’

Jadie came out of her room at seven-thirty in the morning and sat down to have her breakfast. The atmosphere in the living room was tense. Jadie, who was eating the pancakes, lifted her head, “Zach, are you not going to work today?”

Zach was still in his home clothes reading the newspaper. He emitted a chilling aura.

He responded, “I’m working from home today. I’ll ask Kevin to take you to school later.”



When Jadie left, she glanced at the study door.

She pondered, ‘Zach is usually gentle and polite. He rarely loses his temper. What happened. between him and Madelyn?”

Rosario went to clear the silverware on the table. She wanted to say something, but Zach spoke before her, “I’ll be at home today. Rosario, you can have the day off.”

Rosario lamented, ‘It seems like Mr. Jardin is determined to lock Madelyn up the entire day. Madelyn hasn’t experienced much hardship growing up. She can’t bear this!’

She said, “Madelyn’s just a kid. She’s still immature…”

Zach interrupted, “Kid? She’s eighteen! She should be able to make judgments like an adult.” He put down the newspaper and got up, walking back to his bedroom with his hand in his pocket.

Rosario worriedly glanced at the study. She thought, ‘Sigh, she shouldn’t have gotten angry with Mr. Jardin.”


Madelyn was locked in the study until three in the afternoon.

When Zach finally opened the door, the room was dark. The lights were off, and the curtains. were drawn. Zach switched on the lights. To his surprise, the study room was still neat and


He then looked at Madelyn, who was huddled on the sofa. The bandage on her hand was soaked in blood, which was dripping onto the ground.

Madelyn did not move at all.

Zach walked forward and looked down at her with his piercing gaze and asked, “Are you calm now?”

Madelyn came back to her senses. She then stood up and tried to walk away. She felt like she was suffocating when she looked at him.

Zach grabbed her wrist. Madelyn immediately shook off his hand, “Get lost. Don’t touch me!”

Her eyes were red, as if she had been crying. She looked pale and sick from exhaustion.

Madelyn walked out of the study. She then quickly grabbed a few books from her bedroom and stuffed them inside her bag. After that, she went to the living room and put the rest of her books into her bag before trying to leave.

Zach stood in front of her and blocked her way.

He thought, ‘I shouldn’t have spoiled her too much. Now, she’s forgotten who’s in charge.’

He said, “I’ll give you two options now. One, you can go back to your room and calm down before we talk again. Two, I’ll take you to school right now, and from now on you must be home by nine o’clock. You need to inform me if you plan to come back after nine.”

Madelyn yelled, “Just focus on taking care of your Jadie! I have nothing to talk about with someone who hires thugs.”

She then walked past him and opened the door. Suddenly, Zach forcefully slammed it shut again. The sound frightened a neighbor who was leaving home.

Zach grabbed her shoulders, pushing her against the wall. He looked terrifying. Madelyn could see the rage in his


Chapter 209

Madelyn sneered, “Why are you so angry? Isn’t it the truth? You drugged me for so many

years, and even had people rape me… And now you act like you care about me. What are you trying to do? Are you worried about me now? Or is it just pity?

“I’ll say it again, get lost!”

Zach suddenly bent down. He kissed her soft lips.

Madelyn bit his lips hard. Zach frowned in pain. Both of them tasted the taste of blood.

After a brief pause, he became more aggressive. He endured the pain and bit her lips. Madelyn struggled in pain…

Zach thought, ‘Her scent is so addictive. If the first kiss was part of my plan, what about this. time? Is it anger? Why am I angry? Was what Madelyn said wrong?”

Every word that Madelyn said was true. She did not make any false accusations! He knew that Madelyn was intentionally distancing herself from him and trying to avoid meeting him.

He was well aware of what he was doing too! It was unexpected and sudden, but he just could

not control himself!

He had crossed the line.

After some time had passed, Madelyn felt dizzy. She leaned back against the wall trying her best not to fall. Her long lashes were trembling. She looked very pitiful.

A slapping sound was heard.

Madelyn slapped Zach’s face.

“Zach, if you dare to touch me again, I’ll tell Hayson and make him chop off your hands.” Madelyn’s sobbing voice trembled.

Zach was surprised. ‘She knows how to threaten people now? Not bad!’

He tilted his head, laughing softly. He then lowered his eyes and looked at Madelyn’s helpless expression.

He thought, ‘When she gets angry, she looks like a wild, thorny rose. When she was being bullied, she shivered. She looked like a harmless, innocent, little rabbit with red eyes.’

Zach demanded, “Call me ‘brother”!”

Madelyn remained silent. She glared at him to show her unwillingness.

Zach bit hard on her injured lips, and Madelyn winced in pain.

“Call me ‘brother’!” he demanded again.



“I’ll say it again, call me ‘brother’! Or else… I won’t be held responsible for what I’ll do next.”

His evil voice echoed clearly in the living room as his expression became more and more


Madelyn was so terrified that she had goosebumps. She was afraid that he would really do something wicked. There were only two of them in this huge apartment, and there was no way

for her to escape.

Zach never cared about the consequences of his actions.

Chapter 210 Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You’re…my brother…”

Madelyn relented and gave in.

‘So what if I admit he’s my brother? Are we going to pretend he never hurt me? Zach… What’re you trying to do?!’ she thought.

Zach chuckled.

‘She knows she’s asking for trouble by resisting me, so why does she never listen and keep acting defiant like this? She’s always making me take drastic action.’

He said menacingly, “Don’t ever talk about those things again. I won’t deny they happened, but… I don’t like hearing about them! Understood?”

Madelyn was silent.

Zach gripped her chin and forced her to lift her head, “Speak!”

Madelyn did not plan on giving in.

‘If we don’t get this over with, things will just remain the same in the future,’ she thought to herself.

“Zach… I’m only reminding you, but isn’t your true goal to ruin my life? Right now, all you’re doing is behaving inappropriately toward an eighteen-year-old student.”

Suddenly, Madelyn chuckled. With an icy and hateful gaze, she continued, “Zach, you didn’t even let me touch you in the past, yet you’re acting this way to me right now. Don’t tell me you’ve fallen in love with me?”

Zach darkened his gaze.

In the end, Madelyn still did not go to school. Zach called the school and had her take a day off.

Around four o’clock in the afternoon, Zach dragged Madelyn into the car. They had run out of gauze at home, so he drove her to the hospital.

Madelyn sat in the passenger seat. She had already changed into her normal clothes and sent her blood-stained uniform for dry cleaning.

She looked out the window and said, “I don’t want to go to SereneCare.”

‘That woman-like man-Kai Stewart-is Zach’s accomplice, and I don’t trust him. If I go to his hospital, I’ll die.’

Zach did not respond. However, he switched lanes at the upcoming traffic light and went in a different direction.


After they arrived at the Community Hospital, Zach queued up for registration.

Madelyn got her wound cleaned up in the consulting room. The blood on her wound had already clotted and stuck to the stitches. Madelyn frowned in pain when the doctor removed

her stitches.

“Don’t move. The blood on your wound’s already dried up. I’m going to wipe it with alcohol. It’ll hurt a little, but please bear with it.”

The doctor grabbed an alcohol cotton pad with a pair of tweezers and said, “Hold your girlfriend, and don’t let her move around.”

Madelyn explained indifferently, “He and I don’t share a relationship like that. He’s my


The doctor chuckled.

“You youngsters love to joke around. What kind of brother would bite his sister on the lips? Young man, you’re also no better.”

Zach smiled innocently. Then, he smiled and said, “She’s still mad at me. Don’t mind her!”

It was as if the doctor would only believe him if he gave such an explanation. Madelyn could not understand why they did not believe her and insisted on their own assumptions instead.

By the time they left the hospital, it was already dark out.

On their drive back, Zach’s phone rang. It was a call from Jadie. He answered the phone, ” What’s the matter?”

“Zach, I think we don’t have any more strawberries in the fridge. Could you please buy some? I feel like having strawberries.”

“Okay! Sure. Anything else you


“Nope. Thank you, Zach. My teacher’s coming, bye.”


The phone call was on speaker mode, so Madelyn heard their conversation.

‘He does treat her differently,’ she thought.

Zach made a detour to the supermarket, but Madelyn did not go with him. He called her by her name, but she refused to follow or listen.

She remained in the car and adjusted the vanity mirror. She took out the concealer Yvonne had given her, which coincidentally came in handy at a time like this.

Madelyn could not find the product online, but it was from a really expensive brand.

‘It’s probably custom-made and not sold to the public. This concealer I’m holding right now is


probably at least four figures.’

Chapter 211

Madelyn dabbed some concealer onto the red, swollen area around her lips and avoided the wound. She then put on some lipstick.

‘Otherwise, I’ll have a hard time explaining the situation again when we get back,’ she thought.

Madelyn waited for half an hour before she started feeling impatient.

Finally, Zach emerged from the supermarket exit with two big grocery bags in hand. He placed all of it into the trunk.

Then, he went to the passenger seat. By the time they got home, Jadie was already back. She heard their footsteps and excitedly went to the opened the door while in her slippers.

“I’ll take them, Zach.”

“There’s no need. They’re pretty heavy.”

“Alright, then.”

Madelyn was not in the mood to watch them play-act as loving brother and sister.

‘If there were others around, they’d instantly notice that I’m not needed around here,’ she thought.

Zach went to put the groceries into the fridge, and Jadie trailed behind him.

“Zach, is Rosario off today? What’re we having for dinner? Shall I cook?”

“I’ve ordered food, and it’ll be here soon. Go do your homework. I’ll let you know when it’s here.”

Madelyn got changed and came out with a backpack. Just as she was about to leave, Jadie stopped her, “Madelyn… are you leaving? I think it’s about to rain, so bring an umbrella with you.”

“I did,” Madelyn replied.

Zach grabbed a carton of fresh milk and placed it in the fridge. He asked in a low voice, “Where are you going?”

“Extracurricular classes. Don’t wait for me; I’ll be back at 10 o’clock.”

With that, Madelyn shut the door and left, leaving Zach and Jadie alone.

Once again, the atmosphere turned tense.

About two minutes after Madelyn left, the food Zach ordered from Gastronomie arrived.

The table was full of food, enough to feed three people.

Since Jadie was on a diet, she and Zach could not finish all of the food. At first, they wanted to save the leftovers for the next day, but the fridge was already packed with snacks and fruits Zach had bought from the supermarket.

They had no choice but to throw out the leftovers.

Tiger and Madelyn were practicing golf at the indoor golf course in Supreme World.

After half an hour of practice, Tiger handed Madelyn a bottle of water. Then, they sat in the

rest area.

The air conditioning was on, but Madelyn took off her jacket because she felt a little hot. She wore a tight, black, semi-high-necked sweater under her jacket. The sweater outlined her perfect body shape, making her look youthfully beautiful but also maturely alluring. In simpler words, she looked stunning.

“It’s rare for someone your age to have such a figure.”

Madelyn was momentarily taken aback before she finally realized what he meant, “What did you say?”

Tiger smiled slightly, “It’s nothing. Do you have something on your mind? You seem a little preoccupied lately. Did you get into a fight with your boyfriend?”

Madelyn frowned.

“You think so too?”

Tiger pointed at his own lips-the spot where Madelyn had gotten hurt-and said, “It’s hard for one not to think so when you have this.”

Madelyn felt comfortable speaking to Tiger. It felt like she was chatting with a trusted friend.

“So… am I wrong?” Tiger asked.

Madelyn lowered her gaze, “I’m not feeling well, so it’s swollen. It’s not what you think it is.”


Madelyn did not know why he apologized, but she still replied, “It’s alright.”

Madelyn’s class had been added in at the last minute. Tiger usually did not teach his classes this late at night.

However, Madelyn had done so merely because she did not want to face Zach. What happened today left her frustrated and distracted.

At nine o’clock, Tiger drove Madelyn back to Grand Court.

Madelyn glanced at the time. She did not go home right away, choosing to sit outside the apartment building instead.

She did not want to go inside.

Chapter 212

It was fifteen minutes to ten, before Madelyn had to go upstairs.

“Stand right there!”

She heard someone roar.

Then, she saw two persons walk into the neighborhood.

Forrest walked over with a cigarette in hand while a young, beautiful girl ran after him. She had long, wavy hair and wore a knitted long dress.

The girl ran to face him and slapped him across the face, “You’re scum, Forrest!”

She continued, “How dare you break up with me over a single text?! What do you take me for? Do you think I’m just a toy you can discard at your will?”

Forrest was unfazed. He chuckled and chucked away the cigarette he was holding. He stuck his hands into his pockets and said, “It was just a fling. We broke up because I got tired of it.”

The white streetlights shone on Forrest’s hair. The breeze gently blew against his bangs, and they fell over his eyes, which quickly swelled up and revealed a handprint from the slap.

“I’m not interested in women who desperately throw themselves at me. Maybe you should go. find someone else?”

The mature-looking girl took out a bottle of water and dumped its contents onto Forrest’s


“Just you wait. My dad won’t let this go.”

The girl flung the empty bottle aside and stormed off, leaving a drenched Forrest behind. Forrest shook the water out of his hair and pulled his hair back.

‘I don’t remember his girlfriend looking like this the last time I saw him,’ she thought.

Just then, Forrest looked over. His expression was as if he was asking her, “Are you enjoying

the show?”

Madelyn calmly met his gaze for a few seconds before she turned around and went into the escalator, pressing a floor button with feigned nonchalance.

Madelyn keyed in the password 810214, at the door, and the screen indicated that the password was correct. The string of numbers corresponded to Jadie’s birth year and month.

She had seen Zach key in the password today and remembered it.

Madelyn opened the door. The lights in the living room were still on, but the room was completely empty.

“The lights must’ve been left on for me.’

Madelyn closed the door. When she saw the couch, she was reminded of her soft bed. The initial rush of adrenaline she felt was instantly replaced with exhaustion.

She walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She thought of having a glass of milk but decided against it when she remembered she was still on her period.


Suddenly, Madelyn’s phone in her pocket buzzed. She checked her phone, and it was from a

number in her contacts.

Ethan: [You moved?]

Madelyn saw the text messages he had sent from different dates. She took out a pre-washed cucumber from the fridge and started eating it while typing a response.

[My house is being renovated.]

Meanwhile, there was still a light left on at Southern Haven Villas-the Arnold family’s residence.

Madelyn’s fingers hovered over the send button as she stared at the five words in the text box. In the end, she did not send the text. She deleted her original response and sent a single word: [Yep.]

Her phone indicated that the message had been sent successfully.

Zach was in his pajamas, leaning on the bedframe. He had a book about suppressing emotions. and treating psychological diseases open on his bed.

Ethan looked at Madelyn’s reply and revealed a small smile.

‘She’s finally stopped ignoring me,’ he thought.

George was holding a glass of water and some medicine, and stared at Ethan on the bed before

he knocked on the door.

“Come in,” said Ethan.

George said worriedly, “Sir, you should rest. Here are your meds.”

“Mhm.” Ethan set down the phone. He hoped she would respond by the time he picked up phone again.


He took the sleeping pills and downed them with water. George took the glass and asked, “Are you still waiting for Ms. Jent’s message?”

“What do you think she’s doing right now?” Ethan asked him.

“At this hour, Ms. Jent should have just gotten back from her extracurricular classes. Ms. Jent

went for golf practice at Supreme World today. Mr. Irwin sent her home.” a

“Who’s he?” Ethan frowned slightly. He continued, “Never mind. Send me all of his

information tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You can leave now. I want to get some rest.”

“Of course, sir.”

Chapter 213

After George left, Ethan picked up his phone..

His hopes were shattered.

Ethan threw his book out of frustration, shattering the million-dollar painting on the wall. It was an original work by a renowned artist.

George sighed when he heard the commotion coming from Ethan’s room.

‘If this goes on, he’ll eventually relapse. He’s finally managed to take over the company’s affairs, so it’ll be disadvantageous if something happens to him now! Not only does he have the backing of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sr., but he also has the backing of Mr. Young’s ex-wife. That’s why his current position is secured. Now’s not the time for him to mess up.’

George stared at the glass of water in his hand, ‘Not even the best medicine can replace Ms. Jent’s company. Perhaps it’s time for me to do something. If his illness relapses, I hope he doesn’t self-harm like he did in the past.”

Meanwhile, Madelyn ended the conversation with Ethan by giving him a slipshod excuse of being busy with her studies. Then, she set down her phone.

By the time she had finished washing up, it was almost midnight. She switched off her table lamp and gently lay down.

When Madelyn woke up at six o’clock in the morning, Rosario had already prepared breakfast. She sat at the dining table with Zach, who came out of his room earlier than usual. The two ate

in silence.

No one spoke, and they shared a rare moment of harmony.

Rosario filled a glass bottle with milk and set it down in front of Madelyn, along with her lunch.

“Don’t forget to drink the milk. It’s still warm.”


“Did you bring your painkillers? Does it still hurt?” Rosario was referring to Madelyn’s period


Madelyn replied, “I’m feeling much better than before.”

“Don’t forget to call me if you don’t feel well.”

“I’ll be fine. There’s a nurse at school.”

Madelyn glanced at the time.

“The bus is almost here,’ she thought.

She immediately gobbled up the rest of her pancakes and said, “I’m done. I need to catch the bus.”

“Eh? Take your stuff with you.”

Madelyn came back and took the thermal bag with her. Then, she darted outside and managed

to catch the bus.

‘She hasn’t changed. She’s still as forgetful as ever!’ thought Rosario.

There was already somebody on the bus, and it was none other than Forrest.

“This is odd. He’s always so insufferably arrogant and decides the time he goes to school on his own. Why’s he up so early to go to school now? Has he changed?’ Madelyn wondered.

The two did not speak at all throughout the entire journey. Forrest did not even spare Madelyn a single glance.

‘It’s almost as if last night didn’t happen at all. He didn’t even come to the library after what I told him the last time. If he doesn’t want to, then so be it. I’ll have lesser distractions,” Madelyn said to herself.

Madelyn sat in the window seat. About ten minutes later, they arrived at school.

She kept a moderate distance from Forrest as they walked.

There were a group of men and women dressed in funeral attire outside the school gate. They held wreaths and wept bitterly.

“Oh… My poor nephew! He’s so young, and he’s in jail! And that sister of mine’s dead because of that girl. Come and see for yourself and help me seek justice!”

She continued, “This isn’t fair at all!!”

This street was a school zone, and at this hour, many parents were dropping off their children at school, so there were many people around. However, the students here were mostly from wealthy or prestigious families. None of them stopped to see the commotion and just went

around them.

The security guards could not make the group leave and had no choice but to inform the school authorities. They decided to open the gates and let cars into the school to prevent the students from getting frightened.

Madelyn stared at the commotion, and an ominous feeling grew in her chest.

‘These people… What in the world happened?’ she wondered.


Chapter 214

Such an incident could negatively impact the school’s reputation, so the authorities of Ventrocloud High School quickly stepped in.

Leyton inadvertently learned about what happened at school and how it coincidentally had something to do with Madelyn.

He knocked on the CEO’s door and immediately reported the matter to Ethan..

Ethan was busy with paperwork. After he heard Leyton’s report, his expression turned


“…She’s hurt? Why wasn’t I informed immediately? What’s the situation at the school right. now?”

Leyton replied, “The school authorities have stepped forward and are currently handling the incident.”

Ethan set down his thousand-dollar pen and closed the document in front of him.

“Postpone the upcoming meeting and get in touch with the school. I’ll handle the matter,” he said.

Leyton nodded, “Yes, sir.”

Even though the Arnold Corporation was the biggest investor at Ventrocloud High School, there was no need for the CEO himself to personally intervene. Compared to their company matters, the issues at school all seemed so insignificant.

‘Our CEO is overly concerned about an eighteen-year-old girl. He always loses his sense of reason when it comes to matters related to Ms. Jent… But then again, perhaps only Ms. Jent can lead our CEO out of the darkness and forget about his painful past,’ thought Leyton.

Meanwhile, Madelyn had a free period at Ventrocloud High School. She was called to the principal’s office halfway through the period. Initially, Yvonne was supposed to join her, but the principal could not ask for her, given the powerful status of the Young family.

Madelyn had an inkling about the reason she was called to the principal’s office, so she did not


Hailey walked ahead of Madelyn and adjusted her glasses with a serious expression.

“The incident has already reached the shareholders. Don’t worry; the school will help you. When you get in there, there’s no need for you to speak. Someone will handle this for you.”

Madelyn hung her head low and silently trailed behind Hailey.

‘I’m clearly the victim, but why do I feel so uneasy?’ she wondered.

With a heavy heart, she followed Hailey into the meeting room.

Several aunts and uncles of Danny were present. When they saw Madelyn, they emotionally cursed her, “You killer! You caused my sister’s death and drove my nephew to desperation.

Now he’s in jail…”

“How do you sleep at night? Do you know you’ve caused two people’s deaths?”

“Do you think you’re superior to us just because you’re rich?”

“Does being rich give you the right to kill others?”

Hailey moved sideways and shielded Madelyn behind her. She was experienced, so she was unfazed by the situation. She said calmly, “Please calm down. Acting this way won’t solve anything.”

The group calmed down slightly.

Hailey continued, “We’ll investigate the incident before we discuss the matter with you.”

“I didn’t harm anyone!” Madelyn-who had been silent-suddenly said as she regained her courage and emerged behind Hailey. She turned to the few with an unwavering gaze.

The room was silent for a few seconds.

Madelyn repeated her words.

“I’ll say it again. I didn’t harm anyone. I, too, am a victim.”

She removed the bandage on her hand, revealing a gnarly and unhealed wound. The wound. stretched from her wrist all the way down to her thumb and had eight whole stitches.

She continued, “When I was on my way home that day, Danny held a knife to my neck… And my friend who got hurt. He was also stabbed. If you all don’t believe me, I can have him. confront you”

Madelyn did not know how Zach and her father had resolved the matter. After all, these matters were not something she could interfere with.

“I’m really sorry about what happened to Danny’s mother. I never imagined that me transferring classes would cause you all harm like this. But… I’m just doing what I want to do. You can’t put the blame on me because of what happened.”

Chapter 215

A fifty odd year-old man stood up as he slammed the table. “What do you mean by that?! Are you saying my sister deserved to die?!”

“What about me then? Am I deserving of my wounds? I shouldn’t protect myself? Also, that man Danny stabbed, did he deserved that as well?” Madelyn was about to lose her temper. Moreover, it was not like the deceased’s side was at the right, and it was not as if she was. disrespecting the dead. She was just stating the facts of the matter.

They had been born in the sixties and seventies, an era that lacked education. Moreover, they were rural villagers with little knowledge of the law, so such things were simply incomprehensible to them.

That was what Madelyn had thought, but it did not mean she was painting broad strokes. Her grandmother too lived in a rural village, and in that age, keeping themselves fed was itself an issue, much less being literate. It only took her grandfather a few sacks of grain to wed her grandmother.

Her grandmother had married her grandfather at the age of sixteen, and he had been a gangster in the village and had been involved in unsavory businesses. Due to getting into trouble with certain people, he had been beaten to death when he was just 34.

Even though her grandmother was so unlucky in her early years, she had never blamed anyone and even used whatever meagre strength she had to help others.

“If they had not come to my rescue that night, I would be the one dead today!”

“This is not a matter of them being in the right just because they’re dead.”

Kayley nodded. “I feel that my students have the right of it. Danny’s relatives, we’ve already contacted the police and they will bring him over later. The hospitalized victim is unable to show up, so his friends will come over, as they were witnesses to the incident that night.”

A woman pulled the angry old man to the side and discussed something in a hushed whisper.

After a few minutes, the man suddenly spoke. “We actually don’t want to make a big issue out of this, but since a life was involved, let’s make it fifty thousand and we will not pursue the matter any further.”

“The pursuit of the matter is not your call to make.” An icy voice suddenly rang out.

Madelyn froze as Zach walked in with one hand in his pocket, radiating a powerful domineering aura as Kevin followed closely behind.

When Danny’s relatives saw the man with his dark and vicious gaze, all of them were frightened.

Zach then swept his gaze at everyone around him.

“Mr. Jardin.” Bjorn greeted him.

Zach then nodded slightly in acknowledgement.

“Kevin, take Madelyn back first.”

“Yes, sir.” Kevin nodded.

Madelyn pursed her lips. She had never thought of getting him involved.

‘Who told Zach?

After Madelyn left, Kevin closed the meeting room door as Madelyn turned around and saw Zach pulling out a chair to sit.

The matter could have been originally resolved easily, but now that Zach was involved, things would be very different.

She was afraid that he would not stop at Danny, but instead extend his fury towards the former’s family.

Zach crossed his legs and placed both his hands on his knee, as he emanated a fierce aura. Let’s talk things out.”

Not long after Zach arrived, Bjorn got word of another arrival.

The CEO of the Arnold Corporation was here too.

This time, everyone was squirming in their seats… It was as if the appearance of one living Satan was not enough, another one just had to show up.

It looks like this time, the Murdoch family had screwed up big time.

If the Arnold Corporation CEO were to get involved in this too, things could get out of hand.

Chapter 216

Madelyn was seating in the lounge with a glass of hot water in her hands. She then asked Kevin. “How does Zach plan to deal with Danny’s case?”

Kevin was walking to the door when he heard her voice and stopped. “Miss Madelyn, it’s better if you don’t know. Mr. Zach has his ways, and he’ll deal with this once and for all.”

After some time, another commotion happened at the door.

It seemed like someone else had arrived.

Madelyn wanted to go and have a look, but after some thought, she decided against it as she did not want to add to his troubles.

The next moment, the lounge room door suddenly opened.

Seeing the person appearing before her shocked Madelyn so much that she was at a loss for words. A smart-looking Ethan, clad in gray suit, stood before her.

“Why… why are you here?”

George, who was behind him quickly explained. “Arnold Corporation is the biggest investor of this school, so we rushed over the moment we heard something had happened. But more so, it is because of you, Miss Madelyn.”

“George, you’ve spoken too much,” Ethan said.

“My apologies, sir.”

Madelyn looked away as she looked at the ground beside him and her hands grabbed on anxiously at the sides of her skirts. “I’m so sorry to trouble you. Please let Zach handle this. We won’t cause any trouble to the school.”

“Madelyn, you don’t need to be so reserved around me. Your issues are also mine. Did you hurt your hand? Let me have a look…”

Ethan stretched his hand out to her while Madelyn hid her hand behind her. “I’m fine, it’s

much better now.”

“Miss Madelyn, do allow sir to have a look. He had been really worried about you for the past few days,” George interjected.

These words had another meaning behind it. To outsiders, it sounded like they had a relationship that cannot be put with words, but fortunately, there was no one around.

Madelyn then slowly stretched her hand out.

The next moment, Ethan sat down beside her. Upon seeing this, George quickly stepped out and closed the door shut.

Madelyn had always been sensitive towards being alone in the same room with another man. Her body stiffened a little and she felt very uncomfortable.

“Madelyn, are you afraid of me?” Ethan sensed the fear in her eyes. She would always be so cautious every time she was alone with him, as if she feared he would do something to her.


It was her problem.

After she had been kicked out of her home in her previous life, she had tried to look for a job to feed herself, yet someone had fooled her into following him into a small hut before trying to sexually assault her. Thankfully, she managed to escape.

Thus, there were some lingering fears still within her.

No matter who it was…

Madelyn quickly changed the topic. “Why is your face so pale? Are you


Ethan smiled a little. “Just caught a cold. I’m fine.”

“Just remember to drink water… Oh right, There’s water here. Let me get you a glass.” As she said that, Madelyn pulled her hand back, got up and walked to the water dispenser to get him a glass of warm water. “Careful. It may be a little hot.”

Ethan’s eyes never strayed away from her. His gaze was scorching, longing, greedy yet he had to be careful to maintain the distance between them.


Ethan put the water on the table as he pulled out an ornate-looking bottle out of his pocket.”

Come here.”

“What’s that?” Madelyn asked.


Ethan sat beside her. He knew that Madelyn was extremely cautious, but he did not mind. It was good to be cautious.

“As long as she… only has me in her heart from now on.”

“This is a healing balm I brought over. It’ll help with your wounds.” Ethan carefully undid the bandage, and when he saw the wound, his heart ached. “Does it still hurt?”

“Just a little…”

“It’ll sting a bit, so bear with me.”

Chapter 217

Madelyn simply nodded.

He really was a gentle person, even willing to put down his work to help her resolve her problems. Madelyn knew what sort of status he held in Ventropolis, and he did not need to show up for trivial matters like this, but yet he still came…

The more he treated her well like this, the more burdensome Madelyn felt. She could never provide a response to his feelings.

She was still too young now, and so was he. The future was still full of possibilities.

After all, no one knows what the future holds…

There were plenty of women who would pursue him, and compared to him, Madelyn felt like a dime a dozen.

If it was due to her actions that time of pulling him back from the brink and saving his life, he had already repaid that debt of kindness long ago. The birthday present and everything else he had prepared for her was the biggest surprise she had received in both her lifetimes….

Madelyn had never wanted anything from him since the very beginning.

Ethan also disrupted her plans for her life. She could never be with him, but Ethan also held a deep obsession towards her. No matter how powerful he was, even if he could snatch her from the clutches of the Jent family, she would simply be moved from one cage to another.

She no longer dared to entrust her life on another person.

“Does it feel better?” Ethan gently held her fingertip as his lips drew close and blew cold air onto her wound. It felt a little chilly but comfy.

With her fingertip stretched out, this was the first time she could clearly see the tattoo on the back of his hand. It was a bit similar to the one Forrest had, but it did not seem to be any sort

of pattern.

“Is there any meaning to that tattoo?” She asked.

“Nope, it was just a spur of the moment decision.”

It did not look that way to Madelyn. She felt like there was some sort of story behind it, but she did not probe any


About an hour later, Leyton walked out from the meeting room. He took part in the

negotiations himself since his CEO had asked him to, but he was of little use there as he knew what sort of people the Jent family were.

He pondered, ‘Zach Jardin hides daggers behind his smile. He didn’t show them any shred of mercy and wanted to drive all those people to the brink. A few of Danny’s relatives had

instantly prostrated themselves before him, and yet Zach showed no mercy at all. An eighteen- year-old boy had even fainted on the spot after a few words from Zach himself.

‘As expected of Hayson Jent’s son.

‘Everything the Jent family has done in the past is all of the dirty and underhanded sort. Who knows whether the Murdoch family will even leave the school compound alive?’

George rarely saw such an expression on Leyton’s face. “Did the negotiations break down?” “Everything went swimmingly. The chief’s not out yet?” Leyton shook his head.

“Just wait a little longer. Sir rarely gets to meet Miss Madelyn, after all.”

Even Kevin did not know what had possessed Zach today. The Murdoch family were just a couple of nobodies, yet he pushed all of them against the wall.

Moreover, the other party was still just a child, so Zach was acting a bit too cruel.

If Zach were to have his way in the negotiations, Danny would be an outcast in Ventropolis for the rest of his life.

Chapter 218

Upon receiving the call from the school, Zach immediately canceled the meeting and rushed to the school.

‘Actually, I can handle this matter. Mr. Jardin doesn’t have to be involved,’ Kevin thought.

Then, he said slowly, “Do you really want to expel Danny from school and sentence him to ten years of imprisonment? As far as I know, Ms. Jent caused all of this.”

Zach’s deep gaze fixed on Kevin and then shifted to the floor-to-ceiling window. He sat on the chair, an icy aura emanating from him. “Do you think it’s her fault too?”

Kevin suddenly realized he might have said something he should not have. He lowered his head, “I dare not to.”

“Don’t forget who you’ve been working for these past ten years!” Zach stood up from the chair and cast a cold, piercing gaze at him before turning around and walking away.

Kevin suddenly spoke up when Zach reached the doorway, “I only work for you, sir.”

When Zach decided to bring Kevin by his side, Kevin’s life became bound to his. He was the one who had granted Kevin a second chance at life.

Zach stopped in his tracks. “I’m not the one paying your salary!”

He thought to himself, ‘Madelyn’s getting more unruly now. I never meddle in her school matters. Self-improvement is good, but it’s just wishful thinking if she thinks she can enhance her skills and escape from the Jent family by using this method! She’s gotten smarter now, but she’s misusing her intelligence. All she’s getting is even harsher punishment.’

In the lounge, Madelyn stood up and avoided Ethan’s gaze. “My brother should have already

settled things. I’ll go check.”

Madelyn opened the door, her steps barely pausing, and she held a vial of medicine given to her by Ethan in her other hand.

Zach was smoking on the balcony, probably waiting for her. Madelyn rarely saw him smoke, except during important social situations. Notified by Kevin, Zach extinguished the half- smoked cigarette against the railing.

Madelyn watched Zach walk over, and her gaze shifted to Ethan, who had also come out of the lounge. She felt a guilty conscience for some reason, as if Zach had caught her having an affair.

Zach walked up, and Madelyn found herself sandwiched between them. There was a strange tension between them. It made her feel suffocated as if a battle was silently unfolding. Zach initiated the conversation, saying, “Mr. Arnold, I hope you’ve been well.”

Ethan nodded in response. Though he was a few years younger than Zach, his presence was

just as commanding. However, he was not like Zach. Zach had been in the business world for many years and encountered all sorts of challenges. He had climbed the ranks from the bottom by using ruthless tactics to solidify his position and achieve his goals. He was skilled in manipulation and scheming.

Unlike Zach, Ethan relied on his powerful family. He had lived a sheltered life of luxury since childhood. Even after inheriting the Arnold Corporation, both the Arnold and Young families

served as his strong supporters.

Madelyn could not imagine the extent of the bloody battle that would ensue if these two people became enemies. However, Ethan could not outplay Zach in terms of scheming and intrigue. Just like that accident with the big truck last time had been Zach’s doing.

Ethan said to Madelyn, “I’ll pick you up tonight.”

Madelyn was afraid to look at Zach and nodded, “Okay.”

“Is something up?” Zach asked Madelyn.

Madelyn felt his intense gaze and explained, “Mr. Arnold helped me today, so I invited him to dinner.”

Zach nodded, “Naturally, an invitation is in order. However, it should be me, your brother, who extends the invitation both morally and logically. I’ll take care of the arrangements for tonight. Mr. Arnold, do you mind if I bring my sister along?”

George interjected, “Mr. Arnold!”

Ethan waved his hand, signaling George to stop. He chuckled and said, “Of course, that’s fine.”

“See you tonight,” Ethan said gently to Madelyn.

Madelyn nodded, “Okay.”

Ethan left and took the passenger seat. His emotions seemed guarded. “Any results for the last car accident?”

Chapter 219

Leyton said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Arnold. We investigated all the vehicles that night. When we

found the car, it was in a scrapyard, but the person was nowhere to be found. Moreover, we couldn’t find any information about that person. It’s as if someone deliberately concealed his identity. However, I don’t think this was an accident.”

Ethan closed his eyes, “No need to investigate further. There’s no point in wasting time on someone like this.”

Ethan’s words held a deeper meaning, and Leyton felt he had been answered after hearing them.

Madelyn followed Zach downstairs. The two of them remained silent along the way. At the entrance, Madelyn saw Jadie and Yvonne coming down.

Yvonne walked up to Madelyn, “Are you okay? I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have contacted Mr. Newton. It’s all because that bastard Danny misunderstood, it’s got nothing to do with you. By I also managed to get your test paper back from Mr. Newton. Madelyn, you’re


way, amazing!”

She excitedly took the folded test paper from her pocket, “Did you know you ranked second in the exam? Oh my god! Madelyn, you’re really incredible.”

Madelyn stared at the test paper in a daze and was struck speechless. ‘So I managed to get into the Math Olympiad training class on my own merit. It wasn’t because of Yvonne’s help after all.

After learning this news, Madelyn felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulders. “T -Thank you.”

“Besides…” Yvonne nudged Madelyn with her elbow and chuckled, “My brother said not to burden yourself with this. Danny has a mental illness, and his mother was in the advanced stages of kidney disease. Even if his mother had money for treatment, she couldn’t have survived the surgery. Madelyn, it’s not your fault. Because of this, my brother punished me too. He asked me to copy the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech three hundred times.”


‘Why does she feel so happy about being punished?’ Madelyn wondered.

“Yes! It’s the second thing my brother told me, so I was still happy despite being punished,” said Yvonne.

Jadie said, “I’m glad that you’re fine. Zach, is Danny getting imprisoned?”

Zach answered, “It’s close. We have to wait for the court’s verdict.”

He pondered to himself, ‘Six years? Ten years? That’s nothing. With Ethan Arnold and I

involved, Danny could be looking at a life sentence. At first, they aggressively demanded fifty thousand dollars, but not only did they fail to receive a single cent, they even ended up losing everything they owned. After realizing they had provoked someone they shouldn’t have, they fled with their tail between their legs. They came looking for money, but they picked the wrong target.’

Suddenly, Madelyn noticed a group of familiar figures ahead. One of them had red hair, and another had green hair, making them stand out. Forrest was among them too.

‘They’re less wild than I remember,’ Madelyn thought.

There was a man seated in a wheelchair while someone pushed him along. Madelyn recognized him as the one Alex called Caden. He was only sixteen, an orphan who had grown up in the Fishing Village. His upbringing had involved the care and support of many, allowing him to reach this age.

Back then, when Danny’s knife had been at her throat, he had rushed forward and tightly gripped Danny’s hand, giving her a chance to escape.

Alex smacked Caden’s head, “Damn! I told you not to come over, but you insisted. Look, it wasn’t worth the effort! Not only were you not compensated, but they didn’t even bother sparing a glance at you.”

“Alex, it’s okay as long as she’s fine. This injury won’t kill me.”

Caden had lived with Alex’s family since childhood, so Caden was like his younger brother.

Thinking about the heartless Madelyn, Alex could not help but become furious.

‘Ever since Caden was hospitalized, Madelyn hasn’t visited him even once. She didn’t even bother to say a simple “thank you.” It would’ve been better if Caden had just let her die.’

Chapter 220

Alex said, “You helped her fend off the knife, but she didn’t even appreciate it.”

As soon as he finished, a figure appeared in front of them. Seeing the comer, Alex sarcastically said, “Speak of the devil, and she appears.”

The three people still at the door watched as Madelyn abruptly left, and they had no idea what she was trying to do. Then, they saw her bowing and saying something, but they were too far away to hear it.

Zach’s gaze suddenly deepened, and everyone looked at Madelyn’s actions in surprise.

“Thank you!” Madelyn’s words were sincere. Then, she straightened up again. “I’m really sorry for not visiting you at the hospital all this time. Are you doing okay?”

Caden scratched his head bashfully, “I’m fine. The doctor said the wound isn’t deep, and a few days of rest will do.”

Alex cursed angrily, “Bullshit! Your intestines are practically out, and you’re saying the wound isn’t deep? And you, why are you coming over here pretending to care now? Get lost! Stop blocking our way.”

Caden lightly tugged at Alex’s clothes, “Alex, don’t say that.”

“Did I say anything wrong? She was acting all high and mighty before. Forrest, is she the same at school? Such a poser!”

Madelyn looked at Forrest.

Forrest smiled, “She’s toned it down, actually! She used to have such a fiery temper.”

“Regarding our past interactions, I admit I had some biases against you.” Madelyn hesitated, unsure how to explain herself.

She continued, “I’m used to being alone. I’m sorry, I don’t know how to interact with me reintroduce myself. I’m Madelyn.” She extended her hand to Caden.



Caden also shyly extended his hand. “I’m Caden.”

“Thank you.” They shook hands gently. It was the first time Madelyn had taken the initiative to interact with someone.

Madelyn also invited them to join the dinner tonight. Actually, there was a hidden agenda in her invitation. She might be in deep trouble if it were just the three of them tonight. Besides, having more people could ease the awkwardness of the situation.

After they left, Yvonne asked Madelyn on their way back, “What did you say to them?”

Madelyn answered, “I thanked them and invited them to have dinner together.”

“Is Forrest going too?”

Madelyn nodded, “Maybe.”

Yvonne’s expression changed abruptly, “Madelyn, I told you before. Someone like him doesn’t deserve to be at the same dinner table with us, let alone appear in front of my elder brother!

Her tone sounded furious and radical. “Besides, Forrest’s friends are nothing but gangsters and hooligans! Madelyn, you can just use money to deal with those people. You really don’t have to do this.”

“That’s your family’s business!” Madelyn retorted and looked at her calmly. “Yvonne, I don’t. understand your situation, just as you don’t understand mine. I can’t empathize with it. To me, their identities, their circumstances, and their birth aren’t things they can choose. In my eyes, they’re just ordinary people like me. Caden saved me, and Forrest too.”

Madelyn had never felt superior because of her wealth or as a member of the Jent family. “I’m sorry, Yvonne! I know saying these might upset you. It’s getting late. Let’s go to class.”

After she got the test paper and asking Albert about it, Madelyn learned that Albert had studied the questions with the other teachers to understand them.

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