The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning Max Charming
The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning By Max Charming Chapter 241-260

Chapter 241

Yvonne continued, “Are you trying to keep Ethan hanging on while also being with Forrest, Madelyn? I’m curious, what’s your true intention? Why not just be honest?”

As Madelyn pondered the situation, she thought, ‘Is this how Yvonne see it? Did Ethan feel the same way when he learned about Forrest and me last night?’

Meeting Yvonne’s gaze directly, Madelyn maintained her composure and responded, “Let me clarify a few things.”

She began to explain, “Who I spend time with and what I choose to do is my personal business. Ethan has been supportive before, and I’m grateful for that. However, it doesn’t mean I’ll simply go along with his feelings for me. If you all believe I should distance myself from him, I’m willing to do so.” She added, “This is a matter concerning your family, and it’s unrelated to me. If you insist on pressuring me to make a choice, I’ll stand by the decision I’ve made now.”

Furthermore, Madelyn recognized her own responsibility toward Forrest. Yet, even if she didn’t, whether she maintained contact with him was not their concern.

Seeing beyond their history, Madelyn came to appreciate Forrest’s true character. She noticed his kind gestures, like feeding stray cats at school and showing gratitude to the doctor. She even witnessed him assisting an elderly woman whose cart was stuck in a puddle, then

continuing on his way as if it were nothing.

Continuing her explanation, Madelyn stated, “Yvonne, I’m not afraid if you decide to inform Ethan about all of this. I have my own plans for life, and nothing will hinder me. My goal is to get into Ventropolis University. I won’t let myself develop feelings for anyone, nor will I waste time on dating. I’ll talk to Ethan and make things clear. As for dinner… you and Zach should enjoy it! I won’t intrude as a third wheel.” 2

With those words, Madelyn turned and walked away, this time without Yvonne attempting to detain her. As she descended the stairs, Forrest leaned against the doorway, his gaze focused

on his shoes.

“Let’s go,” Madelyn said.

Forrest quietly followed in her footsteps.

Later that evening, at seven-thirty, Yvonne settled into the passenger seat of Zach’s car.

Her annoyance still lingered. She voiced her frustration to Zach, recounting the details of her conversation with Madelyn.

“Doesn’t any of this concern you? If Madelyn becomes closer to Forrest, my brother might find out. He could even terminate business cooperation with your family’s company. You need to take action before my brother discovers this.”

Zach’s tone turned cold, “I didn’t come here to listen to this. Where is she?”

“How would I know? Let’s just go eat. I’m really hungry!” Yvonne clicked her seatbelt into place.

A shadow seemed to cross Zach’s expression, and a chill seemed to emanate from him. He released his seatbelt, opened the car door, and stepped out, thinking, ‘Yeah, I do need to take some action.’

“What are you up to?” Yvonne called out, puzzled.

Chapter 242

Inside the library, Madelyn brought out a math paper she had created herself and handed it over to Forrest. The paper had simple problems and was just half a page long.

Usually, finishing it would take around thirty minutes, which was just enough time for her to also commit the Etlinish words to memory and even tackle the Etlinish reading


Not wanting to make Forrest feel pressured, Madelyn refrained from hovering around to observe him work.

After the passing of thirty minutes, whether he completed the paper or not, she would collect it.

Giving the paper a quick look, Madelyn noticed that he hadn’t written down a few of the most basic math formulas.

Ultimately, he achieved a score of twenty points. She noted this in the upper right corner of the

paper. Those twenty points were granted for his effort in attempting each problem.

Madelyn sighed one after another, pondering, “Forrest, what on earth have you been doing these past two years?”

Forrest cast his pen aside, propped his legs on the chair, and leaned back, wearing a smirk.” Just having some fun!”

Madelyn retorted, “Fun?! You’ve been attending classes, at least pay a little attention! Haven’t you realized? The problems I gave you are from the first lesson in the math book. Don’t tell me you haven’t even opened the book.”

“After being classmates for two years, you still don’t understand me?” he replied playfully.

Madelyn reached out as if about to poke his head, locking her gaze with his. She didn’t speak further, her eyes reflecting a different kind of feeling.

Forrest’s expression softened. He extended the index finger of his left hand to lightly tap hers. “We still have half a year left. You can teach me, and I’ll do my best to remember.”

Those two years, apart from the unpleasant moments, the happy memories seemed to be hazy. She lowered her head, masking the emotions in her eyes.

‘Now isn’t the time to dwell on past grievances,’ Madelyn pondered, ‘When the actual exam day arrives, we probably won’t cross paths anymore.’

Madelyn’s voice remained even as she spoke, “It’s not as simple as you think. Who do you think you are? If you struggle with these problems, I can’t even begin to hope for your acceptance into Ventropolis University. I might even consider it a blessing if you manage to secure a spot in any lower-tier colleges.”

She paused, her thoughts racing, ‘Since I started helping him with his studies, I’ve missed out on those after-school classes. If Father finds out, I’ll be in trouble again.”

Uncertain about whether she would return home for the extended holiday, she contemplated, ‘ It’s been quite a while since I’ve had an extended stay at home. Unless the house still isn’t fully renovated, maybe I can escape that situation.’

“Do you truly lack faith in me?”

Madelyn’s inner monologue responded with skepticism, ‘As if I could put my trust in him.’

Resuming her explanation, she picked up a blue pen and stated, “I’ll solve the problems for you, and you need to pay close attention. I’ll walk you through them now. Remember my explanations and retain the information. Also, make sure not to leave your practice book. empty. Complete your assignments on schedule and send me pictures for review once you’re done.”

Forrest had never been fond of overly troublesome tasks, and the prospect of sending her a daily “report” made him grimace. A subtle exasperated sound escaped his lips.

“Hey, Forrest, I’m addressing you. Are you listening?” Madelyn’s tone asserted, “Please take this seriously. You’re my responsibility!”

“Your responsibility? Madelyn Jent, what kind of ‘responsibility’?” A chilling and commanding voice reverberated through the library.

The sudden entrance of Zach, with Yvonne following closely, caught Madelyn off-guard.

Rising from her seat, Madelyn was intimately familiar with Zach’s demeanor. His calm appearance hid his brewing anger.

Chapter 243

Zach’s chilling aura brushed against them.

Yvonne glanced disdainfully at Forrest and remarked, “Madelyn, weren’t you supposed to be helping him with his studies? It looks more like you two are on a date. Don’t tell me you’ve actually fallen for this bastard? Why don’t you ever listen to what I say?” She was so frustrated that she almost stomped her foot.

Noticing the test paper on the table, Yvonne smirked, “Twenty points? Seriously, Forrest? Your inadequacy is the same whether it’s in the Arnold family or at school. You might end up being looked down by my brother throughout your life, like a stepping stone, without much future ahead.”

Forrest, hands in his pockets, toyed with his lighter and chuckled, “At least I’m not in a hurry to please others.”

“How dare you!” Yvonne suddenly approached him and raised her hand.

A sharp sound echoed.


The noise drew the attention of a few library-goers.

“Who do you think you are? How dare you speak to me like that. Just a lowly entertainer’s kid. “Yvonne’s eyes turned fierce, exuding an air of superiority.

“He’s just being himself!” Madelyn replied promptly. Without hesitation, she stepped forward and positioned herself between Forrest and Yvonne. “This is a library, and your behavior is disturbing not only to me, but also to others. Please leave immediately!”

Yvonne’s brow furrowed, “You’re defending him so strongly. Is your attachment to him that deep?” She turned her questioning gaze toward Forrest, “Forrest, what’s your secret in winning her over?”

“I’m standing up for him!” Madelyn affirmed, her hand gripping Forrest’s sleeve, her anxious hold quivering slightly. This was the first time she had defended someone so boldly.

Yvonne countered, “Consider that by doing this, you’re not only challenging me, but also the entire Arnold family. Your family’s standing owes much to Zach. Can your position remain steady? Your choices confuse me; what’s your reasoning?”

“When I was in a dire situation, Forrest came to my rescue. Isn’t that reason enough?” Madelyn’s tone remained composed.

Yvonne hesitated for a moment.

Undeterred, Madelyn pressed on, recounting her memories in front of the gathered onlookers.

“The rain was pouring, a group of people near the shore. Among them, only Forrest

courageously plunged into the water to rescue me from drowning. Yvonne, if you harbor ill feelings toward Forrest, that’s your own concern. But why do you insist on dictating my choices to align with your desires?

“Your influence holds no sway over me, even if you possess wealth and influence!

“And you, Brother!” Madelyn turned gaze at Zach with a smirk. “You understand better than anyone why I fled from this family in the first place. You were present, yet you remained inactive.

“My well-being meant nothing to you.

“In those crucial moments, I had held onto the hope that you’d be there to rescue me. What were your actions then, Brother?

“Did you watch in silence as I faced imminent danger, or perhaps you were secretly wishing for the worst?

“I’m here before you today; have I fallen short of your expectations?

“My very own brother turned a blind eye to me, while Forrest risked everything to save me. How can I not stand up for him?”

Zach remained silent.

Madelyn pondered, ‘No way to refute these truths, right? Everything I’ve uttered is grounded in reality. Have I truly wronged him? No.”

Chapter 244

Madelyn spoke without holding back, unsure of how many ears were listening.

While she didn’t fully grasp what Forrest had experienced, she knew she must stand firmly by

his side in this moment.

Forrest had risked his life to save her. If he could selflessly protect her, why couldn’t she find the strength to stand up for him? Especially now, when Yvonne had unfairly struck him, causing doubt to cloud his usually confident demeanor.

With her books in hand, Madelyn exited the library alongside Forrest.

Yvonne shouted, “Wait!”

But their steps remained steadfast forward.

“Happy?” Zach’s tone turned frosty, catching Yvonne off guard.

His cold gaze bore into her, sending shivers down her spine. The once-warm library seemed to chill as Yvonne felt an icy atmosphere envelop her. It was a terrifying presence she had never encountered before.

“Wh-What do you mean?” She stammered.

Zach said nothing and walked away, his pace swift.

Yvonne had to hurry to keep up.

When he got into the car, Yvonne quickly took the passenger seat, fearing he might depart

without her.

She fastened her seatbelt, but Zach didn’t start the car. He seemed lost in thought.

Yvonne said, “I was trying to help, and yet you didn’t bring her back. Why take your anger out on me?” Her voice trembled slightly, a rare tone and manner of speaking for her. She could not keep her composure when she was around Zach.

“Zach… are the things Madelyn said just now true?” Her voice barely rose above a whisper, her eyes involuntarily meeting his gaze.

“Curious?” He locked his eyes with her.

Yvonne’s heart raced, his voice pulling her in.

Shaking her head, she murmured, “I don’t need to know. Your family matters aren’t mine to bear. It’s late. Please, let’s head home quickly. I can hardly keep my eyes open.”

Yvonne stifled a yawn. There was a subtle shift in her expression.

Back at the apartment, Madelyn’s eyes fell on the red mark from Forrest’s slap. Lacking any

medical supplies, she handed him an ice pack to soothe his face.

“Just give me a heads-up when you’re done,” she remarked.

Having neatly arranged the dining table, grabbed her backpack, and laid out her textbooks, Madelyn realized there was still some time left. This meant she could continue her revision.

Forrest got up and walked over. “You really love studying,” he commented, pulling out a chair and settling beside her. “Don’t worry about me. I’m not that fragile.”

Madelyn gazed at his cheerful expression, a blend of emotions swirling within her. She thought, ‘He can still manage to smile like that after everything that happened.’

Choosing not to delve further into the recent incident, Madelyn inquired, “Where were we?”

“The math problems,” he reminded her.

Madelyn took out the exam paper and started explaining the questions while also writing down the solution step-by-step. She tried to be as detailed as possible.

In truth, Forrest was actually quite smart; he simply didn’t often apply himself. By the time another question was raised, Forrest independently solved it, marking a sign of progress. Her efforts hadn’t been futile. Gradually, the earlier turmoil faded from their thoughts as they became fully absorbed in their studies.

As Madelyn peeked at the clock, midnight was fast approaching.

“Let’s wrap it up for tonight,” she gently closed her notebook.

When she raised her head again, Forrest had already moved to the sofa, laying out a bedsheet. Madelyn contemplated saying something but chose to keep her words to herself.

She mused, ‘Well, I guess he can spend another night here.’

Chapter 245

Madelyn asked, “Do you want to take a shower?”

Forrest straightened up, his eyebrow raised in surprise. “What are you trying to do to me? Put away your dirty thoughts.”

Madelyn was speechless, thinking, ‘What the hell is he thinking all day?’

She went to her room and fetched a bathrobe for him. “It’s brand new, never been worn.”

Forrest took it from her, “Oh, it’s pink.”

After this, Madelyn went to freshen up herself. She had already showered at school earlier, but yesterday, she had refrained from doing so due to his presence. Once she had taken care of everything else, she left the bathroom for him.

As she was about to close the door, Forrest’s voice echoed, “I’ll also aim for Ventropolis University.”

With a warm smile, Madelyn responded, “Got it. Sleep well, good night.”

“Good night.”

The next morning, Madelyn finished her preparations and found Forrest in the kitchen. He stood with a fry pan in one hand and another hand in his pocket, expertly cooking pasta.

Seeing him cook, Madelyn was surprised. She had assumed that a rich kid like him wouldn’t know how to cook. This was her first time witnessing a guy cooking, as Zach had never cooked

for her before.

“Come and serve the pasta,” Forrest instructed, his attention still focused on the cooking.

Madelyn put down her backpack and walked over, noticing that the red mark on Forrest’s face had faded somewhat, but there were still some visible traces.

“What are you cooking?” she asked.

Forrest responded, “Well, when you have nothing, you cook what you can!”

The pasta Forrest had prepared consisted only bell peppers and tomatoes.

Madelyn took a bite. The tomato mixed with the bell peppers had a slightly tangy but flavorful and appetizing taste. She had never tried this combination before.

“It’s quite good, actually,” she admitted.

“That’ll be $8. Thank you,” Forrest playfully remarked.

Startled, Madelyn nearly choked on her food. “Why not just rob a bank? I’ll pay you back; 1

won’t eat it.”


Forrest chuckled and removed his apron, stepping closer. “Just kidding, go ahead and eat.”

Before he could even take his seat, Forrest’s phone rang, his expression growing serious. Without a word, he headed to the balcony, still on the call.

Madelyn continued her meal, her ears catching every movement he made. His demeanor indicated the caller’s identity, a fact she could already deduce.

The conversation ended swiftly, and Forrest returned, resuming his seat in silence.

The rest of the meal passed without a word exchanged between them.

Upon finishing, Madelyn waited for Forrest before they left together for school.

As they made their way, Madelyn had a feeling of the impending challenges they would face that day.

Passersby cast curious glances, sizing up them walking side by side.

“Have you heard? Madelyn slept with several guys.”

“Really? I thought it was just a rumor.”

“It’s true! Her brother was there too, just watching without helping! If you don’t believe it, check the forum and the posted pictures. Everyone’s talking about it.”

The word “photos” caught Madelyn’s attention, even though she was completely unaware of any such images.

Upon returning to the classroom, Madelyn accessed the school forum using her phone and located the picture they were discussing.

Chapter 246

It was raining in the photo, and Madelyn was surrounded by four or five men. Her clothes had been torn to shreds, revealing large patches of skin.

The face in the photo was recognizable as hers. She couldn’t deny it, the person in the picture was her But she had no idea where this photo had come from

The situation escalated rapidly. The entire school now seemed to know about it. Everyone believed that she had been sexually assaulted by a group of men.

On her way to the restroom, she noticed that people were keeping their distance from her, as though she carried a contagious illness

“No wonder she was absent for three months look at her, she’s so filthy!”

Despite these stories, Madelyn kept her composure and headed back to the classroom. She had

just settled into her seat when Hailey asked her to go to the office.

Entering the office, even the teachers regarded her with curious expressions.

In a separate room, Hailey got right to the point. “You’ve heard the gossip going around school,

haven’t you? Do you have an explanation?”

Madelyn remained quiet.

Hailey persisted, “So, is any of it true?”

Madelyn replied, “Even if I explained now and said it wasn’t true, would it change anything?” She thought, ‘People believe what they want, so explaining won’t matter.”

Hailey paused for a moment. Then she said, “You’ve had a few incidents lately While the school figures out how to deal with public opinion, we’ve decided you should take some time off. The Math Olympiad team is considering a new member How do you feel about this?”

Madelyn answered, “I’m okay with it.”

“Alright, I’ll call your parents and have them pick you up.”

“No need, I can go by myself.”

Madelyn returned to the classroom to gather her belongings. Her actions didn’t cause much of a

stir among her classmates. They were focused on their own practice papers, and Yvonne wasn’t in

Walking past a classroom, a group of boys swarmed around her, disregarding the ongoing class and their teacher’s instruction.

“What are you all doing? Return to your seats and pay attention,” the teacher scolded, but her words fell on deaf ears.

Several boys stood in Madelyn’s path, playfully jostling her. “Hey, isn’t this Madelyn? Heard you’ve been hanging out with lots of guys, huh?”

Jadie approached with a furrowed brow, “What’s going on here? Stop spreading rumors. Madelyn isn’t what you’re saying.”

“Jadie White, stay out of it. You’re just adopted into the Jent family, and Madelyn never treated you as her sister. Mind your own business,” someone retorted.

Serena quickly pulled Jadie away.

Another voice joined in with laughter, “Yeah, spill the details.”

Madelyn’s response was simple, “Let me through.” She tried to step forward, but they blocked her


“Why the hurry? We’re not done talking yet.”

Jadie’s frustration was evident as she stepped up. “You guys are crossing the line.”

Normally, Madelyn would have been furious, but their repulsive expressions made her want to burst into laughter.

Madelyn’s laughter was captivating. Her beauty outshone that of the other girls in school.

Then a boy presented a bank card to Madelyn, “There’s two hundred grand on it. Let me take care

of you for a year.”

Madelyn vaguely recognized him; his family was prosperous in the mining industry, but she

couldn’t recall his name.

Accepting the card with a smile, Madelyn asked, “Even if I agreed, would you even dare to lay a

finger on me?”

Chapter 247

Madelyn said, “Remember, I come from the Jent family, the one you all talk about having shady dealings, the one you hate ”

Advancing slightly, she lightly tapped the boy’s cheek with the bank card, her voice icy, “Go ask your dad if he’d dare to challenge the Jents! And don’t forget, those three girls who crossed me…” She paused for effect. “Where are they now?”

Her words triggered a moment of realization among many as memories resurfaced about what had befallen those girls who had messed with her.

The Linney family had teetered on the brink of bankruptcy, and Mrs. Linney had received a five- year sentence for her past actions. Michelle Linney had vanished from sight as well. Jenny Lupert and Lorrie Lamprey’s families were in even direr straits. Rumors said that they were burdened with debts amounting to millions and had fled.

Madelyn’s words stirred a shift in many expressions. All of them inhabited the same privileged sphere, they understood all too well if any family’s business had crumbled or faced legal woes.

Perhaps most had some form of business partnership with these families and had felt the repercussions to varying degrees. They couldn’t claim ignorance.

The boy who had extended the bank card tried to downplay it, “We were just having fun, no need to take it so seriously. Madelyn, we were classmates once, loosen up.”

Certain individuals simply clung to the belief that their wealth elevated them above others.

“Do you really find pride in bearing the Jent name?” A chilling voice cut through the crowd as Timothy Johnson approached. A path cleared for him. “I swear, one day, your family will fall!” he proclaimed.

So many had died due to Hayson’s covert actions. Ten times the death penalty would barely suffice for the enormity of his crimes.

“I’ll be waiting for that day,” Madelyn declared, her anticipation palpable.

If Hayson Jent was a cancer in the city, the Johnson family would act as the cells battling against the Jent family.

Madelyn walked past Timothy, clutching the boy’s bank card, and nonchalantly tossed it into a

With Hayson away on vacation, Madelyn finally found respite. She spent two or three days in her apartment, relishing the rare moments of relaxation. For once, no one was telling her what to do.

During these days, she didn’t go anywhere. She mostly stayed home, passing the time idly. Suddenly, the tranquility was disrupted by the sound of knocking. Uncertain about the visitor’s identity, Madelyn initially hesitated, not inclined to address the intrusion.

The knocking persisted, growing more insistent.

With reluctance, she roused herself and headed to the door. To her astonishment, it was Zach standing on the threshold. A brief moment of hesitation hung in the air.

Madelyn avoided direct eye contact with him. She turned and went back inside, sitting on the floor to continue her drawing. There were cushions and a blanket spread on the floor, keeping the chill at bay.

Zach stepped into the apartment, surveying the surroundings. The living room and kitchen seemed old but were neatly arranged. A few unwashed dishes lingered in the sink.

Sunlight streamed through the window, casting a glow on Madelyn. She sported a fluffy white nightgown adorned with a hat that sported two whimsical ears.

Madelyn’s sleeves were casually rolled up, revealing her hands gripping a paintbrush. The paint had seemingly found its way onto her hands, attire, and even the floor.

“Doing this after getting kicked out of school?” he asked, his tone not revealing his emotions.

Chapter 248

“I don’t need to go back. I’m fine here by myself,” said Madelyn confidently.

In her painting, Madelyn depicted a field of sunflowers under a bright blue sky. The sunflowers reached toward the sun, full of hope and light..

People’s feelings often showed in their art. When someone was sad, their paintings might show a cloudy sky and a stormy night. And Madelyn’s painting was full of the brightness she felt inside.

Her painting was really good. With this talent, she could easily get into the art school she wanted.

Hayson had told her not to paint, and Zach knew that too. He wondered how she could make such- great art. Then he remembered that Madelyn never followed rules.

Zach sat down on the couch and looked at the paper on the table. It was for a parent-teacher meeting notice and a camp application form. Madelyn had filled out everything, but she needed a

parent to sign.

Zach’s eyes glinted when he saw this.

Madelyn looked at her painting, feeling like something was missing. She studied it closely.

“Are you coming back with me, or should someone come get you?” asked Zach.

“If I go back, aren’t you afraid I’ll bully Jadie?” said Madelyn while her gaze remained on the


Zach didn’t answer. Madelyn knew what he was thinking without looking at his face.

“My life is better without you,” she said honestly.

Madelyn didn’t understand Zach. He acted like he didn’t like her, maybe even wanted her demise.

But he kept showing up when she least expected it.

She knew that Zach was behind what happened at school and that photo.

Now, in the eyes of all her teachers and classmates, she had become a target of embarrassment.

She got suspended from school and was taken off the Math Olympiad team.

She even thought that if she hadn’t taken those steps in the first place, like joining that Class One,

maybe none of this mess would have happened. After returning from school, she felt really lost.

She didn’t know what to do next. She asked herself, ‘Should I just keep ignoring my studies?

him get into Ventropolis University.

Suddenly, the lock on the door outside turned, and the door swung open.

Forrest walked in with two big bags, not paying attention to Zach on the couch like he didn’t see him. He put the groceries he’d bought into the fridge, a cucumber hanging from his mouth.

Zach’s expression darkened “Being better means fooling around with him?”

“Oh, come on, Brother. I didn’t expect you to think of me like that. Well, I guess it’s not surprising, you always find fault with everything I do… You’ve got it wrong, really. I’m just returning a favor. He saved my life, and I’m helping him study so he can get into Ventropolis University.”

Finally, the painting was finished She’d stayed up all night for it. It was her very first finished artwork. Carefully, she took off the tape and put the painting in a frame.

Forrest had an apron on and was about to cook. He opened the fridge and saw a plate of leftover grilled chicken from last night. “Hey, Madelyn, do you want to eat the leftover chicken from yesterday? If not, I’ll throw it out.”

Madelyn replied, “Warm it up later. It’s still good.”

Forrest nodded.

‘Leftover chicken?’ Zach thought.

Madelyn used to live a fancy life, there was never leftover food on her table. The Madelyn he knew

was picky about what she ate. She wanted fish without bones and her vegetables to have just the

right amount of oil. She had so many dietary rules.

Madelyn’s changes surprised Zach. He thought her act would break someday, that she couldn’t

keep it up forever.

But that day never arrived. Instead, she had fully embraced a simpler life, without luxury, without

someone to wait on her hand and foot.

“Just because of him saving your life, you forgot who ended up in the hospital with a choked

neck?” Zach spoke plainly, his voice a bit cold. 2

Back then, Madelyn was fighting for Jadie’s sake.

Chapter 249

As Forrest poured oil into the frying pan, his hand trembled at Zach’s words.

In an unexpected moment, Madelyn’s finger got nicked by a shard of glass, and a trickle of blood. started flowing She calmly wiped it away with a tissue, showing no signs of discomfort, and spoke with composure, “But hasn’t he already paid a price? Compared to your actions, Forrest’s deeds were just minor clashes among classmates.

Madelyn thought, Forrest had been hurt, stuck in a hospital bed for months. Yet, Zach, who did wrong, faced no consequences”

Preferring not to dwell on the matter, Madelyn managed a faint smile at Zach, “Would you stay for dinner, Brother? Forrest’s cooking is delicious.”

Zach met her gaze, glimpsing a hint of distance.

Beyond her composed exterior, Zach yearned for Madelyn to unleash her anger openly, to let her emotions free instead of wearing a facade.

“However, we might not have extra plates at home, Brother. Forrest bought his own plate.”

Zach stood, fastening his black suit jacket, exuding an imposing presence, “You’ve got three days

to pack. I’ll come get you ”

Madelyn’s immediate response was resolute, “I won’t go back!”

“It’s not your choice. Father isn’t as lenient as I am.” With those words, Zach departed.

Forrest turned, catching sight of Madelyn, “Why stand there? Come lend a hand.”

He was washing tomatoes, preparing a meal.

Shaking off her thoughts, Madelyn joined him in the kitchen.

Madelyn mused to herself, “Zach’s right. I can’t hide from home forever. Sooner or later, I’ll have to

return. And once I’m back, every move will be scrutinized.’ She knew what lay ahead, the

challenges she would face.

Once the meal was ready, they sat at the quiet dining table.

Madelyn savored a mouthful of food, then began, “Tomorrow…”


“Planning tomorrow’s meal already, even before finishing today’s? You really are ahead of the game!” Forrest playfully redirected the conversation, fully aware of her intentions.

“Forrest, I will definitely help you get into Ventropolis University.”

“What about you?”

“Me too.”

“Remember, when aiming for a goal, the path isn’t always smooth as you expect. Don’t be

disheartened by the challenges along the way. Focus on reaching the goal, no matter how tough the journey. Madelyn, trust me, things will improve.”

Madelyn met his gaze, his expression unusually solemn. It was a side of Forrest she hadn’t glimpsed before.

She responded with a smile and a nod, “Alright.”

His words held exceptional weight, impacting her profoundly.

Madelyn had pondered over what she would do if she were to lose this goal. After everything that

had unfolded, a sense of confusion lingered. She contemplated, ‘If my tireless efforts fail to

reshape my future, what’s the point of all I’ve done so far?’

She held onto the hope that Forrest wouldn’t share her fate. ‘He still has a shot at his own life. His

existence within the Arnold family likely isn’t a walk in the park either!”

In various respects, Madelyn and Forrest were kindred spirits. Both overlooked, dismissed by

those around them. Both labeled as “unworthy” through others’ eyes.

While trapped in this mire, they both believed there must be an escape route, a path to liberation.

Chapter 250

After lunch, Madelyn spent time helping Forrest with his studies. She had noticed his

improvement in recent days.

He had prepared for the geography test ahead of time, following his notes, and had achieved a respectable score of 89. He lost a few points while analyzing the last two questions.

Humanities subjects were mostly about memorization, and they were quite straightforward and

not too hard for him.

His previous low grades were mainly because he wasn’t interested in studying. If he decided to

learn, Forrest could do even better than others.

At three in the afternoon, Madelyn went for her after-school lessons, while Forrest packed his

things and went back to school.

Upon entering his classroom, his attitude underwent an immediate shift. Swiftly, he pulled a

chair, nonchalantly flung his backpack onto his desk, and settled into the seat. With a relaxed air,

he extended his legs, letting them rest leisurely upon the desk’s surface. His uniform pants, a bit

too loose, slid down to his calves, lending him a somewhat rebellious appearance.

“Timothy, where’s that guy?” Forrest asked.

Timothy walked up and put his hand on Forrest’s shoulder, saying, “You’re at it again! If you keep

bothering him like this, he’ll go crazy! Maybe you should stop. Madelyn is okay, right? Plus, he’s

not the reason she got suspended.”

Forrest shrugged off Timothy’s hand, making Timothy’s face freeze. Timothy controlled his

frustration, and Adrian took him aside, shaking his head at him.

“That guy doesn’t know his place.” Forrest stood up, looking agitated. He kicked the table angrily,

his gaze scanning the room where everyone had their heads down. “Listen up: I’m the only one

allowed to bully Madelyn. If anyone tries to spread rumors behind her back and I find out, I’ll take

them to the lake and make them realize their mistake!”

Forrest’s words were aimed at none other than Peter Reid, who intended to pay Madelyn to be with


Even though Forrest wasn’t present at school during that time, it seemed as if he was privy to all the details concerning Madelyn. Peter found himself struggling under the weight of Forrest’s


The moment Forrest reappeared on school grounds, he unleashed his inner fury like an untamed beast. Whether it was during class or not, he seized Peter with a single powerful grip, dragging him outside. In an instant, a swift kick propelled Peter a staggering five meters away.

In a stroke of fortune, Timothy and Adrian managed to restrain Forrest’s rage. Peter was escorted to the infirmary, where the school doctor reported minor abrasions and a slight concussion.

From that point onward, Peter chose to keep a low profile, avoiding eye contact even when he ventured to the restroom.

Then, almost unexpectedly, an unforeseen event shook the status quo. Peter collapsed within the restroom’s confines, witnessed by others. His urine was tinged with blood, leading him back to the infirmary once more.

Whenever Forrest’s anger ignited, it seemed to rage uncontrollably. Just as he was departing. Timothy intercepted his path. “You bullied Madelyn back then, and I was involved too. If you’ve got balls, come after me!”

Forrest’s eyes darkened slightly. He spat out two words, “Get lost!” Brushing shoulders with Timothy, he strode away.

Seeing Forrest like this, Timothy was filled with anger. “I saw through your feelings for Madelyn a long while back. Don’t forget what you said back then!”

Adrian intervened, asserting, “Enough! Cut it out!”

Forrest left without looking back.

Upon hearing that, everyone in the class looked at Jadie.

Jadie, however, remained unaffected, her focus locked onto her practice paper.

The classroom was no place for conversation with so many people around Recognizing this, Adrian steered Timothy toward the lakeside, where they could both find some respite.

Adrian’s voice was steady, “You feeling calmer now?”

Timothy stood with his hands on his hips, a lingering fury clinging to him, seeking a release.

“I just can’t wrap my head around it. He used to single out Madelyn, and then, out of the blue, he’s

changed. He’s become her defender. What Peter said was merely a jest. If we hadn’t shielded him,


Chapter 251

Adrian lowered his head and chuckled, “Timothy… You’ve gone too far!

“If Madelyn’s suffering were to happen to you, and everyone mocked you for your suffering, would you still find it funny?”

Adrian tried his best to make Timothy understand the weight of his words, since Timothy could not put himself in other people’s shoes.

Timothy remained silent.

Adrian continued, “Besides, a child shouldn’t be held responsible for their parent’s wrongdoings.” We’re living in a society governed by laws. All those crimes that Hayson committed will eventually be exposed to the public, and he’ll receive legal punishment. Madelyn’s done nothing wrong, but you’re blaming Hayson’s wrongdoings on her. Do you really think that makes sense?”

Timothy still did not speak.

Adrian said, “Forrest may look reckless, but he always has his reasons for what he does. He isn’t as bad as you think. It’s true that he looks like a jerk, since he doesn’t study and just hangs out with pretty schoolgirls, always drinks and plays cards. He’s got a fancy life,” Adrian added, “But

have you ever seen him spend a night with a girl?”

Timothy could not believe what he had just heard. “Wait, are you saying he’s never been with a girl? So, all that stuff about him and the girl from Southview University was just rumors?” Then his mind turned to Jadie, and he blurted out, “And what about Jadie? He’s into her, right?

Remember that night they rode off a bike together? There’s definitely something between them!”

Adrian smiled slightly as he looked at the lake in front of him. The wind lifted the hair on his

forehead. He responded, “I’m guessing that he did it so Madelyn would see it.”

He pondered, ‘Maybe he’s been interested in Madelyn for a long time.”

Timothy could not understand it. “Why?! What makes you say that? I don’t believe it!”

Adrian explained, “Actually, Forrest had already started to have a soft spot for Madelyn back when

he was in the hospital.”

Timothy exclaimed, “Are you kidding me?!”

Adrian responded, “Do you still remember that crescent moon tattoo on Forrest’s stomach when

Adrian lowered his head and chuckled, “Timothy… You’ve gone too far!

“If Madelyn’s suffering were to happen to you, and everyone mocked you for your suffering, would you still find it funny?”

Adrian tried his best to make Timothy understand the weight of his words, since Timothy could not put himself in other people’s shoes.

Timothy remained silent.

Adrian continued, “Besides, a child shouldn’t be held responsible for their parent’s wrongdoings.” We’re living in a society governed by laws. All those crimes that Hayson committed will eventually be exposed to the public, and he’ll receive legal punishment. Madelyn’s done nothing wrong, but you’re blaming Hayson’s wrongdoings on her. Do you really think that makes sense?”

Timothy still did not speak.

Adrian said, “Forrest may look reckless, but he always has his reasons for what he does. He isn’t as bad as you think. It’s true that he looks like a jerk, since he doesn’t study and just hangs out with pretty schoolgirls, always drinks and plays cards. He’s got a fancy life,” Adrian added, “But have you ever seen him spend a night with a girl?”

Timothy could not believe what he had just heard. “Wait, are you saying he’s never been with a girl? So, all that stuff about him and the girl from Southview University was just rumors?” Then his mind turned to Jadie, and he blurted out, “And what about Jadie? He’s into her, right? Remember that night they rode off a bike together? There’s definitely something between them!”

Adrian smiled slightly as he looked at the lake in front of him. The wind lifted the hair on his forehead. He responded, “I’m guessing that he did it so Madelyn would see it.”

He pondered, ‘Maybe he’s been interested in Madelyn for a long time.”

Timothy could not understand it. “Why?! What makes you say that? I don’t believe it!”

Adrian explained, “Actually, Forrest had already started to have a soft spot for Madelyn back when he was in the hospital.”

Timothy exclaimed, “Are you kidding me?!”

Adrian responded, “Do you still remember that crescent moon tattoo on Forrest’s stomach when

Timothy vaguely remembered it. At that time, he had even ridiculed Forrest for it, but Forrest had ignored him.

Timothy wondered, ‘So, Forrest has been interested in Madelyn from the very beginning?”

He pondered aloud, “Why didn’t he pursue Madelyn then? Why was he always so unfriendly towards her? Back when Jadie was bullied, Forrest almost strangled Madelyn to death because he thought she was the person behind it. If he really liked her, wouldn’t doing that only push her further away?

“Hmm… Why does none of this make sense?”

Adrian said, “Well, only Forrest himself knows why he did all that. He got what he wanted…”

Indeed, he had gotten what he wanted and paid for it with his life.

Adrian patted Timothy’s shoulder, “I’ve told you so much. Do you get it now?”

He thought, ‘Knowing Timothy’s mindset and personality, he’ll probably keep supporting Forrest.”

Adrian and Timothy had never cared about Forrest’s background in the first place.

Forrest was indeed a friend worth keeping for a lifetime, and they had known each other for many


They would be friends for life.

Chapter 252

Having learned from the previous lesson, Madelyn returned home before eight at night. Before

that, she also went to the hospital to get her stitches removed. Her wound was healing and had scabbed over. It was prominent but thankfully it did not reopen just from minor pressure or


The atmosphere in the study of the Arnold residence was tense. Ethan was sitting at the desk. After the video conferencing ended, he lifted his eyes to look at the person standing in front of him, who was dressed in an untidy school uniform. Ethan asked, “You haven’t been home these days. What’ve you been doing out there?”

“What else could I be doing? Don’t you already know?” Forrest tilted his head as he replied, reaching into his pocket and fidgeting with the lighter inside.

Ethan lazily leaned back. He responded, “You’re right. Indeed, I do know everything that you do. I have people watching you, but not because you’re a threat to me. It’s just to keep you from causing me trouble out there. Do you really think you can do anything you want just because you’re from the Arnold family?”

Ethan added, “When I was in the company today, I received a lawsuit from the legal department saying you were involved in bullying and fighting in the school…”

He then grabbed the document from the table and threw it directly in front of Forrest.

He continued, “I’ve been busy with work lately and haven’t been keeping an eye on you. I thought you’d behave well, but you gave me such a big surprise, huh?”

Forrest smiled as he picked up the document from the floor. He responded, “It was just a joke between schoolmates. Brother, don’t listen to their one-sided story.”

He said the word “brother” very smoothly.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the study door. A beautiful woman in her thirties walked in,

carrying two glasses of milk and some pastries. “I noticed you’re still busy working, so I made you some pastries. I’m not sure if they’re to your taste.”

Sylvia was a middle-aged woman, but she had taken excellent care of her skin, so she looked to be

in her early thirties at most. She had a gentle expression and the unique charm of a woman from Jadence. She had seductive, foxy eyes which Forrest had inherited.

The arrival of Sylvia made the unsettling atmosphere even more tense Ethan never hid his hatred toward her.

“Who let you in? Get out!”

Sylvia did not lash back at Ethan Instead, she tenderly said, “Did Forrest do something wrong again? Forrest, kneel down and apologize to your brother, quick”

Forrest furrowed his brow and lowered his gaze before quietly looking at Sylvia, noticing there was a hint of pleading in his mother’s eyes.

Forrest licked his lips and gave a sarcastic laugh before kneeling down in front of Ethan

Sylvia turned around and said, “Ethan, Forrest has kneeled down. He knows he’s in the wrong He’s still young and immature. Please forgive him this time

Ethan scoffed, “You two are indeed mother and son, both so used to kneeling down Looking at Forrest, he continued, “Since you like kneeling so much, get lost and kneel down outside You’re only allowed to get up once this matter is resolved”

Sylvia walked forward to support Forrest, “Forry, listen to your brother”

Forrest had not spoken a single word since Sylvia came in He stood up and immediately left the room as Sylvia followed behind him.

After the study door was closed, Sylvia looked at Forrest with pity “Sorry I’m so useless and made you feel like you were in the wrong.”

Forrest finally spoke, “It’s okay, just go back to your room. I’ll find a way to deal with this”

Sylvia assured him, “Don’t worry, Owen isn’t home today, so I’ll accompany you ”

“What can you do by staying here?”

Sylvia tried to respond, but instead had to cover her nose and mouth as she turned her head to the side and started coughing

“Have you taken your medicine?” Forrest asked, concerned.

Sylvia had suffered from asthma ever since the incident back then, but as long as she was careful,

it rarely flared back up.

“Don’t worry, I’ve taken it.”

Chapter 253

Sylvia looked at Forrest as she said, “What did you get up to again? Didn’t I tell you to behave

yourself and stop causing trouble for Owen? He’s got his hands full with his position in the Arnold family too.” She did not actually blame him.

Forrest understandingly nodded, “I know. You should go to bed.”

After Sylvia left, Forrest kneeled down in front of the study.

It was already eleven-thirty at night, but Ethan still had not stepped out of the study room.

Suddenly, Forrest’s phone rang. He reached into his pocket and after seeing who it was, he rejected the call.

Madelyn was coming out of the bathroom just then, drying her hair with a towel. She thought, ‘ Forrest usually starts fooling around at this hour. I’ll check on him and see what he’s up to.”

However, the call was disconnected as soon as she called him.

Madelyn frowned, ‘Why’d he hang up so quickly? Was he feeling guilty or is he in the middle of something?’

She tried again, but Forrest still did not answer, so she kept trying. On the fourth attempt, after it rang for a long time, Forrest finally answered.

With a Madelyn, “Why’d you take so long to answer my calls? Forrest, what are you doing?”

Forrest was amused as he said, “Why do you sound like a girlfriend checking on her boyfriend?

Are you afraid that I’m cheating on you?”

Madelyn, “Are you fooling around again? I knew it. You’re not even serious about studying. Have

you done the test paper that I gave you as homework? If you keep acting like this, I won’t be able

to help you even if I dedicate all my time to you.”

Forrest, “You’re so fierce. Who’d dare to marry you? We’ll talk later. I’m hanging up!”

Madelyn was annoyed after the call ended, but after she calmed down, she realized there had been

no noise from Forrest’s end.

She guessed, ‘He was probably caught by surprise and realized I wanted to check on him, so that’s why he only answered my phone call only after so many attempts. He probably went to a quiet

Incensed, Madelyn threw her phone onto the bed and lamented, ‘Just when his grades are beginning to improve, he’s starting to neglect his studies again. He’s hopeless.’

But soon, her phone vibrated with a message from Forrest.

Forrest: [I’ve finished the paper. The last math question is quite similar to a question from last year’s university entrance exam. I’ve come up with two different solutions. Can I snap a photo of it and show you after I finish showering?]

Madelyn looked at the message as she shook her head. The text did not sway her, and she ignored the last part of his message She replied [Every night before you sleep, remember to memorize five Etlinish words. We’ll have a quiz tomorrow.]

Forrest faintly smiled at his phone: [Okay]

After a while, Ethan walked out of the study.

Ethan looked at Forrest coldly and said, “If you and your mother want to stay in the Arnold family, stay away from Madelyn.”

“Well, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. She’s acting so clingy and attached to me, I can’t shake her off.”

Ethan stood in front of Forrest and looked down at him. He scoffed, “What else can you do besides resorting to dirty tricks? Just like your nasty mother.”

Forrest lifted his head and stared defiantly right at Ethan. He mocked, “At least I got what I wanted. But in your case…It seems like she doesn’t even want to go anywhere near you.”

Ethan suddenly raised his leg and stepped on Forrest’s shoulder. He leaned towards Forrest

menacingly and said, “Do you really think you can compete with me? Loser!”

Chapter 254

At two in the morning, Forrest was walking back to his room as he noticed a faint light peering through the slightly open door, along with a soft weeping. Whoever it was, they were trying their best to retain control of their emotions but failing.

He raised his hand and was about to push open the door, but he thought better of it. Instead, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and walked out to the balcony at the end of the corridor before lighting up a cigarette.

He looked at the night sky with a solemn expression as he felt the cold breeze blow past him on the poorly lit balcony. Yet, he felt somewhat hopeful.

The next morning, the light from the sun shone into the room through the window.

Madelyn woke up early and went to water the plants on the balcony. She looked down at the street and watched the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily lives. She smelt a faint aroma of cooking but could not tell where it was coming from.

The people here lived tough and simple lives, but she was envious of their ordinary lives that were filled with love and warmth.

She cleaned the place today and mopped the floor. Whenever she felt agitated or bored, she would do house chores to calm her mind.

She knew Zach would stick to his word and come to pick her up in three days, but she did not want to leave. Although she had only been here for a short while, she was already getting used to life here. She wanted to keep renting this place, so that if she ever got kicked out of her home

again, she would still have a place to stay.

By twelve at noon, Forrest still had not arrived though he usually arrived by eleven-thirty in the

morning. After waiting past the expected time, Madelyn decided not to wait any longer.

She then went to the ski resort at The Enchanted Mountain on a whim.

The sunrise over the snowy mountain could be viewed from the top of the mountain at five or six

in the morning, and Madelyn had never seen that before.

She boarded a bus and after an hour’s ride, she arrived at the foot of the mountain. She bought a

ticket before riding to the mountaintop by cable car with a group of people.

Incensed, Madelyn threw her phone onto the bed and lamented, ‘Just when his grades are beginning to improve, he’s starting to neglect his studies again. He’s hopeless.”

But soon, her phone vibrated with a message from Forrest.

Forrest: [I’ve finished the paper. The last math question is quite similar to a question from last year’s university entrance exam. I’ve come up with two different solutions. Can I snap a photo of it and show you after I finish showering?]

Madelyn looked at the message as she shook her head. The text did not sway her, and she ignored the last part of his message. She replied: [Every night before you sleep, remember to memorize five Etlinish words. We’ll have a quiz tomorrow.]

Forrest faintly smiled at his phone: [Okay.]

After a while, Ethan walked out of the study.

Ethan looked at Forrest coldly and said, “If you and your mother want to stay in the Arnold family, stay away from Madelyn.”

“Well, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. She’s acting so clingy and attached to me, I can’t shake her


Ethan stood in front of Forrest and looked down at him. He scoffed, “What else can you do besides

resorting to dirty tricks? Just like your nasty mother.”

Forrest lifted his head and stared defiantly right at Ethan. He mocked, “At least I got what I

wanted. But in your case…It seems like she doesn’t even want to go anywhere near you.”

Ethan suddenly raised his leg and stepped on Forrest’s shoulder. He leaned towards Forrest

menacingly and said, “Do you really think you can compete with me? Loser!

At two in the morning, Forrest was walking back to his room as he noticed a faint light peering through the slightly open door, along with a soft weeping. Whoever it was, they were trying their best to retain control of their emotions but failing.

He raised his hand and was about to push open the door, but he thought better of it. Instead, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and walked out to the balcony at the end of the corridor before lighting up a cigarette.

He looked at the night sky with a solemn expression as he felt the cold breeze blow past him on the poorly lit balcony. Yet, he felt somewhat hopeful.

The next morning, the light from the sun shone into the room through the window.

Madelyn woke up early and went to water the plants on the balcony. She looked down at the street and watched the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily lives. She smelt a faint aroma of cooking but could not tell where it was coming from.

The people here lived tough and simple lives, but she was envious of their ordinary lives that were filled with love and warmth.

She cleaned the place today and mopped the floor. Whenever she felt agitated or bored, she would do house chores to calm her mind.

She knew Zach would stick to his word and come to pick her up in three days, but she did not want to leave. Although she had only been here for a short while, she was already getting used to life here. She wanted to keep renting this place, so that if she ever got kicked out of her home again, she would still have a place to stay.

By twelve at noon, Forrest still had not arrived though he usually arrived by eleven-thirty in the morning. After waiting past the expected time, Madelyn decided not to wait any longer.

She then went to the ski resort at The Enchanted Mountain on a whim.

The sunrise over the snowy mountain could be viewed from the top of the mountain at five or six in the morning, and Madelyn had never seen that before.”

She boarded a bus and after an hour’s ride, she arrived at the foot of the mountain. She bought a ticket before riding to the mountaintop by cable car with a group of people.

In twenty minutes, she arrived at the top of the mountain, where it was freezing cold, and

Madelyn shivered. The icy wind blew into her clothes as she carried her bag and went to the hotel to check in. After she took the room card, she wished she could just wrap herself entirely in her


In another corridor, a lady with long hair wearing a white clock and sunglasses held onto a man’s arm. When she saw him stop walking, she looked at where he was looking and asked, “Darling, what are you looking at?”

Zach coldly looked away without responding.

Madelyn sensed someone familiar was watching her, but when she turned her head to look, the corridor behind her was empty.

‘Hmm, I must’ve been mistaken.’

When Madelyn got to her room, she quickly turned on the air conditioner and put on her thickest long, black cotton coat to wear. She casually tied her hair up and let it fall behind her shoulders. After a short while, someone suddenly knocked on her door. She then heard a man’s voice call out, “Hi, Ms. Jent. I’m the personal skiing instructor that you hired. My name is Marcel Miller. Are you ready?”

Madelyn immediately pulled up the zipper and shouted, “Give me a moment. I’ll be right there.”

She did not expect the personal instructor, whom she paid fifty dollars for, to arrive so quickly.

The instructor was part of her hotel package. It was Madelyn’s first time skiing, so hopefully having someone to guide her would prevent her from any major falls.

After Madelyn got ready, she grabbed her things and immediately walked out. To her surprise, the

man was muscular and tall, at least six feet two. His toned muscles were clearly visible even

under his windbreaker jacket.

Madelyn was about five feet five after wearing her skiing shoes, but she still looked very small

standing next to him.

Chapter 255

The skiing area was a few minutes’ walk behind the hotel. After Madelyn changed into the skiing gear, she hesitantly used the ski poles and slid clumsily.

Marcel said, “Don’t worry. Just move with confidence and try to control the rhythm of your movements. I’ll catch you if you fall.”

Madelyn had never done any extreme sports before this, so naturally she felt somewhat nervous. Even with protective gear on, she was terrified of falling, but she was looking forward to skiing. She wanted to be like the people down there sliding gracefully down the slope, but she did not dare to even move…

Marcel walked beside her and taught her how to control the snowboard. He said, “Stop thinking about how painful it’ll be if you fall. Otherwise, you won’t learn.”


She clenched her teeth and started to learn. However, after half an hour passed, she still had not gotten the hang of it, while the eight year old boy nearby had already gotten used to it.

There was also a delicate-looking girl nearby who had fallen countless times and had even thrown a tantrum at her instructor. She had actually come with who Madelyn assumed was her boyfriend, but he had already slid down the slope in his ski gear on his own.

“Dad, look, that woman is so stupid! I’ve already got the hang of it, but she still hasn’t.” That boy

pointed at Madelyn, laughing and making fun of her with no hesitation.

His father immediately covered the boy’s mouth as he lectured him, “Don’t be so rude. Quick,

apologize to that woman!” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Madelyn was offended. ‘Woman? I’m just an eighteen-year-old girl, and he called me a woman?

How rude!’

Madelyn gave a faint smile as she said, “Kid, hasn’t your dad taught you to keep your mouth shut if you have nothing nice to say? Be careful, or your mouth will rot, and all your teeth will fall out!”

It seemed like the little boy believed her warning and instantly broke into tears. His father could

not console him no matter how he tried…

Madelyn knew it was time to leave the scene.


“Mr. Miller, let’s go to the other side!”


Madelyn believed that if that little kid could pick up skiing, she could too. Though most people were at the slope, there was a flat surface at the top for beginners. The instructor was patient, as most men are with pretty ladies, especially since Madelyn had the figure and appearance of an international movie star.

When the delicate-looking girl saw Zach return, she pushed her ineffective instructor away and went up to Zach.

She said, “Zach… Can you teach me? This idiot can’t even teach me anything. What kind of an instructor is he? Can you stay with me, Zach? I’m scared, but with you by my side, I’ll have nothing to worry about.”

Upon hearing that familiar name, Madelyn stopped in her tracks.

She thought, ‘Zach? Why’s he here?’

Madelyn did not dare to think about the relationship between Zach and the woman. She

immediately lost interest in skiing after she heard his name.

Marcel supported her as he asked, “What’s wrong?”

Madelyn responded, “Nothing. I can’t seem to get the hang of it. I’ll try again tomorrow.”

“Sure, what time tomorrow? Tell you what, why don’t we exchange phone numbers? If you want to

ski in the future, you can look for me anytime. I’ll even teach you for free.”

Madelyn nodded, “Okay.”

Chapter 256

Madelyn was not very surprised that Zach was seeing someone new. She thought, ‘Even if he has someone he’s interested in, he can’t change his habit of fooling around’

Madelyn exchanged phone numbers with her skiing instructor, but it was just a formality. She was probably never coming here again since she thought she probably did not have a talent for skiing

The temperature here was frigid, and despite wearing thick clothes, Madelyn still shivered. As she was preparing to leave, Zach began walking toward the girl Madelyn was wearing goggles and a mask, trying to conceal herself completely.

‘As long as I don’t speak, Zach won’t be able to recognize me.”

She decided that it would be better for everyone if she pretended not to see him.

Suddenly, there was a loud scream, “Get out of the way!!”

Madelyn lifted her head to see. Someone had lost control and was rushing down the slope towards her at breakneck speed. Madelyn was frozen in fear and could not bring herself to move out of the way. She just watched helplessly.

The next second, a figure rushed out of nowhere and hugged her waist, pushing her out of the way.

Madelyn’s pupils contracted as she stared at the person sliding down the slope. He had been standing but was now rolling down the slope covered in snow.

Madelyn slowly came back to her senses. When she recognized the person who saved her, she calmly said, “Thank you!”

“Zach!” Julia Bullock immediately walked toward them and pulled Zach away, “Dear, why’d you risk your life to save her?! Let me make sure you’re okay!”

Zach did not even glance at her. He gloomily looked at the person in front of him, “Madelyn, are you not even going to greet me when you see me?”

A hint of emotion flashed past his eyes.

Madelyn knew she was not going to get away with it.

She faintly smiled as she said, “Why would I do that? I just didn’t want to disturb you.

Julia’s dislike toward Madelyn disappeared completely, and she suddenly looked friendly.

She said with a polite smile, “So, you’re Madelyn. I’ve heard about you at school before. I’m a year ahead of you. I’m Julia Bullock. I’m currently studying performing arts.”

Julia extended her hand, and Madelyn shook it. “Hi, Julia.”

Julia said, “Since we’ve met, let’s hang out together.”


Madelyn thought, Today isn’t even a weekend. What are the odds? If I knew Zach would be here, I definitely wouldn’t have come. I feel like a third wheel just being around them.

After that, they left the skiing area and went to the restaurant upstairs.

Madelyn sat alone on one side of the table. Julia ordered some food before telling Madelyn, “I’m not sure what you like, so I just ordered a bit of everything. I often come here with your brother. Take a look and see if you like what I ordered ”

She then handed over the menu with the selected food to Madelyn. Madelyn glanced at it, but she was not in the mood to eat. With Zach here, Madelyn just wanted to leave as soon as possible. She responded, “I’m fine with anything.”

“All right then” Julia handed the menu to the waiter before continuing, “The desserts here are really good. I’ve had them a few times. Madelyn, why’d you come alone? Your boyfriend couldn’t

accompany you?”

Madelyn replied, “I don’t have a boyfriend yet.”

Julia looked surprised, “You’re so pretty. It’s too bad that you don’t have a boyfriend”

Zach coldly interrupted, “She’s still in school.”

Chapter 257

Julia realized she had misspoken She broke the awkward silence as she said with a smile, That’s right You shouldn’t be in a relationship when you’re in school. You should focus on your studies now” Her tone clearly showed that she was terrified of Zach too

Madelyn lowered her head to look at the fruit juice in front of her and stirred it with a straw. “I’ve been suspended from school, so I took this opportunity to relax a little. I didn’t expect to run into

you two here.”

She added, “By the way Julia, how long have you been dating my brother?”

Julia looked very happy as she hugged Zach’s arm She affectionately leaned on him and said, “It’s

been almost a year now.”

She turned to Zach and asked, “Right, Zach?”

He was drinking his water, so his facial expression could not be seen When he glanced up, his

expression was emotionless. He put down his glass without a word and did not respond.

None of them knew what he was thinking.

Madelyn stared at Julia’s face and felt that something was off. She found Julia quite familiar, and

that her eyes looked somewhat like her own.

She looked at the snow outside through the window to calm herself. I don’t think that’s possible.”

Madelyn said, “Wow, it’s my first time hearing that my brother’s been dating someone for so long.

Zach, if Julia hadn’t mentioned it, how long were you going to keep it a secret?”

Julia was shy.

Zach’s eyes darkened as he replied to Madelyn with a slight smile, “Are you blaming me for not.

telling you?”

Madelyn replied, “Of course not! You’re not young anymore, so I’m happy that you have someone

you like.”

“Is that so?”


Madelyn felt uncomfortable being stared at by him. She grabbed her phone and pretended to reply


attend to, so I’ll have to leave now. Julia, my sister-in-law, you can come and visit our home next time.”

Julia was elated upon hearing Madelyn address her as such. She smiled as she stood leaving so soon? Let me walk you out.”

Madelyn rejected, “It’s fine. My friend’s already here to pick me up. You two have fun.”

Julia offered, “I’ll walk you to the elevator then.”

“Sure.” Madelyn did not refuse her this time.

up, “You’re

Julia then walked Madelyn to the elevator. After that, Madelyn politely said goodbye to Julia.

As soon as the door of the elevator closed, Madelyn’s smile disappeared. She put her hand over her pounding chest and breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against the elevator wall.

She felt very uncomfortable just being in the same space with Zach, let alone having to eat with him. She would not be able to take it if she had to stay any longer.

Julia returned to the table and sat down, happily enjoying the dessert. Suddenly, she thought of something and put down the dessert spoon before asking, “Zach, before this, I was worried that your family might not like me… We’ve been dating for so long. When are you going to introduce me to your family?”

“You? Are you worthy?” A hint of fierceness flashed past Zach’s eyes, and his tone was extremely harsh. Julia was terrified.

Usually, when they were alone, Zach would stare blankly at her. He also often asked her to make some strange facial expressions, as if he was making her imitate someone. However, Julia did not dare to ask or say anything.

He always told her that her eyes were beautiful.

When Zach was with Julia, he looked emotionless most of the time, with only the occasional

gentle look. She had never seen him look so frightening.

Julia was so scared that she did not dare to talk, and her face turned pale.

She thought, I’m indeed unworthy. I had inappropriate thoughts about Zach today because of

what Madelyn said just now. I thought Zach really liked me…’

Chapter 258

Julia did not come from a prestigious family background. A year ago, her father had borrowed money from a casino’s loan shark because of his gambling addiction.

When he could not repay the loan, he had used her to repay his debt. She was sold to the

underground club of Supreme World to work as a hostess.

She accompanied guests to drink but she did not engage in sexual activities for money. One time, a guest went berserk and dragged her into a private room, trying to rape her.

As she was escaping, she met Zach.

After Zach helped her and learned of her situation, not only had he not looked down on her, but he had even supported her to continue her education. At that time, she had already dropped out of school to earn money. Without Zach, Julia would not have her current life, nor would she be able to study peacefully.

Madelyn was packing up and getting ready to leave the hotel. When she went to the front desk to check out, the receptionist told her that she could not check out due to a natural disaster. Due to heavy snowfall last night, a snow avalanche occurred on the mountaintop, and the snow had

blocked off the roads.

The power supply to the cable car was cut off too. Due to the major avalanche, several nearby areas were experiencing power outages.

Currently, the hotel was using emergency power, which would only last for about eight hours.

The relevant emergency workers had all arrived to help the hotel and those who were trapped in

the cable cars.

It seemed like everything was going wrong for Madelyn today. After meeting Zach, she

encountered a series of unfortunate events.

It was unclear when the road would be accessible again, and Madelyn had not brought many

clothes with her.

She returned to her room.

As soon as she opened the door, a hand from behind suddenly pulled her close. She was then

pushed forcefully, her back, against the door. When she realized what happened and saw the


She forced out a nonchalant expression as she looked at the person in front of her. Now that they were alone, she did not need to pretend they were close siblings.

Madelyn said, “Why’d you leave your girlfriend and come over? Won’t she be mad?”

When Zach had touched her just now, Julia had looked like she was going to kill her. Madelyn did not want to be seen as a rival in love.

She wondered, ‘Hmm… How did Zach know I’m staying here?’

Zach looked at the suitcase she was holding. He frowned before looking right into Madelyn’s eyes, as if he was looking deep into her soul. He suddenly lifted his hand and tried to touch her cheek as he asked, “Madelyn, are you jealous?”

Madelyn did not allow it to happen and moved her face to the side. Upon hearing his ridiculous claim, she just chuckled softly without speaking.

She pondered, ‘Jealous? What’s he thinking?”

She dragged the suitcase past him, put it to the side and just ignored him. She took her phone out and saw there was no signal, so she could not make any calls. It seemed she could only wait for the road to be cleared before she could leave this place.

Zach was staring at her. She looked at him from the corner of her eye as she said, “Why are you still here? I want to rest.”

“Don’t you want to ask something?” Zach walked closer to her.

She responded coldly. “It’s your relationship, and it’s none of my business. I have no right to ask. anything.”

Madelyn could not stand being in the same space as him. The idea that he might have been intimate with a woman a few hours ago before coming here made her feel extremely disgusted.

‘Whatever. If he wants to stay, I’ll just let him stay.’ She told him, “Remember to close the door when you leave.”

She then took out a book about psychological healing. The doctor at the hospital had told her that she was suffering from moderate depression, so if she could not feel better from the medication. he encouraged her to read more to ease her mood.

She sat on the couch and removed her shoes before placing the book on her knees and turning to the page she had stopped at previously.

Only after Zach left could Madelyn finally relax completely. As long as he was around, she could never have any peace of mind.

After half an hour, someone knocked on the door. As Madelyn opened the door, she saw a waiter standing by the door holding a variety of desserts.

“A gentleman asked me to deliver these to you.”

Chapter 259

Madelyn coldly said, “I’m sorry. I don’t know any gentlemen here. He might’ve mistaken me for someone else.”

The waiter explained, “It’s the gentleman who sat at the same table with you today.”

Madelyn firmly responded, “I’m sorry, I don’t know him. Please take it back.”

Upon seeing her being so firm, the waiter did not bother her any further.

Madelyn closed the door and pressed the “do not disturb switch.

At the twelfth-floor bar’s scenic viewing platform, Kai said, “I brought you here to enjoy the snow and relax. Why do you look so upset?”

Kai had his arm around his date as he poured two cups of high-grade black tea, giving one to the person sitting opposite him.

Kai grabbed the cup and smelled the tea, which was mild but luxurious.

He took a sip and put the cup down.

He asked, “Why didn’t your date join us? Did you have an argument?”

Then, a waiter walked over and said, “Mr. Jardin.”

Zach coldly said, “Speak!”

The waiter was terrified by the frightening aura emanating from Zach. He spoke meekly, “The lady declined the desserts when I delivered them to her. She also said that she didn’t know you.”

Zach looked gloomy and cold.

Kai understood what was happening, and his smirk widened. He said, “Bring the food over here!

We’ll deliver them ourselves later.”

The waiter responded, “Understood. Please wait for a moment.”

Shortly after, the waiter pushed a cart over. The table that had been set for tea was now filled with desserts and whatever could not fit was placed at the sides.

Kai thought, This is my first time seeing someone embarrass Zach like this. No one else would

“She’s gotten smarter. She won’t eat anything suspicious,” Kai joked. “Zach, you were so

determined before this. I thought you’d hold out until Hayson kicks the bucket, but I didn’t expect you to soften toward her so quickly. Stop wasting your effort. There’s no turning back from what you’ve done. Is Madelyn Jent really worth all this effort?”

Zach’s eyes looked gloomy as he said, “Mind your own business!” He then uncrossed his legs and left irritably.

Indeed, Madelyn did not dare to eat any suspicious food. She had learned her lesson.

She took a nap. When she woke up, it was already around si

in the evening.

She got up from bed and went to the restaurant for dinner before going to soak in the hot spring.

When she returned to her room and switched on the lights, she was shocked by the man sitting on the couch.

She remembered closing the door properly when leaving her room, so she wondered how he had gotten in without the room card.

Madelyn snapped, “This is my room, Zach! Who let you in?! Get out!”

There were also some desserts on the coffee table in front of him

She pondered, ‘Aren’t those the ones the waiter brought over just now?’

“Come here!” he ordered, totally ignoring her words.

Madelyn subconsciously took a step back as she was scared. She knew him too well, and knew he

was angry right now. She was too terrified to imagine what he was going to do to her.

She quickly ran out in a panic and pressed the elevator button to go down.

The next second, she felt a sudden pain in her scalp…

She felt her hair being grabbed. She struggled and shouted for help, but in the end, she still could

not run away from Zach. He dragged her back into the room.

Chapter 260

Madelyn could still feel the burning pain on her scalp as she fell onto the sofa.

She immediately struggled to get up, but Zach immediately pushed her back down.

“Why did you run away when you saw me? Are you still trying to run away now?” Madelyn saw he

was smiling menacingly, like a bloodthirsty demon.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Madelyn huddled in the corner of the couch. She looked terrified.

Zach casually picked up a box with a white, beautiful, small cake in it. He then sat beside

Madelyn and opened it. He said, “Madelyn, you love desserts, right? Let me feed you some.”

Zach grabbed the spoon and took a small piece of cake before putting it in front of Madelyn’s


Madelyn’s eyes were red, “What kind of drug did you put inside it this time?”

She watched his reaction, waiting for his response.

Madelyn lifted her hand and slapped away the spoon. She said, “I bet you poisoned it. Get lost!”

She pushed him away and could not help but start sobbing. As soon as she tried to get up, Zach

suddenly reached over and gripped her neck. She could feel his sturdy chest against her back, and

his body temperature was very hot. He intentionally moved closer to her.

Madelyn struggled, “Zach, let go of me!”

“Are you really so afraid of dying? Didn’t you say you weren’t afraid of it before this, huh? I still

don’t feel like doing anything drastic to you yet, so you might suffer a little less if you listen to me.


He stretched his hand towards her. Madelyn instinctively avoided it in fear.

Zach fixed her hair he had messed up when he grabbed it just now. When he brushed the strands

of her hair aside, he saw that the skin had turned red.

Madelyn had no idea what he was trying to do. She remained stiff and did not dare to move, nor did she respond when she felt the gentle rubbing on her head. Zach slapped her before feeding

her a slice of cake.

Madelyn thought, ‘He always does this. Does he still think I’m the same kid I used to be?’


An hour later, Madelyn disdainfully frowned when she saw him feed her another piece of cake. She said, “I don’t want to eat anymore.”

She vowed to herself, From now on, I won’t eat cakes anymore.”

Her show of obedience seemed to have no effect on Zach. He made her eat five cakes, far beyond her limit. Her stomach churned and she felt nauseous.

Eventually, Zach loosened his grip and let her go.

He said, “Would you like to take a shower now, or should I?”

His tone was terrifyingly calm.

Madelyn was shocked. Her heart was pounding as she responded in an agitated tone, “This is my room. I don’t want to stay here with you! Please leave!”

Zach casually finished the remaining half of the cake, then stood up and unbuttoned his suit before throwing it onto the sofa After that, he removed his belt and pants without even glancing at Madelyn.

She immediately turned around, not wanting to see.

“If you want to stay here, I’ll leave this room to you,” she told him.

“I’ve asked and there aren’t any available rooms. If you want to leave, go ahead,” he said as he went

into the bathroom.

Madelyn scolded, “You’re shameless!”

When Zach went to take a shower, Madelyn took the opportunity to go downstairs to ask the

receptionist. Indeed, there were no available rooms.

Due to the heavy snow blocking the road, some tourists were sleeping on makeshift beds in the hotel lobby because there were not enough rooms for them. They were all shivering with cold.

Madelyn disappointedly went back up to her room.

Zach still had not come out of the bathroom. Madelyn thought, ‘I guess he probably won’t leave

even if I ask him to.”

She took out a blanket from the cabinet and spread it on the couch. ‘He definitely won’t want to sleep on the couch.”

She heard the shower stop running, and Zach walked out wearing a bathrobe.

Madelyn said without looking at him, “The road will be cleared tomorrow. You can sleep on the bed tonight and I’ll sleep on the couch.”

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