The Seven Seals: Dragon Crusade
Chapter 12: Aid of the Ivsaar

“Wait!” Laela protested, stepping closer to Kirith. “Do we really have to kill it?”

“Laela has a point,” Travis said, “will killing it really do the trick?”

“Are you serious?!” Kirith looked at them in disbelief. “You’re going to play it that way— with this thing?! Who said the thing had thoughts or feelings?”

“Whether it has feelings or not isn’t the case here,” Travis said. “We might be pissing off this Felorian prince by just killing it!”

“So we just let it go with the information it has?!”


From below there was a distant shriek. Kate furrowed her brow and looked around at them. “What...was that?” she asked.

Kirith lowered his sword, listening for something more. Laela stepped to Travis’ side.

The door burst open. A silver armored elf rushed in, sword in hand. Kate’s eyes widened as she tried to scramble back. The attacker grabbed Laela and ripped her from Travis’ grasp. Laela screamed and thrashed as she was being dragged away.

Travis grit his teeth. “HEY!” he growled and swung his fist directly into the elf’s cheek where there was no helmet.

The elf stumbled back but regained his balance. Travis was just about to strike again when another came in. The elven soldier came right up behind Travis and held the blade to his neck. “Move and you drink your blood!” he snarled.

“I don’t think so!” Kirith growled and swung his sword at the soldier.

Another elven soldier darted in and blocked Kirith’s attack. He twirled his blade and sliced his sword hand.

Kirith dropped his sword and grunted, clutching his hand. His grip on the winged elf creature loosened and the creature flew out of the room.

“Kirith!” Kate exclaimed. She grabbed his sword and was about ready to strike the elven soldier when another grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. Kate yelped in pain and struggled to escape, only causing her scalp to hurt more. The sword fell from her grasp as she was dragged out.

Now, all held captive, the elven soldiers ushered them out of the room and down the hall. Kate’s heart thumped in her chest. Did Orindir send these soldiers after them? It seemed likely, considering his little minion came along.

They were shoved out at the end of the hall and near the staircase. Overlooking the tavern area, the place had been evacuated. Only a select few people hid under the bar or crouched near a table, shaking in fear.

Standing proudly in the middle of the tavern were several elven soldiers. Amongst them was a tall, heavy armored high elf with long silver-ish blue hair that draped down past his shoulders. He looked up to the Seals and cocked an eyebrow. “Children...? We’ve been hunting down children?” The leader laughed mockingly. “I certainly hope these are the right ones and we’re not killing some meaningless pests!”

Kate felt heat rise to her cheeks. This all felt absurd. What was he going to do with them?

“Oh and what did you expect? Gods? You high elves should get your heads out of the snow and quit over exaggerating everything,” Kirith scoffed with a grin.

The leader scowled at Kirith’s insult. He jabbed a finger at him. “I want that one dead first!” he barked. “Bring the rest of them down.”

The elven soldier holding Kirith hostage began ushering him down the stairs. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

From the tavern door, four cloaked figures entered and stood several paces apart from each other in a line. Green hooded and adorned with a golden trim, these mysterious figures stood firm. “Not so fast,” the one closest to the leader said in a broad yet silky tone.

Kate furrowed her brow. She recognized that voice…

The leader, along with the other soldiers, turned around slowly and looked at the newcomers. His brow knitted. “How dare you intrude on Felorian business—”

“I would hold your tongue there, Iceskin,” the figure threatened. “The ale in this tavern won’t be the only thing making this place reek… Now hand over the children.”

The leader laughed. “You threaten the high commanding officer Daechir?! I will not hand over the children, now show yourselves!”

The figure to the far right whipped out bow from beneath their hood and pulled back an arrow, aiming it up at the group before firing. The arrow stuck through the chest of the elven soldier holding Travis.

Kate got a quick glance as the figures pulled down their hoods, particularly the one who spoke. It was Earidon! The others consisted of two male elves and one female elf.

Travis took his chance and slammed his fist into the face of the elven soldier that held Kirith. The soldier toppled right over the railing and plunged into the bar.

The elf holding Kate made way to stab Travis but Kirith effectively kicked the soldier in the head. The soldier stumbled back and struggled to keep their balance.

The last one held his blade to Laela’s neck and looked at Kirith, Travis and Kate threateningly. “Another step and she dies!” he snapped.

In a flurry of magnificence, one of the wood elves that was with Earidon swung up onto the railing and shot the elven soldier holding Laela. The soldier immediately fell limp to the side with an arrow protruding from his head. Laela screamed and ran right to Travis’s side.

The wood elf landed down in front of them and pulled back another arrow. From behind, the soldier that Kirith had kicked started to get up but was immediately met with an arrow to his head. The wood elf bowed his head and gazed back at them. “Callon at your service,” he said gently with a weak smile.

“I think I’m going to grab my axe,” Travis said before taking off down the hall.

“Do as you wish,” Callon said and looked down at the battle below, “but this fight is already won.”

Kate followed his gaze down to the fight. The other wood elves were already finishing up the job with the last of the Felorian elves. Earidon was facing off against Daechir. The intensity of the duel was plastered on both of their faces. Swords clashed and swung in a rhythmic motion with valiance and precision. Earidon parried a blow from Daechir but staggered back, almost nearly loosing his strength. Daechir reeled back his sword to strike.

Kate clutched the railing. “Earidon, watch out!” she cried.

But something flickered in Earidon’s eyes. He quickly side-stepped the attack and kicked into Daechir’s hip. Daechir staggered back but regained his bearings as Earidon came in for several more strikes. The wood elf moved lightning fast, swift and cunning. Daechir swung his sword horizontally but Earidon bent low and spun to the side.

Within a blink of an eye, he held the blade to Daechir’s neck. “Go back to your little hide out in the mountains...Daechir,” Earidon said threateningly.

Daechir looked in shock at his own defeat. He glared at Earidon with pure hatred and clenched his teeth. “You’ll pay, Asrai!” he roared. “All of you!” Earidon grabbed Daechir by the shoulder and shoved him towards the entrance with full force. Daechir stumbled into the door and quickly opened it, giving the group one last glare before escaping.

Travis came running back in, axe in hand. “What did I miss?” he asked and looked around the room. “Oh...”

Earidon sighed and sheaved his sword. He looked up and looked up at the group. “A pleasure that we meet again,” Earidon said and smiled.

The Seals and the Ivsaarian wood elves sat around a fire in an encampment far outside of Grendalia and away from sight. After they had finished off the high elf soldiers, the group hastened to leave the city in order to not attract any more attention than they already had. On the way, Kate had explained to Laela and Travis that Earidon had helped set her and Kirith free from the Baldorian prison. Now, the only question left was how Earidon managed to escape.

When they had arrived at the encampment, a fire was made and they all gathered around to eat, laugh and hear the hymns of the elves. It was a time of joy that the Seals hadn’t experienced in a long while. But their excitement slowly diminished as the night waned on and their eyes grew heavy. Some of the group chatted almost absentmindedly from being winded by such excitement.

Kate rubbed her hands together and displayed them out facing the fire. The warmth of the flames washed over her skin, setting her nerves at ease. She had forgotten what it felt like to feel real warmth, or to even have a full stomach from going so long with such little food. But not only that, the warm company of those she felt completely safe with. And now that she thought about it, life was so much easier back where she had come from. Not having to worry about being hunted down, always having food on the table, something always there to keep you warm. Out in this world, there was only “fend for yourself” and surviving the natural and mythical dangers. But there were always those once in a lifetime moments that could never be bought with any of the riches of the world. Moments like this that made having a family more satisfying than ever. Was Kate getting used to this world? Maybe I am... she thought.

A cold breeze swept up and made the hairs on Kate’s back stand up. She shivered and scooted closer to the fire.

“Cannot let milady shiver in the cold,” a gentle voice cooed. A thick blanket was placed around Kate’s shoulders.

Kate looked back to see Earidon. “You didn’t have to,” she smiled.

Earidon returned the genuine smile and sat down next to her. “But I must,” he said. Heaving a sigh, Earidon watched the flames dance.

Kate hesitated slightly to say something. She glanced to Earidon. “How did you...escape the castle after you saved us?”

Earidon chuckled. “It wasn’t easy I can tell you that,” he said. “After I set you and Kirith free, I brewed up a story to the king and his council that you both had escaped somehow. They believed me...but the Obligators didn’t. I barely managed to escape in one piece.”

Kate shifted towards Earidon, slowly growing curious. “Wait— Obligators?”

“They’re agents of Shangorn who use the powers given to them by the Abyss. They are not a folk you would want to meet in person.” He glanced to her as his smile faded. “I would expect that they would be hunting you Seals.”

“I think...I may have seen them before,” Kate replied. “They wear black cloaks and armor, with the skull mask, right?”

Earidon nodded and raised his brow. “Indeed. Where have you seen them?”

Kate went about explaining the past events. She described how there were many trying to catch her before she was transported to Tellaria and how her, Kirith and Travis had to escape two of them.

Earidon sighed deeply. “That is an uncanny amount of dark magic. The Obligators are beyond the help of anyone.” He looked around at the surrounding forests closely. “They’re probably out there now.”

Kate felt a shiver run down her spine at his very words. “But, there was something else,” she said, trying to push the thought away. “When I was running from them the first time, there was this white wolf of some kind. It protected me from the Obligators, like it knew that my survival was vital. And the second time there was this bright flash of light that caused pain for them. I think I remember...what exactly they called it. A ‘messenger of the Creator’ or something like that.”

“Hmmm,” Earidon hummed. “I believe I know what you’re referring to. You may have a Custos in your tracks.”

“A Custos?” Kate questioned.

“Like they said, it’s a messenger of the Creator. They usually come in the form of an animal, sometimes human. But they do the Creator’s bidding. And in this case, you and your group are wanted most definitely alive.” Earidon glanced to her. “It is a true blessing that one has been established to you and your friends...maybe even specifically you.”

Kate slowly slid her arms around her knees. Someone or something protecting her? Maybe it was just over thought. Of course it would want to protect all of them and not someone in particular. Kate rested her chin on her knee, as her eyes grew heavy.

“I hope that I’m not prying,” Earidon said. “But you had been so quiet throughout the dinner and storytelling. Is there something on your mind?”

Kate’s gaze drifted across the fire and towards the others. “I don’t know,” she said. “I never felt so much euphoria from being with a group like this. I guess I didn’t want to ruin the moment.”

“Ruin the moment?” The elf laughed. “You wouldn’t have! Kate, never hold back the chance to engage and be apart of the group.”

“I’ll take your word of advice for it,” she replied as a smile slowly spread across her face. Kate looked towards Earidon. “Earidon...thanks for putting yourself out there for us. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.”

A genuine smile spread across his face. “It is an honor to be able to aid your group.” Earidon sighed and stood up, dusting himself off. “Well, it is about time we got some proper rest,” he said a bit loudly.

Laela was already fast asleep with her head leaning on Travis’ shoulder. Travis yawned. “Works for me,” he said wearily.

“Shouldn’t someone keep watch...?” Kirith said and tried to blink away the fatigue.

“Leave that to my companions and I. We’ll know when danger comes,” Earidon replied. “But you all best be getting some rest. You have a long journey ahead of you, and my team and I will gladly accompany you.”

“That depends on how far the crystal takes us,” Kate pointed.

Earidon looked to Kate. “Oh no, miss Kate, the Althrist won’t be needed. Not this time.”

Kirith squinted at him. “What?”

Earidon sighed and looked around at them. “We know where the next Seal is. We know who she is.”

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