The Shadow Alpha

Deciding that I'd seen enough, I hurdled over the stream which gained the attention of the four black eyed devils who were now snarling at me. I studied their posture and noticed that the ginger coloured wolf to the far left had a slight limp, the dirt brown one next to him had an ugly scratch across his stomach which looked like a fairly recent injury, the darker brown wolf had a slight twitch which told me his reflexes weren't too good and lastly the dirty cream wolf stood turned slightly to his right in a protective stance and from that I gathered that he had an injury on his right.

Just as I expected all four snarling wolves charged at me all together, they were feral, which made them dangerous, but careless at the same time. The dirty brown one leapt off its feet and came down hard on my shoulders with his two front paws in an attempt to knock me off my feet; I stumbled under his weight, but swiftly delivered a hard punch to his stomach. The wolf howled in pain as I shoved him off me, his body soared through the air and his back made contact with a tree, the sound off bones breaking permeated the air causing me to cringe.

In a spilt second the other three were on me successfully knocking me off my feet, which pissed me off greatly. I didn't hold back as I grabbed one by the skin on his neck and hurled it into another rogue. The last one was the one with the slow reflexes, before it could realise what happened, I grabbed its head behind the ears and twisted its neck till a sickening crack was heard.

By the time I turned around, the other two had recovered from heir collision and was almost able to jump me from behind. I ducked away from one causing it to crash into the ground behind me and allowed the other one’s weight to slam into my fist, having the air knocked out of it, I didn't waste time in flinging its body into a tree, rendering the creature unconscious.

I turned back to face the rogue that slammed into the ground, half expecting to find it getting up to fight, instead I was met with the sight of one shewolf with her teeth sunk into its neck.

“It's dead.” She glanced at me before dropping the body and walking towards the stream with blood dripping from her canines.

That's what you get when my reflexes take charge.

I dusted myself off and turned to the two women lying a few feet away. Their bodies were scratched and blood oozed from various dirt matted bruises. When a wolf is injured and fall unconscious they automatically shift back to their human form, since the human form takes longer to heal it requires far less energy to breath and for the heart to pump so the shift is involuntary and a natural instinct to keep the body alive.

Jake, Dris?" I called through mind link

'Yes Alpha?’ They answered immediately

I had an encounter with rogues across the stream on the East border; bring me three blankets and inform Dr Winters that there are three shewolves who need treatment. Come along with a few warriors to sort out this mess please.’

I turned around only to find that the last shewolf, still in wolf form was passed out on the bank of the stream. She looked exhausted, her fur was matted with dirt and blood and by the way her ribs jutted from her form, it was evident that they hadn't eaten properly in a while.

While I waited for them to arrive, I crossed the stream to find a few oversized shirts to slip over the women's bodies before the guys arrived, still keeping an eye on the one unconscious rogue.

When Jake reached the stream his eyes widened and he fumbled to open the blankets he'd brought. Just as he kneeled down to place the blanket over one of the young women his eyes glazed over

“Mate.” He whispered and pulled her body into his arms.

He looked up at me with panic, “Go Jake, take her back to the infirmary and have a doctor take a look at her.” I encouraged and he sped off with her limp body in his arms.

I turned to Dristan who stood frozen watching us; I frowned at his behaviour, but didnt give it much thought as the women all desperately needed medical attention.

“Dris take care of this; I am going to go back with them and help Sasha and Lexi.” He nodded slightly distracted, but once again I brushed it off and followed behind the two pack worriers who were carrying the other two unconscious women.

When we reached the infirmary Jake was pacing outside the room looking agitated, “It's going to be okay Jake, I will go in and see if they need any help.” I patted his shoulder before going into the room where the three women were being treated. “Sasha, is there anything I can do?” she glanced at me and smiled slightly.

“Thank you Alpha, but we are fine; they are not too badly bashed up just very weak. I don't know how much longer their bodies would have handled the bleeding and lack of proper nutrition.” I nodded and stepped out of the room

The two young women had very similar features that consisted of light brown hair and almost identical body structures; by the looks of it they were twins around the age of twenty, while the other woman had deep blonde hair and looked to be in her forties

“Shadow, can we see their aura’s while they're unconscious. I asked curious as to what the women’s positions were. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'Yes we can.’ With that the women’s bodies took on a feint glow, it was lighter and more feint than I had ever seen before but the twin's held a slightly deeper colour than the older woman.

“Why does it look like that?" I asked her concerned.

Their bodies are very weak; also their unconscious state causes the light to dim.” My heart wrenched for these women, they were innocent souls who seemed to be put through too much.

Sasha finished patching up their wounds and them and placed IV's in their arms to get their strength up faster before letting my stressed Beta into the room.

Wordlessly he rushed to her side and gently placed her hand in his own; I placed my hand on his shoulder, “They have been through a lot Jake, she'll need you. You may take time off of your duties until she recovers.” He looked at me with a relieved smile.

“Thank you Allie.” I squeezed his shoulder once more before leaving him alone with her.

'Dris, how's it going out there?’ I was picking up a strange vibe from him but this time I couldn't ignore it.

'We disposed of the dead bodies and cleaned up the blood." he spoke firmly; his voice lacked the usual calmness that I was used to.

“What's going on Dris, why are you so tense?’ he hesitated before answering which only increased my worry.

'I-l don't know Alpha, ever since we reached the border today, my wolf has been agitated and I can't figure out why.’ He sounded defeated, I thought back to this morning when Jolene mentioned being able to feel her mate, but could not pin point who he was.

“Could you come down to the infirmary when you are done?’ He replied that he was on his way and minutes later he stepped through the door, I gestured for him to follow me into the room where the three women and Jake were.

“Were all of them dead?”

"One was barely alive and by the time we dealt with the other bodies, he was dead.” I nodded in confirmation and led him to the bed beside Jake's mate's.

I took his hand in mine and placed it on the second twin's hand, his eyes widened the same way Jake's had hours ago confirming my theory.

“Mate.” He whispered and Jake's head snapped up and a small smile graced his face.

Dristan and Jake both found their mates today. As unfortunate as the circumstances were I was happy for them. Their eyes held the same love and sadness at seeing their mates lying unconscious with scars and pale skin.

"How did you find them?” Dris asked suddenly, I sighed and sat down on a nearby chair.

"After breakfast was the inevitable confrontation between my parents and my old pack, not wanting to stick around, I went down to the stream to think. I sat for a while before I picked up the scent of rogues, the three women came rushing out of the forest, but were halted by the stream in their path and seconds later the four mutts emerged and attacked them. By the time I got across the stream, the women were already down, but I handled them easily. The older lady over there helped me kill one with the last strength she had left.” I saw the fury in their eyes, but neither said a word, choosing to focus on their mates instead.

I mind linked the border guards to find out if everything was going okay and once they replied with an affirmative I relaxed slightly.

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