The Shadow Alpha

The moment I stepped into my office, I was met by an annoyed Papa Jamie, “What happened to mind linking me when you were done?" he asked with a raised eyebrow which I returned with a sheepish smile.

“Uhh... Oops!” I said which he rolled his eyes at. I took a seat opposite him at my desk and asked, “So, what did you need Papa J?" he cracked an amused smile at my preppy tone, but it soon morphed into a serious mask.

“Frankly Allison, I'm worried. I am very worried that there is a lot more to this rogue situation than a bunch of power hungry werewolves trying to take over the entire werewolf kind.” A bitter smile took over my face and his morphed into a deep frown.

“You're right, there is more to it. This is all a part of a grand plan that's been in the making for over twenty years. There's a lot that you all don't know and I just recently put most of the pieces together.” With that I began explaining to him how this plan was formed before Devin was born and how his father was the reason everything turned out the way it did, I also explained to him how Justin seemed to be involved and my plan to end it all.

To say he was shocked would be a severe understatement, flabbergasted was more like it. He was fuming by the end when he heard everything about Austin and was a few seconds short of charging out of the office and beheading him.

“We need to set up the attack before the odds aren't in our favour anymore.” He commented still tense from all the information he just took in to which I nodded.

I pulled the envelope out of my pocket and ripped it open. Curiosity was eating me alive. The smell of rogue was faint, but still strong enough to make me feel slightly sick.


Lucky number three...

“Third time's a charm” they say

I suppose for you it wouldn't be so anyway, since you signify the very existence of contradiction

A female Alpha...

A dog named after a cat...

Haha see what I did there, Allie cat?

The order of the world is set by nothing, but our actions and clichés, something you happen to know all about

Not every situation can be controlled; you can't always save the world. Not everyone you meet has the right intentions.

Watch your back Allie cat or you might just miss the dagger being thrust towards you.

See you soon Alpha Allison


The letter was written specifically for me; I thought bitterly, my fists clenched crumpling the already wrinkled paper.

Whoever wrote this letter is asking for an ass whooping!

Noticing my reaction Papa Jamie pried the letter from my hand and read it, a fierce growl rumbled in his chest which was followed by the paper being thrown on the floor and him stalking off without asking a thing, much to my surprise.

“Get that plan in motion!” I nodded and watched as he walked away.

This was his pack, his family just as much as it was mine so the anger was mutual.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in my office perfecting the plan and coming up with solutions for any problems that may arise; only coming out for supper before retiring to my room and waiting for 11pm to get it in action.

At 10:55pm I exited the house and walked towards the North facing forest. Surprisingly Hunter was already waiting for me with a blank look on his face, but judging by his posture and the look on his eyes; he was actually a nervous wreck.

I cracked a smile at the look he gave me when I asked him to shift, “Just do it.” He pursed his lips and muttered “Nike’ under his breath thinking I wouldn't hear him, but he was stunned when I burst out laughing at his childishness.

Shaking off his shock he stepped behind a tree and seconds later emerged in his large Blackish Brown wolf, he tilted his head in question when he noticed me standing there fully dressed with his clothes in my arms, but instead of commenting I gestured for him to follow and took off towards the meadow.

Within four minutes we had reached the clearing, I dropped his clothes on a fallen log and walked towards the huge willow tree that stood in the centre of the meadow, taking a seat on the bench. A few minutes later I felt Hunter's presence next to me, we sat in silence enjoying the view of the shining stars in the dark night sky.

“I Forgive you.” my voice broke through the slightly tense silence, his head whipped to me so fast I wondered how he didn't get whiplash.

“Really?” he whispered in disbelief.

I turned to him with a light smile, “I forgave you a long time ago Hunter, but that doesn't mean I forgot. For a long time it haunted me, my past hurt me for a long time and till today thinking about it still does hurt a lot.” His gaze fell and I saw shame and guilt engulf his figure.

“I wish I could take it all back, ever since you left I wished for a chance to make it alright. I looked for you for so long until I was convinced you were dead. I hate myself more than you'll ever know, you might have forgiven me, but I will never forgive myself especially now knowing that it was all for nothing.” He said in a strained voice.

I felt tears in my eyes seeing him like this; no matter what he put me through, nothing would change the fact that he was my big brother, nothing could stop me from caring about him. His fists were clenched as he fought the memories of the past and I instinctively placed my hand over his in comfort.

"Hunter, you need to stop beating yourself up about it. It's all in the past now and I'm willing to give you a second chance if you allow yourself to have it.” He looked down at me with hopeful eyes which made me smile

“You have to promise me something though.” He nodded without hesitation implying that I continue, “Promise that you won't get angry and go on a mad rampage. What I'm about to tell you will only make sense if you let me finish, okay?" he hesitated and sucked in a deep breath before releasing it and agreeing once again.

“First things first, everything that happened from mom and dad getting kidnapped to the pack land getting destroyed; it was all a part of a plan.” His brows were set in a deep frown probably wondering what I meant by that and how it was all possible, so I continued.

“Twenty-three years ago Tatiana found her mate and fell pregnant, but when the baby was born her mate took the child away from her and handed her over to the rogues to have her killed. Her mate was an Alpha at the time so before he went back to his pack he found a woman to pose as his mate and the mother of his new born child. Fast forward ten years from then mom and dad were kidnapped, I'm not sure if this is true but it's the closest thing I have to a good reason. Austin knew that mom and dad were strong together and that they were the only wolves strong enough to stop him if they found out about what he did so he got the rogues to kidnap them and used me as a scapegoat.” Hunter looked gobsmacked by the information he had just received.

"Wait! You're saying that Ausitin, as in Devin's dad, is working with the rogues? That Devin isn't April's son but Tatiana's?” I simply nodded and continued,

“Yes, I mean don't you find it strange that the rogues attacked without intention of killing, instead they destroyed the pack land and left? My pack is considered the strongest pack in the world, what better way to start the revolution than from the inside? Get all of the enemy's information and use it against them?

"Hunter, I know it all seems really far fetched and it's like trusting a stranger's word blindly, but I can assure you I am not. I have thought all of this through and it makes sense to me, plus I can actually see the similarities between Tatiana and Devin.” He sat silent processing everything I just said.

“I- 1 don't. I don't know what to say. This is all just too much to take in at once.” He ran his hands through his hair in agitation as if it would relieve some of the tension he was feeling.

“I can understand how you would find it hard, to be honest I would have too but I'm just so used to the strangest things happening, nothing surprises me anymore.” I pursed my lips.

He looked at me curiously, “What is your story Al, how did you end up here?” He looked curious. I don't think he noticed what he called me, for some reason it didn't hurt; instead I welcomed the familiarity with a soft smile. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“That's a really long story Hunter, maybe I'll tell it to you sometime. For now, just get used to seeing some things that will shock you.” he looked disappointed but didn't push further.

I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I looked at the handsome man beside me. I had my brother back, suddenly everything felt possible.

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