The Shadow Alpha

In my semi unconscious state I felt warm arms around me as they carried me somewhere. I didn't bother opening my eyes, I was far too comfortable to wake up and walk to wherever he was taking me so I snuggled deeper in Hunter's arms enjoying the comfort it provided.

My peaceful slumber was disturb when a series of growls echoed from afar, various scents filled my senses, neither one pleasant, but as I tried to decipher them I recognised one that made my eyes snap open and my whole body suddenly sprang into action. Without another thought I jumped out of Hunter's arms and raced in the direction of the South border, I knew that Hunter was following, but that didn’t slow me down.

“Jake, Dris! South border.’

“Already on our way, Alpha.’

The stench of rogue got stronger as I neared the border, but just as I skidded to a halt I watched as they ran in the opposite direction, away from my territory. Suddenly the smell of blood registered in my mind, my headshot to the right where Justin laid in a pool of his own blood. My eyebrows furrowed as I kneeled down beside him, his heartbeat was faint, but still present. As the guys came to a halt behind me, the envelope clutched in Justin's bloody hand caught my attention.

"Get him to the infirmary!” I ordered, feeling agitated. I know that I planned on attacking him myself, but the fact that the rogues attacked one of their own had me on edge.

They're not known to be the most loyal of wolves, but he was helping them so why would they leave him for dead?

I slipped the envelope out of his hold before they could carry him away. “Jake, I want a proper patrol on this border at all times of the day, we'll take turns leading the shifts. I don't care if you have to pull people from training, just get it done!” I said and stalked off angrily. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

When I got to the infirmary Devin was pacing anxiously while Hunter looked plain down bored, I walked towards them, “What the hell happened?!” Devin screamed the moment he saw me, I could see Hunter tense up out the corner of my eye.

He got his fucking ass kicked and he’s lucky it wasn't by me. I thought deviously to which Shadow cackled in my head and no matter how much I wanted to voice my thoughts I knew it wouldn't be a wise move so instead I opted for a softer approach.

I sighed and looked him in the eye, “Calm down Devin, he's going to be okay.” Devin ran a hand through his hair in a frustrated manner which I found extremely sexy, not that I'd ever admit that to him.

My eye caught Hunter who was smirking at my obvious ogling, causing me to roll my eyes. “I just want whoever did this to pay for it, those damned rogues have gone too far this time!” he said angrily which had my wolf clawing at me to calm her mate down.

“Damn Shadow, calm your paws.’ I sucked in a deep breath to attempt to calm her down which didn't do much, but it gave me the strength to walk away.

Shadow has always been supportive of my decisions, leaving me to make them mostly on my own especially when it came to Devin because let's face it, he hurt me more than he did her since the bond between her and I was incomplete at the time of the rejection, but ever since that dream she’s been a lot pushier than I was used to.

I'll admit that I really want to mend our relationship and I'm willing to give him a second chance, but I won't lie and say that I'm not scared that he doesn't want me and hurt that he hasn't even tried communicating with me at all or apologising.

I took a seat on the chair in my office and shook my head to clear my wayward thoughts about my mate.

I ripped open the bloody envelope that I still clutched in my hand, the blood had seeped through onto the letter staining it slightly, but the words were clearly visible.

Goodbye number 3

You are the weakest link!

Isn't this so much fun, Allie cat?

You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, I guess you can say I got bored of watching him...

Oh well I'll say it again

Be careful who you trust Allie Cat, not everyone is as they seem.

See you soon, Love


Ps: You're welcome ;)

My hands tightened into fists, whoever wrote these letters seemed to know exactly how to push my buttons.

I stood up and stalked out of my office towards the gym, I needed something to relieve the stress that I had built up in the past few days

My eyes instantly zoomed in on the punching board. Ever since my strength has increased, we installed a few extra heavy duty machines that would be able to withstand my full strength if I ever had to get too angry.

I began punching the board repeatedly without holding back, this and running were the only two things that could calm me down and so far it was working.

It was the only time I allowed myself to let go, to feel all my pain and frustration, it was the only time I showed the side of me that made me a monster.

Part of me was glad that Justin was properly out of the picture right now, but I was agitated by the lack of control that I had over the situation.

What if they found out that I was on to them and considered Justin to be collateral damage? Truthfully, I could speculate as much as I wanted to, but the longer I leave things to ply out, the easier the upper hand slips from our grasp.

I needed to speak to Devin soon.

I really can't ever catch a break.

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