The Shadow Alpha

“Allison!” Mom's surprised voice rose above the chatter in the common room the moment I entered, her surprise was valid, since hardly ever came in here.

"Hi." I greeted and a smile etched its way onto my face, I had not realised just how much I missed them until now and by the looks of things I seemed to have missed something.

"Are you okay? Did you need something honey?” mom rushed out as she hurried to meet me halfway. I smiled at her concern and held onto her shoulders to calm her down.

“I'm fine mom, I just missed you all so I thought I'd come and see how you all were doing.” Her face softened and she pulled me into a bone crushing hug which I returned happily. I felt some of the tension drain from my body as she held onto me, there really is no place like a mother's arms.

As soon as I pulled away I was engulfed in the familiar warmth of my father. I sucked in a deep breath as his pine nut scent surrounded me.

"Hello my darling.” He mumbled into my ear.

"Hi Daddy.” I smiled happily which he returned, before I could say more I was lifted off the ground by Papa Jamie. Much to my embarrassment I let out a girlish scream at the unexpected gesture. “You young lady have been so busy lately, we thought that you had forgotten about us.” he scolded, but I could tell from his eyes that it was only half hearted.

"How could I ever Papa J? You're all my favourite people ever.” He raised a disbelieving eyebrow at me and I smirked as I made my way to hug Tatiana.

"How are you doing?” I asked and was rewarded with a large smile, there was a light in her eyes that made me happy, I fleetingly wondered if Papa J had anything to do with it.

“Better than ever my dear, I never got a chance to thank you for helping us. May Mother Selene bless you with all the happiness in the world.” she stroked my face with a sincere look in her eyes that had me tearing up slightly.

We sat together for hours just talking and catching up. Mom told me how she and Tatiana were working on some new recipes and the pack seemed to love them all, I smiled at how domesticated that sounded; it made everything feel right in the world.

Papa Jamie revealed that he and Tatiana had been getting closer, the way their cheeks tinted pink and eyes lit up when they looked at each other made me feel elated. They were both dealt bad cards in life, so they deserved all the happiness in the world.

Before we realised it was time for the ladies to head to the kitchen and the guys to do border control, but as they all stood up to leave, something tugged at my heart.

“Thank you.” I blurted and they turned towards me with questioning eyes. “Thank you all for always being with me, for supporting me and believing in me. I don't get to say it often, but I love you guys.” I clarified, feeling even more emotional than earlier. The nostalgia I was feeling was foreign to me, but still I could not stop myself.

"What's wrong Allie Cat?” Papa Jamie's concerned voice broke through my mental self-review. Not knowing what else to say I smiled at him reassuringly, hoping to ease some of my own tension in the process.

“I'm fine Papa J, I just felt the need to tell you all that.” Their concern did not waver, but my honest smile seemed to have convinced them that it wasn't worth questioning me further.

Without warning I was engulfed in strong arms, “You have nothing to thank us for, what you have done for us and everyone around you is far greater than anything we could ever do. We love you Allison, always will.” His voice was stern, but affectionate.

After a rather emotional parting I made my way to see Dristan and Jacob who were both spending the day with their mates which they had mentioned in passing earlier. I had never gotten the chance to speak to Rose and Lily before, but getting to know them now made me realise how glad I was that they were in my brother's lives. They both would make wonderful mothers and fantastic pack leaders beside their mates.

At dinner that night I stood at the head of the table with a wistful feeling in my chest, it felt foreign, but at the same time pleasant. I looked on with a smile as everyone helped in setting up the tables, chatting animatedly among themselves, despite all the difficulties I faced to get where I am and how many twists and turns my life made, I would never change this for the world.

At last my gaze landed on Devin standing off to the side surrounded by a group of females from his pack, a pang of jealousy hit me and I had to grit my teeth to stop myself from going over there and staking a claim.

I was still upset at him for earlier, so right now he could do whatever he pleased. As I averted my gaze from the infuriating man that I called my mate, I noticed the dirty looks he was receiving from a large number of mine and his pack members which lifted my spirits a little.

“He's an idiot.” Christopher spoke from beside me.

"Yeah, those thirsty bitches- no pun intended; have got nothing on you.” Taylor concurred, her tone matching the distaste in her eyes.

I couldn't help but snort out a laugh at her lovely description of them which they both shared a victorious smile at. “You always did have a way with words Tay.” I shook my head in incredulity.

"Oh please, I'm as charming as ever.” She flipped her hair in an exaggerated manner causing both Chris and I to send her our best amused look.

"Of course, who can hold your charisma against you?” Christopher smirked, I masked my shock before either of them could notice it and looked at Taylor, curious to see her reaction. Just as I expected, her eyelashes fluttered enticingly; it was the hungry look across Christopher's features that had me backing away slowly as they continued their less than subtle flirting.

Perhaps I was wrong; maybe they would be good for each other. I grinned in satisfaction.

“Playing matchmaker I see.” Oliver sidled up to me looking smug for whatever reason.

“I'll have you know, I did nothing of the sort. That was all Taylor.” I enlightened him in a haughty tone. Oliver chuckled at my denial, but didn't argue.

“I just really hope he knows what he’s doing.” His voice took on an apprehensive edge and given my earlier hesitance I got where he was coming from.

“I was a bit sceptical at first, but somehow I think they'd be good for each other. They both deserve to be happy.” I reassured him.

“If that's what you think then I trust you.” I beamed at him; his faith in me was heart-warming.

“You are an incredible person Allison, you deserve to be happy and so help me Goddess if you didn't have that look in your eyes when you think of him, I would stop at nothing to keep that gorgeous smile on your face.”

I. Was. Floored.

His words caused a blanket of disbelief to settle over me. I never regarded myself as oblivious, but I sure as hell felt like it as I stood staring at him with my eyes wide as saucers.

“I... What?" I trailed off helplessly and his intense gaze softened.

“I'm sorry; I didn't mean to put you in this position. I just couldn't help myself. You spend so much time looking out for everyone else, masking the hurt in your eyes for everyone else's benefit. Where do you draw the line Allison? We all saw what happened this morning and don't think the pack isnt worried given your mood the whole day.” He revealed and once again I was stunned to silence, so much so that I could not meet his accusatory gaze.

“It's my duty Oliver, it's what I was put here to do and it's what I will continue to do. You don’t need to worry about me, I have it under control.” His eyes narrowed and a scoff escaped his lips. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“That's just it Allison, you're so caught up in controlling everything, that you don't even realise when things are falling apart.” His voice rose a few octaves which only served to make me angry.

“What I choose to do is none of your business!” I emphasized through gritted teeth, I was well aware of the attention we were gaining. Neither of us was willing to back down from the stare down at this point.

After a few prolonged moments of pin drop silence, Oliver's gaze fell in submission. I knew he couldn't resist my Alpha order for long. He turned to walk away, but before he stepped over the threshold he turned back to face me.

"Just remember one thing Alpha Allison. Not all of us are willing to let go so easily, not without a fight.”

The double meaning behind his words was not lost on me and as he stepped out I itched to call out to him and find out what else was going through his head.

The awkward silence that followed his departure was broken by low murmurs from the crowd and everyone continued to do whatever they had before.

"What was that all about?” mom asked with a raised eyebrow, daring me to dismiss the question. I sighed heavily and with a shake of my head I answered,

“I have no idea mom, one minute we were fine and then the dynamic just shifted.” So maybe that was only a half-truth, but I refused to worry her with something I myself didn't completely understand.

She seemed unconvinced, but chose not to pry, knowing it would only cause me to close up further, instead she pulled me towards the dining table and just like that we fell into our normal routine of dinner in the Blue Moon Pack.

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