The Shadow Alpha

Have you ever looked into someone's eyes and felt a shiver run down your spine by the pure evil that you see in them?

Till now the idea of a revolution was somewhat abstract, right now it felt real.

I could feel the power radiating off him in waves, the smirk that he had plastered on his face made the whole situation even more bone chilling. His creepy mahogany eyes surveyed the pack house that stood behind us and with an impressed nod in my direction he opened his filthy mouth. “Allison, how lovely to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you, I feel like I already know you.” he spoke smugly with a hint of familiarity which only served to disgust me; he made his presence on my land seem like a reunion between old friends.

"Who are you?” I questioned sternly, not interested in hearing anymore of his pointless drama. A man I would have under other circumstances considered handsome, had it not been for the disgust his presence caused to form in my stomach; threw his head back and laughed heartily. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Oh please pardon my bad manners, I forgot to introduce myself.” His dimpled smile irked me more as he faked politeness; there were low growls behind me despite my constant inner chant for everyone to remain calm.

“Drop the act and tell us who the hell you are!” Devin burst out letting his control slip; his fists were balled up as he stood to the right of me with a vein pulsing in his forehead. I grabbed hold of the hand closest to me and pried his hand open to thread my fingers through them; his body stilled at the gesture and calmed slightly.

The nameless man stood watching the exchange with a look of amusement and annoyance, “Well if it isn’t the good for nothing Alpha Devin Summers, couldn't protect your own pack so you came running into the arms of your rejected mate to do it for you.” he mocked and Devin's hand tightened around mine in an effort to hold himself back.

I could feel my own temper rising as several warning growls echoed behind us. He was getting the better of us and I refused for that to happen. My left hand lifted in the air and the crowd immediately abided my silent order.

“I don't know what you think of yourself and frankly I don't care much, if at all. What I would really like for you to do is for you to take your sorry, nameless ass and your bunch of dirty mutts and sashay off my land quietly, before I make sure none of you leave with your heads attached to your bodies.” I vowed flatly.

I stopped the smirk from appearing on my face when I saw the vein in his neck pulse and his jaw tighten into a fake smile, his rogue army seemed to have taken offense to my statement too as they growled in warning, some needing to be held back as they bared their brown canines at me. “You're too confident for your own good Allie Cat.” He tsked with the fake smile still plastered on his lips and leaned back leisurely with his hands in his pocket as if they hadn't entered my land to kill us all. “That attitude might cost you your life.” He gave me a knowing look and sent a slight smirk in Devin's direction as if they shared an inside joke.

A warning bell went off in my head, but I was too preoccupied to pay it any heed, “Or perhaps it might cost you someone else's life.” He leered at the members of my pack that stood flanking me. His threat was blatantly obvious and took several ounces of self-control not to pounce and rip his head off.

“Rule no. 1: IN BATTLE, NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE.’ I reminded everyone through mind link. The aim was to rile them up enough to have them pounce first. You'd be surprised as to how many blood baths actually began like this.

"Humour me, which traitor happens to be your favourite?” I questioned with slight interest, expertly ignoring his snide comments and obvious threat. He seemed impressed by something, whether my self-restraint or my conversational skills I could not tell. He lightly tapped his chin as if deep in thought.

“Don’t let him get to you, just stay calm!” I mind linked Devin, knowing that the next words from the idiot's mouth would put Devin completely on edge. He was our weakest link and the smug bastard knew it all too well.

“Personally I quite enjoyed April, a feisty one I tell you, especially in bed with her husband and mate watching.”

Such a vile creature should never be allowed to walk the earth freely, he deserved to be ripped to pieces for all the things he has done. His words riled the Full Moon pack members up, they knew her as their former Luna, they didn't know of her deceit.

"Of course, what else can we expect from a lowlife?” I smirked nonchalantly, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing the anger that was bubbling like a raging volcano within me. My words seemed to have struck a nerve and his jaw ticked, but as fast as it came it disappeared into another malicious smirk.

“Bet you'd be a tigress in bed too.” He commented, his eyes sweeping my body as any of the rogues hummed in agreement. A collective growl sounded behind me as I tightened my grip on Devin's trembling hand.

“Now I know you didn’t come here to have such a pleasant conversation.” I smirked sarcastically and he chuckled once more, but before the next word could escape his lips a dirty ginger coloured wolf lurched forward with a crazy look in his eyes. He didn’t make it far Hunter before pinned him to the ground and broke his neck in a single move.

Just like that all hell broke loose.

The cringe worthy sound of bones breaking filled the air just as the screams and growls became more prominent. Devin had long ripped his hand from my hold and was now facing off against two brown wolves that seemed to be no match for him in his towering wolf form.

I searched through the mess of battling bodies for a certain mahogany eyed man, just as my eyes caught a glimpse of his smirking face behind some trees, a movement to my left caught my eye, just in time for me to turn and pin his muscular torso beneath my left knee taking him down with the swipe of my right foot.

He was one of the few rogues that had not shifted and by the looks of it, he was well trained. His jet black hair matted to his forehead with sweat was the first thing I saw before he shoved me off him roughly, expecting the move I didn't stumble, instead I retaliated by swinging my fist at his face and relishing in splashes of blood that flew from his mouth. Not giving him a chance to recover I sent a powerful kick to his ribs which crushed under the pressure, unable to withstand the blow he fell to the ground and with a snap of the neck he was gone.

I looked in the direction of the man once again, but he was nowhere in sight. I wanted his blood, but these stupid rogues just didn't know when to quit. A black and red wolf snapped its salivary teeth at me and lunged forward, its attack was weak as it jerked to a stop when my hand came in contact with its neck. The wolf's red eyes widened more and more with each tightening of my fingers around its trachea, seeing its eyes roll to the back of its head I flung the unconscious body into a broken tree.

A pain filled yelp caught my attention as my focus drifted from the lifeless corpse. My eyes snapped to the snarling wolf standing over Taylor.

“SHIFT! The alpha order was immediately recognised as her form shifted, taking the rogue by surprise, giving her enough time to gain the upper hand and throw him off of her. I knew she was hurt, but her wolf form would heal faster and could withstand much more pain than her human form.

Weapons were discarded across the red tinted grass, most pack members having shifted to their wolf forms already. The rogues came thinking they had the upper hand, but by the looks of the lifeless bodies splayed outside the pack house, they were somewhat overconfident.

A sharp pain suddenly erupted in my left side and as if they were the poles of a magnet my eyes found Devin's pained gaze. A rogue wolf had its teeth sunk in the left torso of his wolf as he pinned another rather large wolf to the ground. He was struggling to maintain his composure and would have lost it had I not clutched onto the fur of the bloodied wolf with his teeth in Devin and ripped him away.

Suddenly a group of six huge wolves appeared from the forest and surrounded Devin and I. Devin stepped off of the bloodied body and moved closer to me as his senses heightened at the danger that now surrounded us.

A feeling of foreboding washed over me; by the look in their eyes I knew these weren't normal rogue wolves.

The true battle was just beginning.

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