The Shadow Alpha

Jacob's body thrashed wildly on the operating table while Doctor Calvin and his team struggled to keep him from falling and tearing his wound open with his half extended claws. The sight horrified me; a half shifted werewolf was a tell-a-tale sign of a dying wolf, most commonly caused by silver.

I rushed forward and gripped onto his hands before his claws sank into his chest and I held back a flinch when I felt them pierce my skin.

“Doctor Calvin, administer 200mg of Ketamine, now!” the man jumped into action and within seconds the liquid was drained into his flesh. The writhing eased up as the sedative took action and I willed my heart to stop racing.

Time to get to work. I thought to myself as I pried my hands from his death grip.

"We don't have much time, the Ketamine won't last long. I have managed to remove the bullet while he was passed out, but we'll have to give him laser treatment to try to reverse the effects of the silver.” Doctor Calvin rushed out as he moved to stitch the wound which Jake had once again ripped open.

“No! Leave it and get everyone out of here.” Doctor Calvin frowned and went to argue, but was cut off by my loud bellow,

"NOW!" my Alpha tone rang out causing some to whimper in submission, but everyone followed my order without question.

Once the door shut I turned back to Jake, his lips had already turned purple and the area round the wound was a sickening blue colour. The paleness of his skin was proof that the silver was already in his bloodstream.

My hands hovered over his chest, above the bloody laceration and with a final inhale of breath I shut my eyes and focused my attention on the soft beating of his heart. I could almost see the blood in his veins, with that image in mind my hand became the magnet.

His body temperature rose to scalding hot as I willed the poison to melt, I pictured the molten silver travelling through his body and out the wound on his chest.

What felt like hours later, I could no longer feel the pull of the silver and my eyes snapped open. My irises felt hot and unfocused, but before could register what was happening around me the world spun

The familiar feeling of oblivion settled upon me and once more I was welcomed by darkness, the last thought on my mind;

Papa Jamie...

I could hear muffled voices above the pounding in my head, my body felt heavy to the point that I couldn't move a limb; it was like being trapped in my own mind. Not being able to do anything else I concentrated harder, wanting to hear what was being said.

The pounding only increased, but at least I could recognise the words of the people around me. “-hope he will be okay. We didn't have any other choice, if Asher hadn't stopped the blood flow to the rest of his body in time, we might have lost him.” The first voice spoke, I didn’t recognise whose voice it was, but I felt a sense of relief knowing that whoever it was they were talking about is okay. “It's going to take a bit of getting used to, but he’s alive and that is what matters.” A few hums of agreement were heard and I silently agreed as well.

"When will she wake up, Sasha?” a woman questioned worriedly.

“She exerted herself beyond the point she has ever before. Despite having Alpha Devin by her side, she drew the poison from Beta Jacob. She is a very strong woman, but we have no way of knowing whether she will ever wake from the coma.” Doctor Winters informed them gravely and I wanted to scream out that I could hear them, but I couldn't move a muscle and that frustrated me to no end. "Oh Mother Goddess, she can go to any lengths to fulfil her duty, please this once grant her peace from her suffering.” The voice I now recognised as my mother's, pleaded helplessly.

Oh mom, I'm okay, I'm okay... My thought trailed off as I was once again lured into the darkness. ~Dream-~

I found myself in a familiar setting, the only place in the world that could take away the tension from my body and mind. To my surprise, sitting on the back rest of the bench was my fiery chipper friend, Red. A smile immediately grew on my face as I saw the happy glint in its black eyes.

“Hey there little one.” I cooed and Red chipped back as if understanding what I said. “What are you doing here?” I wondered more to myself and was taken aback when a voice answered from behind me.

"He's the creature of your soul.” Mother Selene informed as she took a seat on the bench beside me. I watched intrigued as the bird instinctively hopped into her soft hand when she offered it to him.

“Mother...” breath out happily, it felt like ages since I'd seen her. The last I spoke to her was when she told me of the legend of The Shadow Wolf, before we conquered the revolution.

"You have succeeded in your mission my child.” Mother smiled and my heart soared at the pride in her tone.

“It was not me alone Mother, I could never have done it without Devin, my pack- my family and the help of all the packs of the world.” I smiled as I recalled how they had all given me the strength to go through with everything. Mother Selene giggled lightly and looked at me with a soft look.

"Oh my dear Shadow Alpha, I am proud of the woman you have grown into. Allison, you have overcome some of life's greatest obstacles, your strength is proof that you can overcome anything that your destiny holds from here.” Her faith in me made me feel ten feet tall.

“Thank you Mother, for everything. Now if only navigating the obstacle of my love life was as clear cut as overthrowing a revolution.” I joked, but a pang of hurt lay beneath the surface.

"What has always brought you happiness in the past?” Mother asked with a special glint in her eye. “Protecting the people I care about. Seeing them safe and happy made me happy.” I answered without missing a beat, my priority had always been to protect those around me and I guess that old habits die hard.

“Then your happiness in love will lie in the same.” She answered vaguely. I smiled knowingly; I would have to figure this one out on my own.

“My time has come to return home, dear Shadow.” My smile fell as the words left her mouth, I knew she wouldn't stay forever, but I hadn't realised that it would be so soon.

“I will miss you Mother.” She smiled softly and placed a comforting hand on my cheek.

"You may not see me, but I will always be there guiding you.” she took my hand in hers and placed Red on my palm, he bird chipped at me and I knew then that he was my link to her, my soul creature was sent as my guide by Mother Selene.

“I'll take care of him. Always.” She beamed at me and stood to leave.

“Take care of yourself too Allison and my dear Shadow as well.” She wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back. My heart clenched and tears dripped from my eyes.

Goodbyes are never easy.

~End of Dream~

Before I could even realise, the world around me faded and I was back in the dark abyss of my own mind. I could hear the heart monitor beeping along with each thud of my heart and other than that I couldn't hear any sounds in my room. The pounding in my head had eased slightly, unfortunately the numbness hadn't and that was starting to irritate me.

Hmm... I wonder if I can still mind link

I focused on Dristan and with a little bit of effort, I could hear his thoughts, but when as much as I tried I couldn't create a two-way link that I could communicate with him through.

Not knowing what else to do I let him be and concentrated on Jake, at least I would know if he was okay or not.

-ot her head in the clouds, and she’s not backing down, this girl is on fire, this girl is on fire, she's walking on fire, this girl is on fi-" I couldn't even listen more, I burst out laughing, it was a strange feeling to laugh in my mind, but it was too hilarious for me to care.

My how! of laughter was cut off by Jacob's frantic voice, “Holy sh... Who's there?” without realising it I screamed, a little out of excitement and a little from being startled.

Jake groaned from the intrusion, “Great! First I can't move, now I'm losing my mind too."

Woah... He can hear me

“Of course I can. Are you my conscious? You can't be my wolf, Grey doesn't sound like a girl." He rambled and just as I was about to answer, his frantic voice cut me off yet again, “Oh no, my conscious is a girl. Damn, if Dristan found out about this, he'd never stop mocking me!” he whimpered childishly.

“Well you do sing Alicia Keys when you're all alone, so I might be your alter ego?’ I teased with amusement lacing my tone and he gasped horrified.

“No..." he seemed genuinely worried that I didn’t have the heart to continue pulling his leg. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Hey Alicia?’ I called and to my utter amusement, he hummed for me to continue, “It's Allison." I said, trying to hold back another giggle.

“What about her?” he inquired confusedly and I mentally rolled my eyes at his density.

“She died.’ I deadpanned, I could almost feel his panic and suddenly the link between us faltered. I tried to reconnect with him, but I could no longer hear his thoughts.

Shit! What have I done?

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