The Shadow Alpha

I hummed the tune to “Little Do You Know’ by Alex and Sierra as I stood watching some of the pups playing tag with my brothers, friends and their mates. It was a beautiful sight to see, they wore genuine smiles, their giggles held no restraint.

“Now why is it that the Alpha is standing here all alone and not joining in on the fun?” Oliver voiced with amusement, after watching me from afar for so long he finally decided to approach me. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Now why is it that I feel I am being stalked?” I countered swiftly, not really wanting to answer his question.

“Me, stalking you? Never!” he exclaimed incredulously placing his hand over his heart in a bid to look innocent and shocked

"Hmm, I'm not convinced. I mean it can't be a coincidence that you always show up at just the right time.” I revealed and his ears turned red, I laughed at his discomfort and he shrugged.

“The right time you say?” he flirted, taking a step closer, now it was my turn to blush.

"Oh you know; when I am deep in thought.” I shrugged with my eyes focussed on the game trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

“Perhaps I just love hearing what's going through that pretty little head of yours.” His husky voice sent a shiver up my spine. Before I could retort I felt a pair of eyes burning through my head, I spun on my heels just in time to catch a flash of Espresso brown hair disappearing behind the wall of the pack house.

“Allison, are you okay?” Oliver called as he followed my line of vision.

“Yeah, I'm fine. Look I've got to go. I'll see you at dinner.” I rambled and rushed off in the direction of the pack house.

“What was that all about?’ I wondered.

'I do not know, but I have a feeling that we will find out soon.” Shadow guessed.

“You all have done a splendid job, the food smells amazing!” I praised the newcomers as I watched some of the other pack members set the table for supper.

"Achieving what you did today was no easy fort; the first day is always the most difficult. I know there were moments where you all contemplated giving up, but I am happy that you pushed through to the end.” I could see the pride in their eyes as I spoke, everyone but Yasmin.

Her behaviour was still a mystery to me; she was looking at me with eyes I couldn't decipher. From the corner of my eye I could see Oliver trying to distract me with his funny faces, with a roll of my eyes I continued,

“That's the kind of determination you need to succeed in battle. A famous saying by Lance Armstrong, “Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” Take it from me, no truer words were spoken.” I was cut off by a condescending scoff which caused me to freeze. "Would you like to repeat that?" I bristled and lifted my eyes in Yasmin’s direction. The woman continued to stare at me with defiance and contempt in her eyes. Her dislike of me was becoming increasingly evident and I found myself growing both curious and angry at her insolence.

With her eyes locked on mine, she scoffed purposely. My jaw ticked, her boldness was a direct challenge and I wasn't about to back down.

"If you have something to say, I suggest you use words.” My Alpha tone boomed through the room that had recently fallen into dead silence. I could feel my pack members flanking me with tension rolling off them in waves. Her pack members looked like deer caught in headlights; they didn't know whether or not to back her up as they stared at her equally perplexed.

“The ever righteous Alpha Allison, what do you know about pain, little miss perfect? Perfect family, perfect pack, perfect mate- oh wait; no! Your mate doesn't want you. I mean, I wouldn't either if you did to my family what you did to his. So like the “respectable’ woman you are, you saunter around flirting with the first man who shows some interest in you.” Shadow paced angrily, pushing at me to rip out the jugular vein of the woman before me, but my body was frozen and my eyes locked on the betrayal shining in her brown eyes.

“Please just stop with the goody-two-shoes act and quit preaching wise words beyond your age. The only thing you know about pain, is how to cause it, so take your fake sympathy and shove it. You may have everyone else here fooled, but not me!” she bellowed and my control slipped.

A fierce growl rumbled from my still human chest as I leapt at her with my claws extended in the direction of her throat.

There was only so much an Alpha could take before answering to a challenge and Yasmin’s defiance was a deliberate challenge.

Her pack members watched silently as I threw her down to the ground with my right hand wrapped around her neck. Her glower never wavered even when she chokes for air, other than her involuntary thrashing to remove my hands from cutting off her air flow, she made no attempt to fight back. My eyes narrowed as I noticed something in her eyes, something that instantly made my grip on her loosen.

Her wolf's presence was missing.

She gasped and wheezed for air, her hands rubbing the finger marks on her neck the moment I released her.

"Where is it?" I asked tensely and she remained quiet.

“Where is it!" I shouted in my Alpha tone and her response was both immediate and disturbing. “She's DEAD!" I didn't even hear the world around me as mine spun. I hadn't even realised myself stalking closer till my own deadly voice spoke above the whispers

“You know nothing about me. Never, ever, speak like that to me again.” I warned dangerously, letting my eyes flash red for a split second just to see the fright in hers.

"Enough, both of you!” Oliver cautioned as he stepped closer with his hands up in surrender. Not taking my eyes off her I saw a look flash in her eyes when they landed on him, before turning hard, she snarled at him, a warning for him not to come closer.

“Taylor. Take this pup to the cells; let her know the kind of punishment you get for challenging an Alpha.” I smirked at the panic she displayed as she shuffled away from us.

Suddenly she was thinking clearly.

She didn't even protest when Taylor dragged her off, she walked off with her head bowed in shame. I blew a heavy breath when the door to the dining hall slammed shut behind them, my heart was racing and blood pumping at an accelerated pace.

“Allison, 1..." Oliver muttered agitatedly, he seemed lost as he stared at the door both women had just left through, I sighed at the cloudy look in his eyes.

“I am sorry Oliver, but her behaviour is inexcusable.” I asserted, “You should go to her.” I added, studying him closely to gauge his reaction. Oliver nodded distractedly, his gaze still fixed on the door he made his way towards it.

“Allison, please..." Jake's strained voice broke through my mind and my head snapped up, everyone had their heads bent in submission and some were kneeling on the ground from the power I radiated.

The sight shocked me and caused all the energy from my body to drain, the physical effect of my power was evident in the collective sigh that sounded through the room.

“I'm sorry.” I whispered and rushed out the door.

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