The Shadow Alpha

I smoothed the invisible wrinkles on the lilac and white A-line wedding dress.

"Will stop that, you're going to crease it if you keep doing that.” My mom scowled in a very unlike her tone.

“I'm nervous.” I shot back and she sighed.

"About what honey? You are marrying a man you have been in love with practically your whole life and are fated by Mother Selene to be with. You guys have been through thick and thin in the past year and come out so strong together, it can only get better from here.” She soothed, trying to calm me down from my panic.

“I just- I don't know...” I sighed, is this what cold feet feels like?

“Is it the rejection on your mind?” my eyes fell, not wanting to admit that I hardly slept last night as the scene kept replaying in my mind.

"Oh Allison.” She pulled me into a hug.

“I don't know what's wrong with me, mom.” I mumbled into her shoulder, feeling annoyed with myself.

“There's nothing wrong with you darling, you're going to go out there today as a beautiful bride and knock him off his feet. You don't have anything to worry about, Devin loves you.” She pulled away from me and looked me in the eye.

“Today your past and your present collide to create your future and it's your duty to accept all the blessings coming your way. If you cannot trust yourself or Devin, trust that Mother Selene put you two together.” She kissed my cheek and walked out of the room to give me a moment.

I took a seat on the sofa, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I'm overthinking this, it's going to be fine.” I pep talked myself.

I looked up at the window and saw a little creature sitting on the windowsill, looking as bright and beautiful as ever. With a smile I walked over to the window and offered my hand, which she quickly hopped onto with a loud, excited chirp.

"You know just when I need you. Am I crazy, Red? I mean, today is our wedding day and here I am worried that I'm going to walk down the aisle and he’s not going to be there, or worse, he's going to reject me again.” Red chirped and took off flying around my head which made me laugh.

“I knew I was crazy. It's going to be fine.” She chirped in affirmation at my words and settled back on my palm.

“Darling, are you ready?” Dad and Papa Jamie stepped into the room just as I caught sight of myself in the mirror. The bright white sequined lace glittered in the afternoon sun before it flowed into a silky A-line skirt. Red's rich colour contrasted perfectly against my dress and my outfit was complete. “I'm ready.” I turned around with a smile on my face.

The two men approached me with equally emotional smiles on their faces, “Our little girl is growing up.” Dad said to Papa Jamie and wiped away a fake tear, though I knew the real waterworks were not far away.

“I was grown up when I met you both.” I rolled my eyes playfully. Placing Red on my shoulder. “Regardless, it has been an absolute pleasure watching you grow into the strong, beautiful young woman that you are. You have made a spectacular Alpha and I have no doubt you will be an even better wife.” Papa Jamie took my hand in his and squeezed it.

“No matter how old you get, you'll always be my baby girl and I'm so proud of you. If you ever need us, we'll be waiting with open arms.” He squeezed my other hand.

“Thank you Daddy, thank you Papa Jamie. I love you both.” I threw my arms around them both and hugged them tight.

“Great, now let's put that poor man out of his misery and deliver him his bride.” Papa Jamie smiled and offered me his elbow at the same time dad did.

Red took off out the room before us and hovered around just as we approached the exit.

“Are you ready for this?” Jake asked, as he placed a kiss on my cheek, followed by Hunter and Dristan.

"We are proud of you sis.” They all hummed in agreement just as Tatiana Grace entered,

I opted against having a wedding party, opting to have only my Princess Ana walking ahead of me as a flower girl.

“Everyone take your seats please.” Tatiana ordered and together with their partners they all walked out.

“Are you ready Princess?” I asked the little girl who waited patiently for the door to open with a beaming smile.


“I'm ready Queenie, you look very pretty.” her toothy smile melted my heart.

"Come give me a hug before you go out there.” I bent down and gathered her in my arms

Tatiana waited patiently till we were ready to walk out,

“Make it pretty for me darling.” I winked as Tatiana opened the door for her to walk out.

I put my hands together for Red to hop into them and readied myself, with a deep breath I nodded at Tatiana and she signalled for me to go ahead.

My eyes caught sight of Devin dressed impeccably in his Navy blue tuxedo and lilac bow tie. His hair was slicked back in a messy quiff which put a smile on my face. There was no doubt he ran his hands through it a million times today.

“Wise men say’ by Kina Ganis played softly in the background, but the music was drowned out by the electricity that surged through my body, my eyes were set on his and so everything else slipped away into oblivion.

Before I knew it, I was standing before him with his hand outstretched waiting for me to place mine in his. Red took off, flying around us, chirping loudly when I placed my hand in his.

"Hi gorgeous.” he placed a kiss on my forehead and helped me step up onto the stage with him “Today we are gathered here to witness the union of Alpha Devin Summers and Alpha Allison Trust Wells, under the watchful eye of the great Mother Selene.” Papa Jamie started. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The sun was setting and the full moon sat high in the sky, the golden hues of yellow, orange and red set a picturesque background for us. It seemed almost symbolic, The sun was setting on our lives as individuals and the full moon rose, to signify our beginning as one.

“Today we seek the blessing of the Great Mother on this couple and the joining of the Full Moon and Blue Moon packs as one. Not only is this a colossal moment in the history of the Werekind, it is a moment of note in light of all we have been through together. With that I ask that we all rise and join hands.” Everyone obeyed his order and soon enough we were surrounded by both our packs. “Devin, please repeat after me. I, Devin Summers, Alpha of the Full Moon Pack, take you Alpha Allison Trust Wells to be my wife and Luna, to love and to hold in this life and the next, for as long as our souls should live.”

Devin stared deeply into my eyes and repeated the words with a smile which melted my heart and brought tears to my eyes.

“Allison, please repeat after me; I, Allison Trust Wells, Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, take you Alpha Devin Summers to be my husband and Alpha, to love and to hold in this life and next for as long as our souls should live.”

My hands tightened around his with each word I uttered, the electricity coursing between us felt like fireworks erupting in my heart.

"Hunter, the dagger please.” Hunter passed the ancient dagger to Papa Jamie. “This Dagger, passed down from generation to generation of the Blue Moon pack is a symbol of trust. Holding this dagger in your hand gives you the ability to hurt and the choice to unite. It is said that the blood that mixes on this blade will forever be connected.” He unsheathed the blade and held his free hand to me.

“Allison, would you like to go first?” I placed my hand in his, allowing him to place a small cut on the lower palm of my hand. Once he was done, he did the same to Devin’s hand and signalled for him to close his palm into a fist and placed the blade between our hands.

Devin's blood dripped from his fist onto the blade, the crimson liquid flowed along the latin scriptures and off the tip into my palm.

“Fidem sicut Luna noctis, ita ut iungere ad vitam animarum horum usque in sempiternum.” (Loyalty like the moon to the night, so we join the lives of these forever souls.) Papa Jamie echoed.

After a few drops the blood stopped flowing and a pool formed in my palm. Hunted handed us both handkerchiefs to wipe off the excess blood.

Papa Jamie placed the dagger on a podium that stood beside him and turned to face us once again with a smile.

“It's time to mark your mate.” Devin grinned widely which made me roll my eyes.

He took a step forward and swept the hair off my left shoulder.

“Are you ready, Babe?" I nodded feeling a little light headed

Devin placed a sweet kiss on my lips before he leaned into my neck. He started off by placing kisses on the skin where he would place his mark. I felt his teeth extend and seconds later it sunk into my skin; my heart rate spiked and my body erupted in euphoria. I suppressed a shiver when his teeth left my skin and lured myself from the high I was feeling.

When my mind cleared of the haze, I felt the bond between us strengthening and the bond between both packs forming. There were murmurs all around us, no doubt everyone could feel it, suddenly my mind erupted with voices, the busyness was exhilarating.

“Your turn Allison.” Papa Jamie signalled for me to go ahead.

“You're a bit tall for me Dev.” I grinned and he chuckled, but leaned down within reach and draped his arms around my waist.

“I love you.” I whispered in his ear, before piercing his skin with my canines, the lack of warning drew a gasp from him, making me smile before I withdrew my teeth from his skin and licked my lips. I felt powerful, more powerful than ever before. It was overwhelming to the point that I felt numb to everything around me.

"Are you okay, Love?” Devin's arms tightened around me which supported the weakness in my knees.

“Catch me if I fall?" I asked with hooded eyes.

“I'll never let you fall.” He winked and smiled wider.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Moon Shadow pack! It is my honour to present to you Alpha and Luna Summers!” The crowd erupted in cheers, everyone approached the stage to congratulate us.

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