The Shadow Alpha

My lungs squeezed from the lack of oxygen entering my body, I didn't know how much more I could take, but I was determined to deliver my baby before I gave up.

I could hear Devin's voice offering soothing, motivational words to me, but his voice was slowly being completely drowned out by the increased pain that engulfed my body.

“Come on Alpha, give me one big push, you can do it!" Dr Winter's voice broke through my haze, heeding her words I drew in the most painful breath I ever took and focussed my energy on pushing.

I didn't hear the cheers or the cries of my baby, all I could see was the world turn red around me, the last thing I saw was Dr Winters holding my baby upside down, slapping his bottom before the world disappeared.

co Dream co

"We meet again my sweet Shadow.” Mother Selene greeted with a smile and spread her arms for me.

“Mother Selene!” I threw myself into her arms, I have so many times in these past few years gone to bed hoping that she would appear in my dreams and guide me through what I was going through, but I'd only wake up disappointed.

“These have been a difficult few months for you, haven't they?” She asked, guiding me to our usual seat on the bench below the willow tree.

“It has, but we have made it." I smiled.

“You have come far and I am very proud of you. Your son is beautiful.” She observed and I gasped. “My baby boy, how could I forget about him?” I teared up.

"You had a hard time bringing him into this world, your body needs rest.” She soothed, placing a hand over mine.

“I hope he is okay.” I frowned.

“He is just fine my dear.” She smiled. “I have however come for a reason.” she turned serious.

“Tell me mother, what is to come?” I sat up straight, readying myself for the bomb to drop.

“I am entrusting to you a young woman. Guide her and bring out the person lying dormant inside of her." I frowned.

“Where will I find her, Mother?”

“She will find you, my dear.” She pointed out.

“What is it that she needs, Mother?” I felt uncertain about who this woman was.

“She needs you and only you my Shadow. Remember, the revolution may be over, but your duty as the protector continues.” She pointed out and I smiled.

“I have not forgotten, Mother. I shall do my best.”

co End of Dream co Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My eyes shot open as they usually did when I woke up from such a dream, but unlike before when I felt energised and restless, I felt sore all over and exhausted beyond belief.

I looked to my right where Devin sat cooing at his son wrapped in a white receiver blanket. He had a gorgeous smile on his face and a soft look in his eyes, it was by far the most attractive thing I'd ever seen.

“Hi Daddy.” I whispered, feeling like I was intruding on the moment, but wanting desperately to hold my son in my arms.

“Allison! You're awake!” Devin shot up beside the bed.

“How's my son?" I asked tiredly.

"He's beautiful, just like his momma.” He smiled and extended his arms for me to take him into my arms

I adjusted my position to settle him on my chest. The moment his chubby little face and tiny fingers came into view, I felt my heart melt into a puddle.

“He is so precious.” I stared in awe.

"He is perfect, you did so well. Allison. I am immensely proud of you. Thank you for bringing our son into this world, I love you.” he leaned down and kissed my forehead, I could feel the emotion running off him in waves.

“I was so tired, the moment he was out, I couldn't take it anymore.”

“It's okay Love, you had a difficult labour, you deserved the rest. He didn't even care that his momma was asleep, all he wanted was to lay on your chest and he was fine.” Devin revealed.

“He has your long eyelashes and cute little nose. He just looks like you.” I pouted.

"He will love just as much as I do.” He winked and dropped another kiss on my forehead. “Charmer.” I rolled my eyes.


“So darling, we have a decision to make.” Devin pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

I chuckled and took my son's fingers into mine. “I thought when I looked at him a name would pop into my head, but when I look at him all words leave my mind and I simply want to stare at him forever. A whole human little human being and the best surprise of my life.”

Devin nodded, “He's the best surprise of our lives.”

We had a hard time conceiving, though that wasn't usually a problem that werewolves suffered with. I consulted with Dr Winters to run tests and we found that due to the differences in my genetic make-up, it was much more difficult for me to fall pregnant. We have somehow made peace with the fact that we may never have kids, but by the grace of Mother Selene we eventually conceived this beautiful pup and I couldn't be more thankful for this blessing.

“I like Matteo.” Devin stated, distractedly staring at his son.

"What about Vesper?” I thought aloud.

“Lucian is also nice.” He added.

“Dominic?” I suggested and his eyes lit up.

“Dominic...” Devin echoed and our baby boy's eyes fluttered open.

He had the most gorgeous clear blue eyes. They were neither similar to Devin's nor mine, instead they were more a mix of both of ours.

"You like that baby?” Devin murmured and he made a humming sound in his adorable baby voice. “Baby Dominic Summers. Future Alpha of the Moon Shadow Pack.” Devin declared proudly and a small smile grew on Dominic's face.

"He likes that.” Devin grinned.

“Come in." I called when a soft knock sounded on the door.

"Hi guys.” Hunter greeted softly, entering the room followed by a huge group of our friends and family.

They congregated around the bed and peered over to see Dominic in my arms. “Guys, meet Dominic Summers.” I announced, shifting him so that he was staring directly at the group that surrounded us

"He's gorgeous Allison, you did so well, my Darling.” Mom teared up, reaching out to stroke his chubby cheeks.

A sob escaped Tatiana’s lips when Devin picked him up off my chest.

"He's a splitting of you when you were born.” She murmured and Devin walked around the bed to her. Holding Dominic in one arm, he put an arm around Tatiana's shoulder and dropped a kiss on her cheek.

“Do you want to hold him?” He asked softly, already passing him to her.

For the very first time in all the years since Devin found out that Tatiana was his biological mother, he looked at her with the love that a son holds for his mother. He finally understood the love she had for him after seeing his own son being born.

“Dominic, meet your Grandma Tatiana.” Her eyes shot up at his words and tears dripped onto Dominic's blanket.

“Hi precious little one.” Papa Jamie leaned over her shoulder and smiled at his grandson.

"Our future Alpha. Congratulations Alison and Devin, he is perfect.”

“Thank you Papa J, he is a fighter, he fought to come into this world and I have no doubt he will add so much value to it.” I answered with pride.

The pain and the stress was all worth it, the months of not going on a run or being allowed to shift no longer felt like a burden.

Everyone took their turn to meet little Dominic and congratulate us on his arrival. The Infirmary room was suddenly filled with colourful gifts and flowers of all kinds.

"Wow, this place is full.” I chuckled, looking around at the explosion of colours and cute teddy bears. “I'll have someone take things to your place, though I must warn you, one of your guest bedrooms has already almost disappeared.” Jake pointed out.

“I can't say I didn't expect it.” I giggled.

"Obviously, you pack loves you, naturally everyone is going to showered their future Alpha in gifts.” Jacob rolled his eyes playfully before he suddenly stopped.

“Alpha Oliver and Luna Yasmin are here.” He announced after his moment of silence.

“You should go welcome them and get them settled, Rosie already prepared rooms for them. When they have freshened up, you can bring them here.” Jacob nodded and signalled for him and Rosie to leave.

“Do they really need me there?” Hunter joked, looking half-hearted about leaving his nephew to welcome them.

“I'm just going to speak to Oliver, I'll be back before you know it.” Devin kissed me and left quickly. "How are you feeling?” Jolene asked with a small smile.

"Sore, but in a good way." she chuckled at my explanation.

“It's a very rewarding feeling, bringing these little things into the world is the most rewarding pain you'll ever feel.” Jolene was already a mother of two and from what I heard through the grapevine, planning another one.

"When's the next one coming?” I smirked and she looked panicked.

"What, who told you?” she whispered, but not soft enough!

“The walls have ears, my dearie.” I smirked at her.

"Which walls, Allison?” She narrowed her eyes at me and I saw Hunter peeping at us from the corner of his eye.

“Come closer and I'll tell you.” She bent down for me to whisper in her ear, “Your son.” Jolene's back shot up and she froze with her eyes open wide in horror.

"What do you mean?” This caught the attention of everyone in the room who were previously preoccupied.

“You honestly don't want me to say it here. All I'll say is that babysitting was a very interesting experience for me.” I cackled which freaked her out immensely.

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