
I looked over at Sam sleeping peacefully next to me. I was struck again by a sense of gratitude to have this amazing woman in my bed.

We had made love twice more before she had dozed off. Although I was exhausted, sleep eluded me. I could not stop worrying over thoughts of what the future would bring for Sam as the alpha, and what that might mean for us.

In the distance, I heard a car engine coming down the road, followed by a larger vehicle. I knew that must be the security detail returning our belongings and my car. Slowly, I pulled myself from the bed, careful not to wake Sam, and slipped on my sweats from where I had discarded them on the floor. I padded over to the front door, and opened it as someone approached.

“Hey Jonathan,” I said as I met him on the porch. “Thanks for bringing everything by.”

He eyed me suspiciously and I watched as he inhaled through his nose. I knew his werewolf sense would betray what Sam and I had been up to this evening. I narrowed my eyes at him. He held my gaze for a moment before speaking.

“You need to watch yourself, Stone,” he finally said.

“Excuse me?” I demanded.

“You heard me and I meant it,” he retorted. “I’m sworn to protect her. If this is another of your flings, you need to back off. She has enough to deal with - has had enough hurt in her life - without you adding to it.”

I wanted to be mad at him. I wanted to rip his throat out actually, but he was right to question me. I was embarrassed that he felt he had to say anything.

“It’s not like that,” I said, looking away.

He looked at me with a measuring gaze.

“It better not be. There are plenty of wolves that would count themselves lucky if she were to make them the focus of her attention.”

I knew Jonathan wasn’t referring to himself. He was happily mated to his partner, Micah.

“I know that, Jon,” I said, sincerely.

“If you’re not serious about her, she deserves the chance to find someone who is,” he paused. “And if you hurt her, I will hunt you to the ends of the Earth, so that I can drag you back to watch her kick your ass.”

There was no humor in what he said. He was making me a promise.

“I appreciate your concern. Truly,” I told him. “This isn’t a fling, and I plan to stand by her side as long as she will allow it.”

“Good,” he said. “Then you should probably be honest about your reputation with the other she-wolves before she hears it from someone else and has doubts about your sincerity.”

I grimaced, “Is it that bad?”

He shrugged, “Worse, probably.”

I nodded.

“Thank you,” I finally said. “I will make sure to have that conversation sooner rather than later.”

Jonathan nodded and turned to leave. I watched him go before making sure my car was locked and heading back in the house. I put our things on the dining table and then made my way back to bed.

As I slipped in, Sam stirred slightly. I pulled her against my body, spooning her back to my front, and felt her settle once again. I listened to her even breathing, thinking about what Jonathan had said.

Although I never tried to lead a woman to believe there was anything serious, I knew a few had hoped. I guess my penchant for “getting around” was more well known than I had thought. I hated the thought that someone might use that to warn Sam against a relationship with me, or that it might make her doubt my feelings for her. If I had known what it would be like when I found her, I would’ve never touched another woman in my life. My feelings for her were all consuming.

Knowing I definitely wouldn’t be getting any sleep this evening, I started planning what I would tell her. When we showed up at the pack house together in the morning smelling strongly of each other, there wouldn’t be any hiding what was going on. I had to talk to her before someone else got the opportunity.


When the sun started to peek through the curtains, I once again left my beautiful lover and crept out of the room. I started the coffee - I would definitely need it today - and pulled some eggs from the fridge. Just as I was finishing up at the stove, I heard the bedroom door open and felt Sam come wrap her arms arm me from behind.

“Hey you,” she purred.

“Hey babe,” I said, smiling.

“You were up early,” she said.

“I was having trouble sleeping,” I confided. “I had some things on my mind.”

Once breakfast was plated, I twisted in her arms so that I was facing her and wrapped her in an embrace of my own.

“Oh?” She asked.

“I thought we could talk over breakfast,” I said, nodding to the table.

I could tell she wanted to ask more, but she settled for, “Okay.”

While Sam freshened up in the bathroom, I set the table and poured us each a mug of coffee. When she emerged, I smiled at the fact she was still wearing my T-shirt. It swallowed her petite frame, falling almost to her knees. She looked adorable.

She took a seat I pulled out for her and waited for me to be seated before she asked, “So what do you want to talk about?” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She tried to hide her stress, but I caught it. I was feeling anxiety of my own.

“I think there’s some things you should know about me. About my relationship history specifically,” I said.

“Uh oh. You don’t have a wife locked in the basement or something, do you?” She joked but I could tell she was worried about what I would say next.

I chuckled, “No, nothing like that. Maybe the opposite? I’ve never actually been in a serious relationship I guess.”

“Okay…” she trailed off waiting for me to continue.

“I have a reputation for sleeping around,” I scratched the back of my head uncomfortably. “I guess I’m considered kind of - "

“Promiscuous?” Sam finished for me.

“That’s one way to put it,” I said.

“Hmm,” she murmured. “Are you a cheater?”

“No, never,” I said, honestly. “I’ve never tried to give anyone the idea that I was settling down.”

“Okay. Do you plan on… continuing to sleep around now that we are together?”

I shook my head at her question, “Absolutely not.”

She took a deep breath, “Well I guess the optics might not be great considering I’m an alpha nobody really knows. But I’m not willing to let what everyone else might think keep me from pursuing a relationship with you.”

I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

“I’m sorry, Sam.”

“For what?” She shrugged. “You were a single guy, sleeping with women. As long as you weren’t leading anybody on or going behind someone’s back, I don’t see what the problem is.”

“I dunno,” I said. “I guess I want to be someone you could be proud to say you’re with. Then when Jonathan stopped by to drop off our stuff last night and brought it up I realized you might be embarrassed of me instead.”

“First of all, I would never be embarrassed of you. You’re a great man, Emerick. You’re protective and kind and funny. I’m proud to be with you. Although, I am pretty happy you didn’t tell me how much you slept around last night because I would probably have been way more self-conscious. I do appreciate your honesty, though.

“And secondly, can I please have my phone? I’ve been dying without being able to keep in touch with Luke.”

She smiled on the last part and I smiled back at her. I still wasn’t sure how I had gotten as lucky as I had, but I was hoping it would never run out.

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