As I headed toward the back doors, a voice called out to me.

“Well if it isn’t the great Samantha Paulson.”

I stopped and turned, taking in a curvy woman with dark hair, red lipstick, and a form fitting black dress. She stood with her arms crossed, staring down her nose at me.

“I’m sorry,” I said, slowly, “Have we met?”

“I think you got my letter,” she smirked.

Ah. This was the infamous Celeste. That explained her obvious disdain for me.

I forced a small laugh. “Sure. It was quite… entertaining,” I lied. The last thing I wanted was for her to see how much she affected me.

“Then I guess you enjoy being used,” she sneered, “It’s pathetic really. I would expect more from an alpha.”

“Excuse me?”

“He always comes back to me,” she said with a shrug, “This time won’t be any different. I thought I would do the courtesy of warning you.”

I was in her face in a flash. Ayisha pounded at my consciousness, fighting for the opportunity to rip Celeste’s head from her body. I felt my hands shift into claws and fought for control.

‘I’ll kill her,’ Ayisha howled as she flashed images of how she would do it in my mind.

Celeste smirked as I stood before her, panting with the effort to contain my wolf. I wanted to swipe it right off her face.

When I spoke my voice was low and deadly, “From what I understand, Celeste, you were nothing more than a piece of ass that didn’t have the self-respect to walk away from a man who saw you as nothing more than a good fuck. If you fell in love, that’s on you. He made it clear there would never be anything more.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her smile faltered. “You will know exactly how that feels soon enough,” she said, venom dripping from her words, “And I’ll be there when he’s done with you.”

I paused. She was trying to get a reaction out of me. The realization made Ayisha calm down ever so slightly. The only way to deal with this woman was to show her I knew what I meant to Emerick, and what she didn’t.

“Okay, Celeste. And I’m sure you will have a great time snuggled up by the fireplace in his living room. I really enjoyed the picture of his niece on the mantle. It’s really cute, isn’t it? We looked at them before we went to bed the other night.”

Her face fell and I knew I had struck a nerve. She had never been invited to his home, let alone spent the night. I wanted her to know that I had.

People had stopped to point and whisper so I kept my voice low, “While you might be fine sharing the man you love, I’m not. Whatever you think is going on between Emerick and I, you will back off because the next time you challenge me it will be my wolf you face.”

I stepped back and saw that Celeste’s lip was quivering. She took in the crowd around us and squared her shoulders. In my periphery, I saw Cassandra making her way through the group. She caught my eye and hurried over to me.

“Are you okay?” she asked, quietly.

I nodded.

“Nothing to see here folks!” Cassandra called, smiling, “Go about your business.”

The crowd hesitantly started to disperse, hoping to catch a little bit more of the action. I turned to leave with Cassandra still at my side when I caught Emerick marching down the hallway. He took in the scene and made a bee-line toward Celeste.

He started yelling, “I told you -“

I cut him off, stepping in his path. He looked down at me still seething.

“Take me home,” I said loud enough that I knew Celeste could hear.

He looked at me for a moment before nodding. He bent down and gently kissed me before taking my hand.

“Let’s grab your bag on the way out,” he suggested and I nodded back.

I watched as Celeste’s face twisted. She put a hand over her mouth while she hurried out of the room.

“And Celeste?” I called after her and she paused. “The next time you address me, it will be as Alpha Paulson. Do I make myself clear?”

She bobbed her head once before quickening the pace on her exit.

I reached for Cassie’s arm and gave it a small squeeze.

“Thank you,” I told her.

“Don't mention it,” she waved me off with a smile.

I smiled back, grateful for her support.

I was on autopilot while Emerick and I grabbed my bag and then headed towards his car. Neither one of us said a word until the engine had started and we were pulling onto the main road.

“I’m sorry, Sam,” Emerick said, finally.

I turned to face him, “For which part?”

“All of it,” he sighed, “I’m sorry that you had to deal with that and that I didn’t realize how I was treating Celeste or her feelings for me. Mostly, I’m sorry that I wasn’t the man you deserve before we met,” he paused. “You know, I never even really considered what would happen if I found you?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean, if I had known you were out there, it would have seemed like a gigantic waste of time to pursue any other woman,” he said, quietly. “I never imagined I would feel this way for anyone. Now it all feels unbelievably stupid.”

“Well, Em,” I said slowly, looking for the right words, “I honestly don’t know what to say. You’re the first real thing I’ve had since Travis died and I’ve tried not to feel like a fool all day. After Cassandra’s little show, I know that she was just doing and saying what she thought would come between us.”

I paused but neither of us said anything. I turned and found Emerick staring coldly out of the windshield. No doubt still pissed about Celeste.

“Is this real?” I finally asked.

His head snapped towards me, “Without a doubt, Sam.”

I nodded and stared out of the passenger window, lost in thought. I didn’t want things to be over between us, but I was still working on moving past it. I imagined it would take some time. I heard Emerick clear his throat behind me.

“I take it, you turned down Alpha Jackson’s proposal?”

I laughed, “Uh yeah. If you would’ve stayed, you would’ve heard me tell him to shove it.”

He chuckled slightly, “What was in the contract?”

I shrugged, “Not much. Just that his son would assume the alpha role of both packs while I made sure that the family line was intact. The fine print actually read that Luke would have to forgo the alpha call if it fell to him instead of one of David’s children.”

“That’s bold.”

“Yeah it is,” I sighed. “And they are the smallest pack on the continent. It makes me wonder what the others might have planned.”

Emerick stilled. “What do you mean?”

“Stephen and my dad both warned me other wolves would start coming to see how they might take advantage of a female alpha. I think my winning the challenge probably made some second guess their plans, but if Alpha Jackass thinks he has a chance I wonder what some of the bigger packs might be thinking.”

Emerick grinned slightly, “Alpha Jackass, huh?”

“Seems fitting,” I said, seriously.

“It does,” he agreed. “What advice did they give you?”

“Dad said to watch my back,” I hesitated slightly, “Stephen suggested I find a mate.”

“Hmm,” he murmured.

“What?” I asked.

Emerick took a deep breath, “Honestly? If we were having this conversation under different circumstances, I would ask you to be my mate.”

“Em, that’s a lifelong commitment,” I said, quietly.

“I’m aware.”

“We barely know each other,” I countered.

We had pulled into his driveway and he cut the engine. He looked over at me, deadly serious.

“If it would keep me from ever having to listen to another man, or his father, propose to you, I would cut off my left arm, Sam,” he snarled.

I rolled my eyes, “Em -“

“No, Sam,” he cut me off. “How could you even entertain that?”

“I didn’t,” I snapped, “I wanted to know what he was actually after, so I played along. If you had kept your composure, and I hadn’t been so distracted afterwards, I would’ve told.”

Emerick stared out the windshield, the muscle in his jaw ticking.

“I’m not going to stand by and watch another man try to take what’s mine,” he growled.

“Are you serious?” I demanded, “What do you think happened with Celeste today?”

His eyes burned with fury as he tried to find a response.

“Touché,” he finally grumbled.

“I have to be able to do my job,” I reasoned, “I have to be able to keep the pack safe without you standing in my way.”

“Sam, I will always stand in the way to protect you from danger,” he paused, still staring through the windshield. “What if the terms had been acceptable?”

I stared at him, not quite understanding.

“What if he had wanted to make you the alpha of both packs?”

Now it was my turn to stare out the window. That was the million dollar question. Although I had been pretty sure Alpha Jackson was trying to take advantage of me, I was somewhat relieved when Emerick left the room while I reviewed the contract. I had a duty to my people to do what was best for them. Merging the two packs might have been something to consider had it not required that my pack bend to the whim of a weaker leader.

“I don’t know,” I murmured.

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