I stood in the mirror, almost not recognizing the woman before me.

“Oh, Sammy. You look beautiful,” my mother breathed as she walked into the room.

“Not too much?” I questioned.

“No!” my mom, Cassie, and Serena all exclaimed in unison.

“An entire ball is being thrown in your honor,” Cassie explained for the dozenth time. “Nothing you could wear would be too much."

I looked again at the navy blue satin gown that Cassie had custom ordered. It was an A-line cut with a sweetheart neckline. Off the shoulder sleeves added a touch of romance to the look. My hair was pinned back on one side with a couple of pearl barrettes, but otherwise left in soft curls.

“I feel like a princess,” I said, quietly.

“You look like a queen,” Serena responded, taking my hand. “Let’s get to the ballroom stairs. It’s just about time for your entrance.”

I gave her a small smile and nodded, trying not to let on how nervous I was. I would be walking down the grand staircase into a rooms full of people with their eyes on me. Never in my life had I been so on display.

Please don’t trip, I prayed repeatedly.

Outside the office turned dressing room, Emerick leaned against the wall. When I emerged to the hallway, he stood up straight.

“Samantha Paulson, you look stunning, babe." He put an arm around my waist and pulled me close.

Cassie swatted at him.

“Hands off, Stone!” she ordered. “She has spent hours with hair and makeup. No touching until we get downstairs.”

Emerick backed away with his hands up.

“Yeesh,” he muttered.

I looped my arm through his as we walked. Cassie gave me a warning look and I just giggled.

“She’s a little wound up today,” I told Emerick, still laughing.

“No kidding,” he grumbled, but I could see a grin playing at his lips.

As we neared the staircase, I could hear the buzz of the crowd below. Cassie turned to face us.

“Okay, everybody downstairs. Sam, when you hear the announcement, count to three and then walk down slowly. Take your time like we practiced,” she shifted her gaze. “Luke, meet your mom at the bottom of the stairs, and then you two will have your dance. Parents and everybody else, you know your places?”

Everyone nodded around me.

“Alright. Move out!” she ordered.

“Jesus, Cass,” Michael muttered. “This isn’t a military exercise. Take it down a notch.”

Cassie turned to glare at him and he took a small step back. Nobody else said anything. I giggled once again at the sternness of my friend who was usually so lighthearted. I loved that she could take her job so seriously while being such a warm, kind person in her personal life.

Emerick squeezed my hand as he passed.

“Go get ’em, kid,” he said.

“Thanks, Em,” I replied. “See you in a minute.”

I watched as he disappeared down the hallway with the rest. I wished he was doing this with me, but I felt it was important for others to see me as an independent. Having Emerick with me might send the message that I needed a male to keep me safe.

“Now presenting, Alpha Samantha Paulson of the Redclaw Pack!” A voice boomed over the sound system.

One. Two. Three.

I swept onto the balcony and to the top of the stairs. I paused, steeling myself for the descent. As my feet landed on the first step, I gazed over the crowd, and took in the glimmer of fancy dresses, tuxedos, and champagne.

Cassie had been right, I thought, I certainly am not overdressed. These werewolves don’t mess around.

Despite my nerves, I kept my shoulders back and my head held high. The audience gave a polite clap as I neared the end of the staircase. My eyes found Luke who was beaming back at me.

“Nice job, Mom,” he congratulated me and I took him by the arm. I smiled and heard several people close by chuckle softly.

“Thanks, Lukey,” I whispered back.

We made our way to the dance floor, and I could see none of the uncertainty I felt in Luke's expression. His face was split into a wide grin the entire time we were gliding around the floor.

I was impressed with his skill. While I was counting steps, he seemed completely sure footed. Since we had both just learned to waltz a few days prior, I wondered how he was so naturally talented. Then again, he had always been a skilled athlete. Maybe this was just another event for him to master.

When the music wound down, applause erupted once again. My son turned away and threw up his arms in triumph. The crowd roared. I couldn’t help but laugh along with him.

I scanned the room for Emerick, but before I could find, him Aidan stood before me.

“Alpha,” he said, bowing his head in greeting. “If it’s not too much trouble, King Ivar would like to speak with you privately.”

“Of course,” I plastered a smile on my face. “Is he here?”

“He’s in the study,” he responded, giving me his arm.

“Okay,” I said, tentatively. “Why can’t we meet here? The party is just getting started.”

“The king has other business to attend to,” Aidan explained. “He would like a word before he takes his leave.”

“Fine,” I relented. I wanted to ask what he had to say that couldn’t be said here, but I wasn’t sure I would like the answer.

Emerick approached as Aidan led me towards the hallway.

“I’ll just be a moment,” I told him.

“Where are you going?” he questioned and he looked at Aidan suspiciously.

“The King wants to speak.”

Emerick’s mouth pressed into a firm line.

“Jonathan and Jackson will accompany you,” he said, firmly.

Aidan spoke next to me. “Of course,” he said, nonchalantly.

Jonathan and Jackson suddenly materialized from wherever they had been positioned to flank me. Emerick gave a tight nod before we continued down the hallway. Aidan walked with an easy gate, but there was an air of confidence to his movements. His demeanor reminded me of the way a panther stalks its prey.

Without a word, he pushed his way into what he had referred to as the study, which was in fact the library I had spent so much time in recently. A large figure stood with his back to us, seemingly reading a book while leaning casually against one of the shelves. His tuxedo hugged his body in a way that told me he was well built.

“Your majesty,” Aidan greeted and I detected a hint of sarcasm.

“Aidan don’t be a-”

As King Ivar spun and looked up, the world seemed to stop. My vision narrowed and I became acutely aware of my pounding heartbeat as it fell into sync with his. I was frozen in place while I took in the man before me.

Luke had been right about him looking like a Viking. He stood well over six feet and broad. Dirty blonde hair rested atop shaved sideburns and a well groomed beard. Dangerous power radiated from him and his icy blue eyes seemed to swirl.

For two breaths nobody moved.

‘Mate’ Ayisha spoke softly in my mind.

“Fuck,” King Ivar growled.

“I knew it,” Aidan declared.

I felt Jonathan and Jackson each take a defensive stance at my sides. Aidan tensed from his position between Ivar and me.

“Leave,” King Ivar ordered, his eyes still boring into mine.

Neither of my guards moved.

“All of you,” the king ground out. “Leave the alpha and I of your own will, or I will command it.”

I broke out of my trance.

“It’s okay,” I told the men beside me with a reassuring smile.

Reluctantly, they both turned to exit and Aidan followed, casting a final smirk back at the man before me. When the door clicked closed behind them, I waited for Ivar to explain what was happening, but neither of us moved. The seconds ticked by as we both stood staring at each other tensely.

Every fiber of my being was drawn to him. Only my fear kept me in place. The look on his face was one of danger and something I couldn’t quite place. Slowly, he stalked towards me, and my breath caught in my throat.

As he neared, he took my chin in his thumb and forefinger, tilting my face up to look at him. In any other situation, I would have spat in disgust at the patronizing gesture or at least moved away. Now, I found myself paralyzed.

“I’ve waited my entire life for you,” he said, quietly.

I swallowed before I found my voice, “I hear it’s been a long one.”

“Hmm,” he hummed, releasing my chin and moving his hand behind my ear to cup my neck. His other arm snaked around my waist and he pulled our bodies together.

“What’s happening?” I asked, unsure.

“What do you mean?”

He trailed soft kisses along my neck. His touch sent tingles down my spine, and I felt powerless to move away.

“Why do I feel… connected… to you?” I questioned further.

He pulled away to look at me.

“We’re fated mates,” he said, matter-of-factly.

“Fated mates are a myth,” I retorted, but even as I said it, I didn’t believe my own words.

Ayisha had recognized this man immediately as our mate, and I was inexplicably drawn to him. I craved his touch, his smell, his voice - everything about him. What else would explain such a response to a stranger?

“Fated mates are rare,” he corrected, “But very much real. I think you can feel that as well as I can.”

When I didn’t answer right away, he gently brushed lips against mine. The touch was so intimate and unexpected, I felt my knees buckle slightly. Who was this man to have that kind of power over me? I pushed against him, hoping to create some distance so that I had room to gather my thoughts, but his arms held me in place.

“What’s the matter, little wolf?” he whispered against my ear. His warm breath sent goosebumps down my arms. “There is nothing to be afraid of.”

“I’m not afraid. I’m overwhelmed,” I said and I felt him stiffen. Finally, he let me break away.

“I don’t understand,” I told him, searching his face for answers. “How are you my fated mate? What does that even mean?”

“It means we are destined to be together,” he shrugged. “Some wolves find their fated mates, but, obviously, most do not. It’s led many to believe they don’t exist, and those who do find theirs often keep it to themselves to avoid the questions and scrutiny.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Okay,” I conceded. “Why are you so calm about this? It’s a big deal.”

I mean it was right? It felt earth-shattering. How was I going to explain this to anyone? To Emerick?

“I’ve lived a long time and been at the mercy of destiny before,” he said, still cool as a cucumber. “I find it’s best not to fight these sorts of things.”

I was flabbergasted. What did that even mean?

“Okay…” I said, my mind still reeling. “What now then?”

He gave me a surprised look.

“We'll mate and you will be the queen,” he said as though it should’ve been obvious.

“What about my pack? I just became alpha. Are you going to move here to lead with me?”

“No, you’ll move to my territory in Canada. You can’t be Queen and an alpha. The call will fall to the next in line,” he explained, slowly.


“What do you mean ‘no’?” he asked, taken aback.

I pushed him away and started pacing. He watched me with a furrowed brow.

“If I leave, then the call falls to my son. He’s only fifteen. I won’t leave him.” I didn’t mince my words.

“Then tell him to reject and come with,” he said, flippantly.

“He won’t,” I argued. “And even if he did, the pack would be left without a clear leader. I wouldn’t do that to them either. Not after everything they’ve been through.”

“Samantha,” he started, firmly, “You’re talking about one pack versus all of werewolf-kind. There’s no comparison. Your place is with me.”

I shook my head.

“I won’t leave them.”

A darkness fell over his features as he stood in my path. His fists were clenched at his sides, and I could see a vein pulsing in his neck.

“I won’t beg,” he growled.

I met his gaze, staring at the swirling pools of ice and wondering how he could be so cold.

“I’m not asking you to.” My voice came out a whisper.

“Is this about the male I smell all over you? The Beta?” he demanded.

“What? No. I -”

“If he touches you again, I’ll kill him,” he warned. He said it with such force and anger, I recoiled slightly.

“You can’t do that.”

“I’m the fucking king and your mate. I can and I will,” he retorted.

Ivar spun on his heel and swept towards the door.

“Where are you going?” I begged.

“Home,” he snapped without turning around.

He flung open the door without breaking stride. As it shut I fell to my knees, a sob escaping from my lips. I covered my mouth with my hand and I clutched my shattering heart.

I felt others enter the room and faintly heard yelling in the hallway. All I saw was tears. All I felt was pain.

“What did you do to her?!”

“You will never touch her again, Stone!”

“What’s going on?”

“Sam? Sam?!”

Darkness overcame me as I lost consciousness.

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